142 research outputs found

    Efficient Intra-Household Allocation of Parental Leave

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    We propose a model of how parents resolve conflicts about sharing the negative short and long-term consequences from parenthood-related career interruptions on earnings. We introduce childcare sharing in a collective model of household behavior with public consumption as in Blundell, Chiappori, and Meghier (2005). Conceptually, the solution to the household problem can be thought of as a two-stage process: Parents first agree on public expenditures on professional childcare; then, conditional on the level of public consumption and the budget constraint stemming from stage one, parents determine their individual job absence durations and private consumption shares. Using relative income measures from German parental benefit data as distribution factors, we find evidence for Pareto efficiency in childcare sharing. More precisely, households with higher total incomes purchase more professional childcare, and changes in distribution factors shift the conditional parental leave allocation in favor of the partner whose relative income increased.childcare, collective model, conditional sharing rule, intra-household allocation

    Early Modern Violence and the Honour Code : From Social Integration to Social Distinction ?

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    La question de l’honneur est d’une importance cruciale pour l’histoire de la violence, mais dans la plupart des cas on n’a qu’une compréhension assez limitée de son rôle. Cet article présente une typologie des différentes dimensions de l’honneur et avance l’hypothèse que le déclin de la violence aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles est lié à un changement de la principale fonction de celui-ci, soit le passage d’une fonction d’intégration sociale à une fonction de distinction sociale. Au cours du moyen-âge et des débuts de l’époque moderne, les conflits d’honneur violents pouvaient être lus comme l’indice d’une forte intégration sociale de l’ensemble des strates de la société et de la puissance des normes et des valeurs communes au noble comme au bourreau. Par la suite, la violence est devenue avant tout une manière d’affirmer ou d’imposer des distinctions sociales et de traiter les conflits au sein de groupes sociaux spécifiques, sans référence à une conception plus large et mieux partagée de l’honneur individuel.Honour is of central importance within the context of a history of violence, but in most cases the understanding of the role of honour is fairly limited. The article develops a typology of different dimensions of honour and proposes the hypothesis that the decline of violence in the 17th and 18th centuries is linked to the change of the dominant function of honour, namely from social integration to social distinction. During the late Middle Ages and the beginning early modern era violent fights about honour could be deciphered as a strong indication of social integration crossing all social strata, for the power of common norms and values from the nobleman to the hangman. Afterwards violence became predominantly a means of asserting or imposing social distinctions and a way of dealing with conflicts within particular social groups without reference to a wider and shared understanding of individual honour

    Lightweight Support for Magic Wands in an Automatic Verifier (Artifact)

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    This artifact is based on Silicon, which is an automatic verification tool for programs written in the Silver Intermediate Verification Language. Silver is designed to natively support permission-based reasoning, in the style of separation logic and similar approaches. Our extension of Silicon provides support for specification and verification of programs using the magic wand operator, which can be used to represent ways to exchange views on the program state, or to represent partial versions of data structures. Our implementation is a backwards-compatible extension of the basic tool, and is provided along with a test suite of examples and regressions in a VirtualBox image. Instructions for running our tool on these (and user-defined) examples are provided in the image, to allow users to experiment with the verifier

    Romer (Hermann), Herrschaft, Reislauf und Verbotspolitik. Beobachtungen zum rechtlichen Alltag der ZĂĽrcher Solddienstbekdmpfung im 16. Jahrhundert

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    In the late Middle Ages, numerous battle-hardened Swiss soldiers served as mercenaries in foreign armies. These mercenaries, who were called Reisläufer, could represent a profitable source of income for the Swiss authorities, yet they could also confront them with serious problems of civil order. One reaction to these problems was to issue decrees which either proscribed the unauthorized and disorderly reisen (« going to war ») or which entirely prohibited serving as a mercenary for foreign p..

    Jubeljahre und Freudenfeiern.: Studien zum katholischen Jubiläum in der Frühen Neuzeit

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    Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Anfängen der historischen katholischen Jubiläumskultur im Kloster- und Ordensbereich während des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf dem hundertjährigen Ordensjubiläum der Jesuiten im Jahr 1639/40, welches die Initialzündung für die katholische Jubiläumskultur schlechthin bildete. Im zweiten Teil wird die Verbreitung des historischen Jubiläums exemplarisch für die Klöster des süddeutschen Raumes untersucht.:I. Einleitung II. Traditionsstränge und Entwicklungslinien III. Das hundertjährige Gründungsjubiläum des Jesuitenordens 1639/40 IV. Klosterjubiläen im süddeutschen Raum im späteren 17. und 18. Jahrhundert V. Resümee VI. Anhan

    Kriminalitätsgeschichte schreiben

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    Environmental taxation, inequality and Engel’s law : the double dividend of redistribution

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    Empirical evidence shows that low-income households spend a high share of their income on pollution-intensive goods. This fuels the concern that an environmental tax reform could be regressive. We employ a framework which accounts for the distributional effect of environmental taxes and the recycling of the revenues on both households and firms to quantify changes in the optimal tax structure and the equity impacts of an environmental tax reform. We characterize when an optimal environmental tax reform does not increase inequality, even if the tax system before the reform is optimal from a non-environmental point of view. If the tax system before the reform is calibrated to stylized data—and is thus non-optimal—we find that there is a large scope for inequality reduction, even if the government is restricted in its recycling options

    Kriminologie als Profiteurin?

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