772 research outputs found

    La muerte y sus ventajas

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    <span style="font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;"> </span><p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; line-height: normal; mso-layout-grid-align: none;" class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"><span style="font-family: "AGaramond-Regular","serif"; font-size: 9.5pt; mso-bidi-font-family: AGaramond-Regular;">Blanck-Cereijido, Fanny y Marcelino Cereijido. </span><em><span style="font-family: "AGaramond-Italic","serif"; font-size: 9.5pt; mso-bidi-font-family: AGaramond-Italic;">La Muerte y sus ventajas. </span></em></span><span style="font-family: "AGaramond-Regular","serif"; font-size: 9.5pt; mso-bidi-font-family: AGaramond-Regular;">México: FCE, 1999. (La Ciencia para Todos; 156).</span><em><span style="font-family: "AGaramond-Italic","serif"; font-size: 9.5pt; mso-bidi-font-family: AGaramond-Italic;"></span></em></p><span style="font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;"> </span

    A Cytochemical Scanning Electron Microscopy Study of Non-Specific Acid Esterase and Acid Phosphatase Activities in Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes

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    We analyzed the distribution patterns of nonspecific acid esterase and acid phosphatase activities with cytochemistry-scanning electron microscopy in backscattered and secondary electron imaging modes in isolated normal human peripheral blood lymphocytes . The analysis of non-specific acid esterase activity in the backscattered electron imaging mode showed, in some cells, focal distribution with a well-defined, homogenous deposit. Two patterns of acid phosphatase activity were evident with the backscattered electron imaging mode, i.e., focal and granular. Peripheral blood lymphocytes showing focal activity of both enzymes presented a smooth surface with few scattered microvilli as seen with the secondary electron imaging mode ; while lymphocytes with a granular pattern of acid phosphatase activity had abundant microvilli . The correlation between patterns of enzymatic activity as seen in backscattering electron imaging mode, and surface morphological features as seen with secondary electron imaging mode, distinguished a subpopulation of lymphocytes of T lineage in human peripheral blood

    Obstacles towards gender violence comprehension: Influence of sexism and academic training in gender issues

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    La violencia de género es un problema de gran relevancia social y política. Las creencias distorsionadas sobre este tipo de violencia constituyen obstáculos para su comprensión y suponen un factor de riesgo para su tolerancia y mantenimiento. La identificación de estos obstáculos para la comprensión de la violencia hacia la mujer y de los factores que influyen sobre los mismos, es necesaria en profesionales que tratan este tipo de situaciones. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la presencia de obstáculos a la comprensión de la violencia de género en estudiantes de Derecho. También se analizó el impacto del género, de los niveles de sexismo y de la formación en género sobre estas creencias obstaculizadoras. Ciento cuarenta y siete estudiantes cumplimentaron un cuestionario anónimo y voluntario. Los resultados del análisis de regresión mostraron que tanto hombres como mujeres presentan obstáculos a la comprensión de violencia de género, siendo más elevada su presencia entre los hombres. Las creencias sexistas hostiles de hombres y mujeres, y las creencias sexistas benévolas de los hombres se relacionaban con una mayor presencia de obstáculos. Finalmente, haber recibido formación sobre materias de violencia de género actuaba como un factor de protección asociado con una menor presencia de obstáculos.Gender violence is a highly important social and political concern. Distorted beliefs about it are obstacles towards its comprehension and an important risk factor for its tolerance and maintenance. Some professionals often deal with gender violence issues. Thus, it is necessary to identify these obstacles towards the comprehension about gender violence and factors affecting them. The aim of this study was to analyze the existence of obstacles towards gender violence comprehension in law university students. We also investigated the impact of participants’ gender, sexist attitudes and gender education on the presence of these obstacles. One-hundred and forty seven law university students completed an anonymous and voluntary survey. Results from regression analysis evidenced that both men and women have obstacles towards gender violence comprehension. Males showed a higher level of obstacles than females. Also, hostile sexism of both, men and women, and men´s benevolent sexism levels were positively related with a higher presence of obstacles. Finally, having received training related to gender violence acted as a protective factor that was associated with lower obstacles towards gender violence comprehension

