10 research outputs found
Research Analysis of Conflicting Behaviour Peculiarities Among Student Athletes
Almost always there is a certain degree of tension, irritation, and conflicts among athletes of various types of sports. The objective of the research is to evaluate conflicting behaviour of student wrestlers in the public safety faculties (PSF) at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) and Mykolas Romeris University (MRU). In the introduction of the research, conflict descriptions, types, criteria, solutions, and psychological climate factors as theorized by different authors are introduced. Survey data on student athletes is analyzed. In addition to this, psychological climate and predominant features among wrestling teams in higher education schools are assessed and emerging conflict types and solutions are determined. Finally, the differences in athletes and coaches‘ evaluation of psychological climate and indications are described
Business Negotiations and Business Meetings: Communication in the Bargaining Process
This article deals with the problems associated with lack of communication elements of the bargaining process, perception and usage. This article provides an overview of personal communication, communication in negotiations and business processes, a variety of definitions and their logical relations, the main features of these communication processes and essential properties. The article focuses on the bargaining process, mutual understanding in the process of achieving a common goal. The article discusses the most common errors in perception of bargaining process, and provides measures to prevent them. The bargaining process in communication highlights the emotional aspect of bargaining, the impact of verbal and nonverbal measures on harmonization.
Article in Lithuanian.
Verslo derybos ir dalykiniai pokalbiai: komunikacija derėjimosi procese
Santrauka. Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos problemos, susijusios su nepakankamu derėjimosi proceso komunikacinių elementų sisteminiu suvokimu ir naudojimu. Apžvelgiama asmeninės komunikacijos, komunikacijos derybų ir dalykinių pokalbių procesuose apibrėžimų įvairovė ir jų loginiai ryšiai, pagrindiniai šių bendravimo procesų požymiai ir esminės savybės. Daug dėmesio skiriama derėjimosi proceso tarpusavio supratimui siekiant bendro tikslo. Straipsnyje aptariamos dažniausiai pasitaikančios suvokimo klaidos derėjimosi procese ir pateikiamos priemonės joms išvengti. Derėjimosi proceso komunikacijoje išryškinamas emocinis derėjimosi aspektas, verbalinio ir neverbalinio poveikio priemonių derinimo būtinumas.
Reikšminiai žodžiai: verslo derybos, dalykiniai pokalbiai, komunikacija, derėjimasis
The Relationship Between Ethical Organisational Culture and Organisational Innovativeness : Comparison of Findings from Finland and Lithuania
The paper explores the interrelations between ethical organisational culture and organisational innovativeness in two different socio-cultural contexts, Finland and Lithuania. According to the Global Innovation Index 2013, Finland ranked 6th and Lithuania 40th in terms of the national capacity to produce innovations. Prior research by Riivari and Lämsä (J Business Ethics 124:1–17, 2014) and Riivari et al. (Eur J Innov Manag 15:310–331, 2012) argues the importance of the ethical dimension of organisational culture in fostering the organisational capacity to innovate. In this paper, a different context is taken to test hypothesised differences between the two multidimensional phenomena. The paper discusses the findings of 2 surveys in Finnish and Lithuanian public organisations (respectively, nFI = 477 and nLT = 757). Data analysis shows that ethical organisational culture affects organisational innovativeness, in particular process and behaviour innovativeness in both organisations. The findings suggest that some ethical virtues such as congruency of management, discussability and clarity can be explained by an institutional rather than socio-cultural context. However, the effect of transparency and sanctionability in the Finnish organisation and congruency of supervisors, supportability and feasibility in the Lithuanian organisation rests on peculiarities of a socio-cultural context.peerReviewe