103 research outputs found

    Chasing Dr Joachim – Die Jagd nach Dr. Joachim Joseph Joachim, Romanze in C-Dur. Reenactment der Aufnahme des Komponisten, 1903

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    Durch die Reproduktion – das Reenactment – einer konkreten Aufnahmesituation um 1903 werden Erkenntnisse zu interpretationspraktischen Fragen gewonnen. Mit musikalischen und technischen Mitteln kommt ein Forschungsteam so dem Geiger Joseph Joachim (1831–1907) auf die Spur und projiziert sein Violinspiel ins 21. Jahrhundert.Through the reproduction – the re-enactment – of a concrete recording situation from around 1903, insights are gained into practical questions of interpretation. Using musical and technical means, a research team tracks down the violinist Joseph Joachim (1831–1907) and projects his violin playing into the 21st century

    Genetic Diagnostics Contribute to the Risk Stratification for Major Arrhythmic Events in Pediatric Patients with Long QT Syndrome Type 1–3

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    Long QT syndrome (LQTS) is an inherited arrhythmic disorder associated with sudden cardiac death (SCD). This study aimed to identify the clinical and molecular genetic risk factors that contribute to major arrhythmic events (MAEs) in patients with genetically confirmed childhood onset LQTS 1–3. This study was a retrospective double-center study. An MAE was defined as the occurrence of SCD, aborted SCD, appropriate implantable cardioverter defibrillator discharge, or sustained ventricular tachycardia. During a median follow-up of 4.6 years (range 0.1–24.3 years), MAEs occurred in 18 (17.8%) of 101 patients diagnosed with LQTS at a median of 7.7 years (range 0.0–18.0 years) despite the use of beta-blockers in 91.6% of patients at the last follow-up. A multivariate analysis identified a genetic diagnosis of LQTS2 and LQTS3 and variants within the KCNH2 S5-loop-S6 pore region as independent risk factors for MAEs, independent of the QTc value or a history of syncope detected from a univariate analysis. MAEs occur frequently in childhood onset LQTS despite beta-blocker treatment. A detailed molecular genetic diagnosis can contribute to the arrhythmia risk stratification and optimize the use of preventive measures in this vulnerable patient populatio

    Radiotherapeutic treatment options for oligotopic malignant liver lesions

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    Background: Several radiotherapeutic approaches for patients with oligotopic malignant liver lesions unfit for surgical resection exist. The most advanced competitive techniques are high-dose-rate (HDR) brachytherapy, Cyberknife, volume-modulated-arc therapy (VMAT) and Tomotherapy. We evaluated the optimal technique by a planning study for a single ablative dose with different lesion sizes. :Methods We compared dose distributions of HDR-brachytherapy with stereotactic ablative radiotherapy using the Cyberknife, VMAT or Tomotherapy. Tumor-control-probabilities (TCP), normal-tissue-complication-probabilities (NTCP) were determined in a theoretical framework applying a single dose of 20 Gy (demanding 95% coverage) for intrahepatic lesions of 1-5 cm in size. We evaluated therapeutic ratios by TCP (mean dose in the lesion) relative to high-dose (conformality) or low-dose liver exposition in dependency on the lesion size for each technique. In addition, we considered treatment times and accuracy (clinical target volume vs planning target volume). Results: HDR-brachtherapy has the highest therapeutic ratios with respect to high-dose as well as low-dose liver exposition even for extended lesions, and the Cyberknife being suited second best. However, for lesions >= 3 cm diameter the therapeutic ratios of all ablative techniques are increasingly converging, and better tolerance and shorter treatment times of noninvasive external techniques become more important. On the other hand, mean tumor doses of HDR-brachytherapy of near 60 Gy are unattainable by the other techniques gaining only 22-34 Gy, and the conformality of HDR-brachytherapy is still rather good for lesions >= 3 cm diameter. Conclusions: HDR-brachytherapy is by far the most effective technique to treat intrahepatic lesions by a single fraction, but sparing of the surroundings declines with increasing lesion size and approaches the benchmarks of external beam radiosurgery techniques. External beam radiotherapy has the advantage to use suitable fractionation schedules

    Allochthonous resources are less important for faunal communities on highly productive, small tropical islands

