33 research outputs found

    On the possibilities of interpreting Neolithic pottery

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    The task of processing the multi-traditional ceramic material of the Late Neolithic settlement at Polgár-Csőszhalom-dűlő prenecessitated the development of a comprehensive approach by which all kinds of available information that may be detected in a ceramic object or in its find context are utilized and integrated into a closed, unbroken logical system interlinking objects and culture. This paper surveys the main topics and aspects of this theoretical structure, summarizing the author’s current understanding on the possible roles and functions of Neolithic pottery

    Theory into practice: basic connections and stylistic affiliations of the Late Neolithic settlement at Pusztataskony-Ledence 1

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    Despite being positioned in the western fringes of the Tisza culture’s occupation area, the Late Neolithic settlement at Pusztataskony-Ledence 1 is seemingly well separated from the communities of the Lengyel complex. The character of its archaeological record however, together with recent results in the research of connections between the two cultural complexes raises the possibility of an amalgamation of these traditions at some point. In 2016, a grant of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office allowed us to start a threeyear-long project, aimed to process the data gained at Pusztataskony over three seasons in order to reveal foreign cognitive elements in the archaeological record of the site other than the ones observed in the burials. To match possible population movement with the appearance of Lengyel type cultural traits and understand the situation observed here classical archaeological and bioarchaeological analyses had been carried out. The current study surveys the first results of the investigations focusing on the archaeological record from one of the house clusters in the settlement. The examinations include a basic typological and resource analysis of the lithics and a stylistic analysis of the ceramic material. The interpretation focuses on the site’s contact system as outlined by the archaeological record, on the ceramic inventory as a medium of everyday symbolic communication here, as well as on our recent understanding of the character of contacts between the Tisza and Lengyel populations in the Middle and Upper Tisza Region

    Innovative Solutions of the Future Internet: Needs of the Food Chain Users

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    Within the SmartAgriFood project 135 in depth interviews in 6 countries, and 8 focus group discussions in 5 countries were carried out for identification and evaluation of the potential applications of the Future Internet (FI) in the agri-food area. Several innovative ideas were described by the participants and there were also some demands, expectations and limitations which were universally mentioned by them. One of the main expectations is that FI should be accessible for anybody, anywhere and anytime. In addition the followings should be ensured: higher privacy; compatibility; integration of systems; longer range in communication; lower implementation costs; and user-friendly interfaces. The most important prerequisite is making aware and training of the users, as most of them do not have appropriate experience about using the Internet. For enhancing the application of the ICT solutions in the agri-food sector the above mentioned needs of the users should be considered and met by the ICT community

    Food Awareness and Transparency: Current Practices and Future Tools

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    Within the SmartAgriFood project the envisaged functions of Future Internet (FI) were collected and explained to the business users. 135 in depth interviews in 6 countries, and 8 focus group discussions in 5 countries were carried out for identifications and evaluation of the potential applications in the agri-food chain in the Smart Food Awareness area. Privacy was seen as a key function of the FI. The majority of the potential application ideas were rated as applicable to ensure improved awareness for the food chain members. There is a need for systematic explanation of the new enabling functions of the FI to the potential business users in a user-friendly way to foster the identification of new application opportunities. In some cases there is a difference between the priorities set by them and the behaviour of the consumers

    Insomnia és elalvást segítő szokások felmérése felnőttek körében | Insomnia and habits to help to fall asleep among adults

