555 research outputs found

    Shock-layer bounds for a singularly perturbed equation

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    The size of the shock-layer governed by a conservation law is studied. The conservation law is a parabolic reaction-convection-diffusion equation with a small parameter multiplying the diffusion term and convex flux. Rigorous upper and lower bounding functions for the solution of the conservation law are established based on maximum-principle arguments. The bounding functions demonstrate that the size of the shock-layer is proportional to the parameter multiplying the diffusion term

    Interface conditions for domain decomposition with radical grid refinement

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    Interface conditions for coupling the domains in a physically motivated domain decomposition method are discussed. The domain decomposition is based on an asymptotic-induced method for the numerical solution of hyperbolic conservation laws with small viscosity. The method consists of multiple stages. The first stage is to obtain a first approximation using a first-order method, such as the Godunov scheme. Subsequent stages of the method involve solving internal-layer problem via a domain decomposition. The method is derived and justified via singular perturbation techniques

    An iterative method for systems of nonlinear hyperbolic equations

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    An iterative algorithm for the efficient solution of systems of nonlinear hyperbolic equations is presented. Parallelism is evident at several levels. In the formation of the iteration, the equations are decoupled, thereby providing large grain parallelism. Parallelism may also be exploited within the solves for each equation. Convergence of the interation is established via a bounding function argument. Experimental results in two-dimensions are presented

    Asymptotic-induced numerical methods for conservation laws

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    Asymptotic-induced methods are presented for the numerical solution of hyperbolic conservation laws with or without viscosity. The methods consist of multiple stages. The first stage is to obtain a first approximation by using a first-order method, such as the Godunov scheme. Subsequent stages of the method involve solving internal-layer problems identified by using techniques derived via asymptotics. Finally, a residual correction increases the accuracy of the scheme. The method is derived and justified with singular perturbation techniques

    Proceedings for the ICASE Workshop on Heterogeneous Boundary Conditions

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    Domain Decomposition is a complex problem with many interesting aspects. The choice of decomposition can be made based on many different criteria, and the choice of interface of internal boundary conditions are numerous. The various regions under study may have different dynamical balances, indicating that different physical processes are dominating the flow in these regions. This conference was called in recognition of the need to more clearly define the nature of these complex problems. This proceedings is a collection of the presentations and the discussion groups

    An asymptotic induced numerical method for the convection-diffusion-reaction equation

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    A parallel algorithm for the efficient solution of a time dependent reaction convection diffusion equation with small parameter on the diffusion term is presented. The method is based on a domain decomposition that is dictated by singular perturbation analysis. The analysis is used to determine regions where certain reduced equations may be solved in place of the full equation. Parallelism is evident at two levels. Domain decomposition provides parallelism at the highest level, and within each domain there is ample opportunity to exploit parallelism. Run time results demonstrate the viability of the method

    Weak imposition of Signorini boundary conditions on the boundary element method

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    We derive and analyse a boundary element formulation for boundary conditions involving inequalities. In particular, we focus on Signorini contact conditions. The Calder\'on projector is used for the system matrix and boundary conditions are weakly imposed using a particular variational boundary operator designed using techniques from augmented Lagrangian methods. We present a complete numerical a priori error analysis and present some numerical examples to illustrate the theory

    Execution time supports for adaptive scientific algorithms on distributed memory machines

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    Optimizations are considered that are required for efficient execution of code segments that consists of loops over distributed data structures. The PARTI (Parallel Automated Runtime Toolkit at ICASE) execution time primitives are designed to carry out these optimizations and can be used to implement a wide range of scientific algorithms on distributed memory machines. These primitives allow the user to control array mappings in a way that gives an appearance of shared memory. Computations can be based on a global index set. Primitives are used to carry out gather and scatter operations on distributed arrays. Communications patterns are derived at runtime, and the appropriate send and receive messages are automatically generated

    Mechanizing the Removal of Soil Between Peach Trees Planted on Berms

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    Armillaria root rot (ARR), primarily caused by the soilborne fungus Desarmillaria tabescens, has become the number one cause for peach tree decline in the Southeastern United States. Research has shown that planting peach trees on shallow berms and excavating the soil around the root collar two years after planting lessens the effects of ARR. However, berms make orchard operations such as pruning, thinning, and harvesting more cumbersome and cause cultural concerns as channels of water at their base can lead to erosion and the slope of the berms leads to herbicide and fertilizer runoff. The objective of this research was to develop an implement that would flatten soil between peach trees planted on berms after two passes. A rotary tillage tool (paddle wheel) with paddles 20.3 cm in height and 30.5 cm in length was designed and retrofitted on a mechanical weeder that removes the soil with a rotary head. A hydraulic flow meter, an RTK-GPS receiver, and a wireless data acquisition system were installed to monitor the rotational speed and the ground speed. The effects of paddle wheel rotational speed (132, 177, 204 RPM) and tractor ground speed (1.65, 2.255, 3.08 km/h) on torque requirement of the paddle wheel and the smoothness of the soil were determined in two orchards. The experiments showed that a ground speed of 3 km/h and rotational speed of 177 RPM provides the smoothest soil surface with minimum torque requirement in this soil type