302 research outputs found

    Advanced Computer Ethics: A Study of Artificial Intelligence

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    Justice, Autonomy, Freedom, Democracy, Equality, Privacy and the Common Good are all values that can be supported or threatened by computer technology. Considering that computer technologies are the fundamental infrastructure of the Information Age, ethical questions arise regarding access and control, privacy, property, identity and professional responsibility. It is important as a future Computer Scientist and Game Developer that I understand the ethical boundaries involved in software development. In this course, I will examine these values as issues that arise at the intersection of ethics, computers, technology, and society are addressed. I will also be closely studying (and presenting a project) on Artificial Intelligence

    Effects of Impedance Reduction of a Robot for Wrist Rehabilitation on Human Motor Strategies in Healthy Subjects during Pointing Tasks

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    Studies on human motor control demonstrated the existence of simplifying strategies (namely `Donders' law') adopted to deal with kinematically redundant motor tasks. In recent research we showed that Donders' law also holds for human wrist during pointing tasks, and that it is heavily perturbed when interacting with a highly back-drivable state-of-the-art rehabilitation robot. We hypothesized that this depends on the excessive mechanical impedance of the Pronation/Supination (PS) joint of the robot and in this work we analyzed the effects of its reduction. To this end we deployed a basic force control scheme, which minimizes human-robot interaction force. This resulted in a 70% reduction of the inertia in PS joint and in decrease of 81% and 78% of the interaction torques during 1-DOF and 3-DOFs tasks. To assess the effects on human motor strategies, pointing tasks were performed by three subjects with a lightweight handheld device, interacting with the robot using its standard PD control (setting impedance to zero) and with the force-controlled robot. We quantified Donders' law as 2-dimensional surfaces in the 3-dimensional configuration space of rotations. Results revealed that the subject-specific features of Donders' surfaces reappeared after the reduction of robot impedance obtained via the force control

    Anatomy of Fencing | Master • Champion

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    Disability in the United States directly affects 1 in 5 citizens (CDC, 2015). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that of the 1 in 5 citizens who are disabled, the most common disability type is mobility limitation (CDC, 2015). Our research has shown that, through rehabilitation, stroke victims have been able to improve mobility limitations with the use of Virtual Reality (VR) (Merians, Alma S et al, 2002). Small clinical studies have shown that victims can be rehabilitated to improve their limited motion. In designing a Fencing video game, we intend to open up the sport of Fencing to the disabled who are unable to participate physically in the sport. The invention of VR has allowed a full immersion experience into the environment designed by the developer. We are geared towards providing those who are unable to Fence physically with the emotions and experiences that mentally come with the sport of Fencing. This game will be designed for all, but directed towards those who are physically--due to disability or age--unable to partake in Fencing

    Ride-hailing and (dis)Advantage: Perspectives from Users and Non-users

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    The introduction of ride-hailing in cities of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) remains a relatively new topic in regional research and a contentious issue in local policy and practice. Evidence regarding users and how do they differ from non-users is scarce, and there is little documented evidence about how user preferences and perceptions may influence the uptake of ride-hailing. This paper uses primary data from a survey collected from users and non-users of ride-hailing in Bogotá during 2019 to develop a Latent Class Analysis Model (LCA) to identify clusters of users and non-users of ride-hailing. The paper builds on results from the LCA to reflect on conditions of advantage and disadvantage that may make ride-hailing attractive and beneficial for particular social groups. The paper identifies four unique clusters: Carless middle-income ride-hailing users, Disadvantaged non-users, Young middle-class non-users, and Advantaged ride-hailing users. The research uses data on such perceptions to draw insights that may inform commercial and policy decisions. Findings suggest that issues such as the perception of legality in ride-hailing and aversion to crime play a significant role in the choice of such a mode in the context of Bogotá, particularly among socially and transport advantaged users

    Propuesta de plan de comunicaciones Upware Soft SAS comunicaciones 2.0

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    69 páginas incluye ilustraciones y diagramas​Estudio de caso realizado para generar las estrategias presenciales y digitales de comunicación organizacional de la compañía Upware Soft SAS, la cual está dedicada al desarrollo y comercialización de software de gestión para instituciones educativas; a partir de las necesidades de la misma y en apoyo del proceso de cambio al que se enfrenta, con el fin de que la Compañía pueda alcanzar sus objetivos y asegurar el cumplimiento de su promesa de valor.

    Alberto Campo Baeza : pensamiento y obra en torno a la luz en la arquitectura

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    La luz es considerada como uno de los elementos más valorados que se encuentran presentes en la Arquitectura, así como en el mundo que nos rodea. Sin ella no podríamos conocer lo que se halla a nuestro alrededor, ni podríamos percibir las sensaciones que ésta transmite, algo que el arquitecto Campo Baeza parece entender muy bien. Se comenzará con una síntesis del pensamiento del arquitecto con respecto a la luz y algunos mecanismos que emplea para materializar sus ideas cuando tienen que ver con la luz. Seguidamente se tratará el tema principal del trabajo que es la luz sólida, la luz difusa y la combinación de ambas concluyendo con el análisis de una serie de obras seleccionadas con estos mecanismos de luz sólida y luz difusa centrándose en el espacio que ilumina así como las dimensiones o intención de las aberturas.Light is considered one of the most valued elements that are present in architecture, as well as in the world that surrounds us. Without it we could not know what is around us, nor could we perceive the sensations that are transmitted, something that the architect Campo Baeza seems to understand very well. It began with a synthesis of the architect¿s thinking regarding light and some mechanisms that employ to materialize their ideas when they have to do with light. Next, the main theme of the work will be treated, which is solid light, diffused light and the combination of both, and concluding with the analysis of a series of selected works with these mechanisms of solid light and diffused light focusing not only on the space that illuminates but also on the dimensions and the intention of the openings.Bermell-Scorcia Gerique, VT. (2017). Alberto Campo Baeza : pensamiento y obra en torno a la luz en la arquitectura. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/107647TFG

    Comercio electrónico, el reto empresarial desde la web

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    En la actualidad las Tecnologías de la información y Comunicación (TIC’s) son de gran importancia debido a la incursión de éstas en todas las áreas que intervienen en el proceso productivo y comercial en las organizaciones, independientemente de su tamaño, sector o conformación. La importancia del uso y aplicación de la tecnología radica en la utilidad de estos medios para generar procesos competitivos en un entorno globalizado. En esta medida, la adopción de TIC’s es trascendental en los procesos administrativos y comerciales de las empresas. La intención de este artículo es proponer la adopción de procesos efectivos de comercialización, puntualmente, hacia el e-commerce mediante la utilización de Internet, como elemento clave en la estrategia competitiva de las organizaciones.Incluye bibliografí

    Assessment of Corneal Fluorescein Staining in Different Dry Eye Subtypes Using Digital Image Analysis

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    To describe a new objective technique of digital image analysis for the quantification and the morphological characterization of corneal staining in the setting of dry eye disease (DED), and to apply it to distinguish Sj\uf6gren syndrome (SS) from ocular graft versus-host disease (oGVHD)