10 research outputs found

    The effectiveness of celebrity endorsement in aspiring new celebrities: Examining the effects of brand, congruence, charisma and overexposure

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    Purpose – Celebrity endorsement is a phenomenon widely used by companies and studied by researchers. Despite the generally positive aspects of endorsement on the evaluation of products, in some cases, celebrities cannot substantially help promote products. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement effect in an aspiring new celebrity. Design/methodology/approach – Four studies involving 664 respondents were conducted to analyze the effectiveness of the endorsement. In addition to verifying the existence of the effect (Study 1), studies were conducted focusing on contextual variables with the potential to modify effect. Study 2 analyzes the brand and charisma effects, Study 3 analyzes the congruence between celebrities and Study 4 analyzes the exposure level of the endorser celebrity. Findings – The results demonstrate the effectiveness of this celebrity endorsement, as well as the effect of different contexts on endorsement, demonstrating that although new celebrities are less affected by acclaimed celebrities, as they become better known, to use the endorsement of celebrities with charisma and who relating in some way to the aspiring celebrity, can be an effective strategy, especially for the beginners in the career. Originality/value – This research contributes to the knowledge of celebrity endorsement to fill the lack pointed out in previous studies in the field over the effectiveness of this effect and, above all, the moderator variables that can influence or even annul this effect. In addition, by developing its own image and reputation, the aspiring new celebrity receives less influence from the endorser

    O que sabemos sobre a relação das mulheres com o turismo de aventura e ecoturismo?

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    Objective of the study: this articles main objective is to understand the scientific production that addresses the relationship of women with adventure tourism and ecotourism, guiding the development on the subject.Methodology/approach: analysis of 43 scientific articles, found in the SciVerse Scopus® database, from 1998 to June 2020, using bibliometrics as a methodology with the aid of the IRAMUTEQ® software.Originality/relevance: gender inequalities are obstacles to the development of a more just society, however this problem is still reflected even in the segments considered to be more sustainable within tourism, such as adventure and ecotourism. With that problem in mind, the importance of understanding the relationship of women with these segments became clear.Main results: it was possible to perceive that the theme is ascending, with the majority of studies using a qualitative approach and having been published in several international impact journals. The found studies identify benefits and barriers, still to be overcome, within these segments for women. Another result was the relevance of agritourism, which appeared in several studies. The issues of gender equality, the role of women and the experience of women are highlighted in the theme. Theoretical/methodological contributions: presents a complete analysis of scientific productions on the relationship of women with adventure tourism and ecotourism, demonstrating main aspects and gaps, serving as a basis for the development of knowledge in the area and contributing to an agenda for future studies. Objetivo del estudio: este artículo tiene como objetivo principal comprender la producción científica que aborda la relación de las mujeres con el turismo de aventura y el ecoturístico, orientando el desarrollo en el tema.Metodología/enfoque: análisis de 43 artículos científicos, que fueron encontrados en la base de datos SciVerse Scopus®, desde 1998 hasta junio de 2020, utilizando la bibliometría como metodología con la ayuda del software IRAMUTEQ®.Originalidad/relevancia: las desigualdades de género son obstáculos para el desarrollo de una sociedad más justa, sin embargo este problema aún se refleja incluso en los segmentos considerados más sostenibles dentro del turismo, como la aventura y el ecoturismo. Al pensar en este problema, se percató de la importancia de comprender la relación de las mujeres con estos segmentos.Principales resultados: se pudo percibir que la temática es ascendente, teniendo la mayoría de los estudios con enfoque cualitativo y han sido publicados en varias revistas internacionales de impacto. Los estudios encontrados identifican beneficios y barreras que deben superarse dentro de estos segmentos para las mujeres. Otro resultado fue la evidencia de agroturismo, que apareció en varios estudios. En el tema se destacan las cuestiones de la igualdad de género, el papel de la mujer y la experiencia de la mujer.Contribuciones teóricas/metodológicas: el artículo presenta un análisis completo de las producciones científicas sobre la relación de la mujer con el turismo de aventura y el ecoturismo, demostrando los principales aspectos y brechas, sirviendo de base para el desarrollo del conocimiento en el área y contribuyendo a una agenda de estudios futuros. Objetivo do estudo: este artigo tem como objetivo principal compreender a produção científica que aborda a relação das mulheres com o turismo de aventura e ecoturismo, norteando o desenvolvimento sobre o assunto.Metodologia/abordagem: análise de 43 artigos científicos, encontrados na base de dados SciVerse Scopus®, no período de 1998 até junho de 2020, utilizando como metodologia a bibliometria com auxílio do software IRAMUTEQ®.Originalidade/relevância: as desigualdades de gênero são obstáculos para o desenvolvimento de uma sociedade mais justa, entretanto esse problema ainda é refletido até mesmo nos segmentos considerados mais sustentáveis dentro do turismo como o de aventura e do ecoturismo. Pensando nessa problemática, percebeu-se a importância de compreender a relação das mulheres com esses segmentos. Principais resultados: foi possível perceber que o tema é ascendente, com a maioria dos estudos utilizando abordagem qualitativa e tendo sido publicados em diversos periódicos internacionais de impacto. Os estudos encontrados identificam benefícios e barreiras a serem ultrapassadas dentro desses segmentos para as mulheres. Outro resultado foi a evidência do agroturismo, que surgiu em vários estudos. Os assuntos de igualdade de gênero, papel da mulher e a experiência das mulheres têm destaque no tema.Contribuições teóricas/metodológicas: apresenta uma análise completa das produções científicas sobre a relação das mulheres com o turismo de aventura e o ecoturismo, demonstrando principais aspectos e lacunas, servindo como base para o desenvolvimento do conhecimento na área e contribuindo para uma agenda de estudos futuros.

