69 research outputs found

    PPARγ and MEK Interactions in Cancer

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    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPARγ) exerts multiple functions in determination of cell fate, tissue metabolism, and host immunity. Two synthetic PPARγ ligands (rosiglitazone and pioglitazone) were approved for the therapy of type-2 diabetes mellitus and are expected to serve as novel cures for inflammatory diseases and cancer. However, PPARγ and its ligands exhibit a janus-face behaviour as tumor modulators in various systems, resulting in either tumor suppression or tumor promotion. This may be in part due to signaling crosstalk to the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades. The genomic activity of PPARγ is modulated, in addition to ligand binding, by phosphorylation of a serine residue by MAPKs, such as extracellular signal-regulated protein kinases-1/2 (ERK-1/2), or by nucleocytoplasmic compartmentalization through the ERK activators MAPK kinases-1/2 (MEK-1/2). PPARγ ligands themselves activate the ERK cascade through nongenomic and often PPARγ-independent signaling. In the current review, we discuss the molecular mechanisms and physiological implications of the crosstalk of PPARγ with MEK-ERK signaling and its potential as a novel drug target for cancer therapy in patients

    ERK1c regulates Golgi fragmentation during mitosis

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    Extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1c (ERK1c) is an alternatively spliced form of ERK1 that is regulated differently than other ERK isoforms. We studied the Golgi functions of ERK1c and found that it plays a role in MEK-induced mitotic Golgi fragmentation. Thus, in late G2 and mitosis of synchronized cells, the expression and activity of ERK1c was increased and it colocalized mainly with Golgi markers. Small interfering RNA of ERK1c significantly attenuated, whereas ERK1c overexpression facilitated, mitotic Golgi fragmentation. These effects were also reflected in mitotic progression, indicating that ERK1c is involved in cell cycle regulation via modulation of Golgi fragmentation. Although ERK1 was activated in mitosis as well, it could not replace ERK1c in regulating Golgi fragmentation. Therefore, MEKs regulate mitosis via all three ERK isoforms, where ERK1c acts specifically in the Golgi, whereas ERK1 and 2 regulate other mitosis-related processes. Thus, ERK1c extends the specificity of the Ras-MEK cascade by activating ERK1/2-independent processes

    Pigment Epithelium-Derived Factor and its Phosphomimetic Mutant Induce JNK-Dependent Apoptosis and P38-Mediated Migration Arrest

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    Background/Aims: Pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) is a potent endogenous inhibitor of angiogenesis, and a promising anticancer agent. We have previously shown that PEDF can be phosphorylated, and that distinct phosphorylations differentially regulate its physiological functions. We also demonstrated that triple phosphomimetic mutant (EEE-PEDF), has significantly increased antiangiogenic activity, and is much more efficient than WT-PEDF in inhibiting neovascularization and tumor growth. The enhanced antiangiogenic effect was associated with a direct ability to facilitate apoptosis of tumor-residing endothelial cells (EC), and subsequently, disruption of intratumoral vascularization. In the present report, we elucidated the molecular mechanism by which EEE-PEDF exerts more profound effects at the cellular level. Methods: Here we used Western blotting, as well as in vitro binding, proliferation, apoptosis and migration assays to follow the signaling components responsible for the PEDF and EEE-PEDF effects. Results: We found that EEE-PEDF suppresses EC proliferation due to caspase-3-dependent apoptosis, and also inhibits migration of the EC much better than WT-PEDF. Although WT-PEDF and EEE-PEDF did not affect proliferation and did not induce apoptosis of cancer cells, these agents efficiently inhibited cancer cell motility, with EEE-PEDF showing stronger effect. The stronger activity of EEE-PEDF was correlated to a better binding to laminin receptors. Furthermore, the proapoptotic and antimigratory activities of WT-PEDF and EEE-PEDF were found respectively regulated by differential activation of two distinct MAPK pathways, namely JNK and p38. We show that JNK and p38 phosphorylation is much higher in cells treated with EEE-PEDF. JNK leads to apoptosis of ECs, while p38 leads to antimigratory effect in both EC and cancer cells. Conclusion: These results reveal the molecular signaling mechanism by which the phosphorylated PEDF exerts its stronger antiangiogenic, antitumor activities

    Detection of partially phosphorylated forms of ERK by monoclonal antibodies reveals spatial regulation of ERK activity by phosphatases

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    AbstractWhen cells are stimulated by mitogens, extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) is activated by phosphorylation of its regulatory threonine (Thr) and tyrosine (Tyr) residues. The inactivation of ERK may occur by phosphatase-mediated removal of the phosphates from these Tyr, Thr or both residues together. In this study, antibodies that selectively recognize all combinations of phosphorylation of the regulatory Thr and Tyr residues of ERK were developed, and used to study the inactivation of ERK upon mitogenic stimulation. We found that inactivation of ERK in the early stages of mitogenic stimulation involves separate Thr and Tyr phosphatases which operate differently in the nucleus and in the cytoplasm. Thus, ERK is differentially regulated in various subcellular compartments to secure proper length and strength of activation, which eventually determine the physiological outcome of many external signals

    Gq-Induced Apoptosis is Mediated by AKT Inhibition That Leads to PKC-Induced JNK Activation

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    Background/Aims: Gq protein-coupled receptors (GqPCRs) regulate various cellular processes including mainly proliferation and differentiation. In a previous study, we found that in prostate cancer cells, the GqPCR of GnRH induces apoptosis by reducing the PKC-dependent AKT activity and elevating JNK phosphorylation. Since it was thought that GqPCR induces mainly activation of AKT, we undertook to examine how general is this phenomenon and understand its signaling. Methods: We used various cells to follow the phosphorylation of signaling components using western blotting. Results: In a screen of 21 cell lines, we found that PKC activation results in the reduction of AKT activity, which correlates nicely to JNK activation and in some cases to apoptosis. To further understand the signaling pathways involved in this stimulation, we studied in detail the SVOG-4O and αT3-1 cells. We found that PGF2α and GnRH agonist (GnRH-a) indeed induce significant Gq- and PKC- dependent apoptosis in these cells. This is mediated by two signaling branches downstream of PKC, which converge at the level of MLK3 upstream of JNK. One branch consists on c-Src activation of the JNK cascade and the second involves reduction of AKT activity that alleviates its inhibitory effect on MLK3, to allow the flow of the c-Src signal to JNK. At the MAPKK level, we found that the signal is transmitted by MKK7 and not MKK4. Conclusion: Our results present a general mechanism that mediates a GqPCR-induced, death receptors-independent, apoptosis in physiological, as well as cancer-related systems

    Detection of ERK activation by a novel monoclonal antibody

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    AbstractThe mitogen-activated protein kinase, ERK is activated by a dual phosphorylation on threonine and tyrosine residues. Using a synthetic diphospho peptide, we have generated a monoclonal antibody directed to the active ERK. The antibody specifically identified the active doubly phosphorylated, but not the inactive mono- or non- phosphorylated forms of ERKs. A direct correlation was observed between ERK activity and the intensity in Western blot of mitogen-activated protein kinases from several species. The antibody was proven suitable for immunofluorescence staining, revealing a transient reactivity with ERKs that were translocated to the nucleus upon stimulation. In conclusion, the antibody can serve as a useful tool in the study of ERK signaling in a wide variety of organisms

    Intrinsically active MEK variants are differentially regulated by proteinases and phosphatases

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    MAPK/ERK kinase (MEK) 1/2 are central signaling proteins that serve as specificity determinants of the MAPK/ERK cascade. More than twenty activating mutations have been reported for MEK1/2, and many of them are known to cause diseases such as cancers, arteriovenous malformation and RASopathies. Changes in their intrinsic activity do not seem to correlate with the severity of the diseases. Here we studied four MEK1/2 mutations using biochemical and molecular dynamic methods. Although the studied mutants elevated the activating phosphorylation of MEK they had no effect on the stimulated ERK1/2 phosphorylation. Studying the regulatory mechanism that may explain this lack of effect, we found that one type of mutation affects MEK stability and two types of mutations demonstrate a reduced sensitivity to PP2A. Together, our results indicate that some MEK mutations exert their function not only by their elevated intrinsic activity, but also by modulation of regulatory elements such as protein stability or dephosphorylation.We would like to thanks Mrs. Shira Wexler for her help in producing Fig. 7F. This study was supported by grants from ISF to RS. RS is an incumbent of the Yale S. Lewine and Ella Miller Lewine professorial chair for cancer research. CP acknowledges Severo Ochoa grant (SEV-2015-0493) for financial support. FLG acknowledges EPSRC [grant no EP/P022138/1; EP/P011306/1; EP/M013898/1] for financial support. HecBioSim [EPSRC grant no EP/P022138/1], Archer, JADE, the Hartree Centre, the Barcelona Supercomputing Center and PRACE are acknowledged for computer time. JF-R acknowledges Spanish MICINN grant [number BIO2016-79930-R] for financial support.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Activation of Signaling Cascades by Weak Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields

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    Background/Aims: Results from recent studies suggest that extremely low frequency magnetic fields (ELF-MF) interfere with intracellular signaling pathways related to proliferative control. The mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), central signaling components that regulate essentially all stimulated cellular processes, include the extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1/2 (ERK1/2) that are extremely sensitive to extracellular cues. Anti-phospho-ERK antibodies serve as a readout for ERK1/2 activation and are able to detect minute changes in ERK stimulation. The objective of this study was to explore whether activation of ERK1/2 and other signaling cascades can be used as a readout for responses of a variety of cell types, both transformed and non-transformed, to ELF-MF. Methods: We applied ELF-MF at various field strengths and time periods to eight different cell types with an exposure system housed in a tissue culture incubator and followed the phosphorylation of MAPKs and Akt by western blotting. Results: We found that the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 is increased in response to ELF-MF. However, the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 is likely too low to induce ELF-MF-dependent proliferation or oncogenic transformation. The p38 MAPK was very slightly phosphorylated, but JNK or Akt were not. The effect on ERK1/2 was detected for exposures to ELF-MF strengths as low as 0.15 µT and was maximal at ∼10 µT. We also show that ERK1/2 phosphorylation is blocked by the flavoprotein inhibitor diphenyleneiodonium, indicating that the response to ELF-MF may be exerted via NADP oxidase similar to the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 in response to microwave radiation. Conclusions: Our results further indicate that cells are responsive to ELF-MF at field strengths much lower than previously suspected and that the effect may be mediated by NADP oxidase. However, the small increase in ERK1/2 phosphorylation is probably insufficient to affect proliferation and oncogenic transformation. Therefore, the results cannot be regarded as proof of the involvement of ELF-MF in cancer in general or childhood leukemia in particular

    Calcium Regulation of EGF-Induced ERK5 Activation: Role of Lad1-MEKK2 Interaction

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    The ERK5 cascade is a MAPK pathway that transmits both mitogenic and stress signals, yet its mechanism of activation is not fully understood. Using intracellular calcium modifiers, we found that ERK5 activation by EGF is inhibited both by the depletion and elevation of intracellular calcium levels. This calcium effect was found to occur upstream of MEKK2, which is the MAP3K of the ERK5 cascade. Co-immunoprecipitation revealed that EGF increases MEKK2 binding to the adaptor protein Lad1, and this interaction was reduced by the intracellular calcium modifiers, indicating that a proper calcium concentration is required for the interactions and transmission of EGF signals to ERK5. In vitro binding assays revealed that the proper calcium concentration is required for a direct binding of MEKK2 to Lad1. The binding of these proteins is not affected by c-Src-mediated phosphorylation on Lad1, but slightly affects the Tyr phosphorylation of MEKK2, suggesting that the interaction with Lad1 is necessary for full Tyr phosphorylation of MEKK2. In addition, we found that changes in calcium levels affect the EGF-induced nuclear translocation of MEKK2 and thereby its effect on the nuclear ERK5 activity. Taken together, these findings suggest that calcium is required for EGF-induced ERK5 activation, and this effect is probably mediated by securing proper interaction of MEKK2 with the upstream adaptor protein Lad1