196 research outputs found
“Giving a Sense of History”: Brecht, Rimbaud and Akhmatova in a Northern Irish Context
Tom Paulin is one of the major Northern Irish poets attempting to communicate a new perspective on contemporary Northern Ireland through the lens of different literary traditions. He chooses translation as a mode of discourse and seizes upon the differences and similarities of Northern Ireland and various European countries. Through the identification with foreign cultures, histories and political conflicts, Paulin challenges established interpretations of the Northern Irish Troubles. This article focuses on Paulin’s versions of poems by Bertold Brecht, Arthur Rimbaud and Anna Akhmatova. It sets out to examine the deconstruction and redefinition of Irish identities through displacement. Taken out of the context of their culture of origin, the poems transformed by Paulin gain new meanings and new relevances against the background of theNorthern Irish conflict. Considering Paulin’s versions of German, French and Russian poems, I will explore the role of poetry in a particular historical and cultural environment. In this context, the article is intended to shed light on the question why Paulin feels urged to strive for otherness and “elsewheres” outside Ireland in order to overcome the established political framework of Irish Nationalism and British Unionism
Social Reference Points and Risk Taking
We test whether social reference points impact individual risk taking. In a laboratory experiment, decision makers observe the earnings of a peer subject before making a risky choice. We exogenously manipulate the peer earnings across two treatments. We find a significant treatment effect on risk taking: decision makers vary their risk taking in order to surpass or stay ahead of their peer. Our findings are consistent with a social-comparison-based, reference-dependent preference model that formalizes relative concerns via social loss aversion. Additionally, we relate our findings to the impact of private reference points on risk taking
Munira H. Mutran. A Cor e a Forma da Literatura Russa na Irlanda: Refrações.
Munira H. Mutran. A Cor e a Forma da Literatura Russa na Irlanda: Refrações. São Paulo: FFLCH/USP/CNPq, 2020, pp. 389. ISBN: 978-658762140-1Munira H. Mutran. A Cor e a Forma da Literatura Russa na Irlanda: Refrações. São Paulo: FFLCH/USP/CNPq, 2020, pp. 389. ISBN: 978-658762140-
Social Reference Points and Risk Taking
This study test whether social reference points impact individual risk taking. In a laboratory experiment, decision makers observe the earnings of a peer subject before making a risky choice. We exogenously manipulate the peer earnings across two treatments. We find a significant treatment effect on risk taking: decision makers vary their risk taking in order to surpass or stay ahead of their peer. Our findings are consistent with a social-comparison-based, reference-dependent preference model that formalizes relative concerns via social loss aversion. Additionally, we relate our findings to the impact of private reference points on risk taking
Shifting Identities and Social Change in Contemporary Ireland: The Effect of Displacement and Migration
In present-day Ireland – North and South – identity has become asubject of much debate. The influx of migrants has led to a radical change in the island’s demography. This article sets out to explore how the notion of a changing Irish identity is represented in contemporary Irish writing on both sides of the border. In relation to the demographic evolution in the Republic, I shall engage with Chris Binchy’s novel Open-handed as well as Roddy Doyle’s collection of short stories The Deportees. The quest for a new identity in post-Troubles Northern Ireland will be explored in the light of Rosemary Jenkinson’scollection of short stories. In Contemporary Problems Nos. 53&54, the author demonstrates how a new cosmopolitan outlook on the Northern Irish conflict may encourage cultural hybridization, making sectarian boundaries appear irrelevant. With the comparison of the three different pieces of writing, I shall illustrate how both parts of the island are confronted with the necessity of recreating and rewriting their conception of national identity against the background of a different socio-political history
Desarrollo agrícola e innovación tecnológica : centro de investigación para el desarrollo agrícola, Osorno, Región de los Lagos, Chile.
