186 research outputs found

    Gamifying Project Procurement for Better Goal Incorporation

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    Many services that we use daily, like healthcare, infrastructures, public transport, education, and others, are provided by the public sector. These services are provided using the project procurement process. In most cases, this process has a highly complex and dynamic interaction. It leads to issues, such as information asymmetry, over-specified tenders, not efficient feedback loops, etc. As a result, projects can rarely match to the objectives of organizations. This work explores the use of participatory simulation to help holistically investigate a project procurement process to incorporate better goals of organizations. Based on case studies from the Swedish road construction field, it can be concluded that participatory simulation is an effective approach to experiment with the effects of project procurement

    Loading Stark-decelerated molecules into electrostatic quadrupole traps

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    Beams of neutral polar molecules in a low-field seeking quantum state can be slowed down using a Stark decelerator, and can subsequently be loaded and confined in electrostatic quadrupole traps. The efficiency of the trap loading process is determined by the ability to couple the decelerated packet of molecules into the trap without loss of molecules and without heating. We discuss the inherent difficulties to obtain ideal trap loading, and describe and compare different trap loading strategies. A new "split-endcap" quadrupole trap design is presented that enables improved trap loading efficiencies. This is experimentally verified by comparing the trapping of OH radicals using the conventional and the new quadrupole trap designs

    Operation of a Stark decelerator with optimum acceptance

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    With a Stark decelerator, beams of neutral polar molecules can be accelerated, guided at a constant velocity, or decelerated. The effectiveness of this process is determined by the 6D volume in phase space from which molecules are accepted by the Stark decelerator. Couplings between the longitudinal and transverse motion of the molecules in the decelerator can reduce this acceptance. These couplings are nearly absent when the decelerator operates such that only every third electric field stage is used for deceleration, while extra transverse focusing is provided by the intermediate stages. For many applications, the acceptance of a Stark decelerator in this so-called s=3s=3 mode significantly exceeds that of a decelerator in the conventionally used (s=1s=1) mode. This has been experimentally verified by passing a beam of OH radicals through a 2.6 meter long Stark decelerator. The experiments are in quantitative agreement with the results of trajectory calculations, and can qualitatively be explained with a simple model for the 6D acceptance. These results imply that the 6D acceptance of a Stark decelerator in the s=3s=3 mode of operation approaches the optimum value, i.e. the value that is obtained when any couplings are neglected.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Deceleration and electrostatic trapping of OH radicals

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    A pulsed beam of ground state OH radicals is slowed down using a Stark decelerator and is subsequently loaded into an electrostatic trap. Characterization of the molecular beam production, deceleration and trap loading process is performed via laser induced fluorescence detection inside the quadrupole trap. Depending on details of the trap loading sequence, typically 10510^5 OH (X2Π3/2,J=3/2X^2\Pi_{3/2}, J=3/2) radicals are trapped at a density of around 10710^7 cm3^{-3} and at temperatures in the 50-500 mK range. The 1/e trap lifetime is around 1.0 second.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Direct measurement of the radiative lifetime of vibrationally excited OH radicals

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    Neutral molecules, isolated in the gas-phase, can be prepared in a long-lived excited state and stored in a trap. The long observation time afforded by the trap can then be exploited to measure the radiative lifetime of this state by monitoring the temporal decay of the population in the trap. This method is demonstrated here and used to benchmark the Einstein AA-coefficients in the Meinel system of OH. A pulsed beam of vibrationally excited OH radicals is Stark decelerated and loaded into an electrostatic quadrupole trap. The radiative lifetime of the upper Λ\Lambda-doublet component of the X2Π3/2,v=1,J=3/2X ^2\Pi_{3/2}, v=1, J=3/2 level is determined as 59.0±2.059.0 \pm 2.0 ms, in good agreement with the calculated value of 57.7±1.057.7 \pm 1.0 ms.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Multiple packets of neutral molecules revolving for over a mile

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    The level of control that one has over neutral molecules in beams dictates their possible applications. Here we experimentally demonstrate that state-selected, neutral molecules can be kept together in a few mm long packet for a distance of over one mile. This is accomplished in a circular arrangement of 40 straight electrostatic hexapoles through which the molecules propagate over 1000 times. Up to 19 packets of molecules have simultaneously been stored in this ring structure. This brings the realization of a molecular low-energy collider within reach

    Optical pumping of trapped neutral molecules by blackbody radiation

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    Optical pumping by blackbody radiation is a feature shared by all polar molecules and fundamentally limits the time that these molecules can be kept in a single quantum state in a trap. To demonstrate and quantify this, we have monitored the optical pumping of electrostatically trapped OH and OD radicals by room-temperature blackbody radiation. Transfer of these molecules to rotationally excited states by blackbody radiation at 295 K limits the 1/e1/e trapping time for OH and OD in the X2Π3/2,v=0,J=3/2(f)X^{2}\Pi_{3/2},v''=0,J''=3/2(f) state to 2.8 s and 7.1 s, respectively.Comment: corrected small mistakes; added journal reference

    Reflection of OH molecules from magnetic mirrors

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    We have reflected a Stark-decelerated beam of OH molecules under normal incidence from mirrors consisting of permanent magnets. Two different types of magnetic mirrors have been demonstrated. A long-range flat mirror made from a large disc magnet has been used to spatially focus the reflected beam in the longitudinal direction ("bunching"). A short-range curved mirror composed of an array of small cube magnets allows for transverse focusing of the reflected beam.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Electrostatic trapping of metastable NH molecules

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    We report on the Stark deceleration and electrostatic trapping of 14^{14}NH (a1Δa ^1\Delta) radicals. In the trap, the molecules are excited on the spin-forbidden A3Πa1ΔA ^3\Pi \leftarrow a ^1\Delta transition and detected via their subsequent fluorescence to the X3ΣX ^3\Sigma^- ground state. The 1/e trapping time is 1.4 ±\pm 0.1 s, from which a lower limit of 2.7 s for the radiative lifetime of the a1Δ,v=0,J=2a ^1\Delta, v=0,J=2 state is deduced. The spectral profile of the molecules in the trapping field is measured to probe their spatial distribution. Electrostatic trapping of metastable NH followed by optical pumping of the trapped molecules to the electronic ground state is an important step towards accumulation of these radicals in a magnetic trap.Comment: replaced with final version, added journal referenc