517 research outputs found


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    Various studies on cognitive expertise have developed a new approach to describing the superiority of experts on novices as a benefit of directory knowledge acquired at the heart of practice. This study had as its main objective to confirm the superiority of cognitive performance sports experts. Indeed, the interaction of conceptual knowledge (treatment level) and perceptual knowledge (low-level processing) optimizes performance through a rapid recall and recognition memory knowledge among experts. It does not reach this performance was achieved in the novices. The results confirm that a large repertoire of knowledge acquired through practice facilitates the response to the demands of sporting tasks


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    Various studies on cognitive expertise have developed a new approach to describing the superiority of experts on novices as a benefit of directory knowledge acquired at the heart of practice. This study had as its main objective to confirm the superiority of cognitive performance sports experts. Indeed, the interaction of conceptual knowledge (treatment level) and perceptual knowledge (low-level processing) optimizes performance through a rapid recall and recognition memory knowledge among experts. It does not reach this performance was achieved in the novices. The results confirm that a large repertoire of knowledge acquired through practice facilitates the response to the demands of sporting tasks

    Etude expérimentale de l’écoulement bidimensionnel autour d’un obstacle rectangulaire et un obstacle rectangulaire arrondi

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    Experimental study of the two-dimensional flow around rectangular block obstacle and a rounded end rectangular obstacleA study of the two dimensional flow around obstacles in terms of the Reynolds Reh number and the non dimensional ratios h/H (obstacle height to channel height) is considered to examine two models of obstacles, rectangular block obstacle and a  rounded rectangular obstacle. Two important regions in the downstream side of the obstacle must be studied: the first is the recirculation zone generated in the downstream of the obstacle where we study the values of the reattachment length. The second region is the secondary recirculation zone. The measures are accomplished using Laser-Doppler-anemometer. The influence of the rounded form on the reattachment length and on the generation of the secondary recirculation zone is illustrated and this in comparing the results of this model with those of the rectangular obstacle

    Justice for Magdalenes: From Advocacy Support Group to Human Rights Issues

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    On the 17th of May 2013, Justice for Magdalenes (JFM), the survivor advocacy group, announced the end of its political campaign, begun in June 2009. It contributed to exposing the Irish State and the religious congregations that ran the laundries, and forcing them to take responsibility. Through sustained and relentless activism and engaging with the political forces of the nation, the religious orders and national and international human rights institutions, JFM managed to obtain a formal apology on behalf on the Irish State by An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny, and a compensation and redress scheme for former residents of the institutions. This paper proposes to examine the different aspects of JFM’s campaign, its achievements and continuous commitment.Le 17 mai 2013, Justice for the Magdalenes (JFM), un groupe de soutien aux anciennes résidentes des institutions, fondé en 2009, annonçait publiquement qu’il mettait fin à sa campagne politique, initiée quatre ans plus tôt. Le groupe était en effet parvenu, grâce à une campagne soutenue en direction des forces politiques irlandaises, mais également des congrégations religieuses et des instances internationales de défense de droits de l’homme, à obtenir des excuses publiques du Premier ministre, Enda Kenny, au nom de l’État irlandais, ainsi qu’un plan de compensation financière pour les anciennes résidentes. Cet article se propose de présenter les différents aspects de la campagne de JFM, les résultats obtenus et la suite des activités du groupe

    Ireland’s Misfortune

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    L’ouvrage d’Elisabeth Kehoe est la quatrième monographie sur Katherine O’Shea, la première datant de 1975 et la plus récente de 2005. Kehoe propose un travail historique intéressant, même si quelquefois hésitant, et une analyse du rôle politique et public joué par une femme qui n’est malheureusement connue que pour avoir brisé les rêves d’indépendance de toute une génération en entraînant la chute de l’une des figures politiques les plus charismatiques de l’histoire du pays. L’ouvrage, compos..

    Ireland’s Misfortune

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    L’ouvrage d’Elisabeth Kehoe est la quatrième monographie sur Katherine O’Shea, la première datant de 1975 et la plus récente de 2005. Kehoe propose un travail historique intéressant, même si quelquefois hésitant, et une analyse du rôle politique et public joué par une femme qui n’est malheureusement connue que pour avoir brisé les rêves d’indépendance de toute une génération en entraînant la chute de l’une des figures politiques les plus charismatiques de l’histoire du pays. L’ouvrage, compos..

    Phonological Awareness

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    This study aims at getting a better understanding of human speech processing, and explores specifically the task that infants face while learning their native language. Indeed, this work sheds light on 30 years of research that have questioned the developments in early infancy that allow word learning to proceed rapidly before two years of age. Infants are born with Perceptual biases that facilitate attention to speech and the encoding of its properties over the first several months of life, infants' perceptual biases increasingly conform to native language patterns. By the end of this study, it is suggested that word learning is another bootstrapping phenomenon in developmental research. It does not mean it can be reduced to perceptual and learning. Instead, we argue that perceptual learning provides a foundation upon which abstract linguistic units can be built. Just as phonological patterns act as cues to morphological and syntactic structure, and just as naive concepts allow infants to learn more complex ones, perceptual learning allows segmentation and representation of word forms that, once mapped to concepts, bootstrap the process of word learning and lead to a qualitative improvement in its efficiency

    Sisters: The Personal Story of an Irish Feminist

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    June Levine naît en 1932 à Dublin, d’une mère catholique et d’un père juif. Elle hérite d’emblée d’une double culture fortement ancrée dans des traditions patriarcales. Après avoir épousé un jeune étudiant en médecine, elle quitte Dublin pour le Canada où elle s’installe et fonde une famille. Lentement et imperceptiblement, elle sombre dans une profonde dépression. A cette époque, Betty Friedan publie The Feminine Mystique. Elle y décrit les souffrances endurées par des femmes intelligentes e..

    Corps de femmes, corps dociles : le cas Magdalen Laundries

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    Alors que l’année 2016 marque le 20e anniversaire de la fermeture de la dernière Magdalen Laundry en Irlande, cet article offre une perspective historique sur la manière dont ces institutions, s’inscrivant dans le schéma la logique foucaldien du grand renfermement, ont caché, discipliné et contrôlé les corps des femmes qui contrevenaient à l’ordre moral d’abord au dix-neuvième siècle puis surtout après la naissance de l’État Libre.The year 2016, commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Easter Rising, also marked the 20th anniversary of the closing of the last Irish Magdalen Laundry. This paper offers a historical analysis of the way these institutions were part of a broader logic of internment of transgressive individuals, whose aim was to conceal and control women’s bodies. It shows that in Ireland, specific techniques were used in order to perfom this taming of the body, in a context of identity construction after 1922

    Hanna Sheehy Skeffington : Suffragette and Sinn Feiner. Her Memoirs and Political Writings, Margaret Ward (éd.)

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    « Hanna Sheehy Skeffington belonged to that rare class, small in any age, whose contemporaries take for granted not only that they cannot but that they should not die like the rest of us. » C’est sans doute l’une des quelques nécrologies figurant dans le dernier chapitre de ce remarquable ouvrage édité par Margaret Ward, qui rend le plus adéquatement justice à la personne que fut Hanna Sheehy Skeffington. Au cours des dix-sept chapitres de ce livre très dense et très riche, nous découvrons un..
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