6 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Segmentasi Pelanggan UMKM Griya Batik Sum Gati Kabupaten Blitar melalui Pemanfaatan Platform E-Commerce

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    Batik merupakan salah satu produk unggulan yang dimiliki bangsa Indonesia. Di Indonesia, batik menjadi salah satu usaha yang paling digeluti oleh para pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM). Dalam menggeluti usaha batik, UMKM pada masing-masing daerah akan memiliki motif desain unggulan yang menjadi ciri khas daerah tersebut. Salah satu UMKM yang menggeluti usaha batik yaitu UMKM Griya Batik Sum Gati di Kabupaten Blitar. Pemasaran produk yang dilakukan pada umumnya hanya menggunakan aplikasi Whatsapp dan secara konvensional. Sehingga, pemasaran produk kurang mencakup skala yang lebih luas. Oleh karena itu, pada kegiatan pengabdian ini, penulis ingin membantu mengenalkan batik khas Blitar dengan tujuan meningkatkan segmentasi pelanggan Griya Batik Sum Gati melalui penjualan produk yang terfokus pada pemasaran produk berbasis e-commerce agar memudahkan UMKM menjualkan produk batik Kabupaten Blitar diseluruh kalangan di Indonesia. Terdapat 3 tahapan dalam pelaksanaan program ini, diantaranya tahap observasi dengan melakukan survei proses bisnis pembuatan batik, tahap implementasi kegiatan dengan pembuatan akun e-commerce hingga pengunggahan dan penjualan produk, tahap evaluasi dan monitoring. Hasil kegiatan yang didapatkan adalah, mitra dapat memulai memasarkan produknya melalui platform e-commerce dengan jangkauan lebih luas


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    Kegiatan distribusi menjadi kunci dalam memperlancar dan mempermudah penyampaian barang ke pelanggan. Agar tujuan kegiatan pendistribusian dapat optimal, penentuan jenis dan jumlah kendaraan, serta rute pendistribusian perlu untuk dipertimbangkan. Saat ini, permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh perusahaan ialah kurang sesuainya antara banyak barang yang diangkut dengan kapasitas truk yang dipakai dalam kegiatan distribusi tabung oksigen, yang akhirnya berdampak pada tidak optimalnya rute kendaraan. Karena setiap jenis kendaraan memiliki kapasitas angkut tersendiri. Sehingga, permasalahan dalam penelitian ini masuk dalam Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP), yaitu permasalahan penentuan suatu rute kendaraan untuk melayani suatu pelanggan yang diasosiasikan dengan node, dengan demand yang telah diketahui dan rute yang menghubungkan depot dengan pelanggan, serta antar pelanggan yang lainnya, dengan mempertimbangkan kapasitas maksimal kendaraan. Salah satu cara penyelesaian CVRP, dapat menggunakan Algoritma Clarke and Wright Savings, dengan bantuan Microsoft Excel. Sehingga, tujuan penelitian ini ialah menghasilkan jumlah dan rute kendaraan baru yang lebih optimal untuk pendistribusian tabung oksigen. Hasil yang didapatkan, perusahaan cukup menggunakan 2 jenis kendaraan, yaitu truk roda enam kapasitas 95 tabung sebanyak satu kendaraan, dan pickup kapasitas 25 tabung sebanyak   satu kendaraan, dengan rata-rata total jarak tempuh untuk kendaraan truk roda 6 ialah 334,7 km/minggu, sedangkan untuk kendaraan pickup ialah 8,5 km/mingg

    Implementation of Warehouse Receipt System in Food Warehouses in Kudus District

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    Agriculture is a sector that is able to score growth during the pandemic crisis. The export performance of the agricultural sector also continues to show positive growth. For this reason, real support is needed so that agriculture can continue to grow sustainably. One of them is by building a modern agricultural commodity product storage system, one of which is by using a warehouse receipt system. The warehouse receipt system has very strategic functions, including as a stock management instrument, logistics financing instrument, and supporting food security efforts. Unfortunately, the utilization of the warehouse receipt system in Kudus Regency is still very low, as indicated by the minimal utilization of the warehouse receipt system. This research aims to analyze the reasons why the warehouse receipt system has not been optimally utilized by farmers. This research uses a qualitative method with Miles and Huberman's interactive data analysis, namely: data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. The results of this study indicate that SRG has great potential to improve the welfare of farmers and advance the agricultural sector in Kudus Regency. However, to overcome various obstacles that hinder the implementation of SRG, serious efforts are needed from various parties, namely: Increase public knowledge and awareness about SRG; simplify the process and requirements for using SRG; improve SRG infrastructure, including information systems and warehouses; improve the ability of farmers to obtain financing through SRG; and improve cooperation between related agencies


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    The development of human resource management will continue to change along with the times. At the same time, there have been various emerging developments in the model approach within human resource management. This study aims to look at the various models of human resource management approaches and find the most suitable approach to human resource management. This research will be carried out using a descriptive qualitative approach. The data used in this research comes from the results of research and previous studies that are still relevant to the content of this research. The results of this study found that the researcher with the Zoroastrian approach model was the most suitable approach model for human resource management in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era. This is because, in this approach, values of a fairly high work ethic, empowerment, community improvement, fairness, and good manners are important in developing business excellence

