121 research outputs found

    The New Perspective from Paul

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    The strong attraction which Judaism held for Paul’s converts in Galatia and elsewhere is hard to explain if Israel as a whole was generally lamenting its condition.Early Jewish writings similarly give evidence of variety and nuance in Jewish self-understanding in this period.37 The Scroll of Fasting (Megillat Ta’anit), for example, marks the celebration of Hasmonean victories within Jewish life, days of celebration on which one was not to fast

    (W)right with God?: A Response to N. T. Wright’s Vision of Justification (Part 2)

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    It is in the vision of Jesus the Messiah, in whom the faithfulness that God required of Israel has come to reality, that Wright binds “faith” to “faithfulness.” Here, as we have noted, lies the heart of Wright’s program: the image of God and of true humanity had to be embodied in human life, a calling at which Israel failed.In seeing Jesus our representative, we see the true God and what it means to be truly human

    Justified by Faith and Judged by Works: A Biblical Paradox and Its Significance

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    Within the space of two short chapters in Romans, Paul declares, “It is not the hearers of the Law who are righteous before God, rather those who do the Law shall be justified” (Rom 2:13); and, “According to our evaluation, a person is justified by faith apart from the works of the Law” (Rom 3:28)

    A Companion to Andrei Platonov's "The Foundation Pit"

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    Written at the height of Stalin's first "five-year plan" for the industrialization of Soviet Russia and the parallel campaign to collectivize Soviet agriculture, Andrei Platonov's The Foundation Pit registers a dissonant mixture of utopian longings and despair. Furthermore, it provides essential background to Platonov's parody of the mainstream Soviet "production" novel, which is widely recognized as one of the masterpieces of twentieth-century Russian prose. In addition to an overview of the work's key themes, it discusses their place within Platonov's oeuvre as a whole, his troubled relations with literary officialdom, the work's ideological and political background, and key critical responses since the work's first publication in the West in 1973

    Story-Lines of Scripture and Footsteps in the Sea

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    The aim of furthering Christian living in mission and community is entirely valid, provided it does not take upon itself ultimate goals. Nor is there is any question that the Scriptures tell us of God’s purpose for the world, its beginning and its end: God created the world out of his own goodness; God yet rules the world despite humanity’s fall into sin; God will bring the world to its consummation through a final judgment; God has acted decisively for our salvation in Jesus Christ, in whom all things shall be consummated

    Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth:An Introduction to the Distinction between Law and Gospel

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    The Hermeneutical Significance of the Law/Gospel Distinction For Luther, the distinction between Law and Gospel was of such a fundamental nature that the ability to draw the distinction between them determined whether or not one was a “theologian,” i.e., whether or not one was a Christian: Therefore whoever knows well how to distinguish the Gospel from the Law should give thanks to God and know that he is a real theologian

    A Companion to Andrei Platonov's "The Foundation Pit"

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    Written at the height of Stalin's first "five-year plan" for the industrialization of Soviet Russia and the parallel campaign to collectivize Soviet agriculture, Andrei Platonov's The Foundation Pit registers a dissonant mixture of utopian longings and despair. Furthermore, it provides essential background to Platonov's parody of the mainstream Soviet "production" novel, which is widely recognized as one of the masterpieces of twentieth-century Russian prose. In addition to an overview of the work's key themes, it discusses their place within Platonov's oeuvre as a whole, his troubled relations with literary officialdom, the work's ideological and political background, and key critical responses since the work's first publication in the West in 1973

    (W)right with God?: A Response to N. T. Wright’s Vision of Justification (Part 1)

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    Wright himself momentarily recognizes the import of these verses, but then quickly slips into his salvation-historical scheme in which the “transferred” resurrection loses its real weight: “Without downplaying the future hope of actual resurrection itself, the fact that the church lives in the interval between the Messiah’s resurrection and its own ultimate new life means that the metaphorical use of ‘resurrection’ language can be adapted to denote the concrete Christian living described in 2.10.

    Concordia Seminary magazine | Fall 2016

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    His grace our gratitudehttps://scholar.csl.edu/csm/1018/thumbnail.jp

    The 4.8 GHz LHC Schottky Pick-up System

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    The LHC Schottky observation system is based on traveling wave type high sensitivity pickup structures operating at 4.8 GHz. The choice of the structure and operating frequency is driven by the demanding LHC impedance requirements, where very low impedance is required below 2 GHz, and good sensitivity at the selected band at 4.8 GHz. A sophisticated filtering and triple down-mixing signal processing chain has been designed and implemented in order to achieve the specified 100 dB instantaneous dynamic range without range switching. Detailed design aspects for the complete systems and test results without beam are presented and discussed
