888 research outputs found

    'We shall drink until Lake Victoria dries up': Drivers of heavy drinking and illicit drug use among young Ugandans in fishing communities.

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    We investigated patterns and drivers of alcohol misuse and illicit drug use among young fisherfolk. We undertook this study in fishing communities on Koome Island, Lake Victoria, Uganda, from December 2017-July 2018. We conducted six group discussions with men (3) and women (3) and 33 in-depth interviews with: young people [users (n = 10); non-users (n = 2)], local leaders (n = 3), health workers (n = 2), parents (n = 5), alcohol/illicit drugs sellers/distributors (n = 5), law enforcement officers (n = 5). We sampled participants using purposive and snowball strategies. Interview themes included: knowledge, experiences and perceptions of alcohol use/illicit drug use, HIV risk behaviour and harm reduction. We mapped alcohol/illicit drug use outlets using a Geographic Information System to capture density, distribution and proximity to young people's homes. We coded and analysed qualitative data using thematic content analysis. Motivations for heavy drinking and illicit drug use were multifaceted and largely beyond individual control. Key contextual determinants included social norms around consumption (acceptability), price (affordability), and ease of purchase (availability). Prevention and harm reduction interventions to tackle alcohol misuse and illicit drug use should be aimed at the structural rather than individual level and must be conducted in tandem with strategies to control poverty and HIV

    Navigating institutional pressure in state-socialist and democratic regimes: The case of movement brontosaurus

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    Using the case of Movement Brontosaurus, a Czech organization founded in state socialist times, this article investigates how civic associations and nongovernmental organizations seeking to promote alternatives to the status quo respond to institutional pressures in different political and social contexts. The case shows that under state socialism, Brontosaurus appeared to conform to state mandates and societal expectations. However, its formal structure was decoupled from many activities to obscure its oppositional intent.After the transition to democracy, the organization was only able to maintain its place in society after it aligned its structure and practices with each other and openly expressed its alternative agenda. The findings demonstrate how social change and alternative lifestyle organizations vary their responses to institutional pressure in ways that enable them to realize their values and pursue their missions while accounting for the political and social contexts in which they are embedded

    Cognitive Offloading: Structuring the Environment to Improve Children's Working Memory Task Performance

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    Research has shown that adults can engage in cognitive offloading, whereby internal processes are offloaded onto the environment to help task performance. Here, we investigate an application of this approach with children, in particular children with poor working memory. Participants were required to remember and recall sequences of colors by placing colored blocks in the correct serial order. In one condition the blocks were arranged to facilitate cognitive offloading (i.e., grouped by color), whereas in the other condition they were arranged randomly. Across two experiments (total N = 166) the ordered condition improved task performance for children with low working memory ability. In addition, participants in Experiment 2 rated the difficulty of the two arrangements and performed a further condition in which they were given an opportunity to freely arrange the blocks before completing the task. Despite performing better in the ordered condition, children with low working memory ability did not rate the ordered arrangement as easier, nor did they choose an ordered arrangement when given the opportunity to do so. This research shows that cognitive offloading can also be a useful process in populations other than typical adults, and the implications of this work for supporting children with poor working memory are discussed

    Boundary objects and boundary crossing for numeracy teaching

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    In this paper, we share analysis of an episode of a pre-service teacher’s handling of a map artefact within his practicum teaching of ‘Mathematical Literacy’ in South Africa. Mathematical Literacy, as a post-compulsory phase subject in the South African curriculum, shares many of the aims of numeracy as described in the international literature— including approaches based on the inclusion of real life contexts and a trajectory geared towards work, life and citizenship. Our attention in this paper is focused specifically on artefacts at the boundary of mathematical and contextual activities. We use analysis of the empirical handling of artefacts cast as ‘boundary objects’ to argue the need for ‘boundary crossing’ between mathematical and contextual activities as a critical feature of numeracy teaching. We pay particular attention to the differing conventions and extents of applicability of rules associated with boundary artefacts when working with mathematical or contextual perspectives. Our findings suggest the need to consider boundary objects more seriously within numeracy teacher education, with specific attention to the ways in which they are configured on both sides of the boundary in order to deal effectively with explanations and interactions in classrooms aiming to promote numeracy