26 research outputs found

    Managing the whole landscape: historical, hybrid, and novel ecosystems

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    The reality confronting ecosystem managers today is one of heterogeneous, rapidly transforming landscapes, particularly in the areas more affected by urban and agricultural development. A landscape management framework that incorporates all systems, across the spectrum of degrees of alteration, provides a fuller set of options for how and when to intervene, uses limited resources more effectively, and increases the chances of achieving management goals. That many ecosystems have departed so substantially from their historical trajectory that they defy conventional restoration is not in dispute. Acknowledging novel ecosystems need not constitute a threat to existing policy and management approaches. Rather, the development of an integrated approach to management interventions can provide options that are in tune with the current reality of rapid ecosystem change

    Management of novel ecosystems: are novel approaches required?

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    Most ecosystems are now sufficiently altered in structure and function to qualify as novel systems, and this recognition should be the starting point for ecosystem management efforts. Under the emerging biogeochemical configurations, management activities are experiments, blurring the line between basic and applied research. Responses to specific management manipulations are context specific, influenced by the current status or structure of the system, and this necessitates reference areas for management or restoration activities. Attempts to return systems to within their historical range of biotic and abiotic characteristics and processes may not be possible, and management activities directed at removing undesirable features of novel ecosystems may perpetuate or create such ecosystems. Management actions should attempt to maintain genetic and species diversity and encourage the biogeochemical characteristics that favor desirable species. Few resources currently exist to support the addition of proactive measures and rigorous experimental designs to current management activities. The necessary changes will not occur without strong input from stakeholders and policy makers, so rapid information transfer and proactive research–management activities by the scientific community are needed

    Incorporating novel ecosystems into management framework

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    This chapter provides a framework that helps managers, whether scientists or stewards, navigate the decisions that lead to new management approaches in hybrid and novel ecosystems. It first presents a decision‐making flowchart that can be used as roadmap to navigate possible management actions. The chapter then explores the role of ecological and social barriers in creation and maintenance of hybrid and novel ecosystems. It argues that working to understand the historical structure and conditions in ecosystem is useful for planning current management strategy. Finally, the chapter highlights examples of challenging decision points which managers will likely face as they work to incorporate hybrid and novel ecosystems into strategies for restoration, conservation and management


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    Foram coletadas, em 1998, amostras de solo nas camadas de 0-2,5; 2,5-5,0; 5-10 e 10-30cm, em pastagem natural manejada sob queima sistemática e com distintas alternativas de manejo em relação às queimadas (sem queima, com ou sem roçada, e melhorado com calagem, adubação e introdução de espécies, há 7 e 24 anos), na região dos Campos de Cima da Serra, RS. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado com três repetições. O melhoramento da pastagem natural elevou os teores de Ca, Mg e P no solo, a saturação de bases e o pH e reduziu a acidez potencial. A queima da pastagem natural, em relação às demais áreas sem queima e sem melhoramento, promoveu aumento na acidez potencial e redução nos teores de magnésio na camada mais superficial do solo. A prática de roçada, por um lado aumenta o teor de Mg e a saturação de bases; e por outro, reduz a acidez potencial na superfície do solo, em relação ao solo de pastagem queimada ou só pastejada e sem roçada. Sistemas sem queima apresentam maior quantidade de água e cobertura do solo.<br>Soil samples were taken, in 1998, from distinct layers (0-2.5; 2.5-5.0; 5-10 and 10-30cm) in fields with native pasture under grazing, submitted to burning and alternative management practices (without burning with or without mowing, and improved for 7 and 24 years), in the Campos de Cima da Serra region, RS, Brazil. The experimental design was a completely randomized, with three replications. The improvement of native pasture increased the value of pH and the levels Ca, Mg, P and base saturation, and reduced the potential acidity. Biennial burning increased the potential acidity and reduced Mg. The mowing treatment increased the level of Mg and base saturation, and decreased the potencial acidity in the soil surface in comparison to the system without burning and without mowing. Systems without burning were more efficient in water conservation and soil cover