280 research outputs found

    Complex sine-Gordon-2: a new algorithm for multivortex solutions on the plane

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    We present a new vorticity-raising transformation for the second integrable complexification of the sine-Gordon equation on the plane. The new transformation is a product of four Schlesinger maps of the Painlev\'{e}-V to itself, and allows a more efficient construction of the nn-vortex solution than the previously reported transformation comprising a product of 2n2n maps.Comment: Part of a talk given at a conference on "Nonlinear Physics. Theory and Experiment", Gallipoli (Lecce), June-July 2004. To appear in a topical issue of "Theoretical and Mathematical Physics". 7 pages, 1 figur

    Alien Macroalgal Rearrangement in the Soft Substrata of the Venice Lagoon (Italy): Impacts, Threats, Time and Future Trends

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    Non-native species are a concern for aquatic environments both for the ecosystem biodiversity and from the economical point of view. The Venice Lagoon is a Mediterranean hotspot of alien introductions and macroalgae are probably the most represented systematic category. For this reason, alien macroalgal distribution and variation were monitored in late spring-autumn surveys, carried out in 2011, 2014, 2018 and 2021 in the soft bottoms of the entire lagoon (87 common stations). Overall, 21 taxa were recorded; three of them (i.e., Acanthosiphonia echinata, Caulacanthus okamurae, Osmundea oederi) are well-established recent introductions for the lagoon, which has increased the total number of non-native species to 33. Ulva australis, previously reported as Ulva laetevirens, is the most abundant species and it is replacing Ulva rigida, especially in the less eutrophic areas. The invasive Gracilariopsis vermiculophylla, an engineering species colonizing the eutrophic choked areas especially in the central lagoon, is instead decreasing. Other abundant established taxa are now dominant components of the lagoon biomass, whereas many others are rare or have small sizes that make their biomass negligible. Overall, these species do not represent serious threats to the environment, but they rather increase biodiversity, with some of them having positive effects on ecosystem services

    Long-term data prove useful to keep track of non-indigenous seaweed fate

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    The Mar Piccolo of Taranto (southern Italy, Mediterranean Sea), a site of the European LTER network, is a transitional water system, where a century-old intensive mussel farming activity has been carried out, together with an intense import-export business of bivalve mollusks. Previous studies showed that this basinisthirdforNISseaweedintroductionintheMediterraneanSea,aftertheThau LagoonandtheVeniceLagoon.Thepresentpaperdealswiththeresultsof11-year monitoring activity on non-indigenous species (NIS) of seaweeds, which was performed in the Mar Piccolo. In the studied period (2011–2021), two different time frames (i.e., 2011–2015 and 2016–2021) were considered, since they were based on a different number of sampling sites. To investigate spatial and temporal differences in the seaweed assemblage, a multivariate analysis was performed considering the NIS and the most important native species in terms of temporal occurrence. Fourteen NIS were recorded in total in the Mar Piccolo of Taranto duringthisperiod,withvariableabundancesamongsitesandyears:ninespeciesin the firsttimeperiod,andthirteenspeciesinthesecondone.Caulerpacylindracea, recorded with negligible biomass in the first period, was absent in the secondperiod samplings. Molecular analyses confirmed the taxonomy of three species (i.e., Grateloupia minima, Neopyropia koreana, and Polysiphonia morrowii), previously identified only through morphological features. The most abundant specieswasHypneacorona,whichalmostdoubleditsbiomassinthesecondtime period compared to the first one. Three species (i.e., Caulacanthus okamurae, G. minima, and P. morrowii) increased their biomass by an order of magnitude in the second time period. No significant differences were found over years. Site 1 resulted in significant differences among the sites and different seasonal pattern occurred among the investigated sites. No significant long-term changes occurred in the seaweed assemblages, suggesting the absence of strong disturbances due to the settlement of NIS

    Effect of ecological recovery on macrophyte dominance and production in the Venice Lagoon.

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    In the last decade, the Venice Lagoon showed a significant environmental recovery that changed the assemblages of macroalgal and aquatic angiosperm dominant species and increased significantly the primary production. The decreasing of anthropogenic impacts, such as eutrophication and clam harvesting, favored a strong reduction of Ulvaceae, replaced by species with higher ecological value, and the recolonization of aquatic angiosperms. Consequently, hypo-anoxic conditions, once frequently occurring in the lagoon, have been considerably reduced and aquatic angiosperms have recolonized the area, covering 94.8 km2 in comparison to the 55.9 km2 recorded in 2003 (+70%). Cymodocea nodosa, Zostera marina and Zostera noltei expanded by 37.5%, 44.6% and 191%, respectively, with a significant increase in biomass and primary production. In late spring 2018, angiosperms showed a standing crop of ca. 372 ktonnes (+77%) and a net primary production of ca. 1189 ktonnes FW (+67%). In the meantime, Ruppia cirrhosa, which since the ‘80s had disappeared from the lagoon areas subjected to tidal expansion, but was still present in some fishing valleys, recolonized the bottoms of the northern lagoon with meadows of over 6 km2; this accounted for a standing crop and net primary production of 8.9 and 18.0 ktonnes, respectively. On the basis of surveys carried out in 2021, ecological conditions are still improving, and this is increasing both the biodiversity and the production of macroalgae and aquatic angiosperms

