208 research outputs found

    Entstehung und Bedeutung des Berufsleitbilds und der Standesregeln des LCH für die Diskussion berufsethischer Fragen des Lehrpersonenhandelns

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    Das Berufsethos von Lehrpersonen setzt sich aus unterschiedlichem Wertewissen zusammen und wird durch einen komplexen Prozess entwickelt. Als Grundlage für ein gemeinschaftliches Berufsethos hat der Dachverband Lehrerinnen und Lehrer Schweiz (LCH) die berufsethischen Richtlinien der Profession in Form eines Berufsleitbilds formalisiert und – für besonders sensible Bereiche des beruflichen Handelns – in Form von Standesregeln als Mindeststandards für jede Lehrperson ausformuliert. Dieser Beitrag diskutiert die Entstehung und die Bedeutung des Berufsleitbilds und der Standesregeln des LCH für die Profession und das berufsethische Handeln von Lehrpersonen.&nbsp

    Überfälliges Promotionsrecht für Pädagogische Hochschulen aus Sicht des Berufsverbands LCH

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    Der Berufsverband LCH fordert seit vielen Jahren ein Promotionsrecht für Pädagogische Hochschulen. Ein eigenes Promotionsrecht würde die Verbindung von forschungsbasierter Praxis und praxisorientierter Forschung stärken, mehr Dozierende von Pädagogischen Hochschulen mit doppeltem Kompetenzprofil hervorbringen und neue Laufbahnentwicklungsmöglichkeiten für Lehrpersonen eröffnen. Insbesondere ein Promotionsrecht für einen «Doctor of Education» (EdD) nach angelsächsischem Vorbild entspricht diesen Zielen. Von einer engeren Verknüpfung von Forschung und Praxis würde das gesamte Schweizer Bildungssystem profitieren

    Funktionsdifferenzierung und Laufbahnentwicklung im Lehrberuf: Eine Perspektive der Berufsverbände

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    Die komplexen Herausforderungen an heutigen Schulen erfordern unterschiedliche Formen von Fachexpertisen. Da die Binnendifferenzierung von Lehrpersonen durch Weiterbildungen jedoch ihre Grenzen hat, ist es oftmals notwendig, dass in multifunktionellen Teams gearbeitet wird. Dazu werden anerkannte Abschlüsse und einheitliche Bezeichnungen für systemrelevante Spezialfunktionen benötigt, welche zu mehr Transparenz für die Laufbahnentwicklungen von Lehrpersonen beitragen. Dieser Beitrag bezieht sich auf die BzL-Ausgabe 1/2018 und skizziert eine Perspektive der Berufsverbände LCH und VSLCH zur Funktionsdifferenzierung im Kontext der laufenden Schulentwicklung und Professionalisierung des Lehrberufs.&nbsp

    Überfälliges Promotionsrecht für Pädagogische Hochschulen aus Sicht des Berufsverbands LCH 

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    Der Berufsverband LCH fordert seit vielen Jahren ein Promotionsrecht für Pädagogische Hochschulen. Ein eigenes Promotionsrecht würde die Verbindung von forschungsbasierter Praxis und praxisorientierter Forschung stärken, mehr Dozierende von Pädagogischen Hochschulen mit doppeltem Kompetenzprofil hervorbringen und neue Laufbahnentwicklungsmöglichkeiten für Lehrpersonen eröffnen. Insbesondere ein Promotionsrecht für einen «Doctor of Education» (EdD) nach angelsächsischem Vorbild entspricht diesen Zielen. Von einer engeren Verknüpfung von Forschung und Praxis würde das gesamte Schweizer Bildungssystem profitieren. (DIPF/Orig.

