7,315 research outputs found

    The Spatial Distribution of the Electoral Market

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    Large-scale structure and the redshift-distance relation

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    In efforts to demonstrate the linear Hubble law v = Hr from galaxy observations, the underlying simplicity is often obscured by complexities arising from magnitude-limited data. In this paper we point out a simple but previously unremarked fact: that the shapes and orientations of structures in redshift space contain in themselves independent information about the cosmological redshift-distance relation. The orientations of voids in the CfA slice support the Hubble law, giving a redshift-distance power index p = 0.83 +/- 0.36 (void data from Slezak, de Lapparent, & Bijoui 1993) or p = 0.99 +/- 0.38 (void data from Malik & Subramanian 1997).Comment: 11 pages (AASTeX), 4 figures, to appear in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Confinement effects in a guided-wave interferometer with millimeter-scale arm separation

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    Guided-wave atom interferometers measure interference effects using atoms held in a confining potential. In one common implementation, the confinement is primarily two-dimensional, and the atoms move along the nearly free dimension under the influence of an off-resonant standing wave laser beam. In this configuration, residual confinement along the nominally free axis can introduce a phase gradient to the atoms that limits the arm separation of the interferometer. We experimentally investigate this effect in detail, and show that it can be alleviated by having the atoms undergo a more symmetric motion in the guide. This can be achieved by either using additional laser pulses or by allowing the atoms to freely oscillate in the potential. Using these techniques, we demonstrate interferometer measurement times up to 72 ms and arm separations up to 0.42 mm with a well controlled phase, or times of 0.91 s and separations of 1.7 mm with an uncontrolled phase.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Transition amplitudes and sewing properties for bosons on the Riemann sphere

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    We consider scalar quantum fields on the sphere, both massive and massless. In the massive case we show that the correlation functions define amplitudes which are trace class operators between tensor products of a fixed Hilbert space. We also establish certain sewing properties between these operators. In the massless case we consider exponential fields and have a conformal field theory. In this case the amplitudes are only bilinear forms but still we establish sewing properties. Our results are obtained in a functional integral framework.Comment: 33 page

    Module networks revisited: computational assessment and prioritization of model predictions

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    The solution of high-dimensional inference and prediction problems in computational biology is almost always a compromise between mathematical theory and practical constraints such as limited computational resources. As time progresses, computational power increases but well-established inference methods often remain locked in their initial suboptimal solution. We revisit the approach of Segal et al. (2003) to infer regulatory modules and their condition-specific regulators from gene expression data. In contrast to their direct optimization-based solution we use a more representative centroid-like solution extracted from an ensemble of possible statistical models to explain the data. The ensemble method automatically selects a subset of most informative genes and builds a quantitatively better model for them. Genes which cluster together in the majority of models produce functionally more coherent modules. Regulators which are consistently assigned to a module are more often supported by literature, but a single model always contains many regulator assignments not supported by the ensemble. Reliably detecting condition-specific or combinatorial regulation is particularly hard in a single optimum but can be achieved using ensemble averaging.Comment: 8 pages REVTeX, 6 figure

    Effects of COVID-19 shutdowns on domestic violence in US cities

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    We empirically investigate the impact of COVID-19 shutdowns on domestic violence using incident-level data on both domestic-related calls for service and crime reports of domestic violence assaults from the 18 major US police departments for which both types of records are available. Although we confirm prior reports of an increase in domestic calls for service at the start of the pandemic, we find that the increase preceded mandatory shutdowns, and there was an incremental decline following the government imposition of restrictions. We also find no evidence that domestic violence crimes increased. Rather, police reports of domestic violence assaults declined significantly during the initial shutdown period. There was no significant change in intimate partner homicides during shutdown months and victimization survey reports of intimate partner violence were lower. Our results fail to support claims that shutdowns increased domestic violence and suggest caution before drawing inference or basing policy solely on data from calls to police

    Laser cooling in the Penning trap: an analytical model for cooling rates in the presence of an axializing field

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    Ions stored in Penning traps may have useful applications in the field of quantum information processing. There are, however, difficulties associated with the laser cooling of one of the radial motions of ions in these traps, namely the magnetron motion. The application of a small radio-frequency quadrupolar electric potential resonant with the sum of the two radial motional frequencies has been shown to couple these motions and to lead to more efficient laser cooling. We present an analytical model that enables us to determine laser cooling rates in the presence of such an 'axializing' field. It is found that this field leads to an averaging of the laser cooling rates for the two motions and hence improves the overall laser cooling efficiency. The model also predicts shifts in the motional frequencies due to the axializing field that are in qualitative agreement with those measured in recent experiments. It is possible to determine laser cooling rates experimentally by studying the phase response of the cooled ions to a near resonant excitation field. Using the model developed in this paper, we study the expected phase response when an axializing field is present.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Dynamics of axialized laser-cooled ions in a Penning trap

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    We report the experimental characterization of axialization - a method of reducing the magnetron motion of a small number of ions stored in a Penning trap. This is an important step in the investigation of the suitability of Penning traps for quantum information processing. The magnetron motion was coupled to the laser-cooled modified cyclotron motion by the application of a near-resonant oscillating quadrupole potential (the "axialization drive"). Measurement of cooling rates of the radial motions of the ions showed an order-of-magnitude increase in the damping rate of the magnetron motion with the axialization drive applied. The experimental results are in good qualitative agreement with a recent theoretical study. In particular, a classical avoided crossing was observed in the motional frequencies as the axialization drive frequency was swept through the optimum value, proving that axialization is indeed a resonant effect.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Segal-Bargmann-Fock modules of monogenic functions

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    In this paper we introduce the classical Segal-Bargmann transform starting from the basis of Hermite polynomials and extend it to Clifford algebra-valued functions. Then we apply the results to monogenic functions and prove that the Segal-Bargmann kernel corresponds to the kernel of the Fourier-Borel transform for monogenic functionals. This kernel is also the reproducing kernel for the monogenic Bargmann module.Comment: 11 page
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