    Chua´s circuit and its characterization as a filter

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    "This article deals with Chuaʼs circuit characterization from the point of view of a filter based on the concept of piecewise linear functions. Furthermore, experiments are developed for teaching electronic systems that can be used for novel filtering concepts. The frequency range in which they are tested is from 20  Hz20\;{\rm Hz} to 20  kHz20\;{\rm kHz}, due to the audio spectrum comprised in this frequency range. The node associated with the capacitor and Chuaʼs diode is used as input, and the node for another capacitor and the coil is used as output, thereby establishing one input–output relationship for each system case given by the piecewise linear functions. The experimental result shows that Chuaʼs circuit behaves as a bandpass filter-amplifier, with a maximum frequency around 3  kHz3\;{\rm kHz} and bandwidth between 1.5  kHz1.5\;{\rm kHz} and 5.5  kHz5.5\;{\rm kHz}. The results presented in this paper can motivate engineering students to pursue applications of novel electrical circuits based on topics that are of potential interest in their future research studies.

    Análisis de mutaciones somáticas en SAMHD1, GNL1, POLE, MRE11 y ASXL2 como mini impulsores en adenocarcinoma colorrectal

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    El Adenocarcinoma colorrectal o Cáncer Colorrectal (CCR) se clasifica como la tercera neoplasia más común y la segunda causa principal de mortalidad a nivel mundial. En este estudio exploramos mediante un análisis bioinformático el impacto de mutaciones y expresión de los genes SAMHD1, GNL1, POLE, MRE11 y ASXL2 como potenciales mini impulsores en Adenocarcinoma Colorrectal. Este estudio es netamente documental, experimental, exploratorio e informativo. Utilizamos 3 bases de datos de importancia molecular y bioinformática: COSMIC con 9490 muestras, TCGA con 461 y cBioportal con 1351. Utilizamos como principales herramientas de análisis los portales web del cBioportal, GEO, GEO2R, UALCAN y el lenguaje de programación The R Project for Statistical Computing para el análisis de enriquecimiento por vías metabólicas. Tres de los 5 genes evaluados (GNL1, POLE y MRE11) mostraron sobreexpresión en pacientes con CCR en relación con los controles (p<0.01). En relación con los genes coexpresados, GNL1, POLE y MRE11 presentaron respectivamente 3689, 1550 y 3529 genes de co-expresión positiva, los cuales enriquecen vías metabólicas asociadas a la respuesta inmunológica, ciclo celular, procesamiento de factores de transcripción, control de la expresión génica y mecanismos de reparo del DNA. Estas vías moleculares están directamente asociadas a algunos Hallmarks (sellos distintivos del cáncer) como: el mantenimiento de la señal proliferativa, resistencia a la muerte celular y la evasión del sistema inmunológico. Esta relación directa con los Hallmarks podría confirmarnos el significativo papel de GNL1, MRE11 y POLE en la aparición del Adenocarcinoma Colorrectal

    Functional and Biological Potential of Bioactive Compounds in Foods for the Dietary Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), or noninsulin-dependent diabetes, is a complex disease characterized by the alteration of oxidoreductive and proinflammatory mechanisms, which leads to disorders in the insulin receptor and consequent chronic hyperglycemia. The hypoglycemic, insulinomimetic, and lipid-lowering potential of food is a reality given the advances in understanding of the role of food in nutrition. Besides its nutritional content, food exerts a biological function in the organism, and this demonstrates the importance of redirecting therapeutic strategies as well as related prevention policies of T2DM. The present review evaluates the effect of food on T2DM treatment. Particular attention is paid to the consumption of nopal, soy, and oats for their hypoglycemic functions, as well as the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids, which are associated with the control of metabolic alterations of this disease

    Estudi de la història i determinació per GC-MS dels composts terpènics de les Aromes del Montserrat

