140 research outputs found

    Homme Improvement

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    WRIT 2004, Writing in Digital CulturesLA&PS 2018 Writing Prize Finalists, 2nd Year Winne

    Hardness vs. (Very Little) Structure in Cryptography: A Multi-Prover Interactive Proofs Perspective

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    The hardness of highly-structured computational problems gives rise to a variety of public-key primitives. On one hand, the structure exhibited by such problems underlies the basic functionality of public-key primitives, but on the other hand it may endanger public-key cryptography in its entirety via potential algorithmic advances. This subtle interplay initiated a fundamental line of research on whether structure is inherently necessary for cryptography, starting with Rudich\u27s early work (PhD Thesis \u2788) and recently leading to that of Bitansky, Degwekar and Vaikuntanathan (CRYPTO \u2717). Identifying the structure of computational problems with their corresponding complexity classes, Bitansky et al. proved that a variety of public-key primitives (e.g., public-key encryption, oblivious transfer and even functional encryption) cannot be used in a black-box manner to construct either any hard language that has NP\mathsf{NP}-verifiers both for the language itself and for its complement, or any hard language (and even promise problem) that has a statistical zero-knowledge proof system -- corresponding to hardness in the structured classes NPcoNP\mathsf{NP} \cap \mathsf{coNP} or SZK\mathsf{SZK}, respectively, from a black-box perspective. In this work we prove that the same variety of public-key primitives do not inherently require even very little structure in a black-box manner: We prove that they do not imply any hard language that has multi-prover interactive proof systems both for the language and for its complement -- corresponding to hardness in the class MIPcoMIP\mathsf{MIP} \cap \mathsf{coMIP} from a black-box perspective. Conceptually, given that MIP=NEXP\mathsf{MIP} = \mathsf{NEXP}, our result rules out languages with very little structure. Additionally, we prove a similar result for collision-resistant hash functions, and more generally for any cryptographic primitive that exists relative to a random oracle. Already the cases of languages that have IP\mathsf{IP} or AM\mathsf{AM} proof systems both for the language itself and for its complement, which we rule out as immediate corollaries, lead to intriguing insights. For the case of IP\mathsf{IP}, where our result can be circumvented using non-black-box techniques, we reveal a gap between black-box and non-black-box techniques. For the case of AM\mathsf{AM}, where circumventing our result via non-black-box techniques would be a major development, we both strengthen and unify the proofs of Bitansky et al. for languages that have NP\mathsf{NP}-verifiers both for the language itself and for its complement and for languages that have a statistical zero-knowledge proof system

    Generic-Group Identity-Based Encryption: A Tight Impossibility Result

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    Following the pioneering work of Boneh and Franklin (CRYPTO \u2701), the challenge of constructing an identity-based encryption scheme based on the Diffie-Hellman assumption remained unresolved for more than 15 years. Evidence supporting this lack of success was provided by Papakonstantinou, Rackoff and Vahlis (ePrint \u2712), who ruled out the existence of generic-group identity-based encryption schemes supporting an identity space of sufficiently large polynomial size. Nevertheless, the breakthrough result of D{ö}ttling and Garg (CRYPTO \u2717) settled this long-standing challenge via a non-generic construction. We prove a tight impossibility result for generic-group identity-based encryption, ruling out the existence of any non-trivial construction: We show that any scheme whose public parameters include nppn_{\sf pp} group elements may support at most nppn_{\sf pp} identities. This threshold is trivially met by any generic-group public-key encryption scheme whose public keys consist of a single group element (e.g., ElGamal encryption). In the context of algebraic constructions, generic realizations are often both conceptually simpler and more efficient than non-generic ones. Thus, identifying exact thresholds for the limitations of generic groups is not only of theoretical significance but may in fact have practical implications when considering concrete security parameters

    An Information-Theoretic Proof of the Streaming Switching Lemma for Symmetric Encryption

