3,472 research outputs found

    Balanced homodyne detectors in QFT

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    Within the dipole approximation we describe the interaction of a photodiode with the quantum electric field. The diode is modelled by an electron in a bound state which upon interaction, treated perturbatively in the paper, can get excited to one of the scattering states. We furthermore analyze a balanced homodyne detector (BHD) with a local oscillator (LO) consisting of two photodiodes illuminated by a monochromatic coherent state. We show, that to the leading order the BHD's output measures the expectation value of the quantum electric field, in the state without the LO, restricted to the frequency of the LO. The square of the output measures the two-point function of the quantum field. This shows that the BHDs provide tools for measurements of sub-vacuum (negative) expectation values of the squares quantum fields and thus for test of Quantum Energy Inequality - like bounds, or other QFT effects under the influence of external conditions.Comment: Revised version with minor mistakes remove

    Quantum theory of a vortex line in an optical lattice

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    We investigate the quantum theory of a vortex line in a stack of weakly-coupled two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates, that is created by a one-dimensional optical lattice. We derive the dispersion relation of the Kelvin modes of the vortex line and also study the coupling between the Kelvin modes and the quadrupole modes. We solve the coupled dynamics of the vortex line and the quadrupole modes, both classically as well as quantum mechanically. The quantum mechanical solution reveals the possibility of generating nonequilibrium squeezed vortex states by strongly driving the quadrupole modes.Comment: Minor changes in response to a referee repor

    Entanglement conditions for two-mode states: Applications

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    We examine the implications of several recently derived conditions [Hillery and Zubairy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 050503 (2006)] for determining when a two-mode state is entangled. We first find examples of non-Gaussian states that satisfy these conditions. We then apply the entanglement conditions to the study of several linear devices, the beam splitter, the parametric amplifier, and the linear phase-insensitive amplifier. For the first two, we find conditions on the input states that guarantee that the output states are entangled. For the linear amplifier, we determine in the limit of high and no gain, when an entangled input leads to an entangled output. Finally, we show how application of two two-mode entanglement conditions to a three-mode state can serve as a test of genuine three-mode entanglement.Comment: 7 pages, no figures, replaced with published versio

    Polarization entanglement visibility of photon pairs emitted by a quantum dot embedded in a microcavity

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    We study the photon emission from a quantum dot embedded in a microcavity. Incoherent pumping of its excitons and biexciton provokes the emission of leaky and cavity modes. By solving a master equation we obtain the correlation functions required to compute the spectrum and the relative efficiency among the emission of pairs and single photons. A quantum regime appears for low pumping and large rate of emission. By means of a post-selection process, a two beams experiment with different linear polarizations could be performed producing a large polarization entanglement visibility precisely in the quantum regime.Comment: 13 pages and 6 figure

    Correlations in atomic systems: Diagnosing coherent superpositions

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    While investigating quantum correlations in atomic systems, we note that single measurements contain information about these correlations. Using a simple model of measurement -- analogous to the one used in quantum optics -- we show how to extract higher order correlation functions from individual "phtotographs" of the atomic sample. As a possible application we apply the method to detect a subtle phase coherence in mesoscopic superpostitions.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, provisionally accepted to Physical Review Letter

    Spatial Correlation Functions of one-dimensional Bose gases at Equilibrium

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    The dependence of the three lowest order spatial correlation functions of a harmonically confined Bose gas on temperature and interaction strength is presented at equilibrium. Our analysis is based on a stochastic Langevin equation for the order parameter of a weakly-interacting gas. Comparison of the predicted first order correlation functions to those of appropriate mean field theories demonstrates the potentially crucial role of density fluctuations on the equilibrium coherence length. Furthermore,the change in both coherence length and shape of the correlation function, from gaussian to exponential, with increasing temperature is quantified. Moreover, the presented results for higher order correlation functions are shown to be in agreeement with existing predictions. Appropriate consideration of density-density correlations is shown to facilitate a precise determination of quasi-condensate density profiles, providing an alternative approach to the bimodal density fits typically used experimentally

    Quantum Trajectory Analysis of the Two-Mode Three-Level Atom Microlaser

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    We consider a single atom laser (microlaser) operating on three-level atoms interacting with a two-mode cavity. The quantum statistical properties of the cavity field at steady state are investigated by the quantum trajectory method which is a Monte Carlo simulation applied to open quantum systems. It is found that a steady state solution exists even when the detailed balance condition is not guaranteed. The differences between a single mode microlaser and a two-mode microlaser are highlighted. The second-order correlation function g^2(T) of a single mode is studied and special attention is paid to the one-photon trapping state, for which a simple formula is derived for its correlation function. We show the effects of the velocity spread of the atoms used to pump the microlaser cavity on the second-order correlation function, trapping states, and phase transitions of the cavity field

    Heat Capacity Mapping Mission

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    The Tasman Front was delineated by airborne expendable bathythermograph survey; and an Heat Capacity Mapping Mission (HCMM) IR image on the same day shows the same principal features as determined from ground-truth. It is clear that digital enhancement of HCMM images is necessary to map ocean surface temperatures and when done, the Tasman Front and other oceanographic features can be mapped by this method, even through considerable scattered cloud cover

    Shale Investment Dashboard in Ohio

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    This report presents findings from an investigation into shale-related investment in Ohio from researchers at Cleveland State and Youngstown State Universities. The investment estimates are cumulative from 2011 through the summer of 2016. Subsequent reports will estimate additional investment since the date of this report. The investigation was made into upstream, midstream and downstream investments. The downturn in oil and gas prices in late 2014 that continued through 2016 has constrained upstream investment in Ohio, as drilling slowed. However low hydrocarbon prices have increased a nationwide appetite for natural gas and natural gas liquids. This has led to a continuation of midstream and downstream investment. Since operating companies do not generally make investments publicly available, upstream investments were estimated by using approximations for typical expenditures on wells that are drilled in the Utica. Information for typical investments were obtained through a combination of industry interviews and publicly available data

    Theory of single-photon transport in a single-mode waveguide coupled to a cavity containing a two-level atom

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    The single-photon transport in a single-mode waveguide, coupled to a cavity embedded with a two-leval atom is analyzed. The single-photon transmission and reflection amplitudes, as well as the cavity and the atom excitation amplitudes, are solved exactly via a real-space approach. It is shown that the dissipation of the cavity and of the atom respectively affects distinctively on the transport properties of the photons, and on the relative phase between the excitation amplitudes of the cavity mode and the atom.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figures. Accepted by Physical Review A (2009
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