    Merging the cryptic genera radicilingua and calonitophyllum (Delesseriaceae, rhodophyta): Molecular phylogeny and taxonomic revision

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    Radicilingua Papenfuss and Calonitophyllum Aregood are two small genera of the family Delesseriaceae that consist of only three and one taxonomically accepted species, respectively. The type species of these genera, Radicilingua thy-sanorhizans from England and Calonitophyllum medium from the Americas, are morphologically very similar, with the only recognized differences being vein size and procarp development. To date, only other two species were recognized inside the genus Radicilingua: R. adriatica and R. reptans. In this study, we analysed specimens of Radicilingua collected in the Adriatic and Ionian Sea (Mediterranean), including a syntype locality of R. adriatica (Trieste, northern Adriatic Sea), alongside material from near the type locality of R. thysanorhizans (Torpoint, Cornwall, UK). The sequences of the rbcL-5P gene fragment here produced represent the first molecular data available for the genus Radicilingua. Phylogenetic reconstruction showed that the specimens from the Adriatic and Ionian Seas were genetically distinct from the Atlantic R. thysanorhizans, even if morphologically overlapping with this species. A detailed morphological descrip-tion of the Mediterranean specimens, together with an accurate literature search, suggested that they were distinct also from R. adriatica and R. reptans. For these reasons, a new species was here described to encompass the Mediterranean specimens investigated in this study: R. mediterranea Wolf, Sciuto & Sfriso. Moreover, in the rbcL-5P tree, sequences of the genera Radicilingua and Calonitophyllum grouped in a well-supported clade, distinct from the other genera of the subfamily Nitophylloideae, leading us to propose that Calonitophyllum medium should be transferred to Radicilingua

    hArtes: Hardware-Software Codesign for Heterogeneous Multicore Platforms

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    Developing heterogeneous multicore platforms requires choosing the best hardware configuration for mapping the application, and modifying that application so that different parts execute on the most appropriate hardware component. The hArtes toolchain provides the option of automatic or semi-automatic support for this mapping. During test and validation on several computation-intensive applications, hArtes achieved substantial speedups and drastically reduced development times

    FASTER: Facilitating Analysis and Synthesis Technologies for Effective Reconfiguration

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    The FASTER (Facilitating Analysis and Synthesis Technologies for Effective Reconfiguration) EU FP7 project, aims to ease the design and implementation of dynamically changing hardware systems. Our motivation stems from the promise reconfigurable systems hold for achieving high performance and extending product functionality and lifetime via the addition of new features that operate at hardware speed. However, designing a changing hardware system is both challenging and time-consuming. FASTER facilitates the use of reconfigurable technology by providing a complete methodology enabling designers to easily specify, analyze, implement and verify applications on platforms with general-purpose processors and acceleration modules implemented in the latest reconfigurable technology. Our tool-chain supports both coarse- and fine-grain FPGA reconfiguration, while during execution a flexible run-time system manages the reconfigurable resources. We target three applications from different domains. We explore the way each application benefits from reconfiguration, and then we asses them and the FASTER tools, in terms of performance, area consumption and accuracy of analysis

    Dual Resonance Model Solves the Yang-Baxter Equation

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    The duality of dual resonance models is shown to imply that the four point string correlation function solves the Yang-Baxter equation. A reduction of transfer matrices to AlA_l symmetry is described by a restriction of the KP τ\tau function to Toda molecules.Comment: 10 pages, LaTe

    The hArtes Tool Chain

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    This chapter describes the different design steps needed to go from legacy code to a transformed application that can be efficiently mapped on the hArtes platform

    16S-23S rRNA Internal Transcribed Spacer Region (ITS) Sequencing: A Potential Molecular Diagnostic Tool for Differentiating Lactococcus garvieae and Lactococcus petauri

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    Lactococcus garvieae is the etiological agent of lactococcosis, a clinically and economically significant infectious disease affecting farmed rainbow trout. L. garvieae had been considered the only cause of lactococcosis for a long time; however, L. petauri, another species of the genus Lactococcus, has lately been linked to the same disease. The genomes and biochemical profiles of L. petauri and L. garvieae have a high degree of similarity. Traditional diagnostic tests currently available cannot distinguish between these two species. The aim of this study was to use the transcribed spacer (ITS) region between 16S rRNA and 23S rRNA as a potential useful molecular target to differentiate L. garvieae from L. petauri, saving time and money compared to genomics methods currently used as diagnostic tools for accurate discrimination between these two species. The ITS region of 82 strains was amplified and sequenced. The amplified fragments varied in size from 500 to 550 bp. Based on the sequence, seven SNPs were identified that separate L. garvieae from L. petauri. The 16S-23S rRNA ITS region has enough resolution to distinguish between closely related L. garvieae and L. petauri and it can be used as a diagnostic marker to quickly identify the pathogens in a lactococcosis outbreak