1,101 research outputs found

    Joint superexchange--Jahn-Teller mechanism for A-type antiferromagnetism in LaMnO3LaMnO_3

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    We propose a mechanism for A-type antiferromagnetism in orthorombic LaMnO_3, compatible with the large Jahn-Teller splitting inferred from structural data. Orbital ordering resulting from Jahn-Teller distortions effectively leads to A-type ordering (antiferromagnetic in the c axis and ferromagnetic in the ab plane) provided the in-plane distorsion Q_2 is large enough, a condition generally fulfilled in existing data.Comment: 4 pages Late

    Phase separation and long wave-length charge instabilities in spin-orbit coupled systems

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    We investigate a two-dimensional electron model with Rashba spin-orbit interaction where the coupling constant g=g(n)g=g(n) depends on the electronic density. It is shown that this dependence may drive the system unstable towards a long-wave length charge density wave (CDW) where the associated second order instability occurs in close vicinity to global phase separation. For very low electron densities the CDW instability is nesting-induced and the modulation follows the Fermi momentum kFk_F. At higher density the instability criterion becomes independent of kFk_F and the system may become unstable in a broad momentum range. Finally, upon filling the upper spin-orbit split band, finite momentum instabilities disappear in favor of phase separation alone. We discuss our results with regard to the inhomogeneous phases observed at the LaAlO3_3/SrTiO3_3 or LaTiO3_3/SrTiO3_3 interfaces.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Phase diagrams of voltage-gated oxide interfaces with strong Rashba coupling

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    We propose a model for the two-dimensional electron gas formed at the interface of oxide heterostructures that includes a Rashba spin-orbit coupling proportional to an electric field oriented perpendicularly to the interface. Taking into account the electron density dependence of this electric field confining the electron gas at the interface, we report the occurrence of a phase separation instability (signaled by a negative compressibility) for realistic values of the spin-orbit coupling and of the electronic band-structure parameters at zero temperature. We extend the analysis to finite temperatures and in the presence of an in-plane magnetic field, thereby obtaining two phase diagrams which exhibit a phase separation dome. By varying the gating potential the phase separation dome may shrink and vanish at zero temperature into a quantum critical point where the charge fluctuates dynamically. Similarly the phase separation may be spoiled by a planar magnetic field even at zero temperature leading to a line of quantum critical points.Comment: 17 pages, 17 figure

    Spectroscopic evidences of quantum critical charge fluctuations in cuprates

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    We calculate the optical conductivity in a clean system of quasiparticles coupled to charge-ordering collective modes. The absorption induced by these modes may produce an anomalous frequency and temperature dependence of low-energy optical absorption in some cuprates. However, the coupling with lattice degrees of freedom introduces a non-universal energy scale leading to scaling violation in low-temperature optical conductivity.Comment: Proceedings of M2S 2006. To appear in Physica

    Application of In Situ Fiberization for fabrication of improved strain isolation pads and graphite epoxy composites

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    The feasibility of applying the in situ fiberization process to the fabrication of strain isolation pads (SIP) for the Space Shuttle and to the fabrication of graphite-epoxy composites was evaluated. The ISF process involves the formation of interconnected polymer fiber networks by agitation of dilute polymer solutions under controlled conditions. High temperature polymers suitable for SIP use were fiberized and a successful fiberization of polychloro trifluoroethylene, a relatively high melting polymer, was achieved. Attempts to fiberize polymers with greater thermal stability were unsuccessful, apparently due to characteristics caused by the presence of aromaticity in the backbone of such materials. Graphite-epoxy composites were fabricated by interconnecting two dimensional arrays of graphite fiber with polypropylene IS fibers with subsequent epoxy resin impregnation. Mechanical property tests were performed on laminated panels of this material to evaluate intralaminar and interlaminar shear strength, and thus fracture toughness. Test results were generally unpromising

    Optical excitation of phase modes in strongly disordered superconductors

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    According to the Goldstone theorem the breaking of a continuous U(1) symmetry comes along with the existence of low-energy collective modes. In the context of superconductivity these excitations are related to the phase of the superconducting (SC) order parameter and for clean systems are optically inactive. Here we show that for strongly disordered superconductors phase modes acquire a dipole moment and appear as a subgap spectral feature in the optical conductivity. This finding is obtained with both a gauge-invariant random-phase approximation scheme based on a fermionic Bogoliubov-de Gennes state as well as with a prototypical bosonic model for disordered superconductors. In the strongly disordered regime, where the system displays an effective granularity of the SC properties, the optically active dipoles are linked to the isolated SC islands, offering a new perspective for realizing microwave optical devices

