17 research outputs found

    Determination of the Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil of Melissa officinalis and TheirEffects on Germination of Amaranthus retroflexus

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    Son yıllarda doğal bitki bileşenlerinin birçok alanda kullanıldığı bilinmektedir. Kolay bir şekilde metabolize edilmeleri birçok alanda sentetik kimyasallar yerine kullanımlarının önünü açmıştır. Bu çalışmada; birçok alanda kullanılan, sekonder metabolitlere sahip Lamiaceae bitki familyasına ait olan Melissa ajficinalis türünden uçucu yağlar elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen uçucu yağların içerik analizleri GC--MS (Gas chromatography--mass spectrometry) yöntemiyle belirlenmiştir. Uçucu yağlar daha sonra farklı dozlarda Amaranthus retroflexus bitkisinin çimlenen tohumlarına uygulanmış ve tohumlar üzerine muhtemel genotoksik ve fizyolojik etkileri belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen verilere göre türün majör bileşen olarak %11.26 oranında E--Citral, %9.74 (--)-- Caryophyllene Oxide, %9.07 Z--Citral ve %3.64 oramnda Prohydrojasmon--2 içerdiği belirlenmiştir. 0.2 ve 0.4 ul/mL dozları dışında, uçucu yağların artan doza bağlı olarak çimlenen Amaranthus retraflexus tohumlarının kök uzunluklarını ve genomik stabilitelerini düşürdüğü gözlenmiştir.It is known that the natural occurred plant compounds are used in many fields in recent years. Because of their easily metabolization, the use of these chemicals paved the way for their use instead of synthetic chemicals in many areas. In the current study, essential oils of Melissa officinalis species of Lamiaceae family were obtained. The obtained essential oil content was analysis by GC-MS (gas chromatography-mass spectrometry) method. The oils applied to the seedlings of Amaranthus retroflexus plants in different doses. Then the genotoxic potential and physiological effects of oils have been identified. According to the data obtained from GS-MS, E-Citral (11.26%), (-) - caryophyllene oxide (9.74%), Z-Citral (9.07%) and Prohydrojasmon-2 (3.64%) was determined as major components. It is also determined that, the essential oils have reduced both root length and genomic template stability of the Amaranthus retroflexus seedlings except 0.2 ve 0.4 µl/mL doses

    Measuring of the Genotoxic and Potential Antioxidant Effects of Essential Oil Obtained from Satureja Hortensis Against to Phaseolus Vulgaris

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    WOS: 000396245100003It is known that, there are many ways for increasing the yield at the crops specially cereal products. Genetic manipulations and physiological interventions are the primary studies that aim to obtain products at high quality and amounts. It is known that, the usage of synthetic chemicals for physiological inverventions negatively affects organism. But using natural plant products instead of these chemicals is a subject that draws attention of today scientific environment. In this study, this situation was taken into consideration and the essential oil obtained from Satureja hortensis (SEO) plant were applied to bean seeds. The genotoxic and physiological effects of SEO at four different dosages were detected against to Phaseolus vulgaris seedlings. According to obtained data, essential oil that were applied at different doses decreased the genomic stability of the bean seeds up to 30.77% in accordance with the increased dosage. The essential oil applied in the same way lead to stress on enzyme activities of seedlings. Among the antioxidant enzymes, while, significant changeswere observed at Superoxide dismutase and Peroxidase enzymes according to the control, no significant change was seen at Ascorbate peroxidase level

    Measuring of the Genotoxic and Potential Antioxidant Effects of Essential Oil Obtained from Satureja Hortensis Against to Phaseolus Vulgaris

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    ABSTRACT It is known that, there are many ways for increasing the yield at the crops specially cereal products. Genetic manipulations and physiological interventions are the primary studies that aim to obtain products at high quality and amounts. It is known that, the usage of synthetic chemicals for physiological inverventions negatively affects organism. But using natural plant products instead of these chemicals is a subject that draws attention of today scientific environment. In this study, this situation was taken into consideration and the essential oil obtained from Satureja hortensis (SEO) plant were applied to bean seeds. The genotoxic and physiological effects of SEO at four different dosages were detected against to Phaseolus vulgaris seedlings. According to obtained data, essential oil that were applied at different doses decreased the genomic stability of the bean seeds up to 30.77% in accordance with the increased dosage. The essential oil applied in the same way lead to stress on enzyme activities of seedlings. Among the antioxidant enzymes, while, significant changeswere observed at Superoxide dismutase and Peroxidase enzymes according to the control, no significant change was seen at Ascorbate peroxidase level

    A Study on the Synthesis, Antimicrobial Activity, and Rapd Analysis of 3-phenyl-1,5-bis(4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)-1H-pyrazole

