653 research outputs found

    On the mechanism of diminished urinary carbon dioxide tension caused by amiloride

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    On the mechanism of diminished urinary carbon dioxide tension caused by amiloride. We investigated under both in vivo and in vitro conditions the mechanism whereby amiloride administration, a model of distal renal tubular acidosis in dogs, decreases the urine-to-blood PCO2 gradient (U-B PCO2) in alkaline urine. The results demonstrate that U-B PCO2 is reduced in amiloride-treated dogs as previously reported in rats. The reduction in U-B PCO2 could not be attributed to amiloride-induced reductions in urinary HCO-3 concentration since the reduction in U-B PCO2 was observed over the same range of urinary HCO-3 concentrations (150 to 250 mEq per liter) as that achieved prior to amiloride administration. U-B PCO2 correlated positively and linearly with urinary HCO-3 concentration both prior to (P < 0.001) and during amiloride infusion (P < 0.001). Amiloride administration significantly decreased the slope (Δ[U-B PCO2]/Δ[HCO-3]u) of the regression line (P < 0.005). The possibility that amiloride might lower urine PCO2 by catalyzing intraluminal dehydration of H2CO3 was excluded by demonstrating that amiloride does not possess carbonic anhydrase activity. The additional possibility that amiloride might facilitate dissipation of carbon dioxide gradients through diffusion (as reported for carbonic anhydrase) was excluded by in vitro studies of the effect of amiloride on carbon dioxide diffusion. These findings suggest that the U-B PCO2 lowering effect of amiloride is not caused by alterations in urinary [HCO-3, CO2 diffusibility, or alterations in the dehydration rate of H2CO3 thereby providing strong support for the interpretation that reductions in U-B PCO2 during amiloride administration represent an impairment in distal nephron hydrogen ion secretion.Sur le méchanisme de la diminution de la pression partielle de carbonique dans l'urine déterminée par l'amiloride. Nous avons examiné in vivo et in vitro le mécanisme par lequel l'administration d'amiloride, un modèle d'acidose tubulaire distale chez le chien, diminue le gradient urinesang de PCO2 (U-B PCO2) en urine alcaline. Les résultats démontrent que U-B PCO2 est réduit chez le chien traité par l'amiloride comme cela a été antérieurement montré chez le rat. Le diminution de U-B PCO2 ne peut pas être attribuée à la diminution de la concentration urinaire de HCO-3 déterminée par l'amiloride puisque la diminution de U-B PCO2 a été observée pour le même éventail de concentrations urinaires de HCO-3 (150 à 250 mEq par litre) que celui réalisé avant l'administration d'amiloride. U-B PCO2 est corrélé linéairement et positivement à la concentration urinaire de HCO-3 aussi bien avant (P < 0,001) que pendant la perfusion d'amiloride (P < 0,001). L'administration d'amiloride diminue régulièrement la pente (Δ[U-B PCO2]/Δ[HCO-3]u) de la droite de régression (P < 0,005). La possibilité que l'amiloride puisse diminuer la PCO2 urinaire en catalysant la déshydratation intraluminal de H2CO3 a été exclue par la démonstration de l'absence d'activité de type anhydrase carbonique de l'amiloride. La possibilité que l'amiloride puisse faciliter la dissipation par diffusion des gradients de carbonique a été exclue par des études in vitro. Ces constatations suggèrent que l'effet de l'amiloride de diminution de U-B PCO2 n'est pas lié à des modifications de [HCO-3] de l'urine, de la diffusibilité du carbonique, ou du débit de déshydratation de H2CO3, et par conséquent constituent un argument fort en faveur d'une altération de la sécrétion distale d'ion hydrogène

    Effects of dexamethasone on renal and systemic acid-base metabolism

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    Effects of dexamethasone on renal and systemic acid-base metabolism. We carried out long-term balance studies in adrenalectomized (ADX) dogs to evaluate the effects of small amounts of a glucocorticoid steroid with minimal mineralocorticoid potency (dexamethasone; DEX) on renal and systemic acid-base metabolism under conditions of constant mineralocorticoid replacement and both normal and increased systemic acid loads. We investigated the effects of low and high dosages of dexamethasone (0.2 mg/day [normal-DEX] vs. 0.8 mg/day [high-DEX]) before and during hydrochloric acid feeding (5 mmol/kg/day) in paired studies on ADX dogs (N = 7) maintained on constant mineralocorticoid replacement (deoxycorticosterone, corticosterone, aldosterone). Prior to hydrochloric acid feeding, no differences in plasma acid-base composition were observed between the two dosages despite greater endogenous acid production with the higher dosage of DEX, evidenced by greater rates of both net acid excretion (NAE) and the excretion of urinary anions other than chloride, bicarbonate, and phosphate (urine anion gap). During hydrochloric acid feeding, mean plasma bicarbonate (PHCO3) decreased from 21.2 ± 0.4 to 13.7 ± 0.5 (normal-DEX) and from 21.1 ± 0.4 to 15.8 ± 0.4 mEq/liter (high-DEX). The difference in the decrements in PHCO3 between groups was significant (P < 0.05). With continued hydrochloric acid feeding in both groups, increasing the DEX dosage from 0.2 to 0.8 mg/day in the normal-DEX group resulted in a. significant increase in NAE (ΣΔNAE, +161 mEq, P < 0.02) and in PHCO3 (+3.6 ± 0.5 mEq/liter, P < 0.01) to steady-state levels by day 10, which were values not significantly different from those in high-DEX. The DEX dose-related increase in NAE was greater than the corresponding increase in endogenous acid production estimated from the change in urine anion gap, and was due largely to an increase in ammonium excretion, which, because urine pH did not decrease, could not be attributed to increased intraluminal trapping of ammonia as a result of more acidic tubular fluid. These studies indicate that the severity of hydrochloric acid-induced metabolic acidosis in mineralocorticoid-replete ADX dogs can be mitigated by increasing the dosage of exogenous glucocorticoid and suggest that this acidosis mitigating effect is mediated in part by the increased NAE associated with the stimulation of renal ammonia production. These studies further indicate that the rate of production of fixed acids of metabolism increases with an increased dosage of exogenous glucocorticoid, but that this acidosis-producing effect is more than offset by independent stimulation of renal net acid excretion, such that metabolic acidosis is prevented (basal condition) or if present (hydrochloric acid feeding) is significantly ameliorated.Effets de la dexaméthasone sur le métabolisme acido-basique rénal et systémique. Les études de bilan qui sont rapportées ont été réalisées chez des chiens surrénalectomisés (ADX) pour évaluer les effets de faibles quantités d'un stéroïde glucocorticoïde, ayant une activité minéralocorticoïde faible (dexaméthasone; DEX), sur le métabolisme acido-basique rénal et systémique dans des conditions de traitement substitutif permanent de minéralocorticoïdes et de charge acide soit normale soit élevée. Nous avons étudié les effets de doses de dexaméthasone (0,2 mg/jour; normale-DEX) ou 0,8 mg/jour (élevée-DEX) avant et pendant l'administration d'acide chlorhydrique à raison de 5 mmol/kg/jour dans des études appariées chez des chiens ADX (N = 7) recevant un traitement substitutif par les minéralocorticoïdes (deoxycorticosterone acetate, corticosterone, aldosterone). Avant l'administration d'acide chlorhydrique, il n'y avait pas de différence dans la composition acido-basique du plasma selon les doses de DEX malgré l'augmentation de production endogène d'acide sous l'effet de la dose la plus élevée de DEX, augmentation traduite par une élévation de l'état stationnaire d'excrétion nette d'acide (NAE) et de la somme des débits d'excrétion des anions urinaires autres que le chlore, le bicarbonate et le phosphate (trou anionique urinaire). Au cours de l'administration d'acide chlorhydrique la concentration plasmatique moyenne de bicarbonate (PHCO3) a diminué de 21,2 ± 0,4 à 13,7 ± 0,5 (normale-DEX) et de 21,1 ± 0,4 à 15,8 ± 0,4 mEq/litre (élevée-DEX). La différence des diminutions de bicarbonate était significative (P < 0,05). Au cours de l'administration prolongée d'acide chlorhydrique aux deux groupes l'augmentation de la dose de DEX de 0,2 à 0,8 mg/jour dans le groupe normale-DEX a eu pour résultat une augmentation significative de NAE (ΣΔNAE, +161 mEq, P < 0,02) et de PHCO3 (+ 3,6 ± 0,5 mEq/litre, P < 0,01), jusqu'à de nouveaux états stationnaires, le jour 10, non sigmficativement différents de ceux observés dans le groupe élevée-DEX. L'augmentation de NAE dépendant de la dose de DEX a été plus grande que l'augmentation correspondante de la production endogène d'acide estimée à partir de la modification du trou anionique urinaire, elle était principalement due à une augmentation de l'excrétion d'ammonium qui, du fait que le pH de l'urine n'a pas diminué, ne peut pas être attribuée à une augmentation de la captation intraluminale d'ammonia. Ces résultats indiquent que la sévérité de l'acidose métabolique déterminée par acide chlorhydrique chez les chiens ADX recevant des minéralocorticoïdes peut être atténuée par l'augmentation de la dose de glucocorticoïdes exogènes et suggère que cet effet d'atténuation a pour médiateur partiel l'augmentation de NAE associée à la stimulation de la production rénale d'ammonia. Ces résultats indiquent, de plus, que le débit de production des acides fixes augmente en même temps que la dose de glucocorticoïdes exogènes mais que cet effet de production d'acidose est plus que compensé par la stimulation indépendante de l'excrétion rénale nette d'acide, de telle sorte que l'acidose métabolique est empêchée (conditions basales) ou significativement améliorée au cours de l'administration acide chlorhydrique