    Possible mechanisms of electronic phase separation in oxide interfaces

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    LaAlO3/SrTiO3 ad LaTiO3/SrTiO3 interfaces are known to host a strongly inhomogeneous (nearly) two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG). In this work we present three unconventional electronic mechanisms of electronic phase separation (EPS) in a 2DEG as a possible source of inhomogeneity in oxide interfaces. Common to all three mechanisms is the dependence of some (interaction) potential on the 2DEG's density. We first consider a mechanism resulting from a sizable density-dependent Rashba spin-orbit coupling. Next, we point out that an EPS may also occur in the case of a density-dependent superconducting pairing interaction. Finally, we show that the confinement of the 2DEG to the interface by a density-dependent, self-consistent electrostatic potential can by itself cause an EPS.Comment: 4 pages and 4 figures, Proceedings of the International Conference "Superstripes 2014", 25-31 July 2015, Erice, Ital

    Preparation and decay of a single quantum of vibration at ambient conditions

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    A single quantum of excitation of a mechanical oscillator is a textbook example of the principles of quantum physics. Mechanical oscillators, despite their pervasive presence in nature and modern technology, do not generically exist in an excited Fock state. In the past few years, careful isolation of GHz-frequency nano-scale oscillators has allowed experimenters to prepare such states at milli-Kelvin temperatures. These developments illustrate the tension between the basic predictions of quantum mechanics that should apply to all mechanical oscillators existing even at ambient conditions, and the complex experiments in extreme conditions required to observe those predictions. We resolve the tension by creating a single Fock state of a vibration mode of a crystal at room temperature using a technique that can be applied to any Raman-active system. After exciting a bulk diamond with a femtosecond laser pulse and detecting a Stokes-shifted photon, the 40~THz Raman-active internal vibrational mode is prepared in the Fock state 1>|1> with 98.5%98.5\% probability. The vibrational state is read out by a subsequent pulse, which when subjected to a Hanbury-Brown-Twiss intensity correlation measurement reveals the sub-Poisson number statistics of the vibrational mode. By controlling the delay between the two pulses we are able to witness the decay of the vibrational Fock state over its 3.93.9 ps lifetime at room temperature. Our technique is agnostic to specific selection rules, and should thus be applicable to any Raman-active medium, opening a new generic approach to the experimental study of quantum effects related to vibrational degrees of freedom in molecules and solid-state systems

    Time-dependent Gutzwiller theory of magnetic excitations in the Hubbard model

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    We use a spin-rotational invariant Gutzwiller energy functional to compute random-phase-approximation-like (RPA) fluctuations on top of the Gutzwiller approximation (GA). The method can be viewed as an extension of the previously developed GA+RPA approach for the charge sector [G. Seibold and J. Lorenzana, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 86}, 2605 (2001)] with respect to the inclusion of the magnetic excitations. Unlike the charge case, no assumptions about the time evolution of the double occupancy are needed in this case. Interestingly, in a spin-rotational invariant system, we find the correct degeneracy between triplet excitations, showing the consistency of both computations. Since no restrictions are imposed on the symmetry of the underlying saddle-point solution, our approach is suitable for the evaluation of the magnetic susceptibility and dynamical structure factor in strongly correlated inhomogeneous systems. We present a detailed study of the quality of our approach by comparing with exact diagonalization results and show its much higher accuracy compared to the conventional Hartree-Fock+RPA theory. In infinite dimensions, where the GA becomes exact for the Gutzwiller variational energy, we evaluate ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic instabilities from the transverse magnetic susceptibility. The resulting phase diagram is in complete agreement with previous variational computations.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Temperature dependence of the collective mode and its influence on the band splitting in bilayer cuprates

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    The recently observed bilayer splitting in high-Tc_c cuprates is analyzed within a model where the charge carriers are coupled to a phenomenological bosonic spectrum which interpolates between the marginal Fermi liquid structure and collective mode type behavior as a function of temperature. We argue that the origin of the collective mode is probably associated with dynamic incommensurate charge density waves. Moreover it is shown that the resulting temperature dependence of the self-energy Σ\Sigma is in good agreement with Σ\Sigma as extracted from angle-resolved photoemission data.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for PR