224 research outputs found

    In Vivo validation of a bioinformatics based tool to identify reduced replication capacity in HIV-1.

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    Although antiretroviral drug resistance is common in treated HIV infected individuals, it is not a consistent indicator of HIV morbidity and mortality. To the contrary, HIV resistance-associated mutations may lead to changes in viral fitness that are beneficial to infected individuals. Using a bioinformatics-based model to assess the effects of numerous drug resistance mutations, we determined that the D30N mutation in HIV-1 protease had the largest decrease in replication capacity among known protease resistance mutations. To test this in silico result in an in vivo environment, we constructed several drug-resistant mutant HIV-1 strains and compared their relative fitness utilizing the SCID-hu mouse model. We found HIV-1 containing the D30N mutation had a significant defect in vivo, showing impaired replication kinetics and a decreased ability to deplete CD4+ thymocytes, compared to the wild-type or virus without the D30N mutation. In comparison, virus containing the M184V mutation in reverse transcriptase, which shows decreased replication capacity in vitro, did not have an effect on viral fitness in vivo. Thus, in this study we have verified an in silico bioinformatics result with a biological assessment to identify a unique mutation in HIV-1 that has a significant fitness defect in vivo

    Initial Virological and Immunologic Response to Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy Predicts Long-Term Clinical Outcome

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    Little is known about the long-term clinical outcomes for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients who have received highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Determining factors associated with long-term clinical outcomes early in the course of treatment may allow modifications to be made for patients who are at a greater risk of treatment failure. To evaluate these factors, we studied 213 HIV-infected patients who had received HAART for at least 115 weeks. In the univariate analysis, virological response, which was measured as the change in virus load from baseline at month 3 of treatment, was the single best predictor of clinical outcome (relative hazard, 0.722; P = .001), independent of virological suppression. In the multivariate analysis, virological response and immunologic response, which was measured as an increase in CD4 cell count of >200 cells/mm^3, resulted in better prediction of clinical outcomes than did use of either variable alone (P = .02). Our results indicate that changes in virus load and immunologic response together are good predictors of clinical outcome and can be assessed after the initiation of HAART, which would allow clinicians to identify patients early in the course of therapy who are at greater risk of negative outcome

    Engineering Antigen-Specific T Cells from Genetically Modified Human Hematopoietic Stem Cells in Immunodeficient Mice

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    There is a desperate need for effective therapies to fight chronic viral infections. The immune response is normally fastidious at controlling the majority of viral infections and a therapeutic strategy aimed at reestablishing immune control represents a potentially powerful approach towards treating persistent viral infections. We examined the potential of genetically programming human hematopoietic stem cells to generate mature CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes that express a molecularly cloned, “transgenic” human anti-HIV T cell receptor (TCR). Anti-HIV TCR transduction of human hematopoietic stem cells directed the maturation of a large population of polyfunctional, HIV-specific CD8+ cells capable of recognizing and killing viral antigen-presenting cells. Thus, through this proof-of-concept we propose that genetic engineering of human hematopoietic stem cells will allow the tailoring of effector T cell responses to fight HIV infection or other diseases that are characterized by the loss of immune control

    LAGraph: Linear algebra, network analysis libraries, and the study of graph algorithms

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    Graph algorithms can be expressed in terms of linear algebra. GraphBLAS is a library of low-level building blocks for such algorithms that targets algorithm developers. LAGraph builds on top of the GraphBLAS to target users of graph algorithms with high-level algorithms common in network analysis. In this paper, we describe the first release of the LAGraph library, the design decisions behind the library, and performance using the GAP benchmark suite. LAGraph, however, is much more than a library. It is also a project to document and analyze the full range of algorithms enabled by the GraphBLAS. To that end, we have developed a compact and intuitive notation for describing these algorithms. In this paper, we present that notation with examples from the GAP benchmark suite

    LAGraph: Linear algebra, network analysis libraries, and the study of graph algorithms

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    Graph algorithms can be expressed in terms of linear algebra. GraphBLAS is a library of low-level building blocks for such algorithms that targets algorithm developers. LAGraph builds on top of the GraphBLAS to target users of graph algorithms with high-level algorithms common in network analysis. In this paper, we describe the first release of the LAGraph library, the design decisions behind the library, and performance using the GAP benchmark suite. LAGraph, however, is much more than a library. It is also a project to document and analyze the full range of algorithms enabled by the GraphBLAS. To that end, we have developed a compact and intuitive notation for describing these algorithms. In this paper, we present that notation with examples from the GAP benchmark suite

