53 research outputs found

    178 MHz cavity with HOM damping for the DFELL storage ring

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    Design of the new cavity produced for the DUKE FELL storage ring is presented. The fundamental and higher order modes (HOMs) parameters are shown. The HOMs are substantially damped in a special load with absorbers made of conductive ceramics. Experimental studies of the absorbing material properties were carried out on models. The results are described. The cavity cold measurements results are presented as well.Представлено конструкцію, параметри, і результати розрахунку спектра вищих мод резонатора, виготовленого для накопичувального кільця лазера на вільних електронах в університеті ДЮКЕ (США). У цьому резонаторі вищі моди сильно подавлені за допомогою спеціального навантаження, що використовує провідну кераміку. Описано результати досліджень властивостей поглинаючого матеріалу, проведених на макеті. Приведено результати холодних вимірів резонатора і його іспитів на високому рівні потужності.Представлена конструкция, параметры и результаты расчета спектра высших мод резонатора, изготовляемого для накопительного кольца лазера на свободных электронах в университете ДЮКЕ (США). В этом резонаторе высшие моды сильно подавлены с помощью специальной нагрузки, использующей проводящую керамику. Описаны результаты исследований свойств поглощающего материала, проведенных на макете. Приведены результаты холодных измерений резонатора и его испытаний на высоком уровне мощности

    Single-mode cavities at frequencies of 172 and 178 MHz

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    In the report presented here the projects of two accelerating cavities with strong damping of higher modes (HOM) with special vacuum loads are presented. The designs of the cavities and loads are described. The design parameters of cavities, their spectra of higher modes and calculation results of the beam phase motion stability are given for the VEPP-2000 and NANOHANA Projects

    RF system of electron injector for the race-track microtron-recuperator and results of its operation with electron beam

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    The RF system is a part of the 1.6 - 2 MeV injector for the Race-Track Microtron - Recuperator (RTMR) that is under construction at BINP, Novosibirsk, for the Center of Photochemistry. RF system has three 180.4 MHz cavities. Buncher cavity operates at the accelerating voltage of 100 kV and two accelerating cavities operate at the gap voltage up to 800 kV. Cavities are driven by 3 power amplifiers. Maximum output power of amplifier which feeds the accelerating cavity is 130 kW. Low level electronics controls phase and amplitude of RF cavity gap voltages and generates signals for synchronization of the electron gun. Maximum current of injector (45 mA) is realized at 22.5 MHz repetition rate of electron bunches. The effects of beam – RF cavities interaction and the RF system operation results are presented

    Test of the RF system for damping ring

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    RF system for VEPP-5 damping ring is described. The system consists of RF power supply, waveguide section, and 700 MHz cavity. Results of computer simulations and measurements of HOM spectrum and damping efficiency are presented together with the results of cavity testing at operating power level

    RF system of the race-track microtron – recuperator for high power free electron laser

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    A brief description of the RF system of 100 MeV race-track microtron-recuperator being built in Novosibirsk for the Free Electron Laser project at Siberian center of Photochemistry research is presented. The frequency of RF system is 180.4 MHz. The RF system consists of 2 parts: the RF system of 2 MeV injector and the RF system of microtron. The injector RF system includes 3 RF cavities - one buncher cavity and two accelerating cavities. RF cavities are driven by a 2.5 kW amplifier and two high power single-tube 130 kW RF amplifiers respectively. The RF system of microtron includes 16 RF cavities operating at a gap voltage of 850kV each. Two 4-tubes power amplifiers supply the RF power of 600 kW each to the cavities via distribution feeders. In the high power amplifier stages the tetrodes GU-101A are used. The control system controls the amplitude and phase of RF voltage in the cavities and provides signals for synchronization of the electron gun. The results of the operation of the injector RF system and status of large RF system for the microtron are discussed

    Status of RF system for VEPP-5 damping ring

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    The paper presents the RF system of VEPP-5 damping ring created at BINP Novosibirsk. The RF system operates at 700 MHz and consists of the generator based on KU-393 klystron, transmitting waveguide with wave-to-coax adapters, accelerating cavity, and control system. HOM cavities are damped with resistive loads to eliminate the beam instability. Parameters and results of cold measurement tests and high power level tests are presented.Представлена ВЧ-система накопителя-охладителя для ВЭПП-5, созданная в БИЯФ, Новосибирск. ВЧ-система работает на частоте 700 МГц и состоит из генератора на клистроне КУ-393,передающего волновода с коаксиально-волноводными переходами, ускоряющего резонатора и системы управления и контроля. Для устранения пучковой неустойчивости высшие моды резонатора подавлены с помощью резистивных нагрузок. Приведены параметры и результаты холодных измерений и горячих испытаний ВЧ-системы.Представлено ВЧ-система нагромаджувача-охолоджувача для ВЕПП-5, що створена в БІЯФ, Новосибірськ. ВЧ-система працює на частоті 700 МГц і складається з генератора на клістроні КУ-393, передаючого хвилеводу з коаксіально-хвилеводними переходами, прискорюючого резонатора і системи керування і контролю. Для усунення пучкової нестійкості вищі моди резонатора подавлені за допомогою резистивних навантажень. Наведено параметри і результати холодних вимірів і гарячих випробувань ВЧ- системи


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    Abstract A new electron source for the Race-Track Microtron Recuperator is being developed by BINP SB RAS. It will increase average beam current and brightness of synchrotron radiation. Instead of the static 300kV electron gun operated now we are developing RF gun with the same energy of electrons. This RF gun consists of RF cavity with a gridded thermo cathode mounted on the back wall. RF cavity is driven by a 60 kW generator with last stage equipped by GU101A tetrode tube. Operational frequency of the cavity is 90.2 MHz. It is equal to the second subharmonic of the Microtron RF system frequency. A set of low power electronics controls amplitude of the cavity voltage and its tuner. This system, including a diagnostics beam line, has been installed to serve as a test bench to test the RF cavity and for beam dynamics studies. In continuous regime the designed 300 kV voltages at the acceleration gap is obtained. This paper summarizes the first test results of the cavity in this configuration

    A substrate‐based ontology for human solute carriers

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    Abstract Solute carriers (SLCs) are the largest family of transmembrane transporters in the human genome with more than 400 members. Despite the fact that SLCs mediate critical biological functions and several are important pharmacological targets, a large proportion of them is poorly characterized and present no assigned substrate. A major limitation to systems‐level de‐orphanization campaigns is the absence of a structured, language‐controlled chemical annotation. Here we describe a thorough manual annotation of SLCs based on literature. The annotation of substrates, transport mechanism, coupled ions, and subcellular localization for 446 human SLCs confirmed that ~30% of these were still functionally orphan and lacked known substrates. Application of a substrate‐based ontology to transcriptomic datasets identified SLC‐specific responses to external perturbations, while a machine‐learning approach based on the annotation allowed us to identify potential substrates for several orphan SLCs. The annotation is available at https://opendata.cemm.at/gsflab/slcontology/. Given the increasing availability of large biological datasets and the growing interest in transporters, we expect that the effort presented here will be critical to provide novel insights into the functions of SLCs