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    Motivated by a fundamental paradigm in cryptography, we consider a recent variant of the classic problem of bounding the distinguishing advantage between a random function and a random permutation. Specifically, we consider the problem of deciding whether a sequence of qq values was sampled uniformly with or without replacement from [N][N], where the decision is made by a streaming algorithm restricted to using at most ss bits of internal memory. In this work, the distinguishing advantage of such an algorithm is measured by the KL divergence between the distributions of its output as induced under the two cases. We show that for any s=Ω(logN)s=\Omega(\log N) the distinguishing advantage is upper bounded by O(qs/N)O(q \cdot s / N), and even by O(qs/NlogN)O(q \cdot s / N \log N) when qN1ϵq \leq N^{1 - \epsilon} for any constant ϵ>0\epsilon > 0 where it is nearly tight with respect to the KL divergence

    From Minicrypt to Obfustopia via Private-Key Functional Encryption

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    Private-key functional encryption enables fine-grained access to symmetrically-encrypted data. Although private-key functional encryption (supporting an unbounded number of keys and ciphertexts) seems significantly weaker than its public-key variant, its known realizations all rely on public-key functional encryption. At the same time, however, up until recently it was not known to imply any public-key primitive, demonstrating our poor understanding of this extremely-useful primitive. Recently, Bitansky et al. [TCC \u2716B] showed that sub-exponentially-secure private-key function encryption bridges from nearly-exponential security in Minicrypt to slightly super-polynomial security in Cryptomania, and from sub-exponential security in Cryptomania to Obfustopia. Specifically, given any sub-exponentially-secure private-key functional encryption scheme and a nearly-exponentially-secure one-way function, they constructed a public-key encryption scheme with slightly super-polynomial security. Assuming, in addition, a sub-exponentially-secure public-key encryption scheme, they then constructed an indistinguishability obfuscator. We settle the problem of positioning private-key functional encryption within the hierarchy of cryptographic primitives by placing it in Obfustopia. First, given any quasi-polynomially-secure private-key functional encryption scheme, we construct an indistinguishability obfuscator for circuits with inputs of poly-logarithmic length. Then, we observe that such an obfuscator can be used to instantiate many natural applications of indistinguishability obfuscation. Specifically, relying on sub-exponentially-secure one-way functions, we show that quasi-polynomially-secure private-key functional encryption implies not just public-key encryption but leads all the way to public-key functional encryption for circuits with inputs of poly-logarithmic length. Moreover, relying on sub-exponentially-secure injective one-way functions, we show that quasi-polynomially-secure private-key functional encryption implies a hard-on-average distribution over instances of a PPAD-complete problem. Underlying our constructions is a new transformation from single-input functional encryption to multi-input functional encryption in the private-key setting. The previously known such transformation [Brakerski et al., EUROCRYPT \u2716] required a sub-exponentially-secure single-input scheme, and obtained a scheme supporting only a slightly super-constant number of inputs. Our transformation both relaxes the underlying assumption and supports more inputs: Given any quasi-polynomially-secure single-input scheme, we obtain a scheme supporting a poly-logarithmic number of inputs

    On Constructing One-Way Permutations from Indistinguishability Obfuscation

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    We prove that there is no black-box construction of a one-way permutation family from a one-way function and an indistinguishability obfuscator for the class of all oracle-aided circuits, where the construction is domain invariant (i.e., where each permutation may have its own domain, but these domains are independent of the underlying building blocks). Following the framework of Asharov and Segev (FOCS \u2715), by considering indistinguishability obfuscation for oracle-aided circuits we capture the common techniques that have been used so far in constructions based on indistinguishability obfuscation. These include, in particular, non-black-box techniques such as the punctured programming approach of Sahai and Waters (STOC \u2714) and its variants, as well as sub-exponential security assumptions. For example, we fully capture the construction of a trapdoor permutation family from a one-way function and an indistinguishability obfuscator due to Bitansky, Paneth and Wichs (TCC \u2716). Their construction is not domain invariant and our result shows that this, somewhat undesirable property, is unavoidable using the common techniques. In fact, we observe that constructions which are not domain invariant circumvent all known negative results for constructing one-way permutations based on one-way functions, starting with Rudich\u27s seminal work (PhD thesis \u2788). We revisit this classic and fundamental problem, and resolve this somewhat surprising gap by ruling out all such black-box constructions -- even those that are not domain invariant

    Hierarchical Functional Encryption

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    Functional encryption provides fine-grained access control for encrypted data, allowing each user to learn only specific functions of the encrypted data. We study the notion of \emph{hierarchical} functional encryption, which augments functional encryption with \emph{delegation} capabilities, offering significantly more expressive access control. We present a {\em generic transformation} that converts any general-purpose public-key functional encryption scheme into a hierarchical one without relying on any additional assumptions. This significantly refines our understanding of the power of functional encryption, showing (somewhat surprisingly) that the existence of functional encryption is equivalent to that of its hierarchical generalization. Instantiating our transformation with the existing functional encryption schemes yields a variety of hierarchical schemes offering various trade-offs between their delegation capabilities (i.e., the depth and width of their hierarchical structures) and underlying assumptions. When starting with a scheme secure against an unbounded number of collusions, we can support \emph{arbitrary} hierarchical structures. In addition, even when starting with schemes that are secure against a bounded number of collusions (which are known to exist under rather minimal assumptions such as the existence of public-key encryption and shallow pseudorandom generators), we can support hierarchical structures of bounded depth and width

    Public-Key Cryptosystems Resilient to Key Leakage

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    Most of the work in the analysis of cryptographic schemes is concentrated in abstract adversarial models that do not capture {\em side-channel attacks}. Such attacks exploit various forms of unintended information leakage, which is inherent to almost all physical implementations. Inspired by recent side-channel attacks, especially the ``cold boot attacks\u27\u27 of Halderman et al. (USENIX Security \u2708), Akavia, Goldwasser and Vaikuntanathan (TCC \u2709) formalized a realistic framework for modeling the security of encryption schemes against a wide class of side-channel attacks in which adversarially chosen functions of the secret key are leaked. In the setting of public-key encryption, Akavia et al. showed that Regev\u27s lattice-based scheme (STOC \u2705) is resilient to any leakage of L / \polylog(L) bits, where LL is the length of the secret key. In this paper we revisit the above-mentioned framework and our main results are as follows: -- We present a generic construction of a public-key encryption scheme that is resilient to key leakage from any {\em universal hash proof system}. The construction does not rely on additional computational assumptions, and the resulting scheme is as efficient as the underlying proof system. Existing constructions of such proof systems imply that our construction can be based on a variety of number-theoretic assumptions, including the decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption (and its progressively weaker dd-Linear variants), the quadratic residuosity assumption, and Paillier\u27s composite residuosity assumption. -- We construct a new hash proof system based on the decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption (and its dd-Linear variants), and show that the resulting scheme is resilient to any leakage of L(1o(1))L(1 - o(1)) bits. In addition, we prove that the recent scheme of Boneh et al. (CRYPTO \u2708), constructed to be a ``circular-secure\u27\u27 encryption scheme, fits our generic approach and is also resilient to any leakage of L(1o(1))L(1 - o(1)) bits. -- We extend the framework of key leakage to the setting of chosen-ciphertext attacks. On the theoretical side, we prove that the Naor-Yung paradigm is applicable in this setting as well, and obtain as a corollary encryption schemes that are CCA2-secure with any leakage of L(1o(1))L(1 - o(1)) bits. On the practical side, we prove that variants of the Cramer-Shoup cryptosystem (along the lines of our generic construction) are CCA1-secure with any leakage of L/4L/4 bits, and CCA2-secure with any leakage of L/6L/6 bits