30 research outputs found

    A facile quantitative assay for viral particle genesis reveals cooperativity in virion assembly and saturation of an antiviral protein

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    Conventional assays of viral particle assembly and release are time consuming and laborious. We have developed an enzymatic virus-like particle (VLP) genesis assay that rapid and quantitative and is also versatile and applicable to diverse viruses including HIV-1 and Ebola virus. Using this assay, which has a dynamic range of several orders of magnitude, we show that the efficiency of VLP assembly and release, i.e., the fraction of the expressed protein that is assembled into extracellular particles, is dependent on the absolute level of expression of either HIV-1 Gag or Ebola virus VP40. We also demonstrate that the activity of the antiviral factor tetherin is dependent on the level of HIV-1 Gag expression and the numbers of VLPs generated, and appears to become saturated as these parameters are increased

    Attenuated Leishmania induce pro-inflammatory mediators and influence leishmanicidal activity by p38 MAPK dependent phagosome maturation in Leishmania donovani co-infected macrophages

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    Promastigote form of Leishmania, an intracellular pathogen, delays phagosome maturation and resides inside macrophages. But till date limited study has been done to manipulate the phagosomal machinery of macrophages to restrict Leishmania growth. Attenuated Leishmania strain exposed RAW 264.7 cells showed a respiratory burst and enhanced production of pro-inflammatory mediators. The augmentation of pro-inflammatory activity is mostly attributed to p38 MAPK and p44/42 MAPK. In our study, these activated macrophages are found to induce phagosome maturation when infected with pathogenic Leishmania donovani. Increased co-localization of carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester labeled pathogenic L. donovani with Lysosome was found. Moreover, increased co-localization was observed between pathogenic L. donovani and late phagosomal markers viz. Rab7, Lysosomal Associated Membrane Protein 1, Cathepsin D, Rab9, and V-ATPase which indicate phagosome maturation. It was also observed that inhibition of V-type ATPase caused significant hindrance in attenuated Leishmania induced phagosome maturation. Finally, it was confirmed that p38 MAPK is the key player in acidification and maturation of phagosome in attenuated Leishmania strain preexposed macrophages. To our knowledge, this study for the first time reported an approach to induce phagosome maturation in L. donovani infected macrophages which could potentiate short-term prophylactic response in futur

    Fusion between Leishmania amazonensis and Leishmania major Parasitophorous Vacuoles: Live Imaging of Coinfected Macrophages

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    Protozoan parasites of the genus Leishmania alternate between flagellated, elongated extracellular promastigotes found in insect vectors, and round-shaped amastigotes enclosed in phagolysosome-like Parasitophorous Vacuoles (PVs) of infected mammalian host cells. Leishmania amazonensis amastigotes occupy large PVs which may contain many parasites; in contrast, single amastigotes of Leishmania major lodge in small, tight PVs, which undergo fission as parasites divide. To determine if PVs of these Leishmania species can fuse with each other, mouse macrophages in culture were infected with non-fluorescent L. amazonensis amastigotes and, 48 h later, superinfected with fluorescent L. major amastigotes or promastigotes. Fusion was investigated by time-lapse image acquisition of living cells and inferred from the colocalization of parasites of the two species in the same PVs. Survival, multiplication and differentiation of parasites that did or did not share the same vacuoles were also investigated. Fusion of PVs containing L. amazonensis and L. major amastigotes was not found. However, PVs containing L. major promastigotes did fuse with pre-established L. amazonensis PVs. In these chimeric vacuoles, L. major promastigotes remained motile and multiplied, but did not differentiate into amastigotes. In contrast, in doubly infected cells, within their own, unfused PVs metacyclic-enriched L. major promastigotes, but not log phase promastigotes - which were destroyed - differentiated into proliferating amastigotes. The results indicate that PVs, presumably customized by L. major amastigotes or promastigotes, differ in their ability to fuse with L. amazonensis PVs. Additionally, a species-specific PV was required for L. major destruction or differentiation – a requirement for which mechanisms remain unknown. The observations reported in this paper should be useful in further studies of the interactions between PVs to different species of Leishmania parasites, and of the mechanisms involved in the recognition and fusion of PVs

    Wheat TaRab7 GTPase Is Part of the Signaling Pathway in Responses to Stripe Rust and Abiotic Stimuli

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    Small GTP-binding proteins function as regulators of specific intercellular fundamental biological processes. In this study, a small GTP-binding protein Rab7 gene, designated as TaRab7, was identified and characterized from a cDNA library of wheat leaves infected with Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst) the wheat stripe rust pathogen. The gene was predicted to encode a protein of 206 amino acids, with a molecular mass of 23.13 KDa and an isoeletric point (pI) of 5.13. Further analysis revealed the presence of a conserved signature that is characteristic of Rab7, and phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that TaRab7 has the highest similarity to a small GTP binding protein gene (BdRab7-like) from Brachypodium distachyon. Quantitative real-time PCR assays revealed that the expression of TaRab7 was higher in the early stage of the incompatible interactions between wheat and Pst than in the compatible interaction, and the transcription level of TaRab7 was also highly induced by environmental stress stimuli. Furthermore, knocking down TaRab7 expression by virus induced gene silencing enhanced the susceptibility of wheat cv. Suwon 11 to an avirulent race CYR23. These results imply that TaRab7 plays an important role in the early stage of wheat-stripe rust fungus interaction and in stress tolerance