Tesis (Arquitecto)RESUMEN: El proyecto que se plantea a continuación busca generar mayor competitividad en la cadena de la producción láctea , dándole herramientas a los productores, de manera de mejorar la cantidad y calidad de leche que se produce, esto busca también posicionar de mejor forma a Chile en relación al mercado tanto interno como externo, por medio de la Investigación y Desarrollo , utilizando la Biotecnología para optimizar los procesos utilizados actualmente. Por otra parte busca fomentar la cantidad y calidad de la carreras relacionadas con el sector, motivando la participación de docentes y estudiantes, otro déficit en la Ciudad. La propuesta plantea también hacerse cargo del lugar donde se emplazará, brindándole a la comunidad científica un espacio de interacción , transferencia de conocimiento y experiencias
Essays in Behavioral and Experimental Economics
Behavioral economics has improved the understanding of economic phenomena by enriching the understanding of economic decision making with insights from psychology, sociology, and anthropology. Rigorous empirical investigations of individual behavior---which commonly involve the use of laboratory experiments---have been at the heart of behavioral economics and have lead to new theoretical accounts of decision making. The following three insights gave rise to influential branches of behavioral economics. First, the context in which individuals make decisions often unleash behavioral influences that go beyond those identified by standard economic theory. In particular, individual preferences commonly depend on contextual features, as has been highlighted by the literatures on reference-dependent preferences, and default effects. Second, individuals' perception and processing of information often does not live up to the high demands of standard economic theory. Instead, individuals seem to employ simple heuristics and attention-based decision rules in complex environments. Third, while standard economic theory typically constrains individuals' motives to pure self-interest, a more comprehensive view on individuals' behavior in social interactions uncovers that individuals often care directly about the well-being of others as well as about how they are viewed and treated by others. This thesis consists of three essays that each contribute to one of these three building blocks of research in behavioral economics. In my first essay, I investigate the consequences of social reference points for decision making under risk in a series of laboratory experiments. In the main experiment, decision makers observe the predetermined earnings of peer subjects before making a risky choice. I exogenously manipulate peers' earnings and find a significant treatment effect: decision makers make riskier choices in case of larger peers' earnings. The treatment effect is consistent with the predictions of a model featuring social-comparison--based reference points and loss aversion. In two control experiments, I demonstrate that nonsocial---e.g., expectations-based---reference points do not explain the treatment effect. In my second essay, I present novel results on individuals' intertemporal choices. The findings cannot be explained by exponential and hyperbolic discounting, the canonical approaches to intertemporal decision making in economics, but are consistent with an attention-based approach to intertemporal decision making that is based on concentration bias. In particular, the essay provides causal evidence from novel lab experiments that intertemporal choices are systematically affected by whether consequences of intertemporal choice are concentrated in few or dispersed over multiple periods: (i) Individuals are less patient in the case that the advantages of patient behavior are dispersed over many future periods than when they are concentrated in a single future period. (ii) Individuals are more patient in the case that the disadvantages of patient behavior are dispersed over multiple earlier periods than when they are concentrated in a single earlier period. Both findings demonstrate concentration bias in individuals' intertemporal choices. Our results are in line with recent theoretical models of attention-based decision rules. In my third essay, I study whether prior experience of unfair versus fair treatment affects how much individuals trust others. The essay provides causal evidence that trust is affected by prior personal experience of fair versus unfair treatment by an unrelated third party. I compare the willingness to trust of subjects in a lab experiment after they experienced either being paid or not being paid for a real-effort task by a peer subject. After being paid, subjects' willingness to trust is substantially higher relative to subjects who were not paid previously. Importantly, this treatment effect holds despite the fact that subjects knew the exact frequency with which subjects overall got paid or did not get paid, such that the personal experience of fair versus unfair treatment did not provide additional information regarding the subsequent interaction. Rational learning hence cannot explain the treatment effect on trust. By employing a control experiment, we show that the effect of experiencing fair versus unfair treatment on trust does also not result from income effects: when subjects were paid based on a coin toss, subjects' willingness to trust was similar to subjects who where not paid based on a coin toss
The features of plausible but incorrect options: distractor plausibility in synonym-based vocabulary tests
A better understanding of how distractor features influence the plausibility of distractors is essential for an efficient multiple-choice (MC) item construction in educational assessment. The plausibility of distractors has a major influence on the psychometric characteristics of MC items. Our analysis utilizes the nominal categories model to investigate German fourth graders' (N = 924) selection of response options in a German MC Vocabulary test. We used principles from cognitive psychology to identify relevant option features capturing the option’s potential to distract students from the correct answer. The results show that only a few option characteristics explain option choice behavior to a large extent. Options with distracting features (i.e., semantic relatedness and orthographic similarity) increase the item difficulty and discrimination, whereas distractors that are less synonym than the attractor decrease item discrimination. Implications for test score interpretations and item construction guidelines are highlighted
Théories et pratiques de la traduction
Stéphanie Schwerter, maître de langue Théories et pratiques de la traduction Ce séminaire avait pour objectif d’établir un lien entre les diverses théories en matière de traduction et leur application au sein des textes. Plusieurs théories de traduction ont été étudiées, comme celles de Friedrich Schleiermacher, de Walter Benjamin, de Lawrence Venuti et d’André Lefevre, avec la perspective de les relier à des textes déjà traduits. Nous avons comparé et discuté des traductions préexistantes et..
Langues et littérature
Stephanie Schwerter, maître de langue La métropole dans la littérature du XXe-XXIe siècle Depuis des siècles, la représentation de la ville a joué un rôle important dans la littérature. Souvent employée comme miroir de sa population, elle sert aux auteurs à attirer l’attention sur les changements politiques et sociaux d’une certaine société. Comme tous des complexes urbains sont déterminés par leur propre démographie et leur propre aspect physique, leurs illustrations littéraires varient cons..
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