1,901 research outputs found

    Detection of Close-In Extrasolar Giant Planets Using the Fourier-Kelvin Stellar Interferometer

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    We evaluate the direct detection of extrasolar giant planets with a two-aperture nulling infrared interferometer, working at angles θ<λ/2B{\theta}<{\lambda}/2B, and using a new `ratio-of-two-wavelengths' technique. Simple arguments suggest that interferometric detection and characterization should be quite possible for planets much closer than the conventional inner working angle, or angular resolution limit. We show that the peak signal from a nulling infrared interferometer of baseline (40\lesssim 40 meters) will often occur `inside the null', and that the signal variations from path-difference fluctuations will cancel to first order in the ratio of two wavelengths. Using a new interferometer simulation code, we evaluate the detectability of all the known extrasolar planets as observed using this two-color method with the proposed {\it Fourier Kelvin Stellar Interferometer (FKSI)}. In its minimum configuration {\it FKSI} uses two 0.5-meter apertures on a 12.5-meter baseline, and a ±20\pm 20^{\circ} field-of-regard. We predict that 7\sim 7 known extrasolar planets are directly detectable using {\it FKSI}, with low-resolution spectroscopy (R20R \sim 20) being possible in the most favorable cases. Spaceborne direct detection of extrasolar giant planets is possible with 12\sim 12 meter baselines, and does not require the much longer baselines provided by formation flying.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Exoplanet Atmospheres

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    At the dawn of the first discovery of exoplanets orbiting sun-like stars in the mid-1990s, few believed that observations of exoplanet atmospheres would ever be possible. After the 2002 Hubble Space Telescope detection of a transiting exoplanet atmosphere, many skeptics discounted it as a one-object, one-method success. Nevertheless, the field is now firmly established, with over two dozen exoplanet atmospheres observed today. Hot Jupiters are the type of exoplanet currently most amenable to study. Highlights include: detection of molecular spectral features; observation of day-night temperature gradients; and constraints on vertical atmospheric structure. Atmospheres of giant planets far from their host stars are also being studied with direct imaging. The ultimate exoplanet goal is to answer the enigmatic and ancient question, "Are we alone?" via detection of atmospheric biosignatures. Two exciting prospects are the immediate focus on transiting super Earths orbiting in the habitable zone of M-dwarfs, and ultimately the spaceborne direct imaging of true Earth analogs.Comment: Annual Reviews of Astronomy and Astrophysics, in press. 47 pages, 16 Figures. This article was completed in January 2010; more recent references are not include

    Tattoo Antenna Temporary Transfers Operating On-Skin (TATTOOS)

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    This paper discusses the development of RFID logo antennas based on the logos of Loughborough University and the University of Kent which can be tattooed directly onto the skin’s surface. Hence, this paper uses aesthetic principles to create functional wearable technology. Simulations of possible designs for the tattoo tags have been carried out to optimize their performance. Prototypes of the tag designs were fabricated and read range measurements with the transfer tattoos on a volunteers arm were carried out to test the performance. Measured Read ranges of approximately 0.5 m have been achieved with the antenna 10 µm from the body

    Dissociation, shame, complex PTSD, child maltreatment and intimate relationship self-concept in dissociative disorder, chronic PTSD and mixed psychiatric groups.

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    Whilst a growing body of research has examined dissociation and other psychiatric symptoms in severe dissociative disorders (DDs), there has been no systematic examination of shame and sense of self in relationships in DDs. Chronic child abuse often associated with severe DDs, like dissociative identity disorder, is likely to heighten shame and relationship concerns. This study investigated complex posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), borderline and Schneiderian symptoms, dissociation, shame, child abuse, and various markers of self in relationships (e.g., relationship esteem, relationship depression, fear of relationships). Methods: Participants were assessed via clinical interview with psychometrically sound questionnaires. They fell into three diagnostic groups, dissociative disorder (n¼39; primarily dissociative identity disorder), chronic PTSD (Chr-PTSD; n¼13) or mixed psychiatric presentations (MP; n¼21; primarily mood and anxiety disorders). All participants had a history of child abuse and/or neglect, and the groups did not differ on age and gender. Results: The DD group was higher on nearly all measured variables than the MP group, and had more severe dissociative, borderline and Schneiderian symptoms than the Chr-PTSD sample. Shame and complex PTSD symptoms fell marginally short of predicting reductions in relationship esteem, pathological dissociative symptoms predicted increased relationship depression, and complex PTSD symptoms predicted fear of relationships. Limitations: The representativeness of the samples was unknown. Conclusion: Severe psychiatric symptoms differentiate DDs from chronic PTSD, while dissociation and shame have a meaningful impact on specific markers of relationship functioning in psychiatric patients with a history of child abuse and neglect