    The State-of-the-Art of Collaborative Technologies for Initial Vocational Education: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Future workplaces require collaboration skills in which members of different work communities use technologies to solve complex problems. Vocational education and training (VET) programs need to meet the challenge to prepare students to be part of a competent workforce. Particularly initial vocational education is under pressure to develop learners’ collaboration skills and abilities. To date, however, no attempt has been made to perform a comprehensive review of the use of computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) technologies across different vocational education settings to account for contextual factors of VET. In this systematic review, 26 published studies were analyzed with respect to their demographics, research methodology, use of technology, and measured outcomes. This review illuminates that research on CSCL still leaves the vocational learning context as an under-represented field of study. At the same time, technologies offer a range of new types of learning possibilities for vocational education. As the direct result of that development, vocational education is increasingly taking place in new technology-enhanced learning settings. Education can benefit from the opportunities of CSCL technologies, but on the other hand, such technologies create new challenges for facilitating vocational learning. Therefore, this review also identifies three topic areas specific to vocational learning (collaborative writing-to-learn, simulations and game-like solutions, and tangible objects) and enumerates desirable lines for future research

    How to identify and recruit nurses to a survey 14 and 24 years after graduation in a context of scarce data: lessons learnt from the 2012 nurses at work pilot study on nurses' career paths.

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    BACKGROUND: Nursing workforce data are scarce in Switzerland, with no active national registry of nurses. The worldwide nursing shortage is also affecting Switzerland, so that evidence-based results of the nurses at work project on career paths and retention are needed as part of the health care system stewardship; nurses at work is a retrospective cohort study of nurses who graduated in Swiss nursing schools in the last 30 years. Results of the pilot study are presented here (process and feasibility). The objectives are (1) to determine the size and structure of the potential target population by approaching two test-cohorts of nursing graduates (1988 and 1998); (2) to test methods of identifying and reaching them 14 and 24 years after graduation; (3) to compute participation rates, and identify recruitment and participation biases. METHODS: Graduates' names were retrieved from 26 Swiss nursing schools: 488 nurses from the 1988 cohort and 597 from 1998 were invited to complete a web-based questionnaire. Initial updated addresses (n = 278, seed sample) were found using the Swiss Nursing Association member file. In addition, a snowball method was applied for recruitment, where directly-contacted respondents provided additional names of graduate mates or sent them the invitation. The study was further advertized through the main employers, study partners, and a press release. RESULTS: Participation rate was 26.5% (n = 287), higher for the older cohort of 1988 (29.7%, n = 145) than for 1998 (15.6%, n = 93). Additional nurses (n = 363) not belonging to the test cohorts also answered. All schools were represented among respondents. Only 18 respondents (6%) worked outside nursing or not at all. Among respondents, 94% would 'probably' or 'maybe' agree to participate in the main study. CONCLUSION: The pilot study demonstrated that targeted nurses could be identified and approached. There is an overwhelming interest in the project from them and from policymakers. Recommendations to increase nurses' participation rate for nurses at work include: (1) to open nurses at work recruitment to all nurses in Switzerland, while recreating cohorts post-hoc for relevant analysis; (2) to define a comprehensive communication strategy with special attention to graduate nurses who are harder to reach

    Comparing two forms of concept map critique activities to facilitate knowledge integration processes in evolution education

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    Concept map activities often lack a subsequent revision step that facilitates knowledge integration. This study compares two collaborative critique activities using a Knowledge Integration Map (KIM), a form of concept map. Four classes of high school biology students (n ‹ 81) using an online inquiry-based learning unit on evolution were assigned to one of two conditions. Student dyads in one condition compared their concept maps against an expert map while dyads in the other condition conducted a peer-review. Analysis of the concept maps suggests that students in both conditions improved their understanding of evolution from pretest to posttest. However, the two conditions lead to different criteria: Students in the expert-map condition focused mostly on concept-focused criteria like concept classi®cation while students in the peer-review condition used more link-focused criteria like link labels and missing connections. This paper suggests that both forms of KIM critique activities can be bene®cial for constructing more coherent connections across different topics in evolution education. These results support the value of collaborative KIM critique activities and help clarify the forms of collaborative activities that are most likely to be effective to facilitate knowledge integration processes

    Statistics of microcavity polaritons under non-resonant excitation

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    A model describing amplification and quantum statistics of the exciton polaritons with k=0 in a non-resonantly excited semiconductor quantum well embedded in a microcavity is presented. Exploiting the bottleneck effect for exciton polaritons, it is assumed that the polaritons with k different from 0 act as a reservoir. The time evolution of the k=0 polaritons is described by a master equation, in which two- and one-polariton transitions between the mode with k=0 and the reservoir are accounted for. The k=0 mode exhibits a threshold depending on the material parameters and on the injected exciton density. Below threshold the quantum statistics of the emission is characteristic of an incoherent process, while above threshold it approaches that of a laser.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure