93 research outputs found

    Near-IR Investigation of the Thermal Structure of Venusian Deep Atmosphere

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    Introduction: Given the extreme conditions in the lower atmosphere of Venus, various in-situ missions faced instrumental failures. As a result, the thermal structure of the deep atmosphere, particularly below 12 km is not well known. In Venus International Reference Atmosphere (VIRA), the thermal structure of the atmosphere below 12 km altitude was constructed by extrapolating the data recorded in the upper atmosphere. Only VeGa-2 lander provided the high-resolution temperature measurements below 12 km altitude. However, these measurements indicated a region of high instability below 7 km altitude. Due to a lack of physical explanation, these measurements were not included in VIRA. Methodology: In this study, we use the previous near-IR observations of Venus nightside to investigate the thermal structure of the deep atmosphere. First, a surface temperature map is generated from the near-IR observations. By correlating this map with surface topography a surface temperature vs altitude profile is generated. Assuming that the surface is in thermal equilibrium with the atmosphere [1], the surface temperature vs altitude profile then provides the thermal structure of the deep atmosphere. In the end, we compare the retrieved thermal structure with the VIRA and VeGa-2 temperature profiles. Data Processing: The near-IR observations from the VIRTIS instrument onboard the Venus Express and the IR1 imager onboard the Akatsuki orbiter are used in our study. The VIRTIS dataset has been already processed by [2] and contains the observations of the southern hemisphere having an altitude range below 4 km. The equatorial and northern highlands on Venus were observed by the IR1 imager. However, the IR1 observations are heavily contaminated by the bright straylight coming from the dayside of Venus. Also, the calibration had an uncertainty of±67%. To make use of the IR1data, we develop a correction procedure that includes (1) starylight correction, (2) limb darkening correction, and (3) cross-calibration using the VIRTIS data. Radiative Transfer: To retrieve the surface temperatures from the near-IR observations, we develop an atmospheric radiative transfer model based on the radiative transfer code from [3]. The atmosphere is constructed by using VIRA profiles. We use the cloud model from [4] and Mie scattering is treated by using the code from [5]. We model the absorption using the line-by-line code from [6] and considering eight major absorbing species. Appropriate spectral line dataset and lineshapes are used. To simulate the effect of topography on Venus, we generate the results in the form of a look-up table in which we vary the starting altitude of the atmosphere from -3 to 13 km altitude with respect to a 6051 km planetary radius. We validate our model based on the results generated by the model described in [7]. Results and Conclusion: The coverage of the VIRTIS and IR1 datasets can be observed from the maps of retrieved surface temperatures shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. Figure 3 shows the trendlines of mean values of the deviation of surface temperature with respect to VIRA temperature profile against the altitude for both the dataset. The dotted line shows the deviation of the VeGa-2 profile. We find that the VIRTIS and IR1 temperature trendlines show a lapse rate lower than VIRA from 0 to 1.5 km altitude, as previously indicated by [8]. Above this altitude VIRTIS trendline follows the VIRA lapse rate, however, the observations are limited up to an altitude of 3.5 km. Above 2 km altitude, the IR1 temperatures fall even faster than the VeGa-2 profile and achieve a maximum deviation of∌5 K from the VIRA profile between 4-5 km and 7-8 km altitude range. This indicates that the situation could be even more complex than indicated by the VeGa-2 profile. Above 8 km altitude, the IR1 data is less reliable. The reasons behind the differences in the IR1, and VIRA profiles are not clear. Possible reasons could be surface emissivity variations, a near-surface layer of aerosols, or a composition gradient [9]. Thus, we find that both the VIRTIS and IR1 profile do not completely agree with either VIRA or VeGa-2 profile. However, observations from both VIRTIS and IR1 instruments were not ideal for the surface-emission studies. An optimized instrument could provide better coverage and quality of the data which could significantly help near-surface studies. Based on this, we highlight the need for future near-IR observations with an instrument optimized for the surface observing atmospheric windows of Venus. [1] Lecacheux, J., Drossart, P., Laques, P., DeladerriĂ©re, F., and Colas, F., Planetary and Space Science 41(7), 543–549 (1993). [2] Mueller, N., Helbert, J., Hashimoto, G. L., Tsang, C. C., Erard, S., Piccioni, G., and Drossart, P., Journal of GeophysicalResearch E: Planets 114(5), 1–21 (2009). [3] Wauben, W. M. F., De Haan, J., and Hovenier, J., Astronomy and Astrophysics -Berlin-282(1), 277–277 (1994). [4] Barstow, J. K., Tsang, C. C., Wilson, C. F., Irwin, P. G., Taylor, F. W., McGouldrick, K., Drossart, P., Piccioni, G., andTellmann, S., Icarus 217(2), 542–560 (2012). [5] De Rooij, W. and Stap, Van Der, C., Astronomy and astrophysics (Berlin. Print) 131(2), 237–248 (1984). [6] Stam, D. M., De Haan, J. F., Hovenier, J. W., and Stammes, P., Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and RadiativeTransfer 64(2), 131–149 (2000). [7] Tsang, C. C., Irwin, P. G., Taylor, F. W., and Wilson, C. F., Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 109(6), 1118–1135 (2008). [8] Meadows, V. S. and Crisp, D., Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 101(E2), 4595–4622 (1996). [9] Lebonnois, S. and Schubert, G., Nature Geoscience 10(7), 473–477 (2017)

    Validation of the IPSL Venus GCM Thermal Structure with Venus Express Data

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    General circulation models (GCMs) are valuable instruments to understand the most peculiar features in the atmospheres of planets and the mechanisms behind their dynamics. Venus makes no exception and it has been extensively studied thanks to GCMs. Here we validate the current version of the Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL) Venus GCM, by means of a comparison between the modelled temperature field and that obtained from data by the Visible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS) and the Venus Express Radio Science Experiment (VeRa) onboard Venus Express. The modelled thermal structure displays an overall good agreement with data, and the cold collar is successfully reproduced at latitudes higher than +/−55°, with an extent and a behavior close to the observed ones. Thermal tides developing in the model appear to be consistent in phase and amplitude with data: diurnal tide dominates at altitudes above 102 Pa pressure level and at high-latitudes, while semidiurnal tide dominates between 102 and 104 Pa, from low to mid-latitudes. The main difference revealed by our analysis is located poleward of 50°, where the model is affected by a second temperature inversion arising at 103 Pa. This second inversion, possibly related to the adopted aerosols distribution, is not observed in data

    Long-term Plan to Monitor Venus using Earth-orbiting CubeSats: Chasing the Long-term Variability of Our Nearest Neighbor Planet Venus (CLOVE)

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    Past Venus studies reported unexpected temporal variations on a global scale in terms of ultraviolet (UV) reflectivity, SO _{2} and H _{2}O gas abundances, cloud top altitudes, and zonal wind speed. These variations are plausibly connected to each other and to global atmospheric circulation, atmospheric chemistry, volcanism, and solar activity cycles. The nature of these reported variations is unknown: are they periodic? What is the driving mechanism? What are the implications for the current climate? To answer these questions, we plan a long-term Venus monitoring campaign. Our plan has been selected by the Institute for Basic Science (IBS), South Korea, and funded for the first 5 years by a research grant (2022-2027). Our international and ambitious project includes long-term monitoring with ground-based telescopes and space-based CubeSats. Ground-based telescopes will perform observations from 320 nm to the near-infrared (NIR). CubeSats in Earth orbit will provide a high temporal resolution and a unique UV wavelength coverage, as is only possible to achieve from space. We will simultaneously retrieve reflectivity, SO _{2} abundance, cloud top altitude, and haze abundance above the clouds to elucidate the mechanism behind their correlations. Our effort will benefit from coordinated observations with the active space missions Akatsuki and BepiColombo. We will perform a feasibility study to assess the use of CubeSats for Venus observations, with the goal of having the first CubeSat ready within 5 years, for a mission that can be extended with other CubeSats for a total of 15 years, covering the time of future Venus missions by NASA and ESA. Long-term monitoring will characterize the temporal variability of the variations, allowing us to reveal their origin and nature

    Enabling planetary science across light-years. Ariel Definition Study Report

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    Ariel, the Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey, was adopted as the fourth medium-class mission in ESA's Cosmic Vision programme to be launched in 2029. During its 4-year mission, Ariel will study what exoplanets are made of, how they formed and how they evolve, by surveying a diverse sample of about 1000 extrasolar planets, simultaneously in visible and infrared wavelengths. It is the first mission dedicated to measuring the chemical composition and thermal structures of hundreds of transiting exoplanets, enabling planetary science far beyond the boundaries of the Solar System. The payload consists of an off-axis Cassegrain telescope (primary mirror 1100 mm x 730 mm ellipse) and two separate instruments (FGS and AIRS) covering simultaneously 0.5-7.8 micron spectral range. The satellite is best placed into an L2 orbit to maximise the thermal stability and the field of regard. The payload module is passively cooled via a series of V-Groove radiators; the detectors for the AIRS are the only items that require active cooling via an active Ne JT cooler. The Ariel payload is developed by a consortium of more than 50 institutes from 16 ESA countries, which include the UK, France, Italy, Belgium, Poland, Spain, Austria, Denmark, Ireland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, and a NASA contribution

    Science goals and new mission concepts for future exploration of Titan's atmosphere geology and habitability: Titan POlar Scout/orbitEr and In situ lake lander and DrONe explorer (POSEIDON)

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    In response to ESA’s “Voyage 2050” announcement of opportunity, we propose an ambitious L-class mission to explore one of the most exciting bodies in the Solar System, Saturn’s largest moon Titan. Titan, a “world with two oceans”, is an organic-rich body with interior-surface-atmosphere interactions that are comparable in complexity to the Earth. Titan is also one of the few places in the Solar System with habitability potential. Titan’s remarkable nature was only partly revealed by the Cassini-Huygens mission and still holds mysteries requiring a complete exploration using a variety of vehicles and instruments. The proposed mission concept POSEIDON (Titan POlar Scout/orbitEr and In situ lake lander DrONe explorer) would perform joint orbital and in situ investigations of Titan. It is designed to build on and exceed the scope and scientific/technological accomplishments of Cassini-Huygens, exploring Titan in ways that were not previously possible, in particular through full close-up and in situ coverage over long periods of time. In the proposed mission architecture, POSEIDON consists of two major elements: a spacecraft with a large set of instruments that would orbit Titan, preferably in a low-eccentricity polar orbit, and a suite of in situ investigation components, i.e. a lake lander, a “heavy” drone (possibly amphibious) and/or a fleet of mini-drones, dedicated to the exploration of the polar regions. The ideal arrival time at Titan would be slightly before the next northern Spring equinox (2039), as equinoxes are the most active periods to monitor still largely unknown atmospheric and surface seasonal changes. The exploration of Titan’s northern latitudes with an orbiter and in situ element(s) would be highly complementary in terms of timing (with possible mission timing overlap), locations, and science goals with the upcoming NASA New Frontiers Dragonfly mission that will provide in situ exploration of Titan’s equatorial regions, in the mid-2030s

    Titan Coupled Model: Results and Project of Database

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