    Cryptic Distant Relatives Are Common in Both Isolated and Cosmopolitan Genetic Samples

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    Although a few hundred single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) suffice to infer close familial relationships, high density genome-wide SNP data make possible the inference of more distant relationships such as 2nd to 9th cousinships. In order to characterize the relationship between genetic similarity and degree of kinship given a timeframe of 100–300 years, we analyzed the sharing of DNA inferred to be identical by descent (IBD) in a subset of individuals from the 23andMe customer database (n = 22,757) and from the Human Genome Diversity Panel (HGDP-CEPH, n = 952). With data from 121 populations, we show that the average amount of DNA shared IBD in most ethnolinguistically-defined populations, for example Native American groups, Finns and Ashkenazi Jews, differs from continentally-defined populations by several orders of magnitude. Via extensive pedigree-based simulations, we determined bounds for predicted degrees of relationship given the amount of genomic IBD sharing in both endogamous and ‘unrelated’ population samples. Using these bounds as a guide, we detected tens of thousands of 2nd to 9th degree cousin pairs within a heterogenous set of 5,000 Europeans. The ubiquity of distant relatives, detected via IBD segments, in both ethnolinguistic populations and in large ‘unrelated’ populations samples has important implications for genetic genealogy, forensics and genotype/phenotype mapping studies

    Treatment outcomes in schizophrenia: qualitative study of the views of family carers

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    Background: Schizophrenia is a complex, heterogeneous disorder, with highly variable treatment outcomes, and relatively little is known about what is important to patients. The aim of the study was to understand treatment outcomes informal carers perceive to be important to people with schizophrenia. Method: Qualitative interview study with 34 individuals and 8 couples who care for a person with schizophrenia/ schizoaffective disorder. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed by a thematic framework based approach. Results: Carers described well-recognised outcomes of importance, alongside more novel outcomes relating to: Safety (of the patient/others); insight (e.g. into non-reality of psychotic phenomena); respite from fear, distress or pain; socially acceptable behaviour; getting out of the house; attainment of life milestones; changes in personality and/or temperament; reduction of vulnerability to stress; and several aspects of physical health. Conclusions: These findings have the potential to inform the development of patient- or carer- focused outcome measures that take into account the full range of domains that carers feel are important for patients.EUFAM

    Pre-Clinical Evaluation of a 213Bi-Labeled 2556 Antibody to HIV-1 gp41 Glycoprotein in HIV-1 Mouse Models as a Reagent for HIV Eradication

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    Any strategy for curing HIV infection must include a method to eliminate viral-infected cells. Based on our earlier proof-of-principle results targeting HIV-1 infected cells with radiolabeled antibody (mAb) to gp41 viral antigen, we embarked on identifying a suitable candidate mAb for preclinical development.Among the several human mAbs to gp41 tested, mAb 2556 was found to have high affinity, reactivity with multimeric forms of gp41 present on both the surface of virus particles and cells expressing HIV-1 Env, and recognition of a highly conserved epitope of gp41 shared by all HIV-1 subtypes. Also, mAb 2556 was the best in competition with HIV-1+ serum antibodies, which is an extremely important consideration for efficacy in the treatment of HIV patients. When radiolabeled with alpha-emitting radionuclide 213-Bismuth ((213)Bi) - (213)Bi-2556 efficiently and specifically killed ACH-2 human lymphocytes chronically infected with HIV-1, and HIV-1 infected human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (hPBMCs). The number of binding sites for (213)Bi-2556 on the surface of the infected cells was >10(6). The in vivo experiments were performed in two HIV-1 mouse models--splenic and intraperitoneal. In both models, the decrease in HIV-1 infected hPBMCs from the spleens and peritoneum, respectively, was dose-dependent with the most pronounced killing of hPBMCs observed in the 100 µCi (213)Bi-2556 group (P = 0.01). Measurement of the blood platelet counts and gross pathology of the treated mice demonstrated the lack of toxicity for (213)Bi-2556.We describe the preclinical development of a novel radiolabeled mAb reagent that could potentially be part of an HIV eradication strategy that is ready for translation into the clinic as the next step in its development. As viral antigens are very different from "self" human antigens - this approach promises high selectivity, increased efficacy and low toxicity, especially in comparison to immunotoxins