36 research outputs found

    Properties of carbon fibers with various coatings

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    It is shown that all high modulus carbon fibers are durable with respect to thermal oxidation in air. Among the more widely used and economical materials with low modulus, Celion displays particularly good oxidative durability at high temperatures. This contrast to other materials is due to the low content of Natrium and Kalium in Celion carbon fibers. It is also noted that improved characteristics are attained in Celion carbon fiber/polyimide systems when fibers are used with high temperature resistant polyimide coatings

    A Vincentian Education by Midnight

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    Since 2003, the University has partnered with the Midnight Run organization to provide college students with a unique and distinct connection of service and reflection of those most in need. Students are afforded a real and tangible way to encounter the poor and vulnerable of the city, and to reflect on systematic structures and circumstances, while connecting it to their faith life. In turn, this encourages students to consider creative, systematic, concrete ways to address these issues and be true catalysts of change

    Transformational leadership and depressive symptoms: Validation of a short transformational leadership scale

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    Working conditions have changed over the last decades resulting in reduced traditional workplace hazards, whereas conditions as work-stress, mental strain and depression have become more critical. Depressive disorders, which are multifaceted (Prisciandaro and Roberts, 2005) and not always clearly recognisable (Perko, Kinnunen and Feldt, 2014) are common in the general population (Jacobi et al., 2004). An important modifiable risk factor for employee's psychosocial well-being in the workforce context is leadership (Kuoppala et al., 2008). Especially high levels of TL have been associated with reduced depressive symptoms (Munir, Nielsen and Gomes Carneiro, 2010; Perko, Kinnunen and Feldt, 2014). There is evidence that certain TL dimensions (PAM, FAG and AV) could represent core TL behaviour with respect to mental health (Podsakoff et al., 1990; Heinitz and Rowold, 2007). Thus, this study employs the multidimensional TLI to assess TLI. Increasing resources or decreasing job demands could mediate the association in the sense of the job demands-resources theory (JD-R); (Arnold et al., 2007). This study aimed to a) test the psychometric properties of TL, its dimension, and the core TL in a German population, and b) to test the associations of core TL with depressive symptoms. The study was performed on the overall workforce of a middle-sized German company. Leadership was assessed with the German version of the TLI; (Podsakoff et al., 1990; Podsakoff, MacKenzie and Bommer, 1996; Heinitz and Rowold, 2007), assessing five dimensions of TL: AV (five items), FAG (four items), PAM (three items), IS (four items) and ISN (three items). Depressive symptoms were assessed using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS); (Zigmond and Snaith, 1983; Hinz and Schwarz, 2002). Analyses revealed a relationship between lower levels of TL, and higher ratings of depressive symptoms, with a stronger effect for male employees. The core TL model proved to be a valid and useful instrument to measure TL. The results support the theory that the three dimensions of TL: AV, FAG and PAM represent an underlying core TL that explains most of the association of TL and depressive symptoms in the present study. Leadership which provides an authentic model for employees to follow promotes cooperation among employees towards a particular goal and is inspiring is associated with reduced risk of depressive symptoms in employees. It is feasible to use the shortened TLI which consists of 12 items as opposed to 19 items in the full version as an economic tool for research and training purposes in the context of TL and depressive symptoms in employees. Prospective studies in different work-environments and populations are needed to further explore the potential directions of causality and generalizability of the assumptions. In addition, gender differences in the relationship between TL and depressive symptoms should be explored

    Kontsert "Emale"

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    The influence of forest management on risk of damage

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    Bakalaureusetöö Loodusvarade kasutamine ja kaitse erialalMaailmas valdav osa metsadest on majandatavad – umbes 85%. Majandamisviisid on loodud selleks, et puistu seisundit ja kasvu parandada ning saada metsast maksimaalne kasum. Raied mõjutavad aga kogu metsaökosüsteemi. Käesoleva bakalaurusetöö eesmärgiks oli teada saada, kuidas metsade majandamine mõjutab metsakahjustuste tekkimist ja kas on ka võimalusi neid vältida. Selleks uuriti erinevaid kirjandusallikaid, mis seostusid metsade majandamise ning tuule-, putuka-, ja seenkahjustustega. Kirjanduse põhjal võib väita, et raied mõjuvad puistule pigem negatiivselt ja nende käigus või järgselt tekivad tingimused nii tuule- , putuka- kui ka seenkahjustuste tekkeks. Kahjustused tekivad eriti siis, kui raiet tehakse liiga intensiivselt ja suure ulatusega. Harvendusraie puhul tekivad puistus tuule- ja seenkahjustused ja putukakahjustused tekivad nii raiete kui ka tuulekahjustuste kaasabil. Nende kahjustuste vältimiseks soovitatakse raieid mitte väga intensiivselt teha. Seenkahjustuste puhul teha raied talvisel ajal. Putukakahjustustega nakatunud puud koheselt metsast eemaldada. Metsa uuendamisel jälgida liigi tunnuseid ja sobivust puistusse. Tööst järeldades võib kokkuvõtvalt öelda, et metsade majandamisega kaasnevad negatiivsed tegurid ning metsi majandades peaks nendega kindlasti arvestama.Most of the worlds forest is managed- about 85%. Management patterns are made to help stand growth and improve forest maximum profit. Felling impact all forest ecosystem. The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to find out how forest managing affects damage to forests and if its possible to avoid it. Following study uses global research which associated with forest management and wind-, insect- and fungus damage. In literary source we can say that felling impacts stand more negative, in that operation appears new conditions for wind, insect, and for fungus damage. The damage occurs most if the felling is done very intensive and high volume. In stand the thinning will occur wind- and fungus damage, insect damage happens with felling and wind damage. To prevent these damages, literature recommends not to cut very oftenly. For fungus damage literature reccomends to do cutting in the winter. Insect damage trees straight away to remove from the forest. To renew the forest defenitely need look what species and characteristic and if it fits in to the stand. In this bachelor's thesis we can conclude that in forest management occures negative factors and when managing forest we should reckon herewith

    Two-Fluid RANS-RSTM-PDF Model for Turbulent Particulate Flows

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    A novel three-dimensional (3D) model based on Reynolds turbulence stress model (RSTM) closure of equations of carrier and particulate phases was elaborated for channel turbulent flows. The essence of the model is the direct calculation of normal and shear components of the Reynolds stresses for the particulate phase similar to the carrier fluid. The model is based on the Eulerian approach, which is applied for the 3D RANS modeling of the carrier flow and the particulate phase and the statistical probability dense function (PDF) approach focusing on the mathematical description of the second moments of the particulate phase

    The Enlightenment in Russia and Points West

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    Eine unendliche Geschichte von gescheiterten Reformbemühungen und widersprüchlichen Gerichtsentscheidungen

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    Softcover, 17x24Neben der Diskussion um die im Ergebnis gescheiterten Reformvorhaben zur insolvenzfesten Ausgestaltung von Lizenzverträgen (§ 108a InsO-E 2007 und § 108a InsO-E 2012) sind in den Jahren 2009 bis 2012 einige höchstrichterliche und instanzgerichtliche Entscheidungen ergangen, die Ausstrahlungswirkung auf die Beurteilung der Insolvenzfestigkeit von Lizenzverträgen haben könnten. Allen voran sind hier die Entscheidungen des BGH „Reifen Progressiv“ (BGH, Urt. v. 26.3.2009 – I ZR 153/06 – Reifen Progressiv) und „M2Trade“ (BGH, Urt. v. 19.7.2012 – I ZR 70/10) zu nennen. Ob diese Entscheidungen tatsächlich die in der Literatur propagierten schillernden Auswirkungen auf die Problematik der Insolvenzfestigkeit von Lizenzen für die in der Praxis wichtige Situation der Insolvenz des Lizenzgebers zukommen, mithin der gesetzgeberische Handlungsbedarf obsolet geworden ist, beleuchtet die vorliegende Arbeit. Zuvor erfolgt eine Bestandsaufnahme zu der Frage der Insolvenzfestigkeit aufgrund der dinglichen Rechtsnatur der Lizenz und zu der Möglichkeit, die Insolvenzfestigkeit der Lizenz aufgrund Vertragsgestaltung zu erreichen