556 research outputs found

    Local flavour vs global audiences: Elena Ferrante and translatability

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    Through an analysis of the novels written under the pen name ElenaFerrante and of the paratextual elements that surround them, thisarticle examines the portrayal of Naples and its outskirts in thesenarratives, and how the specific geographical and cultural context isrendered and variously translated for different audiences. It arguesthat the concealment of the author’s identity has enhanced theperceived authenticity of the texts, and that the emphasis onmarginal backgrounds and subaltern characters entails a contradictionnot dissimilar to the phenomenon that Huggan (2001) describesas‘staged marginality’in the context of postcolonial narratives.Ferrante’s cultural specificity can therefore be read as a highlyambivalent discourse that entails both resistance and adherenceto the mechanisms of a global market. Lastly, the article examineshow the emphasis on dialect influences the process of translationfor diverse readerships, showing the relevance of the‘Ferranteproject’within world literature debates

    Encounters and blind spots: Pirandello, Evreinov and Brecht

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    Elisa Segnini speaks to Frederika Randall: tilting at the leaning tower, or translating irony in two writers from Northeast Italy

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    In this conversation, we address the effect of the internationalization of the book market on the world-wide circulation of Italian fiction; the ethics and responsibility of the translator of Italian classics into American English, and the challenges entailed in translating irony

    Andrea Camilleri’s Montalbano and Elena Ferrante’s L’amica geniale: the afterlife of two ‘glocal’ series

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    This article brings together perspectives from world literature and translation studies to compare the international reception of two ‘glocal’ literary cases: Andrea Camilleri’s Montalbano books, and Elena Ferrante’s tetralogy L’amica geniale. The national and international success of these series raises important questions for scholars of translation studies, multilingualism, world literature and literary markets, and sheds light on the significance of different kinds of multilingualism in fiction and of their treatment in translation. The article addresses the following questions: how do monolingual book markets contain and discipline multilingual fiction? What happens when multilingual fiction travels through translation? How do we explain the present openness of the Anglo-American market to translated fiction with an emphasis on the vernacular? The author argues that while both Camilleri and Ferrante foreground cultural difference and linguistic incommensurability, the way in which they portray the experience of diglossia had an important impact in determining their national and international success as well as the route through which they achieved international visibility

    Encounters and blind spots: Pirandello, Evreinov and Brecht

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    Global masterpieces and Italian dialects: Eduardo de Filippo and Luigi Meneghello's rewritings of Shakespeare

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    This essay suggests that the ultraminor can function as a paradigm to examine literature that emphasizes the minority status of the language in which it is composed. Engaging with Deleuze and Guattari’s definition of minor literature and with Pascale Casanova and Lawrence Venuti’s reflections on the role of translation in the shaping of world literature, it develops a comparison between two rewritings of Shakespeare into Italian dialects: Eduardo De Filippo’s translation of The Tempest into Neapolitan and Luigi Meneghello’s translation of Hamlet into vicentino. The essay underlines how these endeavors represent translations into languages that, at the time of writing, are considered by their authors in decline and doomed to extinction, and argues that both authors use translation to emphasize the historical memory of their native idioms. Both De Filippo and Meneghello, in fact, set out to challenge the subordinate status of Neapolitan and vicentino by proving that dialects are apt to express great thought as well as philosophical, abstract, and theoretical concepts

    From Scampia to Rione Luzzatti: marginality and its language in the age of convergence

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    In the age of convergence, bestselling novels have become parts of the phenomenon known as ‘branding’, and cultural production is highly conditioned by the mechanisms that regulate global markets. This article argues that if the contemporary global novel tends to render the plurilingual experience implicitly to ensure translatability, the use of dialect has become crucial for the construction of marginality on screen for products designed to travel internationally. By focusing on a case study grounded in the Italian context, a comparison between Roberto Saviano's Gomorra (2006), with its extensions in theatre, cinema, TV and fandom, and Elena Ferrante's tetralogy L'amica geniale (2011–2014), with its dramatized versions for radio, stage and television, it compares the intersection of language, space and power in recent examples of transmedia storytelling. Drawing on studies of multilingualism and marginality, the author addresses the following questions: how do linguistic strategies influence the portrayal of the urban periphery as a marginal, subaltern space? How does transmedia transposition relate to interlingual translation? Does the relation between fiction and the socio-linguistic reality represented change in the translation process? To what ends is dialect deployed in transnational productions designed for global reach, and what characterizes the reception by Italian and international audiences? A focus on transmedia adaptations, this article suggests, leads us to reconsider the paradigm of multilingualism in translation

