1,331 research outputs found

    Integrated multi vector vortex beam generator

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    A novel method to generate and manipulate vector vortex beams in an integrated, ring resonator based geometry is proposed. We show numerically that a ring resonator, with an appropriate grating, addressed by a vertically displaced access waveguide emits a complex optical field. The emitted beam possesses a specific polarization topology, and consequently a transverse intensity profile and orbital angular momentum. We propose a combination of several concentric ring resonators, addressed with different bus guides, to generate arbitrary orbital angular momentum qudit states, which could potentially be used for classical and quantum communications. Finally, we demonstrate numerically that this device works as an orbital angular momentum sorter with an average cross-talk of -10 dB between different orbital angular momentum channels.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Accurate and efficient prediction of photonic crystal waveguide bandstructures using neural networks

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    Funding: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council - EP/V029975/1.We demonstrate the use of neural networks to predict the optical properties of photonic crystal waveguides (PhCWs) with high accuracy and significantly faster computation times compared to traditional simulation methods. Using 100,000 PhCW designs and their simulated bandstructures, we trained a neural network to achieve a test set relative error of 0.103% in predicting gap guided bands. We use pre-training to improve neural network performance, and numerical differentiation to accurately predict group index curves. Our approach allows for rapid, application-specific tailoring of PhCWs with a runtime of sub-milliseconds per design, a significant improvement over conventional simulation techniques.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Optical spin-to-orbital angular momentum conversion in ultra-thin metasurfaces with arbitrary topological charges

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    Orbital angular momentum associated with the helical phase-front of optical beams provides an unbounded \qo{space} for both classical and quantum communications. Among the different approaches to generate and manipulate orbital angular momentum states of light, coupling between spin and orbital angular momentum allows a faster manipulation of orbital angular momentum states because it depends on manipulating the polarisation state of light, which is simpler and generally faster than manipulating conventional orbital angular momentum generators. In this work, we design and fabricate an ultra-thin spin-to-orbital angular momentum converter, based on plasmonic nano-antennas and operating in the visible wavelength range that is capable of converting spin to an arbitrary value of OAM \ell. The nano-antennas are arranged in an array with a well-defined geometry in the transverse plane of the beam, possessing a specific integer or half-integer topological charge qq. When a circularly polarised light beam traverses this metasurface, the output beam polarisation switches handedness and the OAM changes in value by =±2q\ell = \pm2q\hbar per photon. We experimentally demonstrate \ell values ranging from ±1\pm 1 to ±25\pm 25 with conversion efficiencies of 8.6±0.4 %8.6\pm0.4~\%. Our ultra-thin devices are integratable and thus suitable for applications in quantum communications, quantum computations and nano-scale sensing.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures - submitted

    Impurities in S=1/2 Heisenberg Antiferromagnetic Chains: Consequences for Neutron Scattering and Knight Shift

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    Non-magnetic impurities in an S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain are studied using boundary conformal field theory techniques and finite-temperature quantum Monte Carlo simulations. We calculate the static structure function, S_imp(k), measured in neutron scattering and the local susceptibility, chi_i measured in Knight shift experiments. S_imp(k) becomes quite large near the antiferromagnetic wave-vector, and exhibits much stronger temperature dependence than the bulk structure function. \chi_i has a large component which alternates and increases as a function of distance from the impurity.Comment: 8 pages (revtex) + one postscript file with 6 figures. A complete postscript file with all figures + text (10pages) is available from http://fy.chalmers.se/~eggert/struct.ps or by request from [email protected] Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Lord of the Rings: A Kinematic Distance to Circinus X-1 from a Giant X-Ray Light Echo

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    Circinus X-1 exhibited a bright X-ray flare in late 2013. Follow-up observations with Chandra and XMM-Newton from 40 to 80 days after the flare reveal a bright X-ray light echo in the form of four well-defined rings with radii from 5 to 13 arcminutes, growing in radius with time. The large fluence of the flare and the large column density of interstellar dust towards Circinus X-1 make this the largest and brightest set of rings from an X-ray light echo observed to date. By deconvolving the radial intensity profile of the echo with the MAXI X-ray lightcurve of the flare we reconstruct the dust distribution towards Circinus X-1 into four distinct dust concentrations. By comparing the peak in scattering intensity with the peak intensity in CO maps of molecular clouds from the Mopra Southern Galactic Plane CO Survey we identify the two innermost rings with clouds at radial velocity ~ -74 km/s and ~ -81 km/s, respectively. We identify a prominent band of foreground photoelectric absorption with a lane of CO gas at ~ -32 km/s. From the association of the rings with individual CO clouds we determine the kinematic distance to Circinus X-1 to be DCirX1=9.41.0+0.8D_{Cir X-1} = 9.4^{+0.8}_{-1.0} kpc. This distance rules out earlier claims of a distance around 4 kpc, implies that Circinus X-1 is a frequent super-Eddington source, and places a lower limit of Γ22\Gamma \gtrsim 22 on the Lorentz factor and an upper limit of θjet3\theta_{jet} \lesssim 3^{\circ} on the jet viewing angle.Comment: 20 pages, 21 figures, Astrophysical Journal, in prin