    The Diverse and Dynamic Nature of Leishmania Parasitophorous Vacuoles Studied by Multidimensional Imaging

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    An important area in the cell biology of intracellular parasitism is the customization of parasitophorous vacuoles (PVs) by prokaryotic or eukaryotic intracellular microorganisms. We were curious to compare PV biogenesis in primary mouse bone marrow-derived macrophages exposed to carefully prepared amastigotes of either Leishmania major or L. amazonensis. While tight-fitting PVs are housing one or two L. major amastigotes, giant PVs are housing many L. amazonensis amastigotes. In this study, using multidimensional imaging of live cells, we compare and characterize the PV biogenesis/remodeling of macrophages i) hosting amastigotes of either L. major or L. amazonensis and ii) loaded with Lysotracker, a lysosomotropic fluorescent probe. Three dynamic features of Leishmania amastigote-hosting PVs are documented: they range from i) entry of Lysotracker transients within tight-fitting, fission-prone L. major amastigote-housing PVs; ii) the decrease in the number of macrophage acidic vesicles during the L. major PV fission or L. amazonensis PV enlargement; to iii) the L. amazonensis PV remodeling after homotypic fusion. The high content information of multidimensional images allowed the updating of our understanding of the Leishmania species-specific differences in PV biogenesis/remodeling and could be useful for the study of other intracellular microorganisms

    Stage-Specific Pathways of Leishmania infantum chagasi Entry and Phagosome Maturation in Macrophages

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    The life stages of Leishmania spp. include the infectious promastigote and the replicative intracellular amastigote. Each stage is phagocytosed by macrophages during the parasite life cycle. We previously showed that caveolae, a subset of cholesterol-rich membrane lipid rafts, facilitate uptake and intracellular survival of virulent promastigotes by macrophages, at least in part, by delaying parasitophorous vacuole (PV)-lysosome fusion. We hypothesized that amastigotes and promastigotes would differ in their route of macrophage entry and mechanism of PV maturation. Indeed, transient disruption of macrophage lipid rafts decreased the entry of promastigotes, but not amastigotes, into macrophages (P<0.001). Promastigote-containing PVs were positive for caveolin-1, and co-localized transiently with EEA-1 and Rab5 at 5 minutes. Amastigote-generated PVs lacked caveolin-1 but retained Rab5 and EEA-1 for at least 30 minutes or 2 hours, respectively. Coinciding with their conversion into amastigotes, the number of promastigote PVs positive for LAMP-1 increased from 20% at 1 hour, to 46% by 24 hours, (P<0.001, Chi square). In contrast, more than 80% of amastigote-initiated PVs were LAMP-1+ at both 1 and 24 hours. Furthermore, lipid raft disruption increased LAMP-1 recruitment to promastigote, but not to amastigote-containing compartments. Overall, our data showed that promastigotes enter macrophages through cholesterol-rich domains like caveolae to delay fusion with lysosomes. In contrast, amastigotes enter through a non-caveolae pathway, and their PVs rapidly fuse with late endosomes but prolong their association with early endosome markers. These results suggest a model in which promastigotes and amastigotes use different mechanisms to enter macrophages, modulate the kinetics of phagosome maturation, and facilitate their intracellular survival

    Trypanosome Lytic Factor, an Antimicrobial High-Density Lipoprotein, Ameliorates Leishmania Infection

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    Innate immunity is the first line of defense against invading microorganisms. Trypanosome Lytic Factor (TLF) is a minor sub-fraction of human high-density lipoprotein that provides innate immunity by completely protecting humans from infection by most species of African trypanosomes, which belong to the Kinetoplastida order. Herein, we demonstrate the broader protective effects of human TLF, which inhibits intracellular infection by Leishmania, a kinetoplastid that replicates in phagolysosomes of macrophages. We show that TLF accumulates within the parasitophorous vacuole of macrophages in vitro and reduces the number of Leishmania metacyclic promastigotes, but not amastigotes. We do not detect any activation of the macrophages by TLF in the presence or absence of Leishmania, and therefore propose that TLF directly damages the parasite in the acidic parasitophorous vacuole. To investigate the physiological relevance of this observation, we have reconstituted lytic activity in vivo by generating mice that express the two main protein components of TLFs: human apolipoprotein L-I and haptoglobin-related protein. Both proteins are expressed in mice at levels equivalent to those found in humans and circulate within high-density lipoproteins. We find that TLF mice can ameliorate an infection with Leishmania by significantly reducing the pathogen burden. In contrast, TLF mice were not protected against infection by the kinetoplastid Trypanosoma cruzi, which infects many cell types and transiently passes through a phagolysosome. We conclude that TLF not only determines species specificity for African trypanosomes, but can also ameliorate an infection with Leishmania, while having no effect on T. cruzi. We propose that TLFs are a component of the innate immune system that can limit infections by their ability to selectively damage pathogens in phagolysosomes within the reticuloendothelial system