    Arte, técnica e mercado: o trabalho do arquiteto

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    Este trabalho analisa as novas formas de organização do trabalho do arquiteto em um contexto de difusão e consolidação dos instrumentos eletrônicos na produção do projeto arquitetônico, entendendo a arquitetura como produto de tensões entre arte, técnica e mercado. O objeto da pesquisa foi elaborado a partir de depoimentos e entrevistas, em um primeiro momento, com 206 arquitetos selecionados em 91 exemplares da revista AU - Arquitetura e Urbanismo, no período de 1985 a 2000 e, em um segundo momento, por meio de entrevistas com 31 arquitetos formados pela FAUUSP no período de 1986 a 1990. O primeiro período é particularmente significativo, posto que, nesses 15 anos foram observadas mudanças no trabalho do arquiteto por meio da difusão da informática, e, o segundo período, mostra-se interessante, na medida em que se caracteriza pela consolidação dos instrumentos eletrônicos na produção do projeto arquitetônico, os quais serão relevantes como um dos fatores que modificam a organização do trabalho do arquiteto, contribuindo para a precarização de suas relações trabalhistas. A hipótese dessa pesquisa é que as tensões entre arte, técnica e mercado, observadas na prática profissional do arquiteto desde o Renascimento, intensificam-se nas atuais condições de produção do projeto.Este trabajo analiza las nuevas formas de organización del trabajo del arquitecto, en un contexto de difusión y consolidación de los instrumentos electrónicos en la producción del diseño arquitectónico, considerando la arquitectura como un producto de tensiones entre arte, técnica y mercado. Se ha elaborado el objeto de la investigación a partir de declaraciones y entrevistas, en un primer momento con 206 arquitectos seleccionados en 91 ejemplares de la revista AU - Arquitectura e Urbanismo, del período de 1985 a 2000, y luego a través de entrevistas con 31 arquitectos graduados por la FAUUSP en el período 1986 a 1990. El primer período es particularmente significativo, ya que en estos quince años se han visto cambios en el trabajo del arquitecto a través de la difusión de la informática, y el segundo período resulta interesante, en la medida que se caracteriza por la consolidación de los instrumentos electrónicos en la producción del diseño arquitectónico, los que vienen a ser relevantes como un factor que cambia la organización del trabajo del arquitecto y contribuye a la precarización de sus relaciones laborales. La hipótesis de esta investigación es que las tensiones entre arte, técnica y mercado, que pueden ser observadas en la práctica profesional del arquitecto desde el Renacimiento, se intensifican en las actuales condiciones de producción del proyecto.This article reviews the new forms of organization of an architect's work, in the context of the consolidation and dissemination of electronic instruments in the production of architectural design. In this way, it is an understanding of architecture as a product of the tensions between art, technology, and the market. The research uses statements and interviews, initially with 206 architects selected from 91 editions of AU - Arquitetura e Urbanismo from 1985 to 2000 and, subsequently, through interviews with 31 architects of the University of São Paulo's College of Architecture and Urbanism (FAUUSP) that graduated between the years of 1986 and 1990. The first period is particularly significant, since the architect's work experienced considerable changes during these 15 years following the dissemination of information. The second period is interesting, because of the consolidation of electronic instruments in the production of architectural design. This will be relevant as a factor that modifies the organization of the architect's work, contributing to the unsound nature of its labor relations. The hypothesis is that the tensions between art, technology and the market, seen in professional practice since the Renaissance, are exacerbated under the present conditions of production

    Desafios do desenvolvimento socioeconômico no Brasil: desigualdade e concentração de renda em âmbito municipal no Estado de São Paulo / Challenges of socioeconomic development in Brazil: inequality and concentration of income in the municipal sphere in the State of São Paulo

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    No Brasil, a desigualdade e a concentração de renda se faz presente em todo território, não sendo diferente em âmbito municipal, onde são fortes as características de subdesenvolvimento nos municípios predominantemente ligados às atividades rurais e com baixo número de habitantes. Em que pese a melhora nas condições de vida da sociedade brasileira, de modo geral, notadamente nas últimas duas décadas, o país ainda é marcado pela carência de igualdades, das mais variadas categorias, e em todas as suas Unidades Federativas. Essa pesquisa se limita a analisar a desigualdade e concentração de renda entre os municípios do Estado de São Paulo, com o objetivo de mensurar a discrepância existente entre eles em termos de desenvolvimento, partindo de um indicador já consolidado: o Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano. Adicionalmente a esse indicadorsão apresentados e analisados outros dois, a saber: PIB per capita e Índice de Gini. Ao final, evidencia-se a necessidade de políticas públicas de desenvolvimento local, bem como mudanças institucionais na política econômica do país