38 research outputs found

    Adhesión contemporánea en Ortodoncia: Principios clínicos basados en evidencia científica

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    El presente libro contiene la información científica obtenida de los resultados de un trabajo de investigación cuyo desarrollo se extendió por aproximadamente 15 años en el área de adhesión para anclajes de prescripción ortodóncica. Dentro de los objetivos más importantes que presenta esta obra destaca el conocimiento adquirido con experimentos reproducibles de acuerdo con los estándares de pruebas adhesivas reportadas en la literatura relevante, las cuales son de interés para la comunidad que ejerce la Ortodoncia; además, esa aplicación clínica de los nuevos conocimientos desarrollados completa el esfuerzo científico encaminado al progreso y beneficio de la población en general.Proyecto realizado con financiamiento de la Secretaría de Educación Pública-Subsecretaría de Educación Superior-Dirección General de Educación Superior. Número de convenio con la SEP: 2017-15-001-017

    “Análisis de la adherencia bacteriana a materiales para el cementado de bandas ortodóncicas.”

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    Objetivo: El propósito del presente estudio fue el de determinar cuantitativamente la adherencia del Streptococcus mutans y Streptococcus sanguinis a cementos para bandas ortodóncicas. Materiales y Metodos: Se realizaron 420 bloques de ocho materiales para el cementado de bandas ortodóncicas diferentes (Fuji Ortho LC, Transbond Plus Band Cem, CX Plus, Multi-Cure Band, Optiband, Ketac Cem, Protech, Optiband Ultra). Utilizando un molde de teflón de (4x4x1mm). Los bloques obtenidos se pulieron ligeramente y fueron limpiados con ultrasonido. Cepas certificadas de Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175 y Streptococcus sanguinis ATCC 49295 fueron cultivadas mediante métodos convencionales en cajas Petri y con caldo soya tripticaseina suplementado con extracto de levadura (TSBY). El análisis cuantitativo fue llevado a cabo mediante marcadores radiactivos para codificar la bacteria ( 3H) para el Streptococcus mutans y Carbono-14 (14C) para el Streptococcus sanguinis. Posteriormente, un sistema de combustión se utilizó para capturar los residuos, la radiactividad de las muestras fue medida y los valores se registraron en desintegración por minuto (dpm). Se realizó el análisis estadístico de varianza de una vía (ANOVA) con el análisis de Sheffèr Post-hoc para múltiples comparaciones con un nivel de significación de ≤ 0.05. Resultados: Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los materiales (P < 0.001). Transbond Plus Band Cem presentó la menor adhesión de ambas bacterias, seguido por Ortholy Band Paste. Conclusiones: Transbond Plus Band Cem y Ortholy Band Paste mostraron la menor adhesión de S. mutans y S. sanguinis

    Antimicrobial effect of silk and catgut suture threads coated with biogenic silver nanoparticles

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    Abstract Two bionanocomposites based on suture threads, silk-silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) and catgut-Ag NPs, were prepared through a green chemistry methodology using Chenopodium ambrosioides (Mexican Epazote) as reducing agent. UV-Vis spectrophotometry (UV-Vis), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), were used for their characterization. UV-Vis confirmed the synthesis of silver nanoparticles. Micrographs showed polydisperse, mostly spherical, Ag NPs attached to both suture threads. The bionanocomposites antimicrobial properties were evaluated through cultures and inhibition zones tests. The Chenopodium ambrosioides- assisted synthesized bionanocomposites have proved antibacterial effect against S. aureus and E. coli in both sutures (silk and catgut) and could be potentially useful for oral or periodontal surgery. There was no significant difference statistically in inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus versus Escherichia coli

    Antibacterial effect of silver nanoparticles versus chlorhexidine against streptococcus mutans and lactobacillus casei

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    Abstract The porpoise of the study was to evaluate the antibacterial effect of silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) versus chlorhexidine (CHX) against Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus casei. Three different reducing agents were used for the synthesis and characterization of Ag-NPs: sodium borohydride (NaBH4), a chemical method, and Heterotheca inuloides (Hi) and Camellia sinensis (Cs), two eco-friendly methods. The synthesized substance was deposited on deciduous teeth. Its behavior in dental tissues was evaluated through an energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) analysis, using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The characterization of Ag-NPs in terms of shape, size, and polydispersity was performed through spectrophotometry of ultraviolet-visible light analysis (UV-vis), as well as by transmission electron microscopy. Isolation and culture of strains S. mutans and L. casei were done to perform the microbiological analysis. In Petri dishes, paper discs containing different concentrations of Ag-NPs (synthesized by Hi, and by Cs) were deposited and tested along with paper discs containing CHX. Their antibacterial effect against both bacteria was evaluated by the inhibition zones test. By means of UV-Vis and TEM analysis, it was possible to observe that Heterotheca inuloides produced smaller and more stable nanoparticles, also in greater quantities (17.5 nm), when compared to Camellia sinensis. EDS analysis through SEM showed a 6.25 average absorption of silver in dental tissues. The microbiological analysis revealed a greater zone of inhibition when the test bacteria were in contact with 20 μl of Ag-NPs, synthesized by Hi, being statistically significant (p < 0.05), compared to the growth inhibition zones produced by Cs, and CHX against both strains. We can conclude that eco-friendly methods produced Ag-NPs with an important antibacterial effect in both strains