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    Aquest treball de recerca dels alumnes estudia els composts essencials, fonamentalment terpènics, de diverses plantes aromàtiques per després intentar identificar-los en el licor estomacal Aromes del Montserrat. S'han utilitzat diverses tècniques d'extracció i anàlisi de cromatografia de gasos acoblats amb espectrometria de masses (GC-MS). La investigació química ens ha portat a aprofundir en la part històrica, a partir de les vivències que ens han relatat persones del nostre poble, Esparreguera.This article contains research done by upper secondary students. It examines essential components, mainly terpenic compounds of some aromatic plants, and then tries to identify these compounds in the alcoholic drink Aromes del Montserrat. Students used several extraction techniques and the analyses were done by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GS-MS). Chemical research led them to delve into the historical side, by asking the villagers of Esparreguera about the origins of the drink

    WASPSS: A Clinical Decision Support System for Antimicrobial Stewardship

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    The increase of infections caused by resistant bacteria has become one of the major health-care problems worldwide. The creation of multidisciplinary teams dedicated to the implementation of antimicrobial stewardship programmes (ASPs) is encouraged by all clinical institutions to cope with this problem. In this chapter, we describe the Wise Antimicrobial Stewardship Program Support System (WASPSS), a CDSS focused on providing support for ASP teams. WASPSS gathers the required information from other hospital systems in order to provide decision support in antimicrobial stewardship from both patient-centered and global perspectives. To achieve this, it combines business intelligence techniques with a rule-based inference engine to integrate the data and knowledge required in this scenario. The system provides functions such as alerts, recommendations, antimicrobial prescription support and global surveillance. Furthermore, it includes experimental modules for improving the adoption of clinical guidelines and applying prediction models related with antimicrobial resistance. All these functionalities are provided through a multi-user web interface, personalized for each role of the ASP team

    Utjecaj proteina graha lima na funkcionalna svojstva škroba

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    The functional properties of starches determine their potential applications in food systems. These properties depend largely on granular and molecular structure and can be physically, chemically or enzymatically modified. One way of modifying starch functional properties is by interaction with other food components, such as proteins. Starch-protein interactions are frequent in plant foods, particularly cereals and legumes, which are formed mainly of starches and proteins. An evaluation has been done of changes in the functional properties of three native starches (corn, Zea mays L.; cassava, Manihot esculenta; and lima bean, Phaseolus lunatus L.) when blended with lima bean protein concentrate. The gelatinization temperature of each blend increased compared to its corresponding native starch. The cassava starch/lima bean protein blend had the highest overall swelling power and water absorption capacity values at all temperatures. Maximum viscosity for each blend was higher than for the corresponding native starches. The blends of lima bean protein with cassava and corn starches did not exhibit syneresis. The lima bean starch/lima bean protein blend had the highest gel firmness values, followed by the blends with corn and cassava starches. The protein-starch mixtures are an alternative in the improvement of the starch functional properties which are useful in the development of nutritional products.O funkcionalnim svojstvima škroba ovisi njegova primjena u proizvodnji hrane. Ta svojstva uglavnom ovise o strukturi zrna i molekula. Mogu se modificirati fizikalnim, kemijskim ili enzimskim postupcima, a jedan od njih je i interakcija s ostalim sastojcima hrane (npr. proteinima). Interakcije škroba i proteina su česte u hrani biljnog podrijetla, osobito u žitaricama i leguminozama koje se uglavnom sastoje od te dvije komponente. U radu je ispitana promjena funkcionalnih svojstava škroba izoliranog iz kukuruza (Zea mays L.), manioke (Manihot esculenta) i lima graha (Phaseolus lunatus L.), nakon miješanja s koncentratom proteina iz graha lima. Temperatura se želiranja svake mješavine škroba i proteina povećala u usporedbi s izvornim škrobom. Mješavina škroba manioke i proteina graha lima imala je najbolji kapacitet bubrenja i upijanja vode na svim temperaturama. Maksimalna je viskoznost mješavina bila veća od viskoznosti samog škroba svake vrste, pri čemu mješavine proteina graha lima sa škrobom manioke i kukuruza nisu pokazale jače zgrušavanje. Najveću je čvrstoću gela imala mješavina škroba i proteina graha lima, zatim mješavina škroba kukuruza i proteina, te naposljetku škroba manioke i proteina graha lima. Mješavine su škroba i proteina alternativni način poboljšavanja funkcionalnih svojstava škroba u proizvodnji hrane