6 research outputs found

    Mouse pancreatic beta-cells exhibit preserved glucose competence after disruption of the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor gene

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    Previous work suggested that glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) can acutely regulate insulin secretion in two ways, I)by acting as an incretin, causing amplification of glucose-induced insulin release when glucose is given orally as opposed to intravenous glucose injection; and 2) by keeping the beta-cell population in a glucose-competent state. The observation that mice with homozygous disruption of the GLP-1 receptor gene are diabetic with a diminished incretin response to glucose underlines the first function in vivo. Isolated islets of Langerhans from GLP-1 receptor -/- mice mere studied to assess the second function in vitro. Absence of pancreatic GLP-1 receptor function was observed in GLP-1 receptor -/- mice, as exemplified by loss of [I-125]GLP-1 binding to pancreatic islets in situ and by the lack of GLP-1 potentiation of glucose-induced insulin secretion from perifused islets. Acute glucose competence of the beta-cells, assessed by perifusing islets with stepwise increases of the medium glucose concentration, was well preserved in GLP-1 receptor -/- islets in terms of insulin secretion. Furthermore, neither islet nor total pancreatic insulin content was significantly changed in the GLP-1 receptor -/- mice when compared with age- and sex-matched controls. In conclusion, mouse islets exhibit preserved insulin storage capacity and glucose-dependent insulin secretion despite the loss of functional GLP-1 receptors. The results demonstrate that the glucose responsiveness of islet beta-cells is well preserved in the absence of GLP-1 receptor signaling

    Enhanced glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide secretion and insulinotropic action in glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor (-/-) mice

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    Incretins are gastrointestinal hormones that act on the pancreas to potentiate glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. Despite the physiological importance of the enteroinsular axis, disruption of glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1 action is associated with only modest glucose intolerance in GLP-1 receptor -/- (GLP-1R -/-) mice. me show here that GLP-1R -/- mice exhibit compensatory changes in the enteroinsular axis via increased glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) secretion and enhanced GIP action. Serum GIP levels in GLP-1R -/- mice were significantly elevated versus those in +/+ control mice after an oral glucose tolerance test (369 +/- 40 vs. 236 +/- 28 pmol/l; P less than or equal to 0.02). Furthermore, GIP perfusion of mice pancreas and isolated islets in the presence of elevated glucose concentrations elicited a significantly greater insulin response in GLP-1R -/- than in +/+ mice (P less than or equal to 0.02-0.05). In contrast, no significant perturbation in the insulin response to perfused glucagon was detected under conditions of low (4.4 mmol/l) or high (16.6 mmol/l) glucose in GLP-1R -/- mice. Total pancreatic insulin but not glucagon content was significantly reduced in GLP-1R -/- compared with in +/+ mice (77 +/- 9 vs. 121 +/- 10 pmol/mg protein; P less than or equal to 0.005). These observations suggest that upregulation of the GIP component of the enteroinsular axis, at the levels of GLP secretion and action, modifies the phenotype resulting from interruption of the insulinotropic activity of GLP-1 in vivo

    Altered cAMP and Ca2+ signaling in mouse pancreatic islets with glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor null phenotype

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    1-Cells from rodents and humans express different receptors recognizing hormones of the secretin-glucagon family, which--when activated--synergize with glucose in the control of insulin release. We have recently reported that isolated islets from mice homozygous for a GLP-1 receptor null mutation (GLP-1R(-/-)) exhibit a well-preserved insulin-secretory response to glucose. This observation can be interpreted in two different ways: 1) the presence of GLP-1R is not essential for the secretory response of isolated islets to glucose alone; 2) beta-cells in GLP-1R(-/-) pancreases underwent compensatory changes in response to the null mutation. To explore these possibilities, we studied islets from control GLP-IR(+/+) mice in the absence or presence of 1 pmol/l exendin (9-39)amide, a specific and potent GLP-1R antagonist. Exendin (9-39)amide (15-min exposure) reduced glucose-induced insulin secretion from both perifused and statically incubated GLP-1R(+/+) islets by 50% (P < 0.05), and reduced islet cAMP production in parallel (P < 0.001). Furthermore, GLP-1R(-/-) islets exhibited: 1) reduced cAMP accumulation in the presence of 20 mmol/l glucose (knockout islets versus control islets, 12 +/- 1 vs. 27 +/- 3 fmol x islet(-1) x 15 min(-1); P < 0.001) and exaggerated acceleration of cAMP production by 10 nmol/l glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP) (increase over 20 mmol/l glucose by GIP in knockout islets versus control islets: 66 +/- 5 vs. 14 +/- 3 fmol x islet(-1) x 15 min(-1); P < 0.001); 2) increased mean cytosolic [Ca2+] ([Ca2+]c) at 7, 10, and 15 mmol/l glucose in knockout islets versus control islets; and 3) signs of asynchrony of [Ca2+]c oscillations between different islet subregions. In conclusion, disruption of GLP-1R signaling is associated with reduced basal but enhanced GIP-stimulated cAMP production and abnormalities in basal and glucose-stimulated [Ca2+]c. These abnormalities suggest that GLP-1R signaling is an essential upstream component of multiple beta-cell signaling pathways