9 research outputs found

    The economic value of land-based ecosystem services in Portugal: a spatially explicit approach

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    This study estimates the economic value of seven land based ecosystem services for mainland Portugal in 2018. The estimated services are Climate Regulation, Drought Regulation, Erosion Prevention, using the market price methodology, and Food Supply, Pollination, Recreation and Water Purification using a meta-analytic benefit transfer function. By estimating a unique meta-analytic benefit transfer function for each service, the commodity consistency condition is addressed. Different welfare measures were not pooled together and methodological variables are not included in the vector of explanatory variables. The results are spatially explicit at the hectare level providing the benchmark to which the consequences of land-use changes to the value of ecosystem services and, therefore, to the welfare of local populations can be adequately assessed.info:eu-repo/semantics/draf


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    Obesity is a complex global health issue that demands an integrated approach. Understanding its epidemiology, risk factors, progression, early diagnosis, and social and economic implications is crucial to addressing this growing challenge. Bariatric surgery in the adult population is a dynamic and intricate field where techniques, indications, contraindications, complications, and historical evolution intricately intertwine. The examined literature reveals a continuous need for personalized and multidisciplinary approaches, considering not only the physical but also the psychological and social aspects of patients undergoing this intervention. Surgical techniques in addressing obesity have specificities that should be carefully evaluated by healthcare professionals. The reviewed literature provides valuable insights to support clinical decisions, highlighting the benefits and specific considerations associated with adjustable gastric banding, vertical gastrectomy, and gastric bypass. The significance of the multidisciplinary team in bariatric surgery lies in the comprehensive approach to the patient, addressing various medical, nutritional, psychological, and social aspects involved. This collaborative approach is essential to ensure successful outcomes, patient satisfaction, and the prevention of short- and long-term complications.A obesidade é um problema de saúde global complexo que exige uma abordagem integrada. A compreensão de sua epidemiologia, fatores de risco, evolução, diagnóstico precoce e implicações sociais e econômicas é crucial para enfrentar esse desafio crescente. a cirurgia bariátrica na população adulta é um campo dinâmico e complexo, onde as técnicas, indicações, contraindicações, complicações e a evolução histórica se entrelaçam de maneira intrincada. A literatura examinada revela a necessidade contínua de abordagens personalizadas e multidisciplinares, considerando não apenas os aspectos físicos, mas também os psicológicos e sociais dos pacientes submetidos a essa intervenção. as técnicas cirúrgicas na abordagem da obesidade apresentam particularidades que devem ser cuidadosamente avaliadas pelos profissionais de saúde. A literatura revisada fornece subsídios valiosos para embasar decisões clínicas, evidenciando os benefícios e as considerações específicas associadas à banda gástrica ajustável, à gastrectomia vertical e ao bypass gástrico. A importância da equipe multidisciplinar na cirurgia bariátrica reside na abordagem integral do paciente, contemplando os diversos aspectos médicos, nutricionais, psicológicos e sociais envolvidos. Essa abordagem colaborativa é essencial para garantir resultados bem-sucedidos, a satisfação do paciente e a prevenção de complicações a curto e longo prazo