    Heme ligation and redox chemistry in two bacterial thiosulfate dehydrogenase (TsdA) enzyme

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    Thiosulfate dehydrogenases (TsdA) are bidirectional bacterial di-heme enzymes that catalyze the interconversion of tetrathionate and thiosulfate at measurable rates in both directions. In contrast to our knowledge of TsdA activities, information on the redox properties in the absence of substrates is rather scant. To address this deficit, we combined magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectroscopy and protein film electrochemistry (PFE) in a study to resolve heme ligation and redox chemistry in two representative TsdAs. We examined the TsdAs from Campylobacter jejuni, a micro-aerobe human pathogen, and from the purple sulfur bacterium Allochromatium vinosum. In these organisms, the enzyme functions as a tetrathionate reductase and a thiosulfate oxidase respectively. The active site Heme 1 in both enzymes has His/Cys− ligation in the ferric and ferrous states and the midpoint potentials (Em) of the corresponding redox transformations are similar, −185 mV versus standard hydrogen electrode (SHE). However, fundamental differences are observed in the properties of the second, electron transferring, Heme 2. In C. jejuni TsdA Heme 2 has His/Met ligation and an Em of +172 mV. In A. vinosum TsdA, Heme 2 reduction triggers a switch from His/Lys ligation (Em, −129 mV) to His/Met (Em,+266 mV) but the rates of interconversion are such that His/Lys ligation would be retained during turnover. In summary, our findings have unambiguously assigned Em values to defined axial ligand sets in TsdAs, specified the rates of Heme 2 ligand exchange in the A. vinosum enzyme, and provided information relevant to describing their catalytic mechanism(s)

    Стилі керівництва як моделі вербальної поведінки у корпоративному дискурсі

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    Статья посвящена анализу лингвистических особенностей директивного и демократического стилей руководства как распространенных моделей вербального поведения в корпоративном дискурсе. Внимание уделяется также гендерному фактору, который учитывается при авторитарном коммуникативном поведении.Стаття присвячена аналізові лінгвістичних особливостей директивного та демократичного стилів керівництва як поширених моделей вербальної поведінки у корпоративному дискурсі. Увага приділяється також гендерному фактору, який враховується в авторитарній комунікативній поведінці.The article is dedicated to the analysis of linguistic peculiarities of the directive and democratic management styles as models of the verbal behaviour in the corporate discourse. Attention is also paid to the gender factor, which is considered in the authoritarian communicative behaviour

    Cardiac Computed Tomography: Application in Valvular Heart Disease

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    The incidence and prevalence of valvular heart disease (VHD) is increasing and has been described as the next cardiac epidemic. Advances in imaging and therapeutics have revolutionized how we assess and treat patients with VHD. Although echocardiography continues to be the first-line imaging modality to assess the severity and the effects of VHD, advances in cardiac computed tomography (CT) now provide novel insights into VHD. Transcatheter valvular interventions rely heavily on CT guidance for procedural planning, predicting and detecting complications, and monitoring prosthesis. This review focuses on the current role and future prospects of CT in the assessment of aortic and mitral valves for transcatheter interventions, prosthetic valve complications such as thrombosis and endocarditis, and assessment of the myocardium

