22 research outputs found

    Impact of CD4 and CD8 dynamics and viral rebounds on loss of virological control in HIV controllers

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    Objective: HIV controllers (HICs) spontaneously maintain HIV viral replication at low level without antiretroviral therapy (ART), a small number of whom will eventually lose this ability to control HIV viremia. The objective was to identify factors associated with loss of virological control. Methods: HICs were identified in COHERE on the basis of \ue2\u89\ua55 consecutive viral loads (VL) \ue2\u89\ua4500 copies/mL over \ue2\u89\ua51 year whilst ART-naive, with the last VL \ue2\u89\ua4500 copies/mL measured \ue2\u89\ua55 years after HIV diagnosis. Loss of virological control was defined as 2 consecutive VL >2000 copies/mL. Duration of HIV control was described using cumulative incidence method, considering loss of virological control, ART initiation and death during virological control as competing outcomes. Factors associated with loss of virological control were identified using Cox models. CD4 and CD8 dynamics were described using mixed-effect linear models. Results: We identified 1067 HICs; 86 lost virological control, 293 initiated ART, and 13 died during virological control. Six years after confirmation of HIC status, the probability of losing virological control, initiating ART and dying were 13%, 37%, and 2%. Current lower CD4/CD8 ratio and a history of transient viral rebounds were associated with an increased risk of losing virological control. CD4 declined and CD8 increased before loss of virological control, and before viral rebounds. Discussion: Expansion of CD8 and decline of CD4 during HIV control may result from repeated low-level viremia. Our findings suggest that in addition to superinfection, other mechanisms, such as low grade viral replication, can lead to loss of virological control in HICs

    La doble cara del doping / Importancia del control del dopaje / Sin querer entrar en una polémica… Comentario al artículo del Dr. Segura

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    Desde hace tiempo, a mi parecer de forma excesiva, se ha rodeado al deporte y a sus protagonistas de un halo de sospecha que a todas luces resulta injusto. Me refiero, como es de suponer, a la controvertida utilización de substancias para mejora del rendimiento: el tan denostado y perseguido dopaje. Aún a riesgo de ser anatematizado por mi opinión sobre el tema, que por otra parte no supone descalificación alguna a la política de las instituciones deportivas, debo aclarar que se trata de una libre y quizás apasionada manifestación de alguien que, desde hace muchos años, ha dedicado una parte de su vida al deporte

    La doble cara del doping / Importància del control del dopatge / Sense voler entrar en una polèmica… Comentari a l’article del Dr. Segura

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    Des de fa temps, al meu parer de forma excessiva, s’ha envoltat l’esport i els seus protagonistes d’un halo de sospita que des de qualsevol punt de vista resulta injust. Em refereixo, com és de suposar, a la controvertida utilització de substàncies per a la millora del rendiment: el tan infamat i perseguit dopatge. Amb el risc de ser anatematitzat per la meva opinió sobre el tema que, d’altra banda, no suposa cap desqualificació a la política de les institucions esportives, he d’aclarir que es tracta d’una lliure i potser apassionada manifestació d’algú que, des de fa molts anys, ha dedicat una part de la seva vida a l’esport

    Time for change: a roadmap to guide the implementation of the World Anti-Doping Code 2015

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    A medical and scientific multidisciplinary consensus meeting was held from 29 to 30 November 2013 on Anti-Doping in Sport at the Home of FIFA in Zurich, Switzerland, to create a roadmap for the implementation of the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code. The consensus statement and accompanying papers set out the priorities for the antidoping community in research, science and medicine. The participants achieved consensus on a strategy for the implementation of the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code. Key components of this strategy include: (1) sport-specific risk assessment, (2) prevalence measurement, (3) sport-specific test distribution plans, (4) storage and reanalysis, (5) analytical challenges, (6) forensic intelligence, (7) psychological approach to optimise the most deterrent effect, (8) the Athlete Biological Passport (ABP) and confounding factors, (9) data management system (Anti-Doping Administration & Management System (ADAMS), (10) education, (11) research needs and necessary advances, (12) inadvertent doping and (13) management and ethics: biological data. True implementation of the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code will depend largely on the ability to align thinking around these core concepts and strategies. FIFA, jointly with all other engaged International Federations of sports (Ifs), the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), are ideally placed to lead transformational change with the unwavering support of the wider antidoping community. The outcome of the consensus meeting was the creation of the ad hoc Working Group charged with the responsibility of moving this agenda forward

    Spawning environmental conditions of Sardinella aurita at the northern limit of its distribution range, the western Mediterranean

