59 research outputs found


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    In the last decades, theoretical research and managerial practice have intensified and permitted the crystallization of some concepts, methods and new instruments for analysis and prediction of the status and evolution of a national statistical system.The legal frame of official statistics, The national statistical system, Centralized and decentralized statistical systems

    The Use of Martial Arts Means in the Development and Socialization of Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder

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    This study aims to examine the role of martial arts in the development and socialization of children with autistic spectrum disorder. To study this problem, we researched the opinions of respondents and specialists in various fields. A total of 113 people took part in the survey. The analysis of the survey results showed that the level of knowledge about autism is medium, a good part of the respondents (78.57%) mentioned that they are familiar with the methods (means) used in the rehabilitation process of people with autism. The therapeutic methods and types of concrete martial arts that can be recommended for people with disorders caused by autism were highlighted. In conclusion, integrating children through the means of martial arts will allow them to gain confidence in themselves, and in their strength, as well as to coordinate, and control separate segments of the body while performing the movements from the simplest to the most complicated


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    In the last decades, theoretical research and managerial practice have intensified and permitted the crystallization of some concepts, methods and new instruments for analysis and prediction of the status and evolution of a national statistical system.

    European Statistics and Globalization. Romania’s case

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    In the paper, major tendencies are identified, presently influencing official statistics, as well as concepts, methods and instruments used within the Global Statistical System for the analysis and status forecast and evolution of any statistical agency, at different levels: international, European and national. The development methods of the National Statistical System are highlighted (in an European and international context), in such a way that it meets the requirements of actual challenges and perspective.Statistical System, Centralization, decentralisation, deconcentration

    Dziudo imtynininkų rengimas naudojant muzikinį ir ritminį ugdymą

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    The analysis of scientific publications content shows that the present system of judoists’ technical training has a set of unsolved problems that require analysis of the entire sport training with the aim of its correction and identification of the most effective means and methods. Furthermore, special attention must be paid to the rhythmic structure of technical and tactical actions of judoists since the method of creation has not received enough attention in specialized literature. And from this perspective, in our opinion, a selection of non-traditional means and methods will contribute to the development of rational motor structure of specific elements in judo fighting in conformity with their rhythmic organization as separate acts of an integral action. The aim of this research is to analyse the effectiveness of rhythmic education means and music use in the learning and training process of judoists. Material and methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of literature and document data; analysis of learning and training process in judo; methods of testing the parameters of fitness, conditioning, psychomotor, technical and tactical training; method of mathematical processing and interpretation of statistical data. Research was made on the basis of the State University of Physical Education and Sports of the Republic of Moldova. 30 persons participated in the research: experimental and control groups consisted of 15 students-judoists in each of them. Effectiveness of the use of rhythmic education means and music within the frame of the experimental program was confirmed by the results of pedagogical experiment and this fact was visible in the dynamics of average performance of the group in all types of training where a significant difference could be attested in the achieved levels of students’ development. Results: all the indicators demonstrated veridicity of differences of initial and final data (p0,05). Conclusion: it can be stated that elaborated judo program that used the means of rhythmic education and music, in our opinion, corresponds to the requirements for the organization and elaboration of learning and training process in judo and solves set problems.Užsienio ir savo šalies mokslinių publikacijų turinio analizė rodo, kad dabartinė dziudo imtynininkų techninio rengimo sistema turi daug neišspręstų problemų. Norint ją koreguoti, reikia analizuoti visą rengimo sistemą ir ieškoti veiksmingiausių rengimo priemonių bei metodų. Viena tokių priemonių, susilaukianti nemažo dėmesio, yra technikos ir taktikos veiksmų ritminė struktūra, kurios formavimo metodika dar nepakankamai nagrinėjama specialiojoje literatūroje. Mūsų nuomone, šiuo požiūriu netradicinių rengimo priemonių ir metodų pasirinkimas sudarys galimybę lavinti racionalių, tiek atskirų, tiek ir visos imties, ritmiškų judesių struktūrą. Darbo tikslas – ištirti muzikinio ir ritminio ugdymo priemonių veiksmingumą rengiant dziudo imtynininkus. Darbo metodika: literatūros šaltinių teorinė analizė ir apibendrinimas; dziudo imtynininkų rengimo vyksmo analizė, bendrojo ir specialiojo fizinio parengtumo, psichomotorinių funkcijų ir techninio bei taktinio parengtumo testavimas; statistinis tyrimo duomenų apdorojimas. Tyrimas atliktas Moldovos valstybiniame kūno kultūros ir sporto universitete. Tyrime dalyvavo 30 dziudo imtynininkų, suskirstytų į dvi grupes po 15 tiriamųjų. Muzikos ir ritminio ugdymo priemonių naudojimas pagerino eksperimentinės grupės narių visų pedagoginio eksperimento rezultatų dinamiką. Išanalizavus tyrimo rezultatus nustatytas statistiškai patikimas (p 0,05). Galima konstatuoti, kad taikyta dziudo imtynininkų rengimo programa, kurioje naudojamos muzikinio ir ritminio ugdymo priemonės, tenkina treniruotės vyksmo tobulinimui, naujų rengimo priemonių paieškai keliamus reikalavimus

    Overview and Characteristics of Tourism Seasonality in Ohrid

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