160 research outputs found

    Fault-tolerant observer design with a tolerance measure for systems with sensor failure

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    A fault-tolerant switching observer design methodology is proposed. The aim is to maintain a desired level of closed-loop performance under a range of sensor fault scenarios while the fault-free nominal performance is optimized. The range of considered fault scenarios is determined by a minimum number p of assumed working sensors. Thus the smaller p is, the more fault tolerant is the observer. This is then used to define a fault tolerance measure for observer design. Due to the combinatorial nature of the problem, a semidefinite relaxation procedure is proposed to deal with the large number of fault scenarios for systems that have many vulnerable sensors. The procedure results in a significant reduction in the number of constraints needed to solve the problem. Two numerical examples are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the fault-tolerant observer design

    A semidefinite relaxation procedure for fault-tolerant observer design

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    A fault-tolerant observer design methodology is proposed. The aim is to guarantee a minimum level of closed-loop performance under all possible sensor fault combinations while optimizing performance under the nominal, fault-free condition. A novel approach is proposed to tackle the combinatorial nature of the problem, which is computationally intractable even for a moderate number of sensors, by recasting the problem as a robust performance problem, where the uncertainty set is composed of all combinations of a set of binary variables. A procedure based on an elimination lemma and an extension of a semidefinite relaxation procedure for binary variables is then used to derive sufficient conditions (necessary and sufficient in the case of one binary variable) for the solution of the problem which significantly reduces the number of matrix inequalities needed to solve the problem. The procedure is illustrated by considering a fault-tolerant observer switching scheme in which the observer outputs track the actual sensor fault condition. A numerical example from an electric power application is presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the design

    Fault-tolerant wide-area control of power systems

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    In this thesis, the stability and performance of closed-loop systems following the loss of sensors or feedback signals (sensor faults) are studied. The objective is to guarantee stability in the face of sensor faults while optimising performance under nominal (no sensor fault) condition. One of the main contributions of this work is to deal effectively with the combinatorial binary nature of the problem when the number of sensors is large. Several fault-tolerant controller and observer architectures that are suitable for different applications are proposed and their effectiveness demonstrated. The problems are formulated in terms of the existence of feasible solutions to linear matrix inequalities. The formulations presented in this work are described in a general form and can be applied to a large class of systems. In particular, the use of fault-tolerant architectures for damping inter-area oscillations in power systems using wide-area signals has been demonstrated. As an extension of the proposed formulations, regional pole placement to enhance the damping of inter-area modes has been incorporated. The objective is to achieve specified damping ratios for the inter-area modes and maximise the closed-loop performance under nominal condition while guaranteeing stability for all possible combinations of sensors faults. The performances of the proposed fault-tolerant architectures are validated through extensive nonlinear simulations using a simplified equivalent model of the Nordic power system.Open Acces

    Centralized wide area damping controller for power system oscillation problems

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.In this paper, three different centralized control designs that vary on complexity are presented to damp inter-area oscillations in large power systems. All the controls are based on phasor measurements. The first two proposed architectures use simple proportional gains that consider availability of measurements from different areas of the system and fulfill different optimization functions. The third controller is based on a more sophisticated Linear Quadratic Gaussian approach which requires access to the state space model of the system under investigation. The novelty of the proposed scheme resides in designing a single control to command the most influence group of machines in the system. To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms, simulations results in the IEEE New England model are presented

    Detection of frequency deviations for monitoring of power systems

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    ​© 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.In this work an algorithm for identification of power system frequency deviation is presented. The proposed approach can be used to monitor frequency measurements from syncrophasor measurement units (PMU) and to store data only for important events and save storage in the local server. The detection algorithm use a sliding window that rise a flag if the measured frequency deviates from a predefined set point. If the alarm flag is constant over several sliding windows, an event is captured and locally stored for further analysis. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, real PMU measurements from the Swiss power system are used as input

    Online coherency identification and stability condition for large interconnected power systems using an unsupervised data mining technique

