1,104 research outputs found

    On the application of Mattis-Bardeen theory in strongly disordered superconductors

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    The low energy optical conductivity of conventional superconductors is usually well described by Mattis-Bardeen (MB) theory which predicts the onset of absorption above an energy corresponding to twice the superconducing (SC) gap parameter Delta. Recent experiments on strongly disordered superconductors have challenged the application of the MB formulas due to the occurrence of additional spectral weight at low energies below 2Delta. Here we identify three crucial items which have to be included in the analysis of optical-conductivity data for these systems: (a) the correct identification of the optical threshold in the Mattis-Bardeen theory, and its relation with the gap value extracted from the measured density of states, (b) the gauge-invariant evaluation of the current-current response function, needed to account for the optical absorption by SC collective modes, and (c) the inclusion into the MB formula of the energy dependence of the density of states present already above Tc. By computing the optical conductvity in the disordered attractive Hubbard model we analyze the relevance of all these items, and we provide a compelling scheme for the analysis and interpretation of the optical data in real materials.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Optical excitation of phase modes in strongly disordered superconductors

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    According to the Goldstone theorem the breaking of a continuous U(1) symmetry comes along with the existence of low-energy collective modes. In the context of superconductivity these excitations are related to the phase of the superconducting (SC) order parameter and for clean systems are optically inactive. Here we show that for strongly disordered superconductors phase modes acquire a dipole moment and appear as a subgap spectral feature in the optical conductivity. This finding is obtained with both a gauge-invariant random-phase approximation scheme based on a fermionic Bogoliubov-de Gennes state as well as with a prototypical bosonic model for disordered superconductors. In the strongly disordered regime, where the system displays an effective granularity of the SC properties, the optically active dipoles are linked to the isolated SC islands, offering a new perspective for realizing microwave optical devices

    Modeling epidemics on a regular tree graph

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    We will first provide a brief introduction to models of disease transmission on so-called contact networks, which can be represented by various structures from the mathematical field of graph theory. These models allow for exploration of stochastic effects and incorporation of more biological detail than the classical compartment-based ordinary differential equation models, which usually assume both homogeneity in the population and uniform mixing. In particular, we use an agent-based modelling platform to compare theoretical predictions from mathematical epidemiology to results obtained from simulations of disease transmission on a regular tree graph. We also demonstrate how this graph reveals connections between network structure and the spread of infectious diseases. Specifically, we discuss results for how certain properties of the tree graph, such as network diameter and density, alter the duration of an outbreak

    Linear and non-linear current response in disordered d-wave superconductors

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    We present a detailed theoretical investigation of the linear and non-linear optical response in a model system for a disordered d-wave superconductor, showing that for both quantities the gap symmetry considerably changes the paradigm of the optical response based on the conventional s-wave case. For what concerns the linear response our findings agree with previous work showing that in strongly-disordered d-wave superconductors a large fraction of uncondensed spectral weight survives below Tc, making the optical absorption around the gap-frequency scale almost unchanged with respect to the normal state. Our numerical results are in excellent quantitative agreement with experiments in overdoped cuprates. In the non-linear regime we focus on the third-harmonic generation (THG), finding that, as already established for the s-wave case, in general a large THG is triggered by disorder-activated paramagnetic processes. However, in the d-wave case the BCS response is monotonously increasing in frequency, loosing any signature of THG enhancement when the THz pump frequency ω\omega matches the gap maximum Δ\Delta, a hallmark of previous experiments in conventional s-wave superconductors. Our findings, along with the mild polarization dependence of the response, provides an explanation for recent THG measurements in cuprates, setting the framework for the theoretical understanding of non-linear effects in unconventional cuprates.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure

    Elliptic deformations of the AdS 3 × S 3 × T 4 string

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    With the aim of investigating the existence of an integrable elliptic deformation of strings on AdS3 × S3 × T4, we compute the tree-level worldsheet S-matrix of the elliptically-deformed bosonic sigma model on AdS3 × S3 in uniform light-cone gauge. The resulting tree-level S-matrix is compatible with the integrability of the model and has interesting features, including a hidden U(1) symmetry not manifest in the Lagrangian. We find that it cannot be embedded in the known exact integrable R-matrices describing deformations of the undeformed AdS3 × S3 × T4 light-cone gauge S-matrix including fermions. Therefore, we construct embeddings of the deformed 6-d metric in type II supergravity with constant dilaton and homogeneous fluxes. The simplicity of these solutions suggests they are promising candidates to lead to an integrable string sigma model including fermions

    Third harmonic generation from collective modes in disordered superconductors

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    Recent experiments with strong THz fields in both conventional and unconventional superconductors have clearly evidenced a marked third-harmonic generation below the superconducting temperature TcT_c. Its interpretation challenged substantial theoretical work aimed at establishing the relative efficiency of quasiparticle excitations and collective modes in triggering such a resonant response. Here we compute the non-linear current by implementing a time-dependent Bogoljubov de-Gennes approach, with the twofold aim to account non-perturbatively for the effect of local disorder, and to include the contribution of all collective modes, i.e. superconducting amplitude (Higgs) and phase fluctuations, and charge fluctuations. We show that, in agreement with previous work, already at small disorder the quasiparticle response is dominated by paramagnetic effects. We further demonstrate that paramagnetic processes mediate also the response of all collective modes, with a substantial contribution of charge/phase fluctuations. These processes, which have been overlooked so far, turn out to dominate the third-order current at strong disorder. In addition, we show that disorder strongly influences the polarization dependence of the non-linear response, with a marked difference between the clean and the disordered case. Our results are particularly relevant for recent experiments in cuprates, whose band structure is in a first approximation reproduced by our lattice model

    Unusual electronic ground state of a prototype cuprate: band splitting of single CuO_2-plane Bi_2 Sr_(2-x) La_x CuO_(6+delta)

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    By in-situ change of polarization a small splitting of the Zhang-Rice singlet state band near the Fermi level has been resolved for optimum doped (x=0.4) Bi2_{2}Sr2−x_{2-x}Lax_{x}CuO6+δ_{6+\delta} at the (pi,0)-point (R.Manzke et al. PRB 63, R100504 (2001). Here we treat the momentum dependence and lineshape of the split band by photoemission in the EDC-mode with very high angular and energy resolution. The splitting into two destinct emissions could also be observed over a large portion of the major symmetry line Γ\GammaM, giving the dispersion for the individual contributions. Since bi-layer effects can not be present in this single-layer material the results have to be discussed in the context of one-particle removal spectral functions derived from current theoretical models. The most prominent are microscopic phase separation including striped phase formation, coexisting antiferromagnetic and incommensurate charge-density-wave critical fluctuations coupled to electrons (hot spots) or even spin charge separation within the Luttinger liquid picture, all leading to non-Fermi liquid like behavior in the normal state and having severe consequences on the way the superconducting state forms. Especially the possibilty of observing spinon and holon excitations is discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Temperature dependence of the collective mode and its influence on the band splitting in bilayer cuprates

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    The recently observed bilayer splitting in high-Tc_c cuprates is analyzed within a model where the charge carriers are coupled to a phenomenological bosonic spectrum which interpolates between the marginal Fermi liquid structure and collective mode type behavior as a function of temperature. We argue that the origin of the collective mode is probably associated with dynamic incommensurate charge density waves. Moreover it is shown that the resulting temperature dependence of the self-energy Σ\Sigma is in good agreement with Σ\Sigma as extracted from angle-resolved photoemission data.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for PR

    Universal scaling of the order-parameter distribution in strongly disordered superconductors

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    We investigate theoretically and experimentally the statistical properties of the inhomogeneous order-parameter distribution (OPD) at the verge of the superconductor-insulator transition (SIT). We find within two prototype fermionic and bosonic models for disordered superconductors that one can identify a universal rescaling of the OPD. By performing scanning-tunneling microscopy experiments in three samples of NbN with increasing disorder we show that such a rescaling describes also with an excellent accuracy the experimental data. These results can provide a breakthrough in our understanding of the SIT.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, revised version submitted to PR
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