492 research outputs found

    The radial gradients and collisional properties of solar wind electrons

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    The plasma instrument on Mariner 10 carried out measurements of electron density and temperature in the interplanetary medium between heliocentric distances of 0.85 and 0.45 AU. Due to the stable coronal configuration and low solar activity during the period of observation, the radial variations of these quantities could be obtained. The power-law exponent of the core temperature was measured to be -0.3 + or - 0.04, and the halo temperature was found to be almost independent of heliocentric distance. The exponent of the power law for the density variation was 2.5 + or - 0.2 and the extrapolated value at 1 AU was consistent with measured values during the same period. Calculations of the core electron self-collision time, and the core-halo equipartition time were made as a function of radial distance. These measurements indicate a macroscale picture of a Coulomb-collisional core and a collisionless isothermal halo. Extrapolating back to the sun, core and halo temperatures become equal at a radial distance of approx. 2-15 radii

    First results from the six-axis electron spectrometer on ISEE-1

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    A survey, using results from the first 25 orbits of ISEE-1, was made of some aspects of electrons in the dawn magnetosheath. There are indications that the flow of plasma is not uniformly turbulent over this region. The electron heat flux is observed to be directed away from the shock and to have an average value of about twice the interplanetary heat flux. Many magnetopause crossings were observed and usually resemble abrupt transitions from one well-defined plasma state to another. The ejection of plasma from flux tubes convected up against the magnetopause is observed for about half the time, and its thickness and dependance on the solar wind Mach number agrees with theoretical predictions. A full traversal of the whole forward hemisphere of the magnetosheath is required to fully confirm these deductions

    Scale lengths in quasi-parallel shocks

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    Examples of an interplanetary and the bow shock illustrate the small relative size of the electrostatic layer relative to the scale of the magnetic fluctuations in quasi-parallel shocks. While both examples are supercritical, the interplanetary example is marginally so, showing a thickness in absolute and convected ion larmor radii units that is thicker (approximately 13 U/omega sub ci) than at the bow shock (approximately omega sub ci). The fluid speed changes abruptly in the quasi-parallel shock on this shorter scale. The increase in electron and ion random energies also is clearly seen on this shorter scale. In the interplanetary example the scale of the electric layer is certainly less than 1/60th that of the up or downstreams magnetic fluctuations. The thickness of the earth's bow shock deceleration layer is dramatically narrower than any domain of upstream waves as controlled by reflected, intermediate, or diffuse ions

    Photovoltaic village power application: Assessment of the near-term market

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    The village power application represents a potential market for photovoltaics. The price of energy for photovoltaic systems was compared to that of utility line extensions and diesel generators. The potential domestic demand was defined in both the government and commercial sectors. The foreign demand and sources of funding for village power systems in the developing countries were also discussed briefly. It was concluded that a near term domestic market of at least 12 MW min and a foreign market of about 10 GW exists

    Photovoltaic highway applications: Assessment of the near-term market

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    A preliminary assessment of the near-term market for photovoltaic highway applications is presented. Among the potential users, two market sectors are considered: government and commercial. Within these sectors, two possible application areas, signs and motorist aids, are discussed. Based on judgemental information, obtained by a brief survey of representatives of the two user sectors, the government sector appears more amenable to the introduction of photovoltaic power sources for highway applications in the near-term. However, considerable interest and potential opportunities were also found to exist in the commercial sector. Further studies to quantify the market for highway applications appear warranted

    Photovoltaic refrigeration application: Assessment of the near-term market

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    This foreign and domestic market assessment was performed as part of the Tests and Applications Project being conducted by NASA-LeRC as part of the Department of Energy's (DOE) National Photovoltaic Program. One of the objectives of that program was to stimulate the demand for photovoltaic power systems so that appropriate markets would be developed in concert with the increasing photovoltaic production capacity. The refrigeration application represented a possible market for photovoltaics; hence, a brief survey of potential applications was conducted. Both refrigerators and refrigeration systems were considered in the assessment although the primary emphasis is on refrigerators of 9 cu ft of less. Three user sectors were examined: (1) government, (2) commercial/institutional, and (3) general public

    Photovoltaic remote instrument applications: Assessment of the near-term market

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    A preliminary assessment of the near term market for photovoltaic remote instrument applications is presented. Among the potential users, two market sectors are considered: government and private. However, the majority of the remote systems studied are operated by or for the federal, state, or local governments. Environmental monitoring and surveillance remote instrument systems are discussed. Based on information obtained in this preliminary market survey, a domestic, civilian market of at least 1.3 MW sub pk is forecast for remote instrument systems. This estimate is exclusive of several potentially large scale markets for remote instruments which are identified but for which no hard data is available

    Photovoltaic water pumping applications: Assessment of the near-term market

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    Water pumping applications represent a potential market for photovoltaics. The price of energy for photovoltaic systems was compared to that of utility line extensions and diesel generators. The potential domestic demand was defined in the government, commercial/institutional and public sectors. The foreign demand and sources of funding for water pumping systems in the developing countries were also discussed briefly. It was concluded that a near term domestic market of at least 240 megawatts and a foreign market of about 6 gigawatts exist

    Survey of low energy plasma electrons in Saturn's magnetosphere: Voyagers 1 and 2

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    The low energy plasma electron environment within Saturn's magnetosphere was surveyed by the Plasma Science Experiment (PLS) during the Voyager encounters with Saturn. Over the full energy range of the PLS instrument (10 eV to 6 keV) the electron distribution functions are clearly non-Maxwellian in character; they are composed of a cold (thermal) component with Maxwellian shape and a hot (suprathermal) non-Maxwellian component. A large scale positive radial gradient in electron temperature is observed, increasing from less than 1 eV in the inner magnetosphere to as high as 800 eV in the outer magnetosphere. Three fundamentally different plasma regimes were identified from the measurements: (1) the hot outer magnetosphere, (2) the extended plasma sheet, and (3) the inner plasma torus

    Cusp energetic ions: A bow shock source

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    Recent interpretations of cusp energetic ions observed by the POLAR spacecraft have suggested a new energization process in the cusp [Chen et al., 1997; 1998]. Simultaneous enhancement of H+, He+2, and O\u3e+2 fluxes indicates that they are of solar wind origin. In the present study, we examine H+ and He+2 energy spectra from 20 eV to several 100 keV measured by the Hydra, Toroidal Imaging Mass-Angle Spectrograph (TIMAS), and Charge and Mass Magnetospheric Ion Composition Experiment (CAMMICE) on POLAR. The combined spectrum for each species is shown to be continuous with a thermal distribution below 10 keV/e and an energetic component above 20 keV/e. Energetic ions with comparable fluxes and a similar spectral shape are commonly observed downstream from the Earth\u27s quasi-parallel (Q∥) bow shock. In addition to the similarity in the ion spectra, electric and magnetic field noise and turbulence detected in the cusp by the Plasma Wave Instrument (PWI) and Magnetic Field Experiment (MFE) onboard POLAR are similar to the previously reported observations at the bow shock. The waves appear to be coincidental to the cusp energetic ions rather than causal. We suggest that these ions are not accelerated locally in the cusp. Rather, they are accelerated at the Q∥ bow shock and enter the cusp along open magnetic field lines connecting both regions
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