    Pengembangan Model Inventory Routing Problem untuk Pendistribusian Darah dengan Mempertimbangkan Faktor Usia Darah

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    Darah merupakan salah satu sumber daya yang sangat diperlukan, khususnya dalam menunjang beberapa pengobatan. Palang Merah Indonesia yang merupakan salah satu organisasi kesehatan, memiliki peran utama dalam melakukan pendistribusian darah. Dalam kegiatan pendistribusian darah, PMI menggunakan jenis mobil box dengan jumlah yang dibutuhkan ialah sebanyak 10 kendaraan per periode, dengan 5 mobil box bertugas untuk kegiatan delivery darah ke 11 rumah sakit yang dilayani, dan 5 mobil box untuk kegiatan pickup darah dari mobil blood center yang telah tersebar dibeberapa lokasi. Selama kegiatan distribusi ini, PMI tidak melakukan perencanaan untuk menentukan titik pengiriman maupun titik pengambilan mana yang akan dikunjungi terlebih dahulu pada setiap rutenya. Masalah menjadi lebih kompleks ketika peneliti melihat dari sisi masa hidup darah yang terbatas. Di mana, darah tidak dapat disimpan dalam jumlah besar seperti komoditas biasa, dan kualitas produk darah berkurang dengan cepat. Hal itu dikarenakan sifat darah yang perishable, yaitu berumur 6-8 jam sebelum dilakukan pengolahan. Sehingga perlunya dilakukan manajemen yang baik terhadap pendistribusian darah, agar total biaya distribusi dapat lebih optimal, rute distribusi terencana, serta kendaraan dapat terutilisasi dengan baik. Kontribusi dari penelitian ini adalah menstrukturkan rantai pasok darah dengan proses distribusi yang dimodelkan sebagai Inventory Routing Problem with Pickup and Delivery (IRP-PD) dengan mempertimbangkan usia darah. Mix Integer Linear Programming yang diusulkan akan didekomposisi menjadi submasalah distribusi dan submasalah perencanaan rute, yang kemudian diselesaikan dan diintegrasikan untuk mencapai solusi permasalahan. Penyelesaian algoritma menggunakan Visual Basic Analysis dari Ms Excel, dan didapatkan hasil berupa total biaya distribusi yang lebih rendah Rp. 149.100 per 7 periode dari sebelumnya, serta jumlah kendaraan yang ditugaskan menjadi lebih optimal yaitu antara 4 hingga 6 kendaraan per periode. Kata Kunci: Distribusi Darah, Produk Perishable, Inventory Routing Problem, Pickup dan Delivery ====================================================================================================== Blood is one of the resources that is needed, especially in supporting some treatments. Palang Merah Indonesia, which is a health organization, has a major role in distributing blood. In blood distribution activities, PMI uses box cars with the required number of 10 vehicles per period, with 5 box cars in charge of blood delivery activities to 11 hospitals served, and 5 box cars for blood pickup activities from blood center cars has spread to several locations. During this distribution activity, PMI did not do any planning to determine which delivery point or pick-up point would be visited first on each route. The problem becomes more complex when researchers look at the limited lifespan of blood. In which, blood cannot be stored in large quantities like ordinary commodities, and the quality of blood products is rapidly decreasing. This is due to the perishable nature of blood, which is aged 6-8 hours before processing. So it is necessary to do good management of the distribution of blood, so that the total cost of distribution can be optimized, distribution routes are planned, and vehicles can be utilized properly. The contribution of this research is to structure the blood supply chain with a distribution process modeled as Inventory Routing Problem with Pickup and Delivery (IRP-PD) by blood life factor. The proposed Mix Integer Linear Programming will be decomposed into distribution subproblems and route planning subproblems, which are then solved and integrated to reach a problem solution. Completion of the algorithm using Visual Basic Analysis of Ms Excel, and the results obtained in the form of a lower total distribution cost of Rp. 149,100 per 7 periods than before, as well as the number of vehicles assigned to be more optimal, namely between 4 to 6 vehicles per period. Keywords: Blood Distribution, Perishable Products, Inventory Routing Problem, Pickup and Delivery

    Probability Analysis for Waqf Fund as A Support Disaster Logistic Financing

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    Waqf is one of the Islamic social institutions that is highly recommended in Islamic teachings to be used by a person as a means of channeling the sustenance given to him by Allah. Waqf is also one of the instruments to create justice and prosperity in the economic field. When the waqf has been fulfilled, there is a change in ownership from private to community ownership which is expected to be lasting and provide sustainable benefits.On the other hand, Indonesia also has major challenges in the field of disaster mitigation. With all its natural potential, Indonesia has enormous disaster risks. The risk will always be there forever. For this reason, it is necessary to have an instrument that can be used at any time in the entire disaster management process. This potential is in waqf funds. This research tries to explore the possibility of waqf funds to be used as a means of disaster management, especially in terms of financing the procurement of disaster logistics during emergency response, recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction which requires very large costs