9,238 research outputs found

    Evaluation of selected chemical processes for production of low-cost silicon, phase 3

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    A Process Development Unit (PDU), which consisted of the four major units of the process, was designed, installed, and experimentally operated. The PDU was sized to 50MT/Yr. The deposition took place in a fluidized bed reactor. As a consequences of the experiments, improvements in the design an operation of these units were undertaken and their experimental limitations were partially established. A parallel program of experimental work demonstrated that Zinc can be vaporized for introduction into the fluidized bed reactor, by direct induction-coupled r.f. energy. Residual zinc in the product can be removed by heat treatment below the melting point of silicon. Current efficiencies of 94 percent and above, and power efficiencies around 40 percent are achievable in the laboratory-scale electrolysis of ZnCl2

    Photoconductance of a submicron oxidized line in surface conductive single crystalline diamond

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    We report on sub-bandgap optoelectronic phenomena of hydrogen-terminated diamond patterned with a submicron oxidized line. The line acts as an energy barrier for the two-dimensional hole gas located below the hydrogenated diamond surface. A photoconductive gain of the hole conductivity across the barrier is measured for sub-bandgap illumination. The findings are consistent with photogenerated electrons being trapped in defect levels within the barrier. We discuss the spatial and energetic characteristics of the optoelectronic phenomena, as well as possible photocurrent effects

    Hydrodynamic lift on bound vesicles

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    Bound vesicles subject to lateral forces such as arising from shear flow are investigated theoretically by combining a lubrication analysis of the bound part with a scaling approach to the global motion. A minor inclination of the bound part leads to significant lift due to the additive effects of lateral and tank-treading motions. With increasing shear rate, the vesicle unbinds from the substrate at a critical value. Estimates are in agreement with recent experimental data.Comment: 9 pages, one figur

    Ab initio simulations of liquid systems: Concentration dependence of the electric conductivity of NaSn alloys

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    Liquid NaSn alloys in five different compositions (20, 40, 50, 57 and 80% sodium) are studied using density functional calculations combined with molecular dynamics(Car-Parrinello method). The frequency-dependent electric conductivities for the systems are calculated by means of the Kubo-Greenwood formula. The extrapolated DC conductivities are in good agreement with the experimental data and reproduce the strong variation with the concentration. The maximum of conductivity is obtained, in agreement with experiment, near the equimolar composition. The strong variation of conductivity, ranging from almost semiconducting up to metallic behaviour, can be understood by an analysis of the densities-of-states.Comment: LaTex 6 pages and 2 figures, to appear in J.Phys. Cond. Ma

    Bilayer Membrane in Confined Geometry: Interlayer Slide and Steric Repulsion

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    We derived free energy functional of a bilayer lipid membrane from the first principles of elasticity theory. The model explicitly includes position-dependent mutual slide of monolayers and bending deformation. Our free energy functional of liquid-crystalline membrane allows for incompressibility of the membrane and vanishing of the in-plane shear modulus and obeys reflectional and rotational symmetries of the flat bilayer. Interlayer slide at the mid-plane of the membrane results in local difference of surface densities of the monolayers. The slide amplitude directly enters free energy via the strain tensor. For small bending deformations the ratio between bending modulus and area compression coefficient, Kb/KA, is proportional to the square of monolayer thickness, h. Using the functional we performed self-consistent calculation of steric potential acting on bilayer between parallel confining walls separated by distance 2d. We found that temperature-dependent curvature at the minimum of confining potential is enhanced four times for a bilayer with slide as compared with a unit bilayer. We also calculate viscous modes of bilayer membrane between confining walls. Pure bending of the membrane is investigated, which is decoupled from area dilation at small amplitudes. Three sources of viscous dissipation are considered: water and membrane viscosities and interlayer drag. Dispersion has two branches. Confinement between the walls modifies the bending mode with respect to membrane in bulk solution. Simultaneously, inter-layer slipping mode, damped by viscous drag, remains unchanged by confinement.Comment: 23 pages,3 figures, pd

    A general variational principle for spherically symmetric perturbations in diffeomorphism covariant theories

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    We present a general method for the analysis of the stability of static, spherically symmetric solutions to spherically symmetric perturbations in an arbitrary diffeomorphism covariant Lagrangian field theory. Our method involves fixing the gauge and solving the linearized gravitational field equations to eliminate the metric perturbation variable in terms of the matter variables. In a wide class of cases--which include f(R) gravity, the Einstein-aether theory of Jacobson and Mattingly, and Bekenstein's TeVeS theory--the remaining perturbation equations for the matter fields are second order in time. We show how the symplectic current arising from the original Lagrangian gives rise to a symmetric bilinear form on the variables of the reduced theory. If this bilinear form is positive definite, it provides an inner product that puts the equations of motion of the reduced theory into a self-adjoint form. A variational principle can then be written down immediately, from which stability can be tested readily. We illustrate our method in the case of Einstein's equation with perfect fluid matter, thereby re-deriving, in a systematic manner, Chandrasekhar's variational principle for radial oscillations of spherically symmetric stars. In a subsequent paper, we will apply our analysis to f(R) gravity, the Einstein-aether theory, and Bekenstein's TeVeS theory.Comment: 13 pages; submitted to Phys. Rev. D. v2: changed formatting, added conclusion, corrected sign convention