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    Glaucoma, a chronic eye condition, emerges as one of the leading causes of irreversible blindness globally. Characterized by the progressive degeneration of the optic nerve, this disorder often manifests asymptomatically in its early stages, underscoring the importance of early diagnosis. In-depth study of glaucoma is essential to comprehend its risk factors, such as advanced age, family history, and elevated intraocular pressure. Medical literature contributes to identifying susceptible populations and developing more effective preventive strategies. Therapeutic options, including pharmacotherapy, surgical interventions, and innovative therapies, have evolved over time, providing more personalized approaches. Preventing glaucoma progression and minimizing its impact on quality of life depend on early diagnosis, highlighting the need for regular ophthalmic examinations. Ongoing research aims to refine screening strategies, diagnosing the condition before irreversible damage occurs. The complexity of glaucoma extends beyond the academic sphere, directly impacting individuals' quality of life and global ocular health. In summary, the discussion underscores the importance of continuous study of glaucoma, encouraging a holistic approach encompassing prevention, early diagnosis, and innovative therapeutic strategies to address the challenges posed by this complex ophthalmic condition.O glaucoma, uma condição ocular crônica, revela-se como uma das principais causas de cegueira irreversível globalmente. Caracterizado pela degeneração progressiva do nervo óptico, este distúrbio muitas vezes se apresenta de forma assintomática nas fases iniciais, enfatizando a importância do diagnóstico precoce. O estudo aprofundado do glaucoma é vital para compreender seus fatores de risco, tais como idade avançada, histórico familiar e pressão intraocular elevada. A literatura médica contribui para identificar populações suscetíveis e desenvolver estratégias preventivas mais eficazes. As opções terapêuticas, incluindo farmacoterapia, intervenções  cirúrgicas e terapias inovadoras, evoluíram ao longo do tempo, proporcionando abordagens mais personalizadas. A prevenção da progressão do glaucoma e a minimização do impacto na qualidade de vida dependem do diagnóstico precoce, destacando a necessidade de exames oftalmológicos regulares. A pesquisa contínua visa aprimorar estratégias de rastreamento, diagnosticando a condição antes de danos irreversíveis ocorrerem. A complexidade do glaucoma transcende a esfera acadêmica, impactando diretamente a qualidade de vida dos indivíduos e a saúde ocular global. Em suma, a discussão ressalta a importância do estudo contínuo do glaucoma, incentivando uma abordagem holística que abrange prevenção, diagnóstico precoce e estratégias terapêuticas inovadoras, a fim de enfrentar os desafios dessa condição oftalmológica complexa

    The economic value of land-based ecosystem services in Portugal

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    Ecosystem Services (ES) provide benefits, not always measured in the market, for society, posing the necessity of valuation. Meta-analytic Benefit Transfers value Ecosystem Services, based on the estimates of past studies. In this study, we assess the value of selected ES for Portugal in 2018, in particular, Climate Regulation, Drought Regulation, Erosion Prevention, Food Supply, Pollination, Recreation and Water Purification. We propose a new approach for meta-analytic benefit transfer functions in which each service uses a specific meta-regression without including methodological variables. The results obtained allow the assessment of effects of land use changes, providing relevant information for policy purposes

