522 research outputs found

    Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotope Fractionation Between Brucite and Aqueous NaCl Solutions from 250 to 450°C

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    Hydrogen and oxygen isotope fractionation factors between brucite and aqueous NaCl solutions (1000lnαbr-sw) have been calibrated by experiment from 250 to 450°C at 0.5 Kb. For D/H fractionation, 1000lnα br-sw values are as follows: −32 ± 6‰ (250°C, 3.2 wt% NaCl), −21 ± 2‰ (350°C, 10.0 wt% NaCl), and −22 ± 2‰ (450°C, 3.2 wt% NaCl), indicating that brucite is depleted in D relative to coexisting aqueous NaCl solutions. These results are in good agreement with previous D/H fractionation factors determined in the brucite-water system, indicating that any effects of dissolved salt on D/H fractionation are relatively small, particularly in solutions with near seawater salinity. The maximum salt effect (+4‰) was observed in 10.0 wt% NaCl solutions at 350°C, suggesting that the addition of dissolved NaCl increases the amount of deuterium fractionated into mineral structures. For 18O/16O fractionation, 1000lnαbr-sw values in 3.0 wt% NaCl solutions are −6.0 ± 1.3‰, −5.6 ± 0.7‰ and −4.1 ± 0.2‰, at 250, 350, and 450°C, respectively, and −5.8 ± 0.6‰ in 10.0 wt % NaCl at 350°C. These data indicate that brucite is depleted in 18O relative to coexisting aqueous NaCl solutions and that the degree of depletion decreases slightly with increasing temperature and is not strongly dependent on salinity. We calculated 18O/16O brucite-water fractionation factors from available calibrations of the salt-effect on 18O/16O fractionation between coexisting phases. The resulting values were fit to the following equation that is valid from 250 to 450°C 1000ln αbr-w = 9.54 × 106T−2 − 3.53 × 104T−1 + 26.58 where T is temperature in Kelvins. These new data have been used to improve the prediction of 18O/16O fractionation factors in the talc-water and serpentine-water systems by modifying existing empirical bond-water models. The results of this analysis indicate that the δ18O composition of talc-brucite and serpentine-brucite pairs could be used as a geothermometer and that these coexisting phases should display the following order of 18O enrichment: talc \u3e serpentine \u3e brucite

    Oxygen and hydrogen isotope fractionation in serpentine–water and talc–water systems from 250 to 450°C MPa

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    Oxygen and hydrogen isotope fractionation factors in the talc–water and serpentine–water systems have been determined by laboratory experiment from 250 to 450 °C at 50 MPa using the partial exchange technique. Talc was synthesized from brucite + quartz, resulting in nearly 100% exchange during reaction at 350 and 450 °C. For serpentine, D–H exchange was much more rapid than 18O–16O exchange when natural chrysotile fibers were employed in the initial charge. In experiments with lizardite as the starting charge, recrystallization to chrysotile enhanced the rate of 18O–16O exchange with the coexisting aqueous phase. Oxygen isotope fractionation factors in both the talc–water and serpentine–water systems decrease with increasing temperature and can be described from 250 to 450 °C by the relationships: 1000 ln = 11.70 × 106/T2 − 25.49 × 103/T + 12.48 and 1000 ln = 3.49 × 106/T2 − 9.48 where T is temperature in Kelvin. Over the same temperature interval at 50 MPa, talc–water D–H fractionation is only weakly dependent on temperature, similar to brucite and chlorite, and can be described by the equation: 1000 ln = 10.88 × 106/T2 − 41.52 × 103/T + 5.61 where T is temperature in Kelvin. Our D–H serpentine–water fractionation factors calibrated by experiment decrease with temperature and form a consistent trend with fractionation factors derived from lower temperature field calibrations. By regression of these data, we have refined and extended the D–H fractionation curve from 25 to 450 °C, 50 MPa as follows: 1000 ln = 3.436 × 106/T2 − 34.736 × 103/T + 21.67 where T is temperature in Kelvin. These new data should improve the application of D–H and 18O–16O isotopes to constrain the temperature and origin of hydrothermal fluids responsible for serpentine formation in a variety of geologic settings