    Strong Purcell enhancement of an optical magnetic dipole transition

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    Engineering the local density of states with nanophotonic structures is a powerful tool to control light-matter interactions via the Purcell effect. At optical frequencies, control over the electric field density of states is typically used to couple to and manipulate electric dipole transitions. However, it is also possible to engineer the magnetic density of states to control magnetic dipole transitions. In this work, we experimentally demonstrate the optical magnetic Purcell effect using a single rare earth ion coupled to a nanophotonic cavity. We engineer a new single photon emitter, Er3+^{3+} in MgO, where the electric dipole decay rate is strongly suppressed by the cubic site symmetry, giving rise to a nearly pure magnetic dipole optical transition. This allows the unambiguous determination of a magnetic Purcell factor Pm=1040±30P_m=1040 \pm 30. We further extend this technique to realize a magnetic dipole spin-photon interface, performing optical spin initialization and readout of a single Er3+^{3+} electron spin. This work demonstrates the fundamental equivalence of electric and magnetic density of states engineering, and provides a new tool for controlling light-matter interactions for a broader class of emitters

    Potential ecological and socio-economic effects of a novel megaherbivore introduction: the hippopotamus in Colombia

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    Introduced species can have strong ecological, social and economic effects on their non-native environment. Introductions of megafaunal species are rare and may contribute to rewilding efforts, but they may also have pronounced socio-ecological effects because of their scale of influence. A recent introduction of the hippopotamus Hippopotamus amphibius into Colombia is a novel introduction of a megaherbivore onto a new continent, and raises questions about the future dynamics of the socio-ecological system into which it has been introduced. Here we synthesize current knowledge about the Colombian hippopotamus population, review the literature on the species to predict potential ecological and socio-economic effects of this introduction, and make recommendations for future study. Hippopotamuses can have high population growth rates (7–11%) and, on the current trajectory, we predict there could be 400–800 individuals in Colombia by 2050. The hippopotamus is an ecosystem engineer that can have profound effects on terrestrial and aquatic environments and could therefore affect the native biodiversity of the Magdalena River basin. Hippopotamuses are also aggressive and may pose a threat to the many inhabitants of the region who rely upon the Magdalena River for their livelihoods, although the species could provide economic benefits through tourism. Further research is needed to quantify the current and future size and distribution of this hippopotamus population and to predict the likely ecological, social and economic effects. This knowledge must be balanced with consideration of social and cultural concerns to develop appropriate management strategies for this novel introduction

    Probing the role of surface termination in the adsorption of azupyrene on copper

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    The role of the inorganic substrate termination, within the organic–inorganic interface, has been well studied for systems that contain strong localised bonding. However, how varying the substrate termination affects coordination to delocalised electronic states, like that found in aromatic molecules, is an open question. Azupyrene, a non-alternant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, is known to bind strongly to metal surfaces through its delocalised π orbitals, thus yielding an ideal probe into delocalised surface-adsorbate interactions. Normal incidence X-ray standing wave (NIXSW) measurements and density functional theory calculations are reported for the adsorption of azupyrene on the (111), (110) and (100) surface facets of copper to investigate the dependence of the adsorption structure on the substrate termination. Structural models based on hybrid density functional theory calculations with non-local many-body dispersion yield excellent agreement with the experimental NIXSW results. No statistically significant difference in the azupyrene adsorption height was observed between the (111) and (100) surfaces. On the Cu(110) surface, the molecule was found to adsorb 0.06 ± 0.04 Å closer to the substrate than on the other surface facets. The most energetically favoured adsorption site on each surface, as determined by DFT, is subtly different, but in each case involved a configuration where the aromatic rings were centred above a hollow site, consistent with previous reports for the adsorption of small aromatic molecules on metal surfaces

    Using polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons for graphene growth on Cu(111) under ultra-high vacuum

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    Ultra-high vacuum deposition of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons azupyrene and pyrene onto a Cu(111) surface held at a temperature of 1000 K is herein shown to result in the formation of graphene. The presence of graphene was proven using scanning tunneling microscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and low energy electron diffraction. The precursors, azupyrene and pyrene, are comparatively large aromatic molecules in contrast to more commonly employed precursors like methane or ethylene. While the formation of the hexagonal graphene lattice could naively be expected when pyrene is used as a precursor, the situation is more complex for azupyrene. In this case, the non-alternant topology of azupyrene with only 5- and 7-membered rings must be altered to form the observed hexagonal graphene lattice. Such a rearrangement, converting a non-alternant topology into an alternant one, is in line with previous reports describing similar topological alterations, including the isomerization of molecular azupyrene to pyrene. The thermal synthesis route to graphene, presented here, is achievable at comparatively low temperatures and under ultra-high vacuum conditions, which may enable further investigations of the growth process in a strictly controlled and clean environment that is not accessible with traditional precursors