27 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de un tinte cosmético a base de semilla de Bixa orellana L. (Bixaceae) y evaluación de su efecto in vitro

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    El estudio tuvo como finalidad desarrollar un tinte cosmético natural a base de semilla de Bixa orellana L. (Bixaceae) y evaluar su efecto in vitro. Para el desarrollo del tinte cosmético de la semilla de Bixa orellana L. se consideraron dos concentraciones del colorante obtenido (5% y 10%); luego, se realizaron estudios de compatibilidad de las materias primas con el colorante en estudio. El producto elaborado fue envasado y etiquetado, se realizaron controles de calidad organolépticos y fisicoquímicos, así como también, se determinó el tiempo de vida útil de la formulación a través de los estudios de estabilidad acelerada y de largo plazo. Finalmente, se determinó el efecto in vitro del tinte cosmético mediante su aplicación en mechones de cabello. El tinte cosmético elaborado a base de la semilla de Bixa orellana L. al 10% cumple con los parámetros organolépticos y fisicoquímicos, y se mantiene estable por dieciocho meses. El efecto in vitro evidenció que los mechones de cabello presentaron brillo y calidad cosmética, permanencia de tono tras los lavados y transferencia del tinte al tejido

    The effect on cardiovascular risk factors of migration from rural to urban areas in Peru: PERU MIGRANT Study

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    BACKGROUND: Mass-migration observed in Peru from the 1970s occurred because of the need to escape from politically motivated violence and work related reasons. The majority of the migrant population, mostly Andean peasants from the mountainous areas, tends to settle in clusters in certain parts of the capital and their rural environment could not be more different than the urban one. Because the key driver for migration was not the usual economic and work-related reasons, the selection effects whereby migrants differ from non-migrants are likely to be less prominent in Peru. Thus the Peruvian context offers a unique opportunity to test the effects of migration. METHODS/DESIGN: The PERU MIGRANT (PEru's Rural to Urban MIGRANTs) study was designed to investigate the magnitude of differences between rural-to-urban migrant and non-migrant groups in specific CVD risk factors. For this, three groups were selected: Rural, people who have always have lived in a rural environment; Rural-urban, people who migrated from rural to urban areas; and, Urban, people who have always lived in a urban environment. DISCUSSION: Overall response rate at enrolment was 73.2% and overall response rate at completion of the study was 61.6%. A rejection form was obtained in 282/323 people who refused to take part in the study (87.3%). Refusals did not differ by sex in rural and migrant groups, but 70% of refusals in the urban group were males. In terms of age, most refusals were observed in the oldest age-group (>60 years old) in all study groups. The final total sample size achieved was 98.9% of the target sample size (989/1000). Of these, 52.8% (522/989) were females. Final size of the rural, migrant and urban study groups were 201, 589 and 199 urban people, respectively. Migrant's average age at first migration and years lived in an urban environment were 14.4 years (IQR 10-17) and 32 years (IQR 25-39), respectively. This paper describes the PERU MIGRANT study design together with a critical analysis of the potential for bias and confounding in migrant studies, and strategies for reducing these problems. A discussion of the potential advantages provided by the case of migration in Peru to the field of migration and health is also presented

    Determinação do tropismo viral por ensaios genotípicos e\ud fenotípicos em pacientes brasileiros infectados por HIV-1

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    The clinical application of CCR5 antagonists involves first determining the coreceptor usage by the infecting viral strain.\ud Bioinformatics programs that predict coreceptor usage could provide an alternative method to screen candidates for treatment with\ud CCR5 antagonists, particularly in countries with limited financial resources. Thus, the present study aims to identify the best approach\ud using bioinformatics tools for determining HIV-1 coreceptor usage in clinical practice. Proviral DNA sequences and Trofile results\ud from 99 HIV-1-infected subjects under clinical monitoring were analyzed in this study. Based on the Trofile results, the viral variants\ud present were 81.1% R5, 21.4% R5X4 and 1.8% X4. Determination of tropism using a Geno2pheno\ud [coreceptor]\ud analysis with a false\ud positive rate of 10% gave the most suitable performance in this sampling: the R5 and X4 strains were found at frequencies of 78.5%\ud and 28.4%, respectively, and there was 78.6% concordance between the phenotypic and genotypic results. Further studies are needed\ud to clarify how genetic diversity amongst virus strains affects bioinformatics-driven approaches for determining tropism. Although this\ud strategy could be useful for screening patients in developing countries, some limitations remain that restrict the wider application of\ud coreceptor usage tests in clinical practice.A aplicação clínica dos antagonistas de CCR5 envolve em primeiro lugar determinar o uso de co-receptor pela cepa viral infectante. Programas de bioinformática que prevêem o uso co-receptor poderiam fornecer um método alternativo para selecionar candidatos para o tratamento com os antagonistas do CCR5, particularmente em países com poucos recursos financeiros. Assim, o presente estudo teve por objetivo identificar a melhor abordagem utilizando ferramentas de bioinformática para determinar qual o tipo de co-receptor do HIV-1 que poderia ser usado na prática clínica. Sequências de DNA proviral e Trofile resultados a partir de 99 pacientes infectados pelo HIV-1 sob monitorização clínica foram avaliadas. Com base nos resultados do Teste Trofile, as variantes virais presentes eram R5 (81,1%), R5X4 (21,4%) e X4 (1,8%). Determinação do tropismo pela análise do Geno2pheno, com taxa de falso positivos de 10% apresentou desempenho mais adequado para esta amostragem: as cepas R5 e X4 foram encontradas em frequências de 78,5% e 28,4%, respectivamente, e foi de 78,6% a concordância entre os resultados fenotípicos e genotípicos. Mais estudos são necessários para esclarecer como a diversidade genética entre as cepas do vírus afeta abordagens baseadas na determinação do tropismo pelas ferramentas de bioinformática. Embora esta estratégia possa ser útil para o rastreio de pacientes em países em desenvolvimento, permanecem algumas limitações que restringem a aplicação mais ampla para utilização de testes de co-receptor na prática clínica.The financial support from FAPESP (08/58138-0; 08/51265-6; 10/00222-5); FFM; CNPq