    Origin of the magnetic-field dependence of the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation in iron

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    The magnetic-field dependence of the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation at Ir impurities in Fe was measured for fields between 0 and 2 T parallel to the [100] direction. The reliability of the applied technique of nuclear magnetic resonance on oriented nuclei was demonstrated by measurements at different radio-frequency (rf) field strengths. The interpretation of the relaxation curves, which used transition rates to describe the excitation of the nuclear spins by a frequency-modulated rf field, was confirmed by model calculations. The magnetic-field dependence of the so-called enhancement factor for rf fields, which is closely related to the magnetic-field dependence of the spin-lattice relaxation, was also measured. For several magnetic-field-dependent relaxation mechanisms, the form and the magnitude of the field dependence were derived. Only the relaxation via eddy-current damping and Gilbert damping could explain the observed field dependence. Using reasonable values of the damping parameters, the field dependence could perfectly be described. This relaxation mechanism is, therefore, identified as the origin of the magnetic-field dependence of the spin-lattice relaxation in Fe. The detailed theory, as well as an approximate expression, is derived, and the dependences on the wave vector, the resonance frequency, the conductivity, the temperature, and the surface conditions are discussed. The theory is related to previous attempts to understand the field dependence of the relaxation, and it is used to reinterpret previous relaxation experiments in Fe. Moreover, it is predicted that the field dependences of the relaxation in Fe and Co, on one side, and in Ni, on the other side, differ substantially, and it is suggested that the literature values of the high-field limits of the relaxation constants in Fe are slightly too large

    Genus-Specific Carbon Fixation Activity Measurements Reveal Distinct Responses to Oxygen among Hydrothermal Vent Campylobacteria

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    Molecular surveys of low temperature deep-sea hydrothermal vent fluids have shown that Campylobacteria (previously Epsilonproteobacteria) often dominate the microbial community and that three genera, Arcobacter, Sulfurimonas, and Sulfurovum, frequently coexist. In this study, we used replicated radiocarbon incubations of deep-sea hydrothermal fluids to investigate activity of each genus under three experimental conditions. To quantify genus-specific radiocarbon incorporation, we used newly designed oligonucleotide probes for Arcobacter, Sulfurimonas, and Sulfurovum to quantify their activity using catalyzed-reporter deposition fluorescence in situ hybridization (CARD-FISH) combined with fluorescence-activated cell sorting. All three genera actively fixed CO2 in short-term (similar to 20 h) incubations, but responded differently to the additions of nitrate and oxygen. Oxygen additions had the largest effect on community composition, and caused a pronounced shift in community composition at the amplicon sequence variant (ASV) level after only 20 h of incubation. The effect of oxygen on carbon fixation rates appeared to depend on the initial starting community. The presented results support the hypothesis that these chemoautotrophic genera possess functionally redundant core metabolic capabilities, but also reveal finer-scale differences in growth likely reflecting adaptation of physiologically-distinct phylotypes to varying oxygen concentrations in situ. Overall, our study provides new insights into how oxygen controls community composition and total chemoautotrophic activity, and underscores how quickly deep-sea vent microbial communities respond to disturbances. IMPORTANCE Sulfidic environments worldwide are often dominated by sulfur-oxidizing, carbon-fixing Campylobacteria. Environmental factors associated with this group's dominance are now understood, but far less is known about the ecology and physiology of members of subgroups of chemoautotrophic Campylobacteria. In this study, we used a novel method to differentiate the genus-specific chemoautotrophic activity of three subtypes of Campylobacteria. In combination with evidence from microscopic counts, chemical consumption/production during incubations, and DNA-based measurements, our data show that oxygen concentration affects both community composition and chemoautotrophic function in situ. These results help us better understand factors controlling microbial diversity at deep-sea hydrothermal vents, and provide first-order insights into the ecophysiological differences between these distinct microbial taxa

    Electric quadrupolar contribution to the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation of Ir in Fe

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    Cloud condensation nucleus activity comparison of dry- and wet-generated mineral dust aerosol: the significance of soluble material