    Places for the practice of Spiritual Tourism: what is the relationship between spirituality and nature?

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    O turismo em busca da espiritualidade e em contato com a natureza vem sendo considerado uma das novas tendências em turismo. Desta forma, o objetivo deste artigo é contextualizar a produção científica sobre o Turismo Espiritual e entender sua relação com a natureza. Inicialmente foi realizada uma revisão bibliométrica para encontrar os trabalhos acadêmicos sobre esse tema e identificar a relação do segmento com a natureza, com posterior análise utilizando o software IRAMUTEQ®. No total foram identificados 92 trabalhos científicos, 26 países estudados, o país com maior número de trabalhos sobre o tema é a Índia, seguido do Peru e Indonésia, ficando o Brasil, Cazaquistão e Tailândia em quarto lugar. Conclui‐se que esse segmento possui estreita relação com a natureza, pois os ambientes naturais propiciam as experiências espirituais. Além disso, o Turismo Espiritual tem potencial para contribuir com a sustentabilidade do turismo, com a conservação da natureza e do patrimônio.Tourism in search of spiritual oneness with Nature is considered to be one of the new trends in tour‐ ism. Thus, the objective of this article is to contextualise research into Spiritual Tourism and to understand its relationship with Nature. Initially a review of the literature was carried out to find academic papers on this topic and to identify the relationship between the segment and nature, with subsequent analysis using the IRAMUTEQ® software. In total 92 scientific papers were identified, 26 countries studied, with the country most studied as India, followed by Peru and Indonesia, with Brazil, Kazakhstan and Thailand in joint fourth place. It is concluded that this segment depends implicitly on a close relationship with nature, since natural environments provide spiritual experiences. In addition, Spiritual Tourism has the potential to contribute to the sustainability of tourism, through conservation of nature and heritage

    Together we are stronger? Implications regarding the co-branding strategy and its effects for tourist destinations

