37 research outputs found

    An extended process automation system : an approach based on a multi-agent system

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    This thesis describes studies on application of multi-agent systems (acronym: MAS) to enhance process automation systems. A specification of an extended process automation system is presented. According to this specification, MAS can be used to extend the functionality of ordinary process automation systems at higher levels of control. Anticipated benefits of the specification include enhanced reconfigurability, responsiveness and flexibility properties of process automation. Previous research concerning applications of MAS in process automation has been more limited than in other fields of automation. There has been more research about this topic for example in the area of discrete manufacturing. As goal-oriented distributed systems with coordination capabilities MAS have been found applicable to a part of automation functions, e.g. modification of control logic in abnormal situations. However, when applying MAS to process automation the particular characteristics of this application domain need to be taken into account. The important role of continuous control in process automation needs to be considered. In this thesis, a specification of an agent platform for process automation is presented as a basis for applying MAS in this application domain. The specification extends a FIPA-compliant agent platform with process automation specific functionality. It utilises a hierarchical agent organisation, a BDI-agent model and qualitative reasoning. It also presents a model for programming MAS applications for process automation with techniques of distributed planning and search. Two applications are specified using the platform. One of these shows how the techniques of distributed planning can be applied in sequential control. The other provides a design model for supervisory continuous control applications using the techniques of distributed search. Experiments performed with a laboratory test environment using prototype implementations of the applications are presented. The experiments are able to demonstrate the feasibility of the approach in limited test scenarios. They also provide information about in which ways MAS techniques are able enhance the properties of process automation. As a result of the work presented in this thesis more knowledge has been gained about application of MAS in process automation. The specification of the agent platform for process automation and its applications provide a basis for further studies of this topic.reviewe

    Mediator-based communication, negotiation and scheduling for decentralised production management

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    Recent trends in industry towards autonomous and co-operative production systems and latest developments in data network technologies have created new opportunities for enhancing the co-operation of production networks. In order to take advantage of the emerged opportunities, an approach based on a software system called Mediator has been developed. The Mediator provides order planning support necessary to integrate decisionmaking and scheduling of several actors in decentralised business organisations. The approach will be demonstrated in the context of order planning in multi-site and supplychain production

    Proactive computing in process monitoring:Information agents for operator support

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    While automation systems can track thousands of measurements it is still up to human process operators to determine the operational situation of the controlled process, particularly in abnormal situations. To fully exploit the computing power of embedded processors and to release humans from simple data harvesting activities, the concept of proactive computing tries to exploit the strengths of both man and machine. Proactive features can be implemented using intelligent agent technology, enabling humans to move from simple interaction with computers into supervisory tasks. Autonomous information agents can handle massive amounts of heterogeneous data. They perform tedious tasks of information retrieving, combining and monitoring on the behalf of their users. This paper presents a multi-agent-based architecture for process automation, which aims to support process operators in their monitoring activities. The approach is tested with a scenario inspired by a real-world industrial challenge. (24 refs.

    Indirect process monitoring with constraint handling agents

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    Multi-agent based information access services for condition monitoring in process automation

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    Notes on the development of integrated data management for production management

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