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    Abstract Ecosystems are interconnected by energy fluxes that provide resources for the inhabiting organisms along the transition zone. Especially where in situ resources are scarce, ecosystems can become highly dependent on external resources. The dependency on external input becomes less pronounced in systems with elevated in situ production, where only consumer species close to the site of external input remain subsidized, whereas species distant to the input site rely on the in situ production of the ecosystem. It is largely unclear though if this pattern is consistent over different consumer species and trophic levels in one ecosystem, and whether consumer species that occur both proximate to and at a distance from the input site differ in their dependency on external resource inputs between sites. Using stable isotope analysis, we investigated the dependency on external marine input for common ground‐associated consumer taxa on small tropical islands with high in situ production. We show that marine input is only relevant for strict beach‐dwelling taxa, while the terrestrial vegetation is the main carbon source for inland‐dwelling taxa. Consumer species that occurred both close (beach) and distant (inland) to the site of marine input showed similar proportions of marine input in their diets. This supports earlier findings that the relevance of external resources becomes limited to species close to the input site in systems with sufficient in situ production. However, it also indicates that the relevance of external input is also species‐dependent, as consumers occurring close and distant to the input site depended equally strong or weak on marine input

    Effects of plant diversity on productivity strengthen over time due to trait-dependent shifts in species overyielding

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    Plant diversity effects on community productivity often increase over time. Whether the strengthening of diversity effects is caused by temporal shifts in species-level overyielding (i.e., higher species-level productivity in diverse communities compared with monocultures) remains unclear. Here, using data from 65 grassland and forest biodiversity experiments, we show that the temporal strength of diversity effects at the community scale is underpinned by temporal changes in the species that yield. These temporal trends of species-level overyielding are shaped by plant ecological strategies, which can be quantitatively delimited by functional traits. In grasslands, the temporal strengthening of biodiversity effects on community productivity was associated with increasing biomass overyielding of resource-conservative species increasing over time, and with overyielding of species characterized by fast resource acquisition either decreasing or increasing. In forests, temporal trends in species overyielding differ when considering above- versus belowground resource acquisition strategies. Overyielding in stem growth decreased for species with high light capture capacity but increased for those with high soil resource acquisition capacity. Our results imply that a diversity of species with different, and potentially complementary, ecological strategies is beneficial for maintaining community productivity over time in both grassland and forest ecosystems

    A tale of worldwide success: Behind the scenes of Carex (Cyperaceae) biogeography and diversification

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    The megadiverse genus Carex (c. 2000 species, Cyperaceae) has a nearly cosmopolitan distribution, displaying an inverted latitudinal richness gradient with higher species diversity in cold-temperate areas of the Northern Hemisphere. Despite great expansion in our knowledge of the phylogenetic history of the genus and many molecular studies focusing on the biogeography of particular groups during the last few decades, a global analysis of Carex biogeography and diversification is still lacking. For this purpose, we built the hitherto most comprehensive Carex-dated phylogeny based on three markers (ETS–ITS–matK), using a previous phylogenomic Hyb-Seq framework, and a sampling of two-thirds of its species and all recognized sections. Ancestral area reconstruction, biogeographic stochastic mapping, and diversification rate analyses were conducted to elucidate macroevolutionary biogeographic and diversification patterns. Our results reveal that Carex originated in the late Eocene in E Asia, where it probably remained until the synchronous diversification of its main subgeneric lineages during the late Oligocene. E Asia is supported as the cradle of Carex diversification, as well as a “museum” of extant species diversity. Subsequent “out-of-Asia” colonization patterns feature multiple asymmetric dispersals clustered toward present times among the Northern Hemisphere regions, with major regions acting both as source and sink (especially Asia and North America), as well as several independent colonization events of the Southern Hemisphere. We detected 13 notable diversification rate shifts during the last 10 My, including remarkable radiations in North America and New Zealand, which occurred concurrently with the late Neogene global cooling, which suggests that diversification involved the colonization of new areas and expansion into novel areas of niche space.This work was carried out with financial support by the National Science Foundation (Award #1255901 to ALH and Award #1256033 to EHR), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (project CGL2016–77401‐P to SM-B and ML), the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (McIntire Stennis project 1018692 to DS) as well as postdoctoral fellowships towards SM‐B (Universidad Pablo de Olavide, PP16/12‐APP), and PJ‐M (National Science Foundation, Award #1256033, and the Smithsonian Postdoctoral Fellowship program)