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    A estratégia de co-branding vem sendo utilizada para a promoção do turismo e geração de vantagem competitiva, mas pouco ainda se sabe sobre os reais efeitos e implicações. Dessa forma, o presente estudo tem por objetivo realizar uma sequência de estudos que permitirá lançar luzes à atual literatura sobre o tema. O primeiro estudo traz uma revisão da literatura fundamentada a partir de uma análise bibliométrica sobre co-branding no contexto do turismo, procurando entender quais os principais autores, arcos teóricos utilizados, principais periódicos e verificar os principais achados da produção cientificada até o momento. Um total de 61 artigos científicos compôs o corpus desta etapa. Foi possível verificar que a pesquisa ainda se encontra em um estágio inicial, com diversas avenidas para o desenvolvimento de estudos futuros. Além disso, por meio de uma análise fatorial exploratória foi possível descobrir a existência de 7 eixos de pesquisa: (1) intenções comportamentais, (2) Place Brand, (3) Brand Equity, (4) incentivos e estratégias de marketing, (5) economia do turismo, (6) Gatilhos de Melhoria de Imagem e (7) atributos turísticos. Dada a incerteza acerca do fenômeno no turismo, dois experimentos foram conduzidos para se verificar o sucesso da estratégia, considerando o conhecimento das marcas evolvidas e o brand equity como premissas para o sucesso. Dessa forma, para o pleno funcionamento da estratégia, é necessário que um destino desconhecido esteja alinhado com a uma região/destino com alto patrimônio de marca para gerar efeitos mais significativos, sendo que o aumento da intenção de visita realmente ocorre por meio de um efeito mediado. Logo, os gestores dos destinos devem se preocupar em construir marcas sólidas e se alinhar a destinos com marcas sólidas, sendo que é importante mencionar que um destino muito conhecido não necessariamente apresenta alto valor de patrimônio de marca. Desta forma, os gestores devem ter um posicionamento claro de seus destinos e realizar uma construção de marca a partir das imagens e dos atributos diferenciadores da oferta turística. Assim, o investimento em comunicação massiva atrelado ao trabalho de produto e marca contribuirá para essa construção de marca forte.The co-branding strategy has been used to promote tourism and generate competitive advantage, but little is known about the real effects and implications. Thus, the present study aims to carry out a sequence of studies that will highlight on the current literature on the subject. The first study brings a review of the literature based on a bibliometric analysis on co-branding in the context of tourism, seeking to understand the main authors, theoretical arcs used, main journals and verify the major findings of scientific production so far. A total of 61 scientific articles composed the corpus of this stage. It was possible to verify that the research is still at an early stage, with several avenues for the development of future studies. In addition, through an exploratory factor analysis, it was possible to discover the existence of 7 research axes: (1) behavioral intentions, (2) Place Brand, (3) Brand Equity, (4) incentives and marketing strategies, (5) ) tourism economics, (6) Image Improvement Triggers, and (7) tourism attributes. Given the uncertainty about the phenomenon in tourism, two experiments were conducted to verify the success of the strategy, considering the knowledge of the brands involved and brand equity as premises for success. Thus, for the strategy to fully function, it is necessary that an unknown destination is aligned with a region/destination with a high brand equity to generate more significant effects, and the increase in visit intention occurs through an effect mediated. Therefore, destination managers should be concerned with building solid brands and aligning themselves with destinations with solid brands, and it is important to mention that a well-known destination does not necessarily have a high brand equity value. Therefore, managers must have a clear positioning of their destinations and carry out a brand construction based on the images and differentiating attributes of the tourist offer. Thus, the investment in mass communication linked to product and brand work will contribute to building a strong brand

    Abstract Number ‐ 12: First‐In‐Human Endovascular Treatment of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Using a Miniature Biomimetic Transdural Shunt.