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    Identification of coherent generators and the determination of the stability system condition in large interconnected power system is one of the key steps to carry out different control system strategies to avoid a partial or complete blackout of a power system. However, the oscillatory trends, the larger amount data available and the non-linear dynamic behaviour of the frequency measurements often mislead the appropriate knowledge of the actual coherent groups, making wide-area coherency monitoring a challenging task. This paper presents a novel online unsupervised data mining technique to identify coherent groups, to detect the power system disturbance event and determine status stability condition of the system. The innovative part of the proposed approach resides on combining traditional plain algorithms such as singular value decomposition (SVD) and K -means for clustering together with new concept based on clustering slopes. The proposed combination provides an added value to other applications relying on similar algorithms available in the literature. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, two case studies are presented, where data is extracted from the large and comprehensive initial dynamic model of ENTSO-E and the results compared to other alternative methods available in the literature

    A replication analysis of foot-and-mouth disease virus in swine lymphoid tissue might indicate a putative carrier stage in pigs

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    Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMVD), one of the most contagious viruses of cloven-hoofed animals, may cause a prolonged, asymptomatic but persistent infection in ruminants, named the "carrier state". However, it remains an open question whether this carrier state occurs in pigs. Here we present quantitative analyses of the duration of FMDV RNA and infectivity in lymphoid and epithelial tissues in experimentally infected pigs with FMDV C-S8c1. The data indicated that although FMDV RNA remained in blood until day 14 post-infection (pi), viremia was cleared by day 7 pi. However, all tissues tested were positive for FMDV until day 14-17 pi. Interestingly, the specific infectivity of FMDV in these tissues was in some cases even higher than the FMDV C-S8c1. We therefore propose that a "pseudopersistent state" may occur in pigs in which virus replicates in lymphoid tissues for a prolonged period of time, thereby representing a potential source of virus

    A Criterion for Designing Emergency Control Schemes to Counteract Communication Failures in Wide-Area Damping Control

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    © The Authors 2023. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Communication failures and transmission delays are two major issues associated with Wide-Area Damping Controllers (WADCs). While transmission delays have been extensively studied and various solutions have been proposed, little research has been done on communication failures and most of the proposed methods are based on preventive controls. However, in today’s liberalized electricity markets, preventive controls are no longer acceptable and the trend is to use emergency controls instead. This paper proposes a novel emergency control scheme to counteract the loss of remote signals related to the input and to the output of the WADC (i.e. sensor and actuator failures). The proposed scheme is based on a simple criterion, which overcomes the complexity of the previous methods. Modal analysis and time domain simulations are performed to verify the performance of the proposed method. The simulation results show that the proposed method performs well in handling communication failures and can maintain good damping performance. This research work is particularly important in view of the trend towards the wide-scale adoption of wide-area measurement technologies, while the vulnerability to cyber-attacks is increasing.Peer reviewe

    Adaptación de la Escala de Bienestar General SGWB en jóvenes universitarios de Lima Metropolitana

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo obtener evidencias de validez y confiabilidad en la adaptación de la escala de bienestar general SGWB, que está compuesta por 14 dimensiones de felicidad, vitalidad, calma, optimismo, compromiso, autoconocimiento, autoaceptación, autoestima, competencia, desarrollo, propósito, significado, congruencia y conexión. El tipo de investigación es instrumental. Se tuvo como muestra 406 jóvenes universitarios, de los cuales 291 corresponden al género femenino y 115 al masculino, con edades que oscilan entre los 18 hasta los 29 años. Se evidencia validez de estructura interna tras hacer 4 modelos, el segundo modelo presenta mejor índices de ajustes, el cual consta de 14 dimensiones correlacionadas, así mismo, se realizó el modelo de segundo orden obteniendo puntuaciones adecuadas las cuales son orden (χ2/gl = 1,874), p = .0, TLI = 0,901, un GFI =. 0,82, CFI = 0,906, SRMR = .061, RMSEA = 0,48 evidenciando así el factor general del bienestar. Además, se obtuvo una confiabilidad aceptable por coeficiente de omega con puntuaciones que oscilan entre .74 hasta .90. En cuanto a dimensiones y .96 de forma general. Por último, se creó baremos por puntuación total de la escala

    Optimization free of algorithm-specific control parameters for power system stabilizer tuning

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    ​© 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.A settings-free and derivative-free optimization technique, called Jaya Optimization Algorithm, is investigated in this paper for the design of simple fuzzy PSSs (FPSSs) in a multimachine power system. Performance of this technique during the optimization process is compared to the one exhibited by a Bat Optimization Algorithm based approach. Considering a set of test cases for illustrative purposes, FPSSs tuned with both of these algorithms are applied to the study system and their performance in damping inter-area and local oscillations is analyzed against some commonly used lead-lag structures, including multi-band PSSs