    Photometric Light Curves and Polarization of Close-in Extrasolar Giant Planets

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    The close-in extrasolar giant planets [CEGPs], \ltorder 0.05 AU from their parent stars, may have a large component of optically reflected light. We present theoretical optical photometric light curves and polarization curves for the CEGP systems, from reflected planetary light. Different particle sizes of three condensates are considered. In the most reflective case, the variability is 100\approx 100 micromagnitudes, which will be easily detectable by the upcoming satellite missions MOST, COROT, and MONS, and possibly from the ground in the near future. The least reflective case is caused by small, highly absorbing grains such as solid Fe, with variation of much less than one micromagnitude. Polarization for all cases is lower than current detectability limits. We also discuss the temperature-pressure profiles and resulting emergent spectra of the CEGP atmospheres. We discuss the observational results of Tau Boo b by Cameron et al. (1999) and Charbonneau et al. (1999) in context of our model results. The predictions - the shape and magnitude of the light curves and polarization curves - are highly dependent on the size and type of condensates present in the planetary atmosphere.Comment: 33 pages, accepted by Ap

    An Upper Limit on the Albedo of HD 209458b: Direct Imaging Photometry with the MOST Satellite

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    We present space-based photometry of the transiting exoplanetary system HD 209458 obtained with the MOST (Microvariablity and Oscillations of STars) satellite, spanning 14 days and covering 4 transits and 4 secondary eclipses. The HD 209458 photometry was obtained in MOST's lower-precision Direct Imaging mode, which is used for targets in the brightness range 6.5<V<136.5 < V < 13. We describe the photometric reduction techniques for this mode of observing, in particular the corrections for stray Earthshine. We do not detect the secondary eclipse in the MOST data, to a limit in depth of 0.053 mmag (1 \sigma). We set a 1 \sigma upper limit on the planet-star flux ratio of 4.88 x 10^-5 corresponding to a geometric albedo upper limit in the MOST bandpass (400 to 700 nm) of 0.25. The corresponding numbers at the 3 \sigma level are 1.34 x 10^-4 and 0.68 respectively. HD 209458b is half as bright as Jupiter in the MOST bandpass. This low geometric albedo value is an important constraint for theoretical models of the HD209458b atmosphere, in particular ruling out the presence of reflective clouds. A second MOST campaign on HD 209458 is expected to be sensitive to an exoplanet albedo as low as 0.13 (1 sigma), if the star does not become more intrinsically variable in the meantime.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal (July 2006, v645n1

    HAT-P-24b: An inflated hot-Jupiter on a 3.36d period transiting a hot, metal-poor star

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    We report the discovery of HAT-P-24b, a transiting extrasolar planet orbiting the moderately bright V=11.818 F8 dwarf star GSC 0774-01441, with a period P = 3.3552464 +/- 0.0000071 d, transit epoch Tc = 2455216.97669 +/- 0.00024 (BJD_UTC), and transit duration 3.653 +/- 0.025 hours. The host star has a mass of 1.191 +/- 0.042 Msun, radius of 1.317 +/- 0.068 Rsun, effective temperature 6373 +/- 80 K, and a low metallicity of [Fe/H] = -0.16 +/- 0.08. The planetary companion has a mass of 0.681 +/- 0.031 MJ, and radius of 1.243 +/- 0.072 RJ yielding a mean density of 0.439 +/- 0.069 g cm-3 . By repeating our global fits with different parameter sets, we have performed a critical investigation of the fitting techniques used for previous HAT planetary discoveries. We find that the system properties are robust against the choice of priors. The effects of fixed versus fitted limb darkening are also examined. HAT-P-24b probably maintains a small eccentricity of e = 0.052 +0.022 -0.017, which is accepted over the circular orbit model with false alarm probability 5.8%. In the absence of eccentricity pumping, this result suggests HAT-P-24b experiences less tidal dissipation than Jupiter. Due to relatively rapid stellar rotation, we estimate that HAT-P-24b should exhibit one of the largest known Rossiter-McLaughlin effect amplitudes for an exoplanet (deltaVRM ~ 95 m/s) and thus a precise measurement of the sky-projected spin-orbit alignment should be possible.Comment: 13 pages with 4 figures and 8 tables in emulateapj format. Minor changes. Accepted in The Astrophysical Journa

    The Real Combination Problem : Panpsychism, Micro-Subjects, and Emergence

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    Panpsychism harbors an unresolved tension, the seriousness of which has yet to be fully appreciated. I capture this tension as a dilemma, and offer panpsychists advice on how to resolve it. The dilemma, briefly, is as follows. Panpsychists are committed to the perspicuous explanation of macro-mentality in terms of micro-mentality. But panpsychists take the micro-material realm to feature not just mental properties, but also micro-subjects to whom these properties belong. Yet it is impossible to explain the constitution of a macro-subject (like one of us) in terms of the assembly of micro-subjects, for, I show, subjects cannot combine. Therefore the panpsychist explanatory project is derailed by the insistence that the world’s ultimate material constituents (ultimates) are subjects of experience. The panpsychist faces a choice of abandoning her explanatory project, or recanting the claim that the ultimates are subjects. This is the dilemma. I argue that the latter option is to be preferred. This needn’t constitute a wholesale abandonment of panpsychism, however, since panpsychists can maintain that the ultimates possess phenomenal qualities, despite not being subjects of those qualities. This proposal requires us to make sense of phenomenal qualities existing independently of experiencing subjects, a challenge I tackle in the penultimate section. The position eventually reached is a form of neutral monism, so another way to express the overall argument is to say that, keeping true to their philosophical motivations, panpsychists should really be neutral monists.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    The atmospheres of the hot-Jupiters Kepler-5b and Kepler-6b observed during occultations with Warm-Spitzer and Kepler

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    This paper reports the detection and the measurements of occultations of the two transiting hot giant exoplanets Kepler-5b and Kepler-6b by their parent stars. The observations are obtained in the near infrared with Spitzer Space Telescope and at optical wavelengths by combining more than a year of Kepler photometry. The investigation consists of constraining the eccentricities of these systems and of obtaining broad band emergent spectra for individual planets. For both targets, the occultations are detected at 3 sigma level at each wavelength with mid-occultation times consistent with circular orbits. The brightness temperatures of these planets are deduced from the infrared observations and reach T=1930+/-100K and T=1660+/-120K for Kepler-5b and Kepler-6b respectively. We measure optical geometric albedos A_g in the Kepler bandpass and find A_g=0.12+/-0.04 for Kepler-5b and A_g=0.11+/-0.04 for Kepler-6b leading to an upper limit for the Bond albedo of A_B < 0.17 in both cases. The observations for both planets are best described by models for which most of the incident energy is redistributed on the dayside, with only less than 10% of the absorbed stellar flux redistributed to the night side of these planets. The data for Kepler-5b favor a model without a temperature inversion, whereas for Kepler-6b they do not allow distinguishing between models with and without inversion.Comment: 26 pages, 18 figures, 3 tables, submitted to Ap

    WASP-4b Arrived Early for the TESS Mission

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    The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) recently observed 18 transits of the hot Jupiter WASP-4b. The sequence of transits occurred 81.6 ±\pm 11.7 seconds earlier than had been predicted, based on data stretching back to 2007. This is unlikely to be the result of a clock error, because TESS observations of other hot Jupiters (WASP-6b, 18b, and 46b) are compatible with a constant period, ruling out an 81.6-second offset at the 6.4σ\sigma level. The 1.3-day orbital period of WASP-4b appears to be decreasing at a rate of P˙=12.6±1.2\dot{P} = -12.6 \pm 1.2 milliseconds per year. The apparent period change might be caused by tidal orbital decay or apsidal precession, although both interpretations have shortcomings. The gravitational influence of a third body is another possibility, though at present there is minimal evidence for such a body. Further observations are needed to confirm and understand the timing variation.Comment: AJ accepte