27 research outputs found

    On the Market-Consistent Valuation of Participating Life Insurance Heterogeneous Contracts under Longevity Risk

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    The purpose of this paper is to conduct a market-consistent valuation of life insurance participating liabilities sold to a population of partially heterogeneous customers under the joint impact of biometric and financial risk. In particular, the heterogeneity between groups of policyholders stems from their offered minimum interest rate guarantees and contract maturities. We analyse the effects of these features on the company’s insolvency while embracing the insurer’s goal to achieve the same expected return for different cohorts of policyholders. Within our extensive numerical analyses, we determine the fair participation rates and other key figures, and discuss the implications for the stakeholders, taking account of various degrees of conservativeness of the insurer when pricing the contracts

    The search for the primary tumor in metastasized gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasm.

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    Gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) often present as liver metastasis from a carcinoma of unknown primary. We recently showed that primary NETs from the pancreas, small intestine and stomach as well as their respective liver metastases differ from each other by the expression profile of the three genes CD302, PPWD1 and ABHB14B. The gene and protein expression of CD302, PPWD1, and ABHB14B was studied in abdominal NET metastases to identify the site of the respective primary tumors. Cryopreserved tissue from NET metastases collected in different institutions (group A: 29, group B: 50, group C: 132 specimens) were examined by comparative genomic hybridization (Agilent 105 K), gene expression analysis (Agilent 44 K) (groups A and B) and immunohistochemistry (group C). The data were blindly evaluated, i.e. without knowing the site of the primary. Gene expression analysis correctly revealed the primary in the ileum in 94 % of the cases of group A and in 58 % of group B. A pancreatic primary was predicted in 83 % (group A) and 20 % (group B), respectively. The combined sensitivity of group A and B was 75 % for ileal NETs and 38 % for pancreatic NETs. Immunohistochemical analysis of group C revealed an overall sensitivity of 80 %. Gene and protein expression analysis of CD302 and PPWD1 in NET metastases correctly identifies the primary in the pancreas or the ileum in 80 % of the cases, provided that the tissue is well preserved. Immunohistochemical profiling revealed CD302 as the best marker for ileal and PPWD1 for pancreatic detection

    Oral anticoagulation in device-detected atrial fibrillation: effects of age, sex, cardiovascular comorbidities, and kidney function on outcomes in the NOAH-AFNET 6 trial.

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    Implanted pacemakers, defibrillators, and loop recorders detect short and rare episodes of device-detected atrial fibrillation [DDAF, previously also called atrial high-rate episodes or subclinical atrial fibrillation (AF)] in ∼30% of patients. Device-detected atrial fibrillation rarely has therapeutic consequences in patients with ECG-documented AF. Device-detected atrial fibrillation without ECG-documented AF can lead to consideration of oral anticoagulation in clinical practice, especially in older patients with multiple stroke risk factors and/or very long DDAF episodes, largely based on observational data. Two recent controlled trials, NOAH-AFNET 6 and ARTESiA, observed a low rate of ischaemic stroke without anticoagulation (1.1%–1.2%/patient-year) in patients with DDAF and stroke risk factors, including in patients with very long DDAF episodes in NOAH-AFNET 6. Current guidelines leave the decision to anticoagulate to clinical judgement, balancing the expected stroke risk, typically estimated by using stroke risk scores developed in patients with ECG-documented AF, and the stroke risk reduction induced by anticoagulation, with the increase in bleeding associated with anticoagulation therapy

    Valuation of long-term care options embedded in life annuities

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    In most industrialized countries, one of the major societal challenges is the demographic change coming along with the ageing of the population. The increasing life expectancy observed over the last decades underlines the importance to nd ways to appropriately cover the nancial needs of the elderly. A particular issue arises in the area of health, where sucient care must be provided to a growing number of dependent elderly in need of long-term care (LTC) services. In many markets, the oering of life insurance products incorporating care options and LTC insurance products is generally scarce. In our research, we therefore examine a life annuity product with an embedded care option potentially providing additional nancial support to dependent persons. To evaluate the care option, we determine the minimum price that the annuity provider requires and the policyholder's willingness to pay for the care option. For the latter, we employ individual utility functions taking account of the policyholder's condition. We base our numerical study on recently developed transition probability data from Switzerland. Our ndings give new and realistic insights into the nature and the utility of life annuity products proposing an embedded care option for tackling the nancing of LTC needs

    Evaluation integrierter naturwissenschaftlicher Crashkurse im Modellstudiengang Medizin Hamburg (iMED)

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    Swift's Ark (German made) - A23 - photographed Doncaster St Leger Fair September 1982