    Ribosome Display Selection of a Murine IgG1 Fab Binding Affibody Molecule Allowing Species Selective Recovery Of Monoclonal Antibodies

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    Affinity reagents recognizing constant parts of antibody molecules are invaluable tools in immunotechnology applications, including purification, immobilization, and detection of immunoglobulins. In this article, murine IgG1, the primary isotype of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) was used as target for selection of novel binders from a combinatorial ribosome display (RD) library of 1011 affibody molecules. Four rounds of selection using three different mouse IgG1 mAbs as alternating targets resulted in the identification of binders with broad mIgG1 recognition and dissociation constants (KD) in the low nanomolar to low micromolar range. For one of the binders, denoted Zmab25, competition in binding to full length mIgG1 by a streptococcal protein G (SPG) fragment and selective affinity capture of mouse IgG1 Fab fragments after papain cleavage of a full mAb suggest that an epitope functionally overlapping with the SPG-binding site in the CH1 domain of mouse IgG1 had been addressed. Interestingly, biosensor-based binding experiments showed that neither human IgG1 nor bovine Ig, the latter present in fetal bovine serum (FBS) was recognized by Zmab25. This selective binding profile towards murine IgG1 was successfully exploited in species selective recovery of two different mouse mAbs from complex samples containing FBS, resembling a hybridoma culture supernatant

    Safety of growth hormone replacement in survivors of cancer and intracranial and pituitary tumours: a consensus statement

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    Growth hormone (GH) has been used for over 35 years, and its safety and efficacy has been studied extensively. Experimental studies showing the permissive role of GH/insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-I) in carcinogenesis have raised concerns regarding the safety of GH replacement in children and adults who have received treatment for cancer and those with intracranial and pituitary tumours. A consensus statement was produced to guide decision-making on GH replacement in children and adult survivors of cancer, in those treated for intracranial and pituitary tumours and in patients with increased cancer risk. With the support of the European Society of Endocrinology, the Growth Hormone Research Society convened a Workshop, where 55 international key opinion leaders representing 10 professional societies were invited to participate. This consensus statement utilized: (1) a critical review paper produced before the Workshop, (2) five plenary talks, (3) evidence-based comments from four breakout groups, and (4) discussions during report-back sessions. Current evidence reviewed from the proceedings from the Workshop does not support an association between GH replacement and primary tumour or cancer recurrence. The effect of GH replacement on secondary neoplasia risk is minor compared to host- and tumour treatment-related factors. There is no evidence for an association between GH replacement and increased mortality from cancer amongst GH-deficient childhood cancer survivors. Patients with pituitary tumour or craniopharyngioma remnants receiving GH replacement do not need to be treated or monitored differently than those not receiving GH. GH replacement might be considered in GH-deficient adult cancer survivors in remission after careful individual risk/benefit analysis. In children with cancer predisposition syndromes, GH treatment is generally contraindicated but may be considered cautiously in select patients

    Mitochondrial Physiology and Gene Expression Analyses Reveal Metabolic and Translational Dysregulation in Oocyte-Induced Somatic Nuclear Reprogramming

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    While reprogramming a foreign nucleus after somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), the enucleated oocyte (ooplasm) must signal that biomass and cellular requirements changed compared to the nucleus donor cell. Using cells expressing nuclear-encoded but mitochondria-targeted EGFP, a strategy was developed to directly distinguish maternal and embryonic products, testing ooplasm demands on transcriptional and post-transcriptional activity during reprogramming. Specifically, we compared transcript and protein levels for EGFP and other products in pre-implantation SCNT embryos, side-by-side to fertilized controls (embryos produced from the same oocyte pool, by intracytoplasmic injection of sperm containing the EGFP transgene). We observed that while EGFP transcript abundance is not different, protein levels are significantly lower in SCNT compared to fertilized blastocysts. This was not observed for Gapdh and Actb, whose protein reflected mRNA. This transcript-protein relationship indicates that the somatic nucleus can keep up with ooplasm transcript demands, whilst transcription and translation mismatch occurs after SCNT for certain mRNAs. We further detected metabolic disturbances after SCNT, suggesting a place among forces regulating post-transcriptional changes during reprogramming. Our observations ascribe oocyte-induced reprogramming with previously unsuspected regulatory dimensions, in that presence of functional proteins may no longer be inferred from mRNA, but rather depend on post-transcriptional regulation possibly modulated through metabolism