1,636 research outputs found

    Free electron lasers for transmission of energy in space

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    A one-dimensional resonant-particle model of a free electron laser (FEL) is used to calculate laser gain and conversion efficiency of electron energy to photon energy. The optical beam profile for a resonant optical cavity is included in the model as an axial variation of laser intensity. The electron beam profile is matched to the optical beam profile and modeled as an axial variation of current density. Effective energy spread due to beam emittance is included. Accelerators appropriate for a space-based FEL oscillator are reviewed. Constraints on the concentric optical resonator and on systems required for space operation are described. An example is given of a space-based FEL that would produce 1.7 MW of average output power at 0.5 micrometer wavelength with over 50% conversion efficiency of electrical energy to laser energy. It would utilize a 10 m-long amplifier centered in a 200 m-long optical cavity. A 3-amp, 65 meV electrostatic accelerator would provide the electron beam and recover the beam after it passes through the amplifier. Three to five shuttle flights would be needed to place the laser in orbit

    Compensation in epitaxial cubic SiC films

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    Hall measurements on four n-type cubic SiC films epitaxially grown by chemical vapor deposition on SiC substrates are reported. The temperature dependent carrier concentrations indicate that the samples are highly compensated. Donor ionization energies, E sub D, are less than one half the values previously reported. The values for E sub D and the donor concentration N sub D, combined with results for small bulk platelets with nitrogen donors, suggest the relation E sub D (N sub D) = E sub D(O) - alpha N sub N sup 1/3 for cubic SiC. A curve fit gives alpha is approx 2.6x10/5 meV cm and E sub D (O) approx 48 meV, which is the generally accepted value of E sub D(O) for nitrogen donors in cubic SiC

    Diffraction in low-energy electron scattering from DNA: bridging gas phase and solid state theory

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    Using high-quality gas phase electron scattering calculations and multiple scattering theory, we attempt to gain insights on the radiation damage to DNA induced by secondary low-energy electrons in the condensed phase, and to bridge the existing gap with the gas phase theory and experiments. The origin of different resonant features (arising from single molecules or diffraction) is discussed and the calculations are compared to existing experiments in thin films.Comment: 40 pages preprint, 12 figures, submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    Fingering instability down the outside of a vertical cylinder

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    We present an experimental and numerical study examining the dynamics of a gravity-driven contact line of a thin viscous film traveling down the outside of a vertical cylinder of radius R. Experiments on cylinders with radii ranging between 0.159 and 3.81 cm show that the contact line is unstable to a fingering pattern for two fluids with differing viscosities, surface tensions, and wetting properties. The dynamics of the contact line is studied and results are compared to previous studies of inclined plane experiments in order to understand the influence substrate curvature plays on the fingering pattern. A lubrication model is derived for the film height in the limit that ¼ H=R ( 1, where H is the upstream film thickness, and in terms of a Bond number qgR 3 /(cH), and the linear stability of the contact line is analyzed using traveling wave solutions. Curvature controls the capillary ridge height of the traveling wave and the range of unstable wavelength when ¼ Oð10 À1 Þ, whereas the shape and stability of the contact line converge to the behavior one observes on a vertical plane when Oð10 À2 Þ. The most unstable wave mode, cutoff wave mode for neutral stability, and maximum growth rate scale as c Bo 0:45 where c Bo ¼ qgR 2 =c ! 1:3, and the contact line is unstable to fingering when c Bo ! 0:56. Using the experimental data to extrapolate outside the range of validity of the thin film model, we estimate the contact line is stable when c Bo < 0:56. Agreement is excellent between the model and the experimental data for the wave number (i.e., number of fingers) and wavelength of the fingering pattern that forms along the contact line

    Coherent Control for a Two-level System Coupled to Phonons

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    The interband polarizations induced by two phase-locked pulses in a semiconductor show strong interference effects depending on the time tau_1 separating the pulses. The four-wave mixing signal diffracted from a third pulse delayed by tau is coherently controlled by tuning tau_1. The four-wave mixing response is evaluated exactly for a two-level system coupled to a single LO phonon. In the weak coupling regime it shows oscillations with the phonon frequency which turn into sharp peaks at multiples of the phonon period for a larger coupling strength. Destructive interferences between the two phase-locked pulses produce a splitting of the phonon peaks into a doublet. For fixed tau but varying tau_1 the signal shows rapid oscillations at the interband-transition frequency, whose amplitude exhibits bursts at multiples of the phonon period.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, RevTex, content change