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    BOZARI, Sedat/0000-0001-5265-2236WOS:0005981130000043-phenyl-1,5-bis(4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)-1H-pyrazole was synthesized and its structure was characterized by IR, NMR, and Elemental Analysis. The antimicrobial effects of pyrazole were investigated against seven bacteria (Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633, Staphylococcus aureus 6538, Bacillus megaterium DSM 32 as gram-positive bacteria and Enterobacter aerogenes ATCC 13048, Pseudomonas aeruginosa 9027, Klebsiella pneumoniae RSKK 574 and Escherichia coli ATCC 25922) and three fungi organisms (Candida albicans ATCC 10231, Yarrovia lipolytica and Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Furthermore, the genomic stability values of designed pyrazole were observed in Hordeum vulgare and Amaranthus retroflexus L. from seeds based on random amplified-polymorphic DNA (RAPD) patterns compared to the five primers.University of Mus Alparslan [MSU15-EMF-G05]We would like to thank the University of Mus Alparslan (grant No: MSU15-EMF-G05) for financial support

    Genotoxic Effects of the Essential Oil Obtained from Satureja hortensis Against to Hordeum Vulgare L. Seedlings

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    WOS: 000441461100002Plants use in many fields has increased significantly with the increasing of biotechnological methods from past to present. Their secondary metabolites are commonly used in many fields from medicine to agriculture. Because of their easy degradation, they will be used as an alternative to the synthetic chemicals. Deciding their proper non-phytotoxic doses for cereals will secure their safe usage. The present study aimed to determine the potential biopesticide activity of plants natural components in weeds. Thus, the essential oils obtained from Satureja hortensis species of Lamiaceae family were subjected to analysis of volatiles and applied to Hordeum vulgare L. seedlings. Potential genotoxic effects of these components on the seedlings were determined by RAPD (Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA) PCR. The oils were applied in four different doses (0.2, 0.4, 0.8 and 1.6 mu L mL(-)(1)). Results indicated that the third (0.4 mu L mL(-)(1)) dose has changed the genomic stability about 46.16 % and remaining doses changed the genomic stability over the 50 %. The effects of the essential oils on root and stem length of barley seedlings were varied. The oils have increased the root length and inhibited stem length in all doses compared to the control. It was concluded that plant essential oil components showed similar effects of synthetic chemicals in the literature. With the exception of the 0.4 mu L mL(-)(1), which may be phytotoxic in Hordeum vulgare L. seeds, all doses tested in the study have the potential to be used as bio pesticides against weeds

    Molecular determination of genotoxic effects of manganese (Mn) on maize (Zea mays L.) by RAPD

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    Eurobiotech Agriculture Symposium -- APR 12-14, 2012 -- Erciyes Univ, Kayseri, TURKEYWOS: 000318064700103…European Biotechnol Themat Network Asso

    Genotoxic potential of catmint essential oil

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    Eurobiotech Agriculture Symposium -- APR 12-14, 2012 -- Erciyes Univ, Kayseri, TURKEYWOS: 000318064700144…European Biotechnol Themat Network Asso

    Determination of protective role of selenium against aflatoxin B-1-induced DNA damage

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    WOS: 000319221700002PubMed ID: 22317824Selenium is an essential mineral for a healthy life. Appropriate doses of it may undertake a protective role in the organism. In this study, the protective role of selenium (Se4+) against aflatoxin B-1 (AFB(1))-induced DNA damage was determined using random amplified polymorphic DNA on two plants including Vicia faba and Zea mays. It was observed that the concentrations of 0.1, 0.2 and 0.4 ppm of AFB(1) have increased polymorphism value, total chlorophyll inhibition rate (IRc, %) and total protein IR (IRp, %). Unlike protein, chlorophyll contents and genomic template stability were decreased. With the addition of different concentrations (0.8 and 80 ppm) of Se4+ to the treated samples with AFB(1), the values return to normal. An 800-ppm concentration of Se4+, on the contrary, could not inhibit the toxicity of AFB(1) but caused an increase in toxicity level of AFB(1)/enhanced the toxicity level of AFB(1). Results suggested that Se4+ has an antagonistic effect against AFB(1) toxicity and that the degree of antagonistic effect of Se4+ against AFB(1) was related to its concentration

    Antibacterial activity and chemical composition of essential oil obtained from Nepeta nuda against phytopathogenic bacteria

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    The increase in agricultural production can be possible with the discovery and utilization of chemical compounds for plant disease control. However, indiscriminate use of chemical compounds against microorganisms causes many negative side effects on environment and mammalian health. Therefore, we aimed to find a new natural antimicrobial product from medicinal plants against phytopathogenic bacteria. In this study, the essential oil (EO) of Nepeta nuda was isolated by the hydrodistillation method and the chemical composition of the EO was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), as its biological activity was connected to its content. Then, the antibacterial property of EO was evaluated against twenty phytopathogenic bacteria. Nepeta contains 4a,7,7a-nepetalactone (18.10%), germacrene (15.68%), elemol (14.38%), -caryophyllene (8.81%), spathulenol (6.14%) and cubenol (5.10%) as major components. In conclusion, the present study is valuable for future investigations on controlling plant pathogenic bacteria