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    Absztrakt Bevezetés: Az alvásminőséget számos tényező befolyásolhatja, az insomnia pedig hatással van az egészségi állapotra. Célkitűzés: Kutatásunk célja felmérni az insomnia gyakoriságát és hatásait, az alvást befolyásoló tényezőket és az elalvást segítő szokásokat felnőttek körében. Módszer: Az adatfelvétel országosan online és a dél-dunántúli régióban papíron történt, 455 felnőtt töltötte ki a kérdőívet, amelynek része az Athén Insomnia Skála. Eredmények: A vizsgálatban részt vevők 13,4%-a insomniás. Az insomniát (átlagpont: 5,08) befolyásolja a táplálkozás minősége (p<0,001), a kávéfogyasztás (p = 0,045) és a sport (p = 0,011), továbbá összefüggésben van a krónikus betegségek (p = 0,001) és a pszichoszomatikus panaszok gyakoriságával (p<0,001). Az alvászavar leggyakoribb okai: munkahelyi stressz (35,6%), magánéleti stressz (35,4%) és fájdalom (24,2%). Akik a magánéleti stresszt (p = 0,001) és fájdalmat (p = 0,033) jelölték oknak, rosszabbul alszanak. Elalvási problémák esetén alkalmazott leggyakoribb szokások a tévénézés, az olvasás; a válaszadók 7,5%-a alkalmaz altatószert és 11,4%-a gyógyteát. Következtetések: Kutatásunkkal felhívjuk a figyelmet az insomnia gyakoriságára, hatásaira és az elalvást segítő lehetőségekre. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(49), 1955–1959. | Abstract Introduction: The quality of sleep can be influenced by several factors, insomnia in turn has an effect on the state of health. Aim: The aim of our survey is to measure the effects of insomnia, furthermore, the sleep affecting agents and habits to help to fall asleep among adults. Method: We collected the online nationwide and the written datas from the South-Transdanubia region, 455 adults filled the questionnaire which contains the Athens Insomnia Scale. Results: 13.4% of participants has insomnia, it is influenced by the quality of diet (p<0.001), comsumption of coffee (p = 0.045) and the physical activity (p = 0.011), what is more in correlation with the prevalency of chronic deseases (p = 0.001) and psychosomatic symptoms (p<0.001). The most frequent causes of sleep disorders are: work-related stress (35.6%), personal-life stress (35.4%) and pain (24.2%). In case of dormition problems most of the participants watch television (52.1%) and read (33%); 7.5% and 11.4% of the responders use sleeping pills and tisane. Conclusions: We attract attention to the prevalency and effects of insomnia, and the habits to help to fall asleep. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(49), 1955–1959

    Introduction to the Pécs Model: Innovation in Teaching Medical History Taking

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    [EN] Among clinical skills, doctor-patient communication is considered a high priority in establishing the proper diagnosis. Therefore, our team at the Department of Languages for Specific Purposes at the University of Pécs, Medical School (UPMS) has designed an educational model to improve these fundamental skills. Our primary objective is to share these innovative practices with others. Peer-tutoring history taking courses are offered to international students assisted byHungarian senior students, as well as digitally available educational materials. The latter is based on authentic doctor-patient conversations (video-recordings in Hungarian) while acquiring the patient’s history. Following video recording, EU standardized texts from A1 to B2 levels are implemented including task-based case studies and check-lists to ensure the use of authentic communication. The scene for pilot experimentation is a university course with blended-learning methods; the video-recorded conversations are used in class, followed by hospital-based practice to promote motivation and increase cultural awareness. Aligned with the current general orientation of modern linguistics, we believe context-based language courses may better prepare physiciansfor interviewing their patientsin the 21st century.Koppán, Á.; Eklicsné Lepenye, K.; Halász, R.; Sebők, J.; Molnár, G. (2015). Introduction to the Pécs Model: Innovation in Teaching Medical History Taking. En 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGHER EDUCATION ADVANCES (HEAD' 15). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 620-625. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd15.2015.52862062

    Application of Lacunarity for Quantification of Single Molecule Localization Microscopy Images

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    The quantitative analysis of datasets achieved by single molecule localization microscopy is vital for studying the structure of subcellular organizations. Cluster analysis has emerged as a multi-faceted tool in the structural analysis of localization datasets. However, the results it produces greatly depend on the set parameters, and the process can be computationally intensive. Here we present a new approach for structural analysis using lacunarity. Unlike cluster analysis, lacunarity can be calculated quickly while providing definitive information about the structure of the localizations. Using simulated data, we demonstrate how lacunarity results can be interpreted. We use these interpretations to compare our lacunarity analysis with our previous cluster analysis-based results in the field of DNA repair, showing the new algorithm’s efficiency