    Correspondence between structure and function in the human brain at rest

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    To further understanding of basic and complex cognitive functions, previous connectome research has identified functional and structural connections of the human brain. Functional connectivity is often measured by using resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) and is generally interpreted as an indirect measure of neuronal activity. Gray matter (GM) primarily consists of neuronal and glia cell bodies; therefore, it is surprising that the majority of connectome research has excluded GM measures. Therefore, we propose that by exploring where GM corresponds to function would aid in the understanding of both structural and functional connectivity and in turn the human connectome. A cohort of 603 healthy participants underwent structural and functional scanning on the same 3 T scanner at the Mind Research Network. To investigate the spatial correspondence between structure and function, spatial independent component analysis (ICA) was applied separately to both GM density (GMD) maps and to rs-fMRI data. ICA of GM delineates structural components based on the covariation of GMD regions among subjects. For the rs-fMRI data, ICA identified spatial patterns with common temporal features. These decomposed structural and functional components were then compared by spatial correlation. Basal ganglia components exhibited the highest structural to resting-state functional spatial correlation (r = 0.59). Cortical components generally show correspondence between a single structural component and several resting-state functional components. We also studied relationships between the weights of different structural components and identified the precuneus as a hub in GMD structural network correlations. In addition, we analyzed relationships between component weights, age, and gender; concluding that age has a significant effect on structural components

    Gene expression analysis on small numbers of invasive cells collected by chemotaxis from primary mammary tumors of the mouse

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    BACKGROUND: cDNA microarrays have the potential to identify the genes involved in invasion and metastasis. However, when used with whole tumor tissue, the results average the expression patterns of different cell types. We have combined chemotaxis-based cell collection of the invasive subpopulation of cells within the primary tumor with array-based gene expression analysis to identify the genes necessary for the process of carcinoma cell invasion. RESULTS: Invasive cells were collected from live primary tumors using microneedles containing chemotactic growth factors to mimic chemotactic signals thought to be present in the primary tumor. When used with mammary tumors of rats and mice, carcinoma cells and macrophages constitute the invasive cell population. Microbeads conjugated with monoclonal anti-CD11b (Mac-1α) antibodies were used to separate macrophages from carcinoma cells. We utilized PCR-based cDNA amplification from small number of cells and compared it to the quality and complexity of conventionally generated cDNA to determine if amplified cDNA could be used with fidelity for array analysis of this cell population. These techniques showed a very high level of correlation indicating that the PCR based amplification technique yields a cDNA population that resembles, with high fidelity, the original template population present in the small number of cells used to prepare the cDNA for use with the chip. CONCLUSIONS: The specific collection of invasive cells from a primary tumor and the analysis of gene expression in these cells are is now possible. By further comparing the gene expression patterns of cells collected by invasion into microneedles with that of carcinoma cells obtained from the whole primary tumor, the blood, and whole metastatic tumors, genes that contribute to the invasive process in carcinoma cells may be identified


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    ABSTRACT A non contact optical technique for mapping the surface finish of cylinder bores has been developed, and a probe has been built for performing this mapping by scanning the surface of a cylinder with a laser beam and recording the intensity of scattered light detected as a function of position on the cylinder surface. The probe is not a surface roughness gauge. It is used primarily to distinguish the scattering signatures from different patterns of machining marks. For identical patterns of machining marks scattered light intensity is expected to be proportional to surface roughness. Measurement of a cylinder takes about 10 seconds using this probe. If an array of probes were used to inspect the cylinders of an engine block simultaneously, this technique could be used for 100% inspection of the entire surface of every cylinder of every block at the speed of an engine production line. In this paper we present data from a proof of concept experiment, describe the method of analyzing the data, and outline plans for future implementation of an inspection station on an engine block production line

    Optimal transport on wireless networks

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    We present a study of the application of a variant of a recently introduced heuristic algorithm for the optimization of transport routes on complex networks to the problem of finding the optimal routes of communication between nodes on wireless networks. Our algorithm iteratively balances network traffic by minimizing the maximum node betweenness on the network. The variant we consider specifically accounts for the broadcast restrictions imposed by wireless communication by using a different betweenness measure. We compare the performance of our algorithm to two other known algorithms and find that our algorithm achieves the highest transport capacity both for minimum node degree geometric networks, which are directed geometric networks that model wireless communication networks, and for configuration model networks that are uncorrelated scale-free networks.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure