227 research outputs found

    Chern numbers for fermionic quadrupole systems

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    The authors analyse families of quantum quadrupole Hamiltonians H= Sigma alpha beta Qalpha beta Jalpha Jbeta for half-odd-integer spin, and calculate the second Chern numbers of the energy levels. Each non-zero integer occurs only a finite number of times. The adiabatic time evolution, the non-Abelian generalisation of Berry's phase, is different for each system, in contrast to Berry's example. The j=3/2 and j=1/2 cases previously analysed are the only ones with self-dual curvatures and SO(5) symmetry

    Space Shuttle orbiter modifications to support Space Station Freedom

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    The Space Shuttle will be the primary vehicle to support the launch, assembly, and maintenance of the Space Station Freedom (SSF). In order to accommodate this function, the Space Shuttle orbiter will require significant modifications. These modifications are currently in development in the Space Shuttle Program. The requirements for the planned modifications to the Space Shuttle orbiter are dependent on the design of the SSF. Therefore, extensive coordination is required with the Space Station Freedom Program (SSFP) in order to identify requirements and resolve integration issues. This paper describes the modifications to the Space Shuttle orbiter required to support SSF assembly and operations

    An Ugaritic text related to the fertility cult (KTU 1. 23)

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    A contextual interpretation is applied to a tablet in alphabetic cuneiform from the 14th cent. B.C., found at Ras Shamra-Ugarit in Northern Syria, published in 1933. This ancient Canaanite text "Birth of Gracious Gods" contains a liturgical introduction and an epic poem: The god Il fathered sons from two wives. This fertility ritual was compared to other rites, such as hydrophoria - this connection is rather tenuous - and sacred marriage. It was also explained as a reflection of the progress of human society toward agriculture. Even after successful efforts in general interpretation, further studies of details are needed. The parallel expressions "seven years" - "eight cycles" indicate not an exact, but a considerable interval of time. Two gods "Dawn" and "Dusk" were sons of different mothers, but they were born from the same father at the same time; thus they may - as functional twins - be helpful in assuring abundant rains.peer-reviewe

    Flat Minima in Linear Estimation and an Extended Gauss Markov Theorem

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    We consider the problem of linear estimation, and establish an extension of the Gauss-Markov theorem, in which the bias operator is allowed to be non-zero but bounded with respect to a matrix norm of Schatten type. We derive simple and explicit formulas for the optimal estimator in the cases of Nuclear and Spectral norms (with the Frobenius case recovering ridge regression). Additionally, we analytically derive the generalization error in multiple random matrix ensembles, and compare with Ridge regression. Finally, we conduct an extensive simulation study, in which we show that the cross-validated Nuclear and Spectral regressors can outperform Ridge in several circumstances

    Ethnicized recruiting from a practice theory perspective

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    Obwohl der „Nationale Aktionsplan für Integration“ die erfolgreiche Integration als zentrale gesellschaftliche Aufgabe formuliert hat und obwohl in den vergangenen Jahren in Österreich eine ganze Reihe Einzelmaßnahmen auch auf dem Arbeitsmarkt in Angriff genommen wurden, zeigen sich nach wie vor Probleme bei der Erwerbsintegration von MigrantInnen und deren Kindern. Man kann diesen Befund auf der Ebene des nationalen Migrationsregimes erklären, welches ungeachtet seiner Entwicklung im Europäischen Vergleich als nachholbedürftig charakterisiert wird. Hier wird hingegen die Theorie sozialer Praktiken gewählt. Aus dieser Forschungsperspektive wird am Beispiel von Einstellungsgesprächen diskutiert, auf welche Art und Weise inklusive, marginalisierende oder exklusive Bewertungen von MigrantInnen zustande kommen. Besonderes Augenmerk wird auf Bewerbungsgespräche gelegt, in denen die ManagerInnen MigrantInnen nicht bewusst diskriminieren, ein solches Vorgehen sogar ablehnen, in denen aber dennoch die Leistungspotenziale von MigrantInnen abgewertet werden. Unterschieden wird zwischen der Abwertung von Personen mit Migrationshintergrund und der Abwertung von bestimmten Praktiken der Selbstrepräsentation als zwei Formen des "Othering“ in Jobinterviews. (Autorenreferat)Austria issued in 2010, later than other countries, a “National Action Plan for Integration” and is developing several measures for migrants’ and their children’ inclusion including the labor market. However, several ethnic groups undeniably face limited access to the labor market. The unequal job opportunities of immigrants and minorities can be analyzed from different perspectives. In this paper a practice theory perspective is preferred. Ethnicized recruiting practices, such as in job interviews or other recruiting practices, shape this process of social marginalization of minorities or even exclusion of some social groups. This paper focuses on that issue. Recruiting in job interviews is seen as specific discourse that represent and value persons and/or practices in a specific setting. Job interviews can include doings and sayings that classify persons as a less-worthy “other” or indirectly affect ethnic minorities. Practices can change towards inviting these people to express and communicate in a way that leads to a more inclusive recruitment. (author's abstract

    Can Public Bike Sharing Systems Encourage Migrant Women to Use Bicycles?

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    To increase the number of cyclists more detailed knowledge about potential user groups is required. This article provides empirical results on one such potential user group: migrant women who did not learn to cycle in their childhood but then trained in adult cycling courses. We argue that many of these migrant women interested in cycling will not own bikes even after successfully finishing the course. This article considers whether and how the use of public bike schemes (PBS) can bridge this gap between (re-)starting cycling and owning a bike. In an experimental setting, a PBS-training-module was tested and a survey among migrant cycling course participants was conducted

    Mass Manufacturing of Small Satellites, Gearing up for the Henry Ford Moment

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    The trend towards (mega) constellations among small satellites is unbroken. Instead of yesterday\u27s satellites that were often not much more than prototypes the new space business models require a nothing less than a change of how satellites are being produced. The situation is thus not unlike those of the car industry in the early 20th century. Berlin Space Technologies (Germany), a global leader in small satellite systems has teamed up with Azista Industries (India) to build a factory to mass manufacture small satellites in the range of 50-150kg in India. The Joint venture is currently building a pioneer facility that has an annual production capability of up to 250 satellites. Due to the highly parallelized approach the facility can easily be extended to cover annual production rates of more than 1000 satellites a year. The factory is placed in Ahmedabad close to ISROs Space Application Centre / SAC (3.5 miles) and offers 50,000 square feet floor space. The brick works have been finished in 2018 and currently the interior furnishing of the clean rooms is underway. The first satellite will be assembled in the factory in late 2019. After that the production capability will be increased to reach the target production rate end of 2021
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