    A színész mint szimulált páciens az oktatásban a Pécsi Tudományegyetemen | Actor as a simulated patient in medical education at the University of Pécs

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    Absztrakt: Bevezetés: A XXI. századi orvosképzés kihívásaira adott egyik válasz a szimulációs oktatás, amely hozzájárul az orvostanhallgatók klinikai készségeinek hatékony fejlesztéséhez, csökkentve a klinikusok és a kórházi betegek terheit. Célkitűzés: A Pécsi Tudományegyetem Általános Orvostudományi Karán létrehoztunk egy szimulációs oktatási programot a MediSkillsLab intézményén belül, ahol célul tűztük ki az orvostanhallgatók anamnézisfelvételi és szakmai kommunikációs készségeinek interdiszciplináris formában történő hatékony fejlesztését. Módszer: A kurzust a korábbi évek magyar orvosi szaknyelvi oktatása során szerzett tapasztalataink mellett nemzetközi példák felhasználásával hívtuk életre. Módszerül az Amerikában már az 1960-as években elterjedt Standardized Patient Programot választottuk. Eredmények: Az újdonság egyrészt a program hazai, elsőkénti bevezetésében, másrészt interdiszciplinárissá tételében rejlik. Az órákon szakorvosok, nyelvészek, színész-páciensek és orvostanhallgatók együttműködésével fejlődik a hallgatók szakmai, szaknyelvi és kommunikációs kompetenciája. Következtetés: A kurzust teljesítő diákokkal készített interjúk megerősítik a módszer létjogosultságát, amelynek eredményeként a betegekkel eredményesebben kommunikáló orvosok kezdhetik meg klinikai munkájukat. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(26): 1022–1027. | Abstract: Introduction: Medical training in the 21st century faces simulation-based education as one of the challenges that efficiently contributes to clinical skills development while moderating the burden on the clinicians and patients alike. Aim: The University of Pécs, Medical School has launched a simulation program in the MediSkillsLab based on history taking with actors to improve patient interviewing communication skills. Method: This new program was inspired by experiences gathered in previous medical language teaching and integrates the method of the “Standardized Patient Program”. The method has been applied in America since the 1960s. Results: This is the first time the program has been introduced in Hungary and implemented in an interdisciplinary design, where medical specialists, linguists, actor-patients and medical students collaborate to improve professional, language and communicative competence of the students. Conclusion: A course like this has its pivotal role in the medical training, and as a result more efficient and patient-oriented communication may take place at the clinical setting. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(26): 1022–1027

    Hemizygous nonsense variant in the moesin gene (MSN) leads to a new autoimmune phenotype of Immunodeficiency 50

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    Here we describe the investigation of two male siblings with juvenile total loss of teeth, early onset chronic leg ulcers and autoimmune thyroiditis in both patients, as well as focal segmental glomerulosclerosis with associated pulmonal emphysema in one and diabetes mellitus in the other patient. The clinical picture and lupus anticoagulant, cryoglobulin and cold agglutinin positivity suggested the diagnosis of antiphospholipid syndrome. Flow cytometry analysis showed immunophenotypes consistent with immune dysregulation: low number of naive T cells, elevated CD4+ T cell counts and decreased CD8+ T cell counts were detected, and more than half of the T helper population was activated. Because of the siblings’ almost identical clinical phenotype genetic alteration was suspected in the background of the immunodeficiency. Whole exome sequencing identified a previously not described hemizygous nonsense variant (c.650G>A, p.W217X) within exon 6 of the moesin gene (MSN) localized on chromosome X, resulting in significantly decreased MSN mRNA expression compared to healthy controls. We present a putative new autoimmune phenotype of Immunodeficiency 50 (MIM300988) characterized by antiphospholipid syndrome, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, leg ulcer and juvenile loss of teeth, associated with W217X mutation of the MSN gene