458 research outputs found

    Moisture processes accompanying convective activity

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    A moisture budget analysis was performed on data collected during the AVE 7 (May 2 to 3, 1978) and AVE-SESAME1 (April 10 to 11, 1979) experiments. Local rates-of-change of moisture were compared with average moisture divergence in the same time period. Results were presented as contoured plots in the horizontal and as vertical cross sections. These results were used to develop models of the distribution of moisture processes in the vicinity of convective areas in two layers representing lower and middle tropospheric conditions. Good correspondence was found between the residual term of the moisture budget and actual precipitation

    Gradients of meteorological parameters in convective and nonconvective areas

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    Horizontal gradients of geopotential height, temperature, and wind speed were computed at the 850-, 700-, 500-, and 200-mb levels. Mixing ratio gradients also were computed, but only for the 850-, 700-, and 500-mb levels. Rawinsonde data was provided at 3- to 6-h intervals. Cumulative frequency distributions and statistical parameters showed that the variability and magnitude of the gradients decreased as the gradients were computed over progressively longer distances. Most frequency distributions were positively skewed, and the standard deviations of the gradient distributions were roughly half as large as the means. An examination of the differences of gradients observed in convective and nonconvective areas was made after convective areas were determined objectively using Manually Digitized Radar data. The gradients of height, wind speed, and mixing ratio at 850 mb were larger in convective than nonconvective areas. No general relationship held for the meteorological variables at other levels. Intensive examination of the gradients observed near squall lines revealed typical gradient patterns and trends in the magnitudes of the gradients associated with convective systems

    Comparisons between Nimbus 6 satellite and rawinsonde soundings for several geographical areas

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    Good agreement between satellite and weighted (linearly interpolated) rawinsonde temperature and temperature derived parameters was found in most instances with the poorest agreement either near the tropopause region or near the ground. However, satellite moisture data are highly questionable. The smallest discrepancy between satellite and weighted mean rawinsonde temperature and parameters derived from temperature was found over water and the largest discrepancy was found over mountains. Cumulative frequency distributions show that discrepancies between satellite and rawinsonde data can be represented by a normal distribution except for dew point temperature

    An investigation of small-scale motions and the forecasting of wind profiles over short periods of time at Cape Kennedy, Florida

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    Small scale motions and numerical wind profiles forecasting for short periods at Cape Kenned

    A comparative analysis of rawinsonde and NIMBUS 6 and TIROS N satellite profile data

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    Comparisons are made between rawinsonde and satellite profiles in seven areas for a wide range of surface and weather conditions. Variables considered include temperature, dewpoint temperature, thickness, precipitable water, lapse rate of temperature, stability, geopotential height, mixing ratio, wind direction, wind speed, and kinematic parameters, including vorticity and the advection of vorticity and temperature. In addition, comparisons are made in the form of cross sections and synoptic fields for selected variables. Sounding data from the NIMBUS 6 and TIROS N satellites were used. Geostrophic wind computed from smoothed geopotential heights provided large scale flow patterns that agreed well with the rawinsonde wind fields. Surface wind patterns as well as magnitudes computed by use of the log law to extrapolate wind to a height of 10 m agreed with observations. Results of this study demonstrate rather conclusively that satellite profile data can be used to determine characteristics of large scale systems but that small scale features, such as frontal zones, cannot yet be resolved

    Outflows and the Physical Properties of Quasars

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    We have investigated a sample of 5088 quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Second Data Release in order to determine how the frequency and properties of broad absorptions lines (BALs) depend on black hole mass, bolometric luminosity, Eddington fraction (L/L_Edd), and spectral slope. We focus only on high-ionization BALs and find a number of significant results. While quasars accreting near the Eddington limit are more likely to show BALs than lower L/LEddL/L_{Edd} systems, BALs are present in quasars accreting at only a few percent Eddington. We find a stronger effect with bolometric luminosity, such that the most luminous quasars are more likely to show BALs. There is an additional effect, previously known, that BAL quasars are redder on average than unabsorbed quasars. The strongest effects involving the quasar physical properties and BAL properties are related to terminal outflow velocity. Maximum observed outflow velocities increase with both the bolometric luminosity and the blueness of the spectral slope, suggesting that the ultraviolet luminosity to a great extent determines the acceleration. These results support the idea of outflow acceleration via ultraviolet line scattering.Comment: Uses emulateapj.cls, 14 pages including 7 tables and 7 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, Unabridged version of Table 4 can be downloaded from http://physics.uwyo.edu/agn

    A kinetic BGK edge-based scheme including vibrational and electronic energy modes for high-Mach flows