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    This study examines the interaction of clay mineral particles and water vapor for determining the conditions required for cloud droplet formation. Droplet formation conditions are investigated for two common clay minerals, illite and sodium-rich montmorillonite, and an industrially derived sample, Arizona Test Dust. Using wet and dry particle generation coupled to a differential mobility analyzer (DMA) and cloud condensation nuclei counter, the critical activation of the clay mineral particles as cloud condensation nuclei is characterized. Electron microscopy (EM) is used in order to determine non-sphericity in particle shape. It is also used in order to determine particle surface area and account for transmission of multiply charged particles by the DMA. Single particle mass spectrometry and ion chromatography are used to investigate soluble material in wet-generated samples and demonstrate that wet and dry generation yield compositionally different particles. Activation results are analyzed in the context of both κ-Köhler theory (κ-KT) and Frenkel–Halsey–Hill (FHH) adsorption activation theory. This study has two main results: (1) κ-KT is the suitable framework to describe clay mineral nucleation activity. Apparent differences in κ with respect to size arise from an artifact introduced by improper size-selection methodology. For dust particles with mobility sizes larger than ~300 nm, i.e., ones that are within an atmospherically relevant size range, both κ-KT and FHH theory yield similar critical supersaturations. However, the former requires a single hygroscopicity parameter instead of the two adjustable parameters required by the latter. For dry-generated particles, the size dependence of κ is likely an artifact of the shape of the size distribution: there is a sharp drop-off in particle concentration at ~300 nm, and a large fraction of particles classified with a mobility diameter less than ~300 nm are actually multiply charged, resulting in a much lower critical supersaturation for droplet activation than expected. For wet-generated particles, deviation from κ-KT is likely a result of the dissolution and redistribution of soluble material. (2) Wet generation is found to be unsuitable for simulating the lofting of fresh dry dust because it changes the size-dependent critical supersaturations by fractionating and re-partitioning soluble material.United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Climate Program Office (award number NA11OAR4310159

    Shared Control Individuals in Health Policy Evaluations with Application to Medical Cannabis Laws

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    Health policy researchers often have questions about the effects of a policy implemented at some cluster-level unit, e.g., states, counties, hospitals, etc. on individual-level outcomes collected over multiple time periods. Stacked difference-in-differences is an increasingly popular way to estimate these effects. This approach involves estimating treatment effects for each policy-implementing unit, then, if scientifically appropriate, aggregating them to an average effect estimate. However, when individual-level data are available and non-implementing units are used as comparators for multiple policy-implementing units, data from untreated individuals may be used across multiple analyses, thereby inducing correlation between effect estimates. Existing methods do not quantify or account for this sharing of controls. Here, we describe a stacked difference-in-differences study investigating the effects of state medical cannabis laws on treatment for chronic pain management that motivated this work, discuss a framework for estimating and managing this correlation due to shared control individuals, and show how accounting for it affects the substantive results

    A critical review of audiological outcome measures for infants and children

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    Outcome evaluation is an important stage in the pediatric hearing aid fitting process, however a systematic way of evaluating outcome in the pediatric audiology population is lacking. This is in part due to the need for an evidence-based outcome evaluation guideline for infants and children with hearing loss who wear hearing aids. As part of the development of a guideline, a critical review of the existing pediatric audiology outcome evaluation tools was conducted. Subjective outcome evaluation tools that measure auditory-related behaviors in children from birth to 6 years of age were critically appraised using a published grading system (Andresen, 2000). Of the tools that exist, 12 were appraised because they met initial criteria outlined by the Network of Pediatric Audiologists of Canada as being appropriate for children birth to 6 years of age who wear hearing aids. Tools that were considered for the guideline scored high in both statistical and feasibility criteria. The subjective outcome evaluation tools that were ultimately chosen to be included in the guideline were the LittlEARS Auditory Questionnaire (Tsiakpini et al., 2004) and the Parents\u27 Evaluation of Aural/Oral Performance of Children (PEACH) Rating Scale (Ching & Hill, 2005b) due to the high grades they received in the critical review and their target age ranges. Following this critical review of pediatric outcome evaluation tools, the next step was for the Network Clinicians to evaluate the guideline (Moodie et al., 2011b)
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