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    Introduction Successful percutaneous transvenous deployment of a miniature valved biomimetic transdural endovascular shunt (CereVasc eShunt, Auburndale, MA, USA) via an inferior petrosal sinus approach was recently described for treatment of post‐subarachnoid hemorrhage communicating hydrocephalus.The endovascular shunt replicates the function of the arachnoid granulation by draining cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the cerebello‐pontine angle cistern to the ipsilateral internal jugular vein. Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH), usually resulting from venous transverse sinus stenosis, can be treated with pharmacological inhibition of CSF production, surgical ventriculoperitoneal shunting, or using venous stent angioplasty. In IIH, elevated CSF pressure can act to exacerbate venous sinus stenosis, resulting in worsening CSF reabsorption, thereby perpetuating a vicious cycle. The authors sought to evaluate the role of the minimally invasive eShunt approach in IIH management. Methods A 50‐year‐old male patient with history of dyslipidemia and IIH initially presented 6 years ago with diplopia initially treated with poorly tolerated acetazolamide and periodic lumbar punctures with subsequent symptom improvement. The patient was admitted following rapid evolution of sudden onset horizontal diplopia and headache. Brain magnetic resonance revealed flattening of the posterior sclera, partially empty Sella Turcica, enhancement of the prelaminar optic nerves and enlarged Meckel´s cave. Lumbar puncture was performed with opening pressure of 28 cmH2O. Cerebral angiography with 3D venography confirmed bilateral transverse sinus stenosis, though without a significant pressure gradient. Results The patient declined surgical ventriculoperitoneal shunting and was approved for compassionate use of eShunt by regulatory and bioethics committees.He underwent successful endovascular transdural deployment of the eShunt, which he tolerated well and was discharged at 48 hours post‐procedure with rapid symptomatic headache relief. Upon 30‐day follow‐up repeat brain MRI showed improvement of the prominent subarachnoid space around both optic nerves and sustained improvement of his pre‐procedural headache and diplopia.A repeat lumbar puncture revealed a lowed opening pressure of 20 cmH2O and MRI cisternography confirmed maintained patency of the biomimetic valve with accumulation of Gadolinium‐enhanced CSF drainage through the eShunt into the jugular bulb. Conclusions The current report describes the first‐in‐human use of the eShunt device for treatment of IIH resulting in sustained symptomatic relief along with decrease in CSF pressure and pre‐laminar optic nerve edema. The current results, which require confirmation in a larger cohort with longer follow‐up, are encouraging and suggest a possible role for minimally invasive endovascular transdural eshunt placement in the management of IIH

    Endovascular management of tandem occlusions in stroke: Treatment strategies in a real-world scenario

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    The association between intracranial large vessel occlusion (LVO) and concurrent steno-occlusive lesion of an ipsilateral extracranial internal carotid artery (ICA) is considered a tandem occlusion (TO) [1]. In approximately half of TO, the first clinical manifestation are acute occlusions of the extracranial ICA associated with occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (MCA), with additional occlusion of the intracranial ICA in up to 25% of these cases.[2] This particular lesion subset is technically challenging for endovascular treatment (EVT) and is also characterized by lower success rates of intravenous thrombolysis [3], worse prognosis compared to intracranial occlusions alone, and higher rates of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage [4]. The optimal approach regarding EVT of TO remains controversial, and reports in this regard are scarce. There are two proposed strategies according to the selection of the first lesion to be treated. The proximal approach comprises stenting of the proximal cervical ICA followed by mechanical thrombectomy (MT) of the intracranial vessel, whereas the distal approach involves MT followed by stenting of the cervical ICA [3–14]. Besides, there other clinically relevant unresolved aspects regarding the treatment of these patients, such as concomitant use of intravenous thrombolysis, the need for stenting compared to angioplasty alone, as well as the most adequate antiplatelet strategy after treatment. Accordingly, we aimed to report the procedural and clinical outcomes of a real-world experience in a comprehensive stroke center regarding EVT of anterior circulation acute ischemic stroke (AIS) associated with a TO