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    10 pages, 4 figures, 1 tableIn the last 20 yr, an increasing abundance and northward expansion of Sardinella aurita has been reported in the western Mediterranean. The present study characterizes the spawning habitat of S. aurita at the northern limit of their geographic distribution and determines the hydrodynamic conditions that could control their northward expansion in the western Mediterranean. Data along the Catalan shelf and slope were obtained in 4 oceanographic cruises conducted in the summers of 2003 and 2004. A clear preference for spawning in coastal areas shallower than 100 m was determined, with larvae showing a wider distribution extending offshore up to the position of the 150 m isobath. The greatest abundance of eggs and larvae was found in the southern half of the area on the wide shelf near the mouth of the Ebro River. This zone was characterized by high values of surface chlorophyll a in association with relatively low salinity waters from the Ebro River. In the northern part of the area, a thermal front across the shelf, with higher sea surface temperatures on its southern side, marked the northern limit of egg and larvae distribution. The northern side of this front was under the direct influence of the shelf–slope current, advecting slope waters from the north, while its southern side was dominated by coastal water. Larvae carried by coastal waters tended to concentrate near the convergence associated with the front. Thus, the thermal front retains and concentrates S. aurita larvae, and could represent one of the limiting factors for the expansion of the species towards the northM.E. was partially funded by contracts 2005SGR00476 and ESP2005-06823-C05-01. This work was supported by the project REN 2002-01339/MARPeer reviewe

    Screening method for stimulants in urine by UHPLC-MS/MS: identification of isomeric compounds.

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    A fast screening method for the detection of more than 60 stimulants in urine was developed. The method consisted of a dilution of the urine (1:5 v/v) and analysis by ultra high performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry, using a C18 column (1.7 µm particle size), a mobile phase containing deionized water and acetonitrile with formic acid, and gradient elution. The chromatographic run time was 5 min. The detection was performed in positive mode electrospray ionization, monitoring one or two specific ion transitions for each analyte. Appropriate repeatability was obtained, with relative standard deviation (RSD) values below 25% for most of the analytes. Regarding intermediate precision, estimated during routine work, higher RSDs were obtained, probably due to between-day differences in the status of the mass spectrometer and in the chromatographic system. Matrix effect ranged from 60 to 255% with RSD lower than 35% for the majority of compounds. Despite the matrix effect observed, the signal/noise ratio of the analytes spiked at 50 ng/mL was greater than three in all tested samples, allowing a correct detection of all substances at the minimum required performance levels required by the World Anti-Doping Agency and demonstrating the suitability of the method. The method was tested in administration study samples and satisfactorily in operation for more than one year with routine doping samples. The presence of isomeric stimulants with closely similar chromatographic and/or mass spectrometric properties did not allow the unequivocal identification of these compounds after the first analysis. Different possibilities for separation and identification of isomeric compounds are presented.The financial support received from Consell Català de l’Esport and DIUE (2014 SGR 692) (Generalitat de Catalunya; Spain) is acknowledged. Technical assistance of Noemi Haro is gratefully acknowledge

    Evaluation of two glucuronides resistant to enzymatic hydrolysis as markers of testosterone oral administration.

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    Testosterone (T) has traditionally been the most commonly reported doping agent by doping control laboratories. The screening of T misuse is performed by the quantification of six endogenous androgenic steroids and the ratio T/E included in the Athlete Biological Passport (ABP). The inclusion of additional metabolites can improve the screening capabilities of ABP. In this study, the potential of 3α-glucuronide-6β-hydroxyandrosterone (6OH-Andros3G) and 3α-glucuronide-6β-hydroxyetiocholanolone (6OH-Etio3G) as markers of T oral administration was evaluated. These glucuronides have been shown to be resistant to enzymatic hydrolysis and their quantification by means of liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) was reported as the only way to obtain feasible results. Urine samples were collected from five volunteers before and after the oral administration of 40mg of T undecanoate and were analyzed by a LC-MS/MS method recently developed. Concentration of 6OH-Andros3G and 6OH-Etio3G compounds and those of the glucuronides of T (TG), epitestosterone (EG), androsterone and etiocholanolone were established and different concentration ratios were calculated. The detection windows (DWs) for the T administration obtained by each selected ratio were compared to the one of TG/EG. The results showed that four out of the nine tested markers presented DWs much larger for all volunteers than those obtained by the World Anti-Doping Agency established T/E marker or other alternative markers. The 6OH-Andros3G/EG, 6OH-Etio3G/EG, 6OH-Andros3G/TG and 6OH-Etio3G/TG markers were able to identify the T abuse up to 96h after the administration, extending our detection capability for the misuse up to 84h more than the classic marker. The importance of these markers was also highlighted by their prolonged capacity to detect the T misuse in the case of one volunteer whose TG/EG barely exceeded his individual threshold. As a consequence, the four markers presented in this study seem to have an exceptional potential as biomarkers of T oral administration.Grants by World Anti-Doping Agency (14A29OP) and support by the Catalan Government (2014 SGR 692) are gratefully acknowledged. Spanish Health National System is acknowledged for O.J. Pozo contract (MS10/00576)

    Determination of recent growth hormone abuse using a single dried blood spot

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    BACKGROUND: Although it is being increasingly applied, blood collection for drug testing in sport presents some logistic issues that complicate full applicability on a large scale. The use of dried blood spots (DBS) could benefit compliant blood testing considerably owing to its simplicity, minimal invasiveness, analyte stability, and reduced costs. The aim of this study was to evaluate the applicability of DBS to the methodology approved by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) for detection of doping by recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) in serum. METHODS: A protocol for a single DBS analysis using the hGH isoforms differential immunoassays (kit 1 and kit 2) was developed and validated. A clinical study with healthy volunteers injected for 3 consecutive days with a low subcutaneous dose (0.027 mg · kg(-1) · day(-1) · person(-1)) of rhGH was conducted. Finger prick DBS and paired-time serum samples from arm venipuncture were compared. RESULTS: The analysis of the DBS-based protocol indicated that with only a single blood spot it was possible to detect positivity for growth hormone abuse. In spite of the low rhGH dose administered and independently of the kit used, the window of detection for DBS was confirmed in all analyzed samples up to 8 h after rhGH administration and extended up to 12 h in 50% of the cases. Serum positivity was detected in all studied samples for 12 h after administration. CONCLUSIONS: These results support the usefulness of DBS as a biological matrix for testing recent growth hormone abuse.Funding: Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) (DEP2012-32048), International Olympic Committee (IOC)-2014 IOC Anti-Doping Research Fund, and Italian Istituto Superiore di Sanit

    Detection and characterization of prednisolone metabolites in human urine by LC-MS/MS.

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    Glucocorticosteroids are prohibited in sports when used by systemic administrations (e.g. oral), whereas they are allowed using other administration ways. Strategies to discriminate between administrations routes have to be developed by doping control laboratories. For this reason, the metabolism of prednisolone (PRED) was studied using liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. A single oral (10 mg) dose of PRED was administered to two healthy male volunteers. Urine samples were collected up to 6 days after administration. Samples were hydrolyzed with β-glucuronidase and subjected to liquid-liquid extraction with ethyl acetate in alkaline conditions. The extracts were analyzed by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. Precursor ion scan methods (m/z 77, 91, 105, 121, 147 and 171) in positive ionization and neutral loss scan methods (76 and 94 Da) in negative ionization modes were applied for the open detection of PRED metabolites. Using these methods, PRED parent compound plus 20 metabolites were detected. PRED and 11 metabolites were characterized by comparison with standards of the compounds (PRED, prednisone, 20β-dihydro-PRED and 20α-dihydro-PRED, 20β-dihydro-prednisone and 20α-dihydro-prednisone, 6β-hydroxy-PRED and 6α-hydroxy-PRED, 20β isomers and 20α isomers of 6β,11β,17α,20,21-pentahydroxypregnan-1,4-diene-3-one, 6α,11β,17α,20β,21-pentahydroxypregnan-1,4-diene-3-one and Δ(6) -PRED). Using mass spectrometric data, feasible structures were proposed for seven of the remaining nine detected metabolites, including several 6-hydroxy-metabolites. Eleven of the characterized metabolites have not been previously described. Maximum excretion rates for PRED metabolites were achieved in first 24 h; however, most of the metabolites were still detectable in the last collected samples (day 6).Grant from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain) (DEP2009-11454), Generalitat de Catalunya (Consell Català de l’Esport and DIUE 2014 SGR 692) and support by ISCIII contrato de formación en investigación Río Hortega (CM12/00085

    Evaluation of two glucuronides resistant to enzymatic hydrolysis as markers of testosterone oral administration.

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    Testosterone (T) has traditionally been the most commonly reported doping agent by doping control laboratories. The screening of T misuse is performed by the quantification of six endogenous androgenic steroids and the ratio T/E included in the Athlete Biological Passport (ABP). The inclusion of additional metabolites can improve the screening capabilities of ABP. In this study, the potential of 3α-glucuronide-6β-hydroxyandrosterone (6OH-Andros3G) and 3α-glucuronide-6β-hydroxyetiocholanolone (6OH-Etio3G) as markers of T oral administration was evaluated. These glucuronides have been shown to be resistant to enzymatic hydrolysis and their quantification by means of liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) was reported as the only way to obtain feasible results. Urine samples were collected from five volunteers before and after the oral administration of 40mg of T undecanoate and were analyzed by a LC-MS/MS method recently developed. Concentration of 6OH-Andros3G and 6OH-Etio3G compounds and those of the glucuronides of T (TG), epitestosterone (EG), androsterone and etiocholanolone were established and different concentration ratios were calculated. The detection windows (DWs) for the T administration obtained by each selected ratio were compared to the one of TG/EG. The results showed that four out of the nine tested markers presented DWs much larger for all volunteers than those obtained by the World Anti-Doping Agency established T/E marker or other alternative markers. The 6OH-Andros3G/EG, 6OH-Etio3G/EG, 6OH-Andros3G/TG and 6OH-Etio3G/TG markers were able to identify the T abuse up to 96h after the administration, extending our detection capability for the misuse up to 84h more than the classic marker. The importance of these markers was also highlighted by their prolonged capacity to detect the T misuse in the case of one volunteer whose TG/EG barely exceeded his individual threshold. As a consequence, the four markers presented in this study seem to have an exceptional potential as biomarkers of T oral administration.Grants by World Anti-Doping Agency (14A29OP) and support by the Catalan Government (2014 SGR 692) are gratefully acknowledged. Spanish Health National System is acknowledged for O.J. Pozo contract (MS10/00576)