    The Leishmania donovani Lipophosphoglycan Excludes the Vesicular Proton-ATPase from Phagosomes by Impairing the Recruitment of Synaptotagmin V

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    We recently showed that the exocytosis regulator Synaptotagmin (Syt) V is recruited to the nascent phagosome and remains associated throughout the maturation process. In this study, we investigated the possibility that Syt V plays a role in regulating interactions between the phagosome and the endocytic organelles. Silencing of Syt V by RNA interference revealed that Syt V contributes to phagolysosome biogenesis by regulating the acquisition of cathepsin D and the vesicular proton-ATPase. In contrast, recruitment of cathepsin B, the early endosomal marker EEA1 and the lysosomal marker LAMP1 to phagosomes was normal in the absence of Syt V. As Leishmania donovani promastigotes inhibit phagosome maturation, we investigated their potential impact on the phagosomal association of Syt V. This inhibition of phagolysosome biogenesis is mediated by the virulence glycolipid lipophosphoglycan, a polymer of the repeating Galβ1,4Manα1-PO4 units attached to the promastigote surface via an unusual glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor. Our results showed that insertion of lipophosphoglycan into ganglioside GM1-containing microdomains excluded or caused dissociation of Syt V from phagosome membranes. As a consequence, L. donovani promatigotes established infection in a phagosome from which the vesicular proton-ATPase was excluded and which failed to acidify. Collectively, these results reveal a novel function for Syt V in phagolysosome biogenesis and provide novel insight into the mechanism of vesicular proton-ATPase recruitment to maturing phagosomes. We also provide novel findings into the mechanism of Leishmania pathogenesis, whereby targeting of Syt V is part of the strategy used by L. donovani promastigotes to prevent phagosome acidification

    Actin-interacting and flagellar proteins in Leishmania spp.: Bioinformatics predictions to functional assignments in phagosome formation

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    Several motile processes are responsible for the movement of proteins into and within the flagellar membrane, but little is known about the process by which specific proteins (either actin-associated or not) are targeted to protozoan flagellar membranes. Actin is a major cytoskeleton protein, while polymerization and depolymerization of parasite actin and actin-interacting proteins (AIPs) during both processes of motility and host cell entry might be key events for successful infection. For a better understanding the eukaryotic flagellar dynamics, we have surveyed genomes, transcriptomes and proteomes of pathogenic Leishmania spp. to identify pertinent genes/proteins and to build in silico models to properly address their putative roles in trypanosomatid virulence. In a search for AIPs involved in flagellar activities, we applied computational biology and proteomic tools to infer from the biological meaning of coronins and Arp2/3, two important elements in phagosome formation after parasite phagocytosis by macrophages. Results presented here provide the first report of Leishmania coronin and Arp2/3 as flagellar proteins that also might be involved in phagosome formation through actin polymerization within the flagellar environment. This is an issue worthy of further in vitro examination that remains now as a direct, positive bioinformatics-derived inference to be presented

    Ebola virus matrix protein VP40 interaction with human cellular factors Tsg101 and Nedd4.

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    International audienceThe Ebola virus matrix protein VP40 is a major viral structural protein and plays a central role in virus assembly and budding at the plasma membrane of infected cells. For efficient budding, a full amino terminus of VP40 is required, which includes a PPXY and a PT/SAP motif, both of which have been proposed to interact with cellular proteins. Here, we report that Ebola VP40 can interact with cellular factors human Nedd4 and Tsg101 in vitro. We show that WW domain 3 of human Nedd4 is necessary and sufficient for binding to the PPXY motif of VP40, which requires an oligomeric conformation of VP40. Single particle electron microscopy reconstructions indicate that WW3 of Nedd4 is in close contact with the N-terminal domain of hexameric VP40. In contrast, the ubiquitin enzyme variant domain of Tsg101 was sufficient for binding to the PT/SAP motif of VP40, regardless of the oligomeric state of the matrix protein. These results suggest that hNedd4 and Tsg101 may play complimentary roles at a late stage of the assembly process, by recruiting cellular factors of two independent pathways to the site of budding at the plasma membrane.The Ebola virus matrix protein VP40 is a major viral structural protein and plays a central role in virus assembly and budding at the plasma membrane of infected cells. For efficient budding, a full amino terminus of VP40 is required, which includes a PPXY and a PT/SAP motif, both of which have been proposed to interact with cellular proteins. Here, we report that Ebola VP40 can interact with cellular factors human Nedd4 and Tsg101 in vitro. We show that WW domain 3 of human Nedd4 is necessary and sufficient for binding to the PPXY motif of VP40, which requires an oligomeric conformation of VP40. Single particle electron microscopy reconstructions indicate that WW3 of Nedd4 is in close contact with the N-terminal domain of hexameric VP40. In contrast, the ubiquitin enzyme variant domain of Tsg101 was sufficient for binding to the PT/SAP motif of VP40, regardless of the oligomeric state of the matrix protein. These results suggest that hNedd4 and Tsg101 may play complimentary roles at a late stage of the assembly process, by recruiting cellular factors of two independent pathways to the site of budding at the plasma membrane