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    A first principles formulation for the calorically imperfect behavior of gases is here proposed within a Boltzmann-type discretisation of the Navier–Stokes equations. The formulation is intended to enhance the consistency of gas kinetic schemes (GKS) with the physics of supersonic and hypersonic regimes where vibrational and electronic energy modes are activated before any thermal nonequilibrium or chemical activity takes place. The so-called node-pair BGK scheme, an edge-based implementation of the GKS, is considered in the present work for the implementation of a thermodynamic model where the calorically imperfect behavior is obtained from a modification of the way the different moments of the particle distribution function are computed and eventually used to determine the fluxes of conserved quantities across the boundary of each control volume. The method is validated on a series of canonical test cases for supersonic and hypersonic flows

    The Ocean Lifeguard Intervention Continuum: A Cognitive Aid for Surf Lifeguard Education

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    Ocean lifeguards are constantly engaged in beach risk analysis, required to efficiently evaluate a variety of environmental and other factors quickly in order to triage and prioritize who needs help. Teaching these skills is a challenge for introductory training programs. We sought to improve new lifeguards’ understanding of the interaction of various risk components in the beach environment and aid decision-making related to when a lifeguard should intervene in a situation. We developed a two-part cognitive aid for introductory ocean lifeguard education depicting individual and interacting elements of a beach goer’s risk of drowning or injury and the process by which that risk increases with associated lifeguard interventions on a continuum from low risk and no distress to drowning. This new cognitive aid represented an advancement in the presentation of complex material in introductory training programs for those involved in aquatic rescue

    Caudate lobe resections: a single-center experience and evaluation of factors predictive of outcomes

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    BACKGROUND: Despite the increasing frequency of liver resection for multiple types of disease, caudate lobe resection remains a rare surgical event. The goal of this study is to review our experience and evaluate possible predictors of adverse outcomes in patients undergoing caudate lobectomy. METHODS: We reviewed a 1,900-patient prospective hepato-pancreatico-biliary database from January 2000 to December 2011, identifying 36 hepatectomy patients undergoing caudate lobe resection. Clinicopathologic characteristic and outcome data were compared using chi-square, T-test, ANOVA, Kaplan-Meier, and Cox regression analysis. Primary endpoints were the incidence and severity of complications, and secondary endpoints were blood loss, hospital stay, and transfusion requirements. Patients were also divided in two groups with group A being patients operated on before December 2007 and group B after 2007. We compared the demographics, risk factors, complication rates, and operative details between the two groups. RESULTS: Thirty-six patients underwent caudate lobe resection for cholangiocarcinoma (47.2%), metastatic colorectal cancer (36.1%), hepatocellular carcinoma (8.3%), or benign disease (8.3%). Nine patients (29%) had additional liver resection. Median overall survival (OS) was 21 months. Complications occurred in 52.7% (19/36) of patients with a median grade of 2. Tobacco abuse was associated with an increased risk of operative complications (73.3% vs. 38.9%, p = 0.03). Prior history of cardiac disease was associated with a higher complication rate (87% vs. 42%, p = 0.03). Neoadjuvant chemotherapy, biliary procedures, hepatitis, and prior major abdominal surgery were not predictive of complications. Major complication was also predicted by the volume of RBC transfusion (2.7 vs. 4.1 units, p = 0.003). In our subgroup analysis of the patients undergoing surgery before and after 2007, the two groups were well matched based on age, comorbidities, and risk factors. The complication rates and rates of high-grade complications were similar, but blood loss (600 ml vs. 400 ml, p = 0.03), inflow occlusion time (Pringle time 12.6 vs. 6, p = 0.00), and hospital stay (9.5 vs. 7 days, p = 0.01) were significantly lower in group B. CONCLUSIONS: With appropriate patient selection, caudate lobe resection is an effective component of surgery for hepatic disease. Tobacco use and prior cardiac history increase the risk of complications

    Esophageal Carcinoma Histology Affects Perioperative Morbidity Following Open Esophagogastrectomy

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    Background. Esophagectomy for esophageal cancer is being practiced routinely with favorable results at many centers. We sought to determine if tumor histology is a powerful surrogate marker for perioperative morbidity. Methods. Seventy three consecutive patients managed operatively were reviewed from our prospectively maintained database. Results. Adenocarcinoma (AC) was present in 52 (71%) and squamous cell (SCC) in 21 (29%). The use of neoadjuvant therapy was similar for the AC (34.62%) and SCC (42.86%) groups. The SCC group had a higher incidence of prior pulmonary disease than the AC group (23.8% versus 5.8%, resp.; P = .03). SCC patients were more likely to have a prolonged ICU stay than AC patients (P = .004) despite similar complication rates, EBL, and prognostic nutritional index. The SCC group did, however, experience higher grades of complications (P = .0053). Conclusions. Presence of SCC was the single best predictor of prolonged ICU stay and more severe complications as defined by this study. Only a past history of pulmonary disease was different between the two histologic subgroups