    Prevalence Level of the caudal cava vein formation in the dog

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    v.6, n.4, p. 62-72, out./dez. 2009.Submitted by Marlene Santos ([email protected]) on 2013-09-16T19:25:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 8788-33543-1-PB.pdf: 501280 bytes, checksum: fe0a387760bb1ac5f4445514b86b4f23 (MD5)Approved for entry into archive by Claudia Moura ([email protected]) on 2013-10-23T17:31:42Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 8788-33543-1-PB.pdf: 501280 bytes, checksum: fe0a387760bb1ac5f4445514b86b4f23 (MD5)Approved for entry into archive by Claudia Moura ([email protected]) on 2013-10-23T17:32:41Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 8788-33543-1-PB.pdf: 501280 bytes, checksum: fe0a387760bb1ac5f4445514b86b4f23 (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2013-10-23T17:32:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 8788-33543-1-PB.pdf: 501280 bytes, checksum: fe0a387760bb1ac5f4445514b86b4f23 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-12Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação da Universidade Federal de Goiás.A veia cava caudal no cão é a via de drenagem do sangue, advindo da pelve e membros posteriores. O nível de união das veias ilíacas comuns, direita e esquerda formando a veia cava caudal pode apresenta variação. Este trabalho teve como objetivo, avaliar a prevalência do nível de formação da veia cava caudal do cão. Foram utilizados 104 cães, sem raça definida, de ambos os sexos, fixados em formol, dissecados e analisados macroscopicamente quanto ao nível de formação da veia cava caudal. A veia cava caudal apresentou-se com freqüência de formação de 1,93% ao nível das vértebras lombares L3 e L6 e com prevalência de 95,19% ao nível da sétima vértebra lombar. As veias circunflexas ilíacas profundas, direita e esquerda apresentaram drenagem para a veia cava caudal, ambas cranialmente ao nível de sua formação, em 92,31% dos casos e de 3,85% ao nível desta formação. Estes vasos também se apresentaram com drenagem, ambas para as veias ilíacas comuns (2,89%), ou ainda em 0,96% dos casos com a veia circunflexa ilíaca profunda direita para veia cava caudal, e a veia circunflexa ilíaca profunda esquerda para a veia ilíaca comum esquerda. Em 1,93% ocorreu uma ponte de ligação entre as veias ilíacas comuns, direita e esquerda. Portanto, a formaçãoda veia cava caudal do cão oscila entre L3 e L7, com maior freqüência neste último nível. As veias circunflexas ilíacas profundas drenam cranialmente ou ao nível da formação da veia cava caudal, porém, ainda que em menor freqüência, para uma ou ambas as veias ilíacas comuns. Não houve indícios de que, estas variações no nível de formação da veia cava caudal, determinem prejuízos na drenagem da pelve e membros posteriores de caninos.The caudal cava vein in the dog is the way to drain the blood that comes from the pelvis and the back limbs. The caudal cava vein formed by the level of union of the common iliac veins – left and right, can show variation. The aim of this study is to evaluate the level of prevalence of the caudal cava vein formation of the dog. One hundred and four (104) of none defined breed dogs were researched. They were of both gender and fixed in formalin aqueous solution, also dissected and macroscopically analyzed to the level of the caudal cava vein formation. The caudal cava vein showed the formation frequency of 1,93% to the level of the L3 and L6 lumber vertebras. Also prevailing the 95,19% to the level of the seventh (7th) lumber vertebra. The circumflex deep iliac veins – right and left showed the drain to the caudal cava vein, both cranially to the level of its formation (in 92,31% of the cases), and 3,85% to the level of these formation. These vessels also showed with drain, both to the common iliac veins (2,89%), or in 0,96% of the cases with the right circumflex deep iliac vein to the caudal cava vein, and the left circumflex deep iliac vein to the left common iliac vein. In 1,93%, happened a link between the common iliac veins, right and left. So its formation in the dog vary between L3 and L7 – being more frequent in this last level. The circumflex deep iliac veins drain cranially to the level of the formation of the caudal cava vein. But in less frequency to one or both common iliac veins. The study showed that the variations in the level of formation of the caudal cava vein that didn’t harm the drain of the pelvis and back limb in these anim

    Terapêutica antitrombótica adjuvante no enfarte do miocárdio com elevação do segment ST : dados portugueses transversais contemporâneos

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    © 2020 Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).Introduction: The standard of care for acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) includes the activation of a STEMI care network, the administration of adjuvant medical therapy, and reperfusion through primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). While primary PCI is nowadays the first option for the treatment of patients with STEMI, antithrombotic therapy, including antiplatelet and anticoagulant agents, is the cornerstone of pharmacological treatment to optimize their clinical outcomes. Objective: The aim of this study was to describe contemporaneous real-world patterns of use of antithrombotic treatments in Portugal for STEMI patients undergoing primary PCI. Methods: An observational, retrospective cross-sectional study was performed for the year 2016, based on data from two national registries: the Portuguese Registry on Acute Coronary Syndromes (ProACS) and the Portuguese Registry on Interventional Cardiology (PRIC). Data on oral antiplatelet and procedural intravenous antithrombotic drugs were retrieved. Results: In 2016, the ProACS enrolled 534 STEMI patients treated with primary PCI, while the PRIC registry reported data on 2625 STEMI patients. Of these, 99.6% were treated with aspirin and 75.6% with dual antiplatelet therapy (mostly clopidogrel). GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors (mostly abciximab) were used in 11.6% of cases. Heparins were used in 80% of cases (78% unfractionated heparin [UFH] and 2% low molecular weight heparin). None of the patients included in the registry were treated with cangrelor, prasugrel or bivalirudin. Missing data are one of the main limitations of the registries. Conclusions: In 2016, according to data from these national registries, almost all patients with STEMI were treated with aspirin and 76% with dual antiplatelet agents, mostly clopidogrel. GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors were used in few patients, and UFH was the most prevalent parenteral anticoagulant drug.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Naufrágio, cativeiro, e relações ibéricas: a História trágico-marítima num contexto comparativo

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