    Silver nanoparticles in orthodontics, a new alternative in bacterial inhibition: in vitro study

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    Background The purpose of the study is to assess the antiadherent and antibacterial properties of surface-modified different orthodontic brackets with silver nanoparticles against Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus, using radiomarker. Methods In this study evaluated quantitatively the adherence of Streptococci to orthodontic brackets, 300 samples of orthodontic brackets were selected and classified in to 10 groups as follow: GIn (InVu-Roth), GIIn (System-AlexanderLTS), GIIIn (Gemini-Roth), GIVn (NuEdge-Roth), GVn (Radiance plus-Roth), GVI (InVu-Roth), GVII (System-AlexanderLTS), GVIII (Gemini-Roth), GIX (NuEdge-Roth), GX (Radiance plus-Roth). All the samples were sonicated and Streptococci were cultivated by gender. A radioactive marker (3H) was used to codify the bacteria and measure them. After that, the brackets were submerged in a radiolabelled solution, and the radiation was measured. The statistical analysis was calculated with ANOVA test (Sheffè post hoc). Results The results showed significant differences were found among the groups. GIIIn shown the lowest scores for both bacteria; in contrast, GIX for Streptococcus mutans and GVI for Streptococcus sobrinus were the highest values. Conclusions Surface modification of orthodontic brackets with silver nanoparticles can be used to prevent the accumulation of dental plaque and the development of dental caries during orthodontic treatment

    18S and GAPDH housekeeping genes seem to be equally useful in saliva

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    Saliva has a potential to be a diagnostic instrument, also it is expected that its use as a diagnostic tool will increase exponentially in the next few years. Our main aim was to study the gene expression profile of two of the most common constitutive genes in saliva, Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and 18S rRNA, in samples of 15 healthy subjects. We compared the CT value, which is defined as the intersection among an amplification curve and a threshold line. According to the analysis, there is no statistically significant difference between the two genes.UAEMé

    Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles on Orthodontic Brackets: A New Alternative in the Prevention of White Spots

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    Abstract: Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are used for their powerful antibacterial e ect and their ability to adhere to surfaces due to their size; they are used in di erent areas of life, mainly in the area of health as medicine. More recently, in dentistry, the synthesis and characterization of AgNPs attracted significant attention due to their antibacterial properties. In this study, the AgNPs were synthesized using the most e ective method on di erent orthodontic brackets (metallic and esthetic) and characterized by scanning electron microscopy/energy-dispersive spectroscopy (SEM/EDS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Their antimicrobial e ect was tested against the widely used standard human pathogens Staphylococcus aureus (Gram-negative) and Escherichia coli (Gram-positive). Our results showed that, via a simple chemical method, AgNPs can be synthesized on the surface of orthodontic brackets with good antimicrobial activity and the possibility of reducing dental decay, periodontal disease and white spots generated during orthodontic treatment

    Cemento de ionómero de vidrio, propiedades, clasificación y usos en la odontología restauradora: Revisión de la literatura.

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    Los cementos dentales constituyen un grupo de materiales que han sido utilizados a lo largo de los años en operatoria dental y, además, en otras ramas de la odontología como la prostodoncia, endodoncia, periodoncia y cirugía bucal. Un cemento dental es una sustancia que sirve para unir, pegar, y adherir dos cosas, es definido por ser una sal que ha resultado de una reacción ácido base y que a través de un proceso de fraguado ha endurecido. El objetivo de la formulación y el desarrollo de los cementos de ionómero de vidrio fue combinar las buenas propiedades del cemento de silicato y de policarboxilato de zinc. El ionómero de vidrio es un material de obturación basado en sílice, polvos de aluminio-silicato de calcio y soluciones homopolímeros y copolímeros del ácido acrílico. Se suministran en forma de polvo y líquido El líquido suele ser una solución al 47% de coopolímero de ácido poliacrílico e itacónico. El polvo del cemento es formado por la fusión de sus componentes principales, de sílice (????????), alúmina (??????????) y floruro de calcio (??????2). Existen varias clasificaciones de acuerdo a su composición. Los ionómeros se pueden clasificar en 5 tipos como son: los convencionales o vítreos, reforzados con metal, con partículas de resina (híbridos) coopómeros, nanoionómeros. El ionómero de vidrio es un material versátil con propiedades ideales como protector pulpar usado en cavidades profundas, para restaurar erosiones sin preparación cavitaria, como cemento, como sellador de fosas y fisuras, para la obturación de conductos radiculares, cementado de brackets y bandas de ortodoncia

    Fluoride releasing dental materials used in orthodontics: Literature review

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: In this manuscript, fluoride releasing dental materials controlling demineralization in fixed orthodontic patients, and the current strategies to prevent white spots were evaluated. METHODS: General literature review was carried out in SciVerse ScienceDirect databases. The search strategy included the terms from Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) created by National Library of Medicine. RESULTS: 44 relevant studies were included and the respective data were extracted. Many studies showed new alternatives for the treatment of white spot lesions by the use of orthodontic appliances. CONCLUSION: Patients receiving fixed orthodontic treatment should be instructed in a proper brushing technique using a fluoride containing toothpaste, and high risk patients should be bonded with fluoride releasing agent. Additionally, it is recommended to apply fluoride varnish periodically during orthodontic treatment