2,961 research outputs found

    Involution and Constrained Dynamics I: The Dirac Approach

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    We study the theory of systems with constraints from the point of view of the formal theory of partial differential equations. For finite-dimensional systems we show that the Dirac algorithm completes the equations of motion to an involutive system. We discuss the implications of this identification for field theories and argue that the involution analysis is more general and flexible than the Dirac approach. We also derive intrinsic expressions for the number of degrees of freedom.Comment: 28 pages, latex, no figure

    Lattice artefacts and the running of the coupling constant

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    We study the running of the L\"uscher-Weisz-Wolff (LWW) coupling constant in the two dimensional O(3) nonlinear σ\sigma model. To investigate the continuum limit we refine the lattice spacing from the 1161\over 16 value used by LWW up to 11601\over 160. We find that the lattice artefacts are much larger than estimated by LWW and that most likely the coupling constant runs slower than predicted by perturbation theory. A precise determination of the running in the continuum limit would require a controlled ansatz of extrapolation, which, we argue, is not presently available.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. To address the criticism that we are studying a different quantitiy than Luscher, Weisz and Wolff originally did, we introduced a new equation (2), a new paragraph discussing this issue and a new figure comparing the results obtained with our prescription to that obtained with the original one of Luscher, Weisz and Wolf

    Functional Integral Construction of the Thirring model: axioms verification and massless limit

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    We construct a QFT for the Thirring model for any value of the mass in a functional integral approach, by proving that a set of Grassmann integrals converges, as the cutoffs are removed and for a proper choice of the bare parameters, to a set of Schwinger functions verifying the Osterwalder-Schrader axioms. The corresponding Ward Identities have anomalies which are not linear in the coupling and which violate the anomaly non-renormalization property. Additional anomalies are present in the closed equation for the interacting propagator, obtained by combining a Schwinger-Dyson equation with Ward Identities.Comment: 55 pages, 9 figure

    Continuum Limit of 2D2D Spin Models with Continuous Symmetry and Conformal Quantum Field Theory

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    According to the standard classification of Conformal Quantum Field Theory (CQFT) in two dimensions, the massless continuum limit of the O(2)O(2) model at the Kosterlitz-Thouless (KT) transition point should be given by the massless free scalar field; in particular the Noether current of the model should be proportional to (the dual of) the gradient of the massless free scalar field, reflecting a symmetry enhanced from O(2)O(2) to O(2)×O(2)O(2)\times O(2). More generally, the massless continuum limit of a spin model with a symmetry given by a Lie group GG should have an enhanced symmetry G×GG\times G. We point out that the arguments leading to this conclusion contain two serious gaps: i) the possibility of `nontrivial local cohomology' and ii) the possibility that the current is an ultralocal field. For the 2D2D O(2)O(2) model we give analytic arguments which rule out the first possibility and use numerical methods to dispose of the second one. We conclude that the standard CQFT predictions appear to be borne out in the O(2)O(2) model, but give an example where they would fail. We also point out that all our arguments apply equally well to any GG symmetric spin model, provided it has a critical point at a finite temperature.Comment: 19 page

    Production of 26Al in stellar hydrogen-burning environments: spectroscopic properties of states in 27Si

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    Model predictions of the amount of the radioisotope 26Al produced in hydrogen-burning environments require reliable estimates of the thermonuclear rates for the 26gAl(p,{\gamma})27Si and 26mAl(p,{\gamma})27Si reactions. These rates depend upon the spectroscopic properties of states in 27Si within about 1 MeV of the 26gAl+p threshold (Sp = 7463 keV). We have studied the 28Si(3He,{\alpha})27Si reaction at 25 MeV using a high-resolution quadrupole-dipole-dipole-dipole magnetic spectrograph. For the first time with a transfer reaction, we have constrained J{\pi} values for states in 27Si over Ex = 7.0 - 8.1 MeV through angular distribution measurements. Aside from a few important cases, we generally confirm the energies and spin-parity assignments reported in a recent {\gamma}-ray spectroscopy study. The magnitudes of neutron spectroscopic factors determined from shell-model calculations are in reasonable agreement with our experimental values extracted using this reaction.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Spectroscopy of 19^{19}Ne for the thermonuclear 15^{15}O(α,γ\alpha,\gamma)19^{19}Ne and 18^{18}F(p,αp,\alpha)15^{15}O reaction rates