    Visible-to-telecom quantum frequency conversion of light from a single quantum emitter

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    Quantum frequency conversion (QFC), a nonlinear optical process in which the frequency of a quantum light field is altered while conserving its non-classical correlations, was first demonstrated 20 years ago. Meanwhile, it is considered an essential tool for the implementation of quantum repeaters since it allows for interfacing quantum memories with telecom-wavelength photons as quantum information carriers. Here we demonstrate efficient (>30%) QFC of visible single photons (711 nm) emitted by a quantum dot (QD) to a telecom wavelength (1,313 nm). Analysis of the first and second-order coherence before and after wavelength conversion clearly proves that important properties, such as the coherence time and photon antibunching, are fully conserved during the frequency translation process. Our findings underline the great potential of single photon sources on demand in combination with QFC as a promising technique for quantum repeater schemes.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Generating optical orbital angular momentum at visible wavelengths using a plasmonic metasurface

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    The authors acknowledge the support of the Canada Excellence Research Chairs Program.Light beams with a helical phase-front possess orbital angular momentum along their direction of propagation in addition to the spin angular momentum that describes their polarisation. Until recently, it was thought that these two ‘rotational’ motions of light were largely independent and could not be coupled during light–matter interactions. However, it is now known that interactions with carefully designed complex media can result in spin-to-orbit coupling, where a change of the spin angular momentum will modify the orbital angular momentum and vice versa. In this work, we propose and demonstrate that the birefringence of plasmonic nanostructures can be wielded to transform circularly polarised light into light carrying orbital angular momentum. A device operating at visible wavelengths is designed from a space-variant array of subwavelength plasmonic nano-antennas. Experiment confirms that circularly polarised light transmitted through the device is imbued with orbital angular momentum of ±2ħ (with conversion efficiency of at least 1%). This technology paves the way towards ultrathin orbital angular momentum generators that could be integrated into applications for spectroscopy, nanoscale sensing and classical or quantum communications using integrated photonic devices.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Correlation Functions and Coulomb Blockade of Interacting Fermions at Finite Temperature and Size

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    We present explicit expressions for the correlation functions of interacting fermions in one dimension which are valid for arbitrary system sizes and temperatures. The result applies to a number of very different strongly correlated systems, including mesoscopic quantum wires, quantum Hall edges, spin chains and quasi-one-dimensional metals. It is for example possible to calculate Coulomb blockade oscillations from our expression and determine their dependence on interaction strength and temperature. Numerical simulations show excellent agreement with the analytical results.Comment: 10 pages in revtex format including 2 embedded figures (using epsf). The latest complete postscript file is available from http://fy.chalmers.se/~eggert/papers/corrfcn.ps or by request from [email protected]

    Strong, spectrally-tunable chirality in diffractive metasurfaces

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    The authors acknowledge the support of the Canada Excellence Research Chairs Program. P.B. acknowledges the support from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.Metamaterials and metasurfaces provide a paradigm-changing approach for manipulating light. Their potential has been evinced by recent demonstrations of chiral responses much greater than those of natural materials. Here, we demonstrate theoretically and experimentally that the extrinsic chiral response of a metasurface can be dramatically enhanced by near-field diffraction effects. At the core of this phenomenon are lattice plasmon modes that respond selectively to the illumination’s polarization handedness. The metasurface exhibits sharp features in its circular dichroism spectra, which are tunable over a broad bandwidth by changing the illumination angle over a few degrees. Using this property, we demonstrate an ultra-thin circular-polarization sensitive spectral filter with a linewidth of ~10 nm, which can be dynamically tuned over a spectral range of 200 nm. Chiral diffractive metasurfaces, such as the one proposed here, open exciting possibilities for ultra-thin photonic devices with tunable, spin-controlled functionality.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Engineering Waveguide Nonlinear Effective Length via Low Index Thin Films

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    Novel photonic nanowires were fabricated using low-index materials and tested in the near-infrared spectrum to assess their nonlinear optical properties. In this work, we argue the need to redefine the standard nonlinear figure of merit in terms of nonlinear phase shift and optical transmission for a given propagation distance. According to this new metric, our devices largely outperform all established platforms for devices with a linear footprint in the range of 50 to 500 um, which is demonstrated to be an outstanding technological gap. For 85 fs pulses, with carrier wavelength at 1480nm and sub-uW power levels, a spectral broadening exceeding 80% of the initial bandwidth was recorded over a propagation length of just 50 um. Leveraging on CMOS-compatible processes and well-established materials such as silicon, silica, and indium tin oxide, our devices bring great promise for developing alternative all-optical devices with unparalleled nonlinear performances within the aforementioned range