    Measurement of Stochastic Entropy Production

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    Using fluorescence spectroscopy we directly measure entropy production of a single two-level system realized experimentally as an optically driven defect center in diamond. We exploit a recent suggestion to define entropy on the level of a single stochastic trajectory (Seifert, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 95}, 040602 (2005)). Entropy production can then be split into one of the system itself and one of the surrounding medium. We demonstrate that the total entropy production obeys various exact relations for finite time trajectories.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett., in pres

    Stability of spherically symmetric solutions in modified theories of gravity

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    In recent years, a number of alternative theories of gravity have been proposed as possible resolutions of certain cosmological problems or as toy models for possible but heretofore unobserved effects. However, the implications of such theories for the stability of structures such as stars have not been fully investigated. We use our "generalized variational principle", described in a previous work, to analyze the stability of static spherically symmetric solutions to spherically symmetric perturbations in three such alternative theories: Carroll et al.'s f(R) gravity, Jacobson & Mattingly's "Einstein-aether theory", and Bekenstein's TeVeS. We find that in the presence of matter, f(R) gravity is highly unstable; that the stability conditions for spherically symmetric curved vacuum Einstein-aether backgrounds are the same as those for linearized stability about flat spacetime, with one exceptional case; and that the "kinetic terms" of vacuum TeVeS are indefinite in a curved background, leading to an instability.Comment: ReVTex; 20 pages, 3 figures. v2: references added, submitted to PRD; v3: expanded discussion of TeVeS; v4: minor typos corrected (version to appear in PRD

    A stochastic scale-aware parameterization of shallow cumulus convection across the convective gray zone

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    The parameterization of shallow cumuli across a range of model grid resolutions of kilometrescales faces at least three major difficulties: (1) closure assumptions of conventional parameterization schemes are no longer valid, (2) stochastic fluctuations become substantial and increase with grid resolution, and (3) convective circulations that emerge on the model grids are under-resolved and grid-scale dependent. Here we develop a stochastic parameterization of shallow cumulus clouds to address the first two points, and we study how this stochastic parameterization interacts with the under-resolved convective circulations in a convective case over the ocean. We couple a stochastic model based on a canonical ensemble of shallow cumuli to the Eddy-Diffusivity Mass-Flux parameterization in the icosahedral nonhydrostatic (ICON) model. The moist-convective area fraction is perturbed by subsampling the distribution of subgrid convective states. These stochastic perturbations represent scale-dependent fluctuations around the quasiequilibrium state of a shallow cumulus ensemble. The stochastic parameterization reproduces the average and higher order statistics of the shallow cumulus case adequately and converges to the reference statistics with increasing model resolution. The interaction of parameterizations with model dynamics, which is usually not considered when parameterizations are developed, causes a significant influence on convection in the gray zone. The stochastic parameterization interacts strongly with the model dynamics, which changes the regime and energetics of the convective flows compared to the deterministic simulations. As a result of this interaction, the emergence of convective circulations in combination with the stochastic parameterization can even be beneficial on the high-resolution model grids

    Measurements of greenhouse gases and related tracers at Bialystok tall tower station in Poland

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    Quasi-continuous, in-situ measurements of atmospheric CO2, O2/N2, CH4, CO, N2O, and SF6 have been performed since August 2005 at the tall tower station near Bialystok, in Eastern Poland, from five heights up to 300 m. Besides the in-situ measurements, flask samples are filled approximately weekly and measured at Max-Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry for the same species and, in addition, for H2, Ar/N2 and the stable isotopes 13C and 18O in CO2. The in-situ measurement system was built based on commercially available analysers: a LiCor 7000 for CO2, a Sable Systems "Oxzilla" FC-2 for O2, and an Agilent 6890 gas chromatograph for CH4, CO, N2O and SF6. The system was optimized to run continuously with very little maintenance and to fulfill the precision requirements of the CHIOTTO project. The O2/N2 measurements in particular required special attention in terms of technical setup and quality assurance. The evaluation of the performance after more than three years of operation gave overall satisfactory results, proving that this setup is suitable for long term remote operation with little maintenance. The precision achieved for all species is within or close to the project requirements. The comparison between the in-situ and flask sample results, used to verify the accuracy of the in-situ measurements, showed no significant difference for CO2, O2/N2, CH4 and N2O, and a very small difference for SF6. The same comparison however revealed a statistically significant difference for CO, of about 6.5 ppb, for which the cause could not be fully explained. From more than three years of data, the main features at Bialystok have been characterized in terms of variability, trends, and seasonal and diurnal variations. CO2 and O2/N2 show large short term variability, and large diurnal signals during the warm seasons, which attenuate with the increase of sampling height. The trends calculated from this dataset, over the period August 2005 to December 2008, are 2.02±0.46 ppm/year for CO2 and -23.2±2.5 per meg/year for O2/N2. CH4, CO and N2O show also higher variability at the lower sampling levels, which in the case of CO is strongly seasonal. Diurnal variations in CH4, CO and N2O mole fractions can be observed during the warm season, due to the periodicity of vertical mixing combined with the diurnal cycle of anthropogenic emissions. We calculated increase rates of 10.1±4.4 ppb/year for CH4, (-8.3)±5.3 ppb/year for CO and 0.67±0.08 ppb/year for N2O. SF6 shows only few events, and generally no vertical gradients, which suggests that there are no significant local sources. A weak SF6 seasonal cycle has been detected, which most probably is due to the seasonality of atmospheric circulation. SF6 increased during the time of our measurement at an average rate of 0.29±0.01 ppt/year
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