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    Uncertainties in the thermonuclear rates of the 15^{15}O(α,Îł\alpha,\gamma)19^{19}Ne and 18^{18}F(p,αp,\alpha)15^{15}O reactions affect model predictions of light curves from type I X-ray bursts and the amount of the observable radioisotope 18^{18}F produced in classical novae, respectively. To address these uncertainties, we have studied the nuclear structure of 19^{19}Ne over Ex=4.0−5.1E_{x} = 4.0 - 5.1 MeV and 6.1−7.36.1 - 7.3 MeV using the 19^{19}F(3^{3}He,t)19^{19}Ne reaction. We find the JπJ^{\pi} values of the 4.14 and 4.20 MeV levels to be consistent with 9/2−9/2^{-} and 7/2−7/2^{-} respectively, in contrast to previous assumptions. We confirm the recently observed triplet of states around 6.4 MeV, and find evidence that the state at 6.29 MeV, just below the proton threshold, is either broad or a doublet. Our data also suggest that predicted but yet unobserved levels may exist near the 6.86 MeV state. Higher resolution experiments are urgently needed to further clarify the structure of 19^{19}Ne around the proton threshold before a reliable 18^{18}F(p,αp,\alpha)15^{15}O rate for nova models can be determined.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Phys. Rev. C (in press

    Electrically and Magnetically Charged States and Particles in the 2+1-Dimensional Z_N-Higgs Gauge Model

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    Electrically as well as magnetically charged states are constructed in the 2+1-dimensional Euclidean Z_N-Higgs lattice gauge model, the former following ideas of Fredenhagen and Marcu and the latter using duality transformations on the algebra of observables. The existence of electrically and of magnetically charged particles is also established. With this work we prepare the ground for the constructive study of anyonic statistics of multiparticle scattering states of electrically and magnetically charged particles in this model (work in progress).Comment: 57 pages, Sfb 288 Preprint No. 109. To appear in Commun. Math. Phys. About the file: This is a uuencoded, "gzip-ed" postscript file. It is about 300kB large. The original ps file is about 700kB large. All figures are included. The LaTeX sources ou even hard copies can be required to the authors at [email protected] or Freie Universitaet Berlin. Institut fuer Theoretische Physik. Arnimallee 14. Berlin 14195 German

    Invariant measure in hot gauge theories

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    We investigate properties of the invariant measure for the A0A_0 gauge field in finite temperature gauge theories both on the lattice and in the continuum theory. We have found the cancellation of the naive measure in both cases. The result is quite general and holds at any finite temperature. We demonstrate, however, that there is no cancellation at any temperature for the invariant measure contribution understood as Z(N) symmetrical distribution of gauge field configurations. The spontaneous breakdown of Z(N) global symmetry is entirely due to the potential energy term of the gluonic interaction in the effective potential. The effects of this measure on the effective action, mechanism of confinement and A0A_0 condensation are discussed.Comment: Latex file, 65.5kB, no figure

    Remark on Pauli-Villars Lagrangian on the Lattice

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    It is interesting to superimpose the Pauli-Villars regularization on the lattice regularization. We illustrate how this scheme works by evaluating the axial anomaly in a simple lattice fermion model, the Pauli-Villars Lagrangian with a gauge non-invariant Wilson term. The gauge non-invariance of the axial anomaly, caused by the Wilson term, is remedied by a compensation among Pauli-Villars regulators in the continuum limit. A subtlety in Frolov-Slavnov's scheme for an odd number of chiral fermions in an anomaly free complex gauge representation, which requires an infinite number of regulators, is briefly mentioned.Comment: 14 pages, Phyzzx. The final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Fermion kinetics in the Falicov-Kimball limit of the three-band Emery model

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    The three-band Emery model is reduced to a single-particle quantum model of Falicov-Kimball type, by allowing only up-spins to hop, and forbidding double occupation by projection. It is used to study the effects of geometric obstruction on mobile fermions in thermodynamic equilibrium. For low hopping overlap, there appears a plateau in the entropy, due to charge correlations, and related to real-space disorder. For large overlap, the equilibrium thermopower susceptibility remains anomalous, with a sign opposite to the one predicted from the single-particle density of states. The heat capacity and non-Fermi liquid response are discussed in the context of similar results in the literature. All results are obtained by evaluation of an effective single-particle free-energy operator in closed form. The method to obtain this operator is described in detail.Comment: New calculations, method explained in detail, 16 pages, 9 figure
