26 research outputs found

    Human cytomegalovirus latency-associated proteins elicit immune-suppressive IL-10 producing CD4âș T cells.

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    Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is a widely prevalent human herpesvirus, which, after primary infection, persists in the host for life. In healthy individuals, the virus is well controlled by the HCMV-specific T cell response. A key feature of this persistence, in the face of a normally robust host immune response, is the establishment of viral latency. In contrast to lytic infection, which is characterised by extensive viral gene expression and virus production, long-term latency in cells of the myeloid lineage is characterised by highly restricted expression of viral genes, including UL138 and LUNA. Here we report that both UL138 and LUNA-specific T cells were detectable directly ex vivo in healthy HCMV seropositive subjects and that this response is principally CD4âș T cell mediated. These UL138-specific CD4âș T cells are able to mediate MHC class II restricted cytotoxicity and, importantly, show IFNÎł effector function in the context of both lytic and latent infection. Furthermore, in contrast to CDCD4âș T cells specific to antigens expressed solely during lytic infection, both the UL138 and LUNA-specific CD4âș T cell responses included CD4âș T cells that secreted the immunosuppressive cytokine cIL-10. We also show that cIL-10 expressing CD4âș T-cells are directed against latently expressed US28 and UL111A. Taken together, our data show that latency-associated gene products of HCMV generate CD4âș T cell responses in vivo, which are able to elicit effector function in response to both lytic and latently infected cells. Importantly and in contrast to CD4âș T cell populations, which recognise antigens solely expressed during lytic infection, include a subset of cells that secrete the immunosuppressive cytokine cIL-10. This suggests that HCMV skews the T cell responses to latency-associated antigens to one that is overall suppressive in order to sustain latent carriage in vivo

    Human cytomegalovirus-specific regulatory and effctor T cells are clonally identical

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    Die Mehrzahl der im Thymus generierten CD4+CD25high regulatorischen T-Zellen (Treg) besitzt hohe AffinitĂ€t gegenĂŒber körpereigenen Antigenen. Es ist bekannt, dass T-Zell Rezeptoren (TCR) auf Treg Zellen in der Peripherie zusĂ€tzlich auch fremde Antigene verschiedener Pathogene wie Parasiten, Bakterien und Viren erkennen. Wenig ist bekannt ĂŒber das klonale T-Zell Rezeptor Repertoire dieser Treg Populationen und ihre Beziehung zu CD4+CD25low effektor T-Zellen (Teff) im Menschen. In dieser Studie analysieren wir humane TCR auf expandierten Treg and Teff Zellen mit definierter Antigen SpezifitĂ€t fĂŒr HaupthistokompatibilitĂ€tskomplex (MHC) Klasse II restringierte „fremde“ Epitope des Cytomegalovirus (CMV). Bemerkenswerterweise fanden wir, dass der gleiche TCR Vb-CDR3 Klon in beiden funktionell unterschiedlichen Subpopulationen in vitro dominant expandiert ist. Im Unterschied zu ihren klonal-identischen Teff Gegenspielern, exprimieren die suppressiven Treg Zellen kaum CD127 und IL-2, aber hohe Mengen an IFNg und IL-10. Zusammen mit der signifikant erhöhten FOXP3 Expression, trotz unvollstĂ€ndiger foxp3-DNA Demethylierung, lassen sich die CMV-spezifischen CD4+CD25high Treg Zellen einem induzierten Treg (iTreg) PhĂ€notyp zuordnen mit Ähnlichkeit zum beschriebenen Tr-1 PhĂ€notyp. DarĂŒber hinaus konnten wir die klonale TCR IdentitĂ€t auch in frisch isolierten CD4+CD25low und CD4+CD25high Subpopulationen bestĂ€tigen, was die Entstehung von CMV-spezifischen Treg Zellen bereits in vivo nahe legt. Periphere CD25high Treg Zellen supprimieren die anti-virale Immunantwort in Patienten mit hĂ€ufigen CMV-Reaktivierungen, was auf ihre Bildung als Reaktion chronischer Antigenexposition interpretiert werden kann. Unsere Ergebnisse beweisen erstmals direkt, dass aus dem gleichen humanen T-Zell Klon Teff und Treg Zellen mit identischer SpezifitĂ€t entstehen können und lassen vermuten, dass die Treg Induktion in der Peripherie durch hĂ€ufige Antigenexposition vorangetrieben wird.The majority of thymically arised regulatory CD4+CD25high T cells (Treg) show high affinity to self-antigens. It has been proposed that T-cell receptors (TCR) on Treg cells in the periphery also recognize foreign-antigens from pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses. Studies in mice have shown that peripheral Treg cells can be generated not only from naĂŻve T cells but also from effector T cells (Teff). However, in humans the clonal TCR-repertoire of these Treg populations and their relation to effector CD4+CD25low Teff is not sufficiently known up to date. Here, we analyzed human TCRs derived from expanded Treg and Teff cells with defined specificity to MHC class-II restricted “foreign” epitopes of Cytomegalovirus (CMV). Remarkably, we found that both functionally distinct subsets share the same dominant TCR-CDR3 clones in vitro. In contrast to their Teff counterparts, the Treg cells express low CD127 and IL-2, but high IL-10 upon antigen stimulation. Therefore, together with increased FOXP3 expression, but incomplete foxp3 DNA-demethylation, human CMV-antigen specific Treg cells exhibit an induced phenotype (iTreg) in vitro with similarity to recently described Tr-1 phenotype. Moreover, the clonal identity was confirmed in freshly isolated CD4+CD25low and CD4+CD25high subsets, suggesting their generation occurred already in vivo. Peripheral CD25high Treg cells suppress the anti-viral immune response in patients with frequent CMV-reactivations, implying their development as reaction on chronic antigen-exposure. Our results demonstrate directly for the first time, that the same human T-cell clone can possess the phenotype of Teff and Treg cells with specificity to identical foreign epitopes and suggest that Treg-induction in the periphery is supported by frequent antigen-exposure

    Coordination of Power and Natural Gas Systems: Convexification Approaches for Linepack Modeling

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    Utilizing operational flexibility from natural gas networks can foster the integration of uncertain and variable renewable power production. We model a combined power and natural gas dispatch to reveal the maximum potential of linepack, i.e., energy storage in the pipelines, as a source of flexibility for the power system. The natural gas flow dynamics are approximated by a combination of steady-state equations and varying incoming and outgoing flows in the pipelines to account for both natural gas transport and linepack. This steady-state natural gas flow results in a nonlinear and nonconvex formulation. To cope with the computational challenges, we explore convex quadratic relaxations and linear approximations. We propose a novel mixed-integer second-order cone formulation including McCormick relaxations to model the bidirectional natural gas flow accounting for linepack. Flexibility is quantified in terms of system cost compared to a dispatch model that either neglects linepack or assumes infinite storage capability

    Affine Policies for Flexibility Provision by Natural Gas Networks to Power Systems

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    Online appendix for the paper - "Affine Policies for Flexibility Provision by Natural Gas Networks to Power Systems", containing the power generators, gas producers and demand data as well as physical characteristics of the electrical transmission lines and gas pipelines. The empirically estimated forecast error covariance matrix used in the model is provided as well. The power systems and natural gas systems data is adapted from: C. Ordoudis, P. Pinson and J. M. GonzĂĄlez, "An integrated market for electricity and natural gas systems with stochastic power producers", European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